Pam Keller: Posting the Winning Moe Drawing on City Buses!!!

well , when are these ads going to run , lets get them up and running ehh ??
If Pam the C*nt had any guts, she'd paint the cartoon on her own house. And her car.

And if she has any grandkids, she'd put the cartoon on a T-shirt and have the kids wear it to school.

Would you personally cut her head off for offending Muhammad? Obama Akbar...
If Pam the C*nt had any guts, she'd paint the cartoon on her own house. And her car.

And if she has any grandkids, she'd put the cartoon on a T-shirt and have the kids wear it to school.

Would you personally cut her head off for offending Muhammad? Obama Akbar...
If she is as brave and courageous as her bigoted defenders think she is, that is what she would do. But we all know she is a self-aggrandizing cowardly c*unt attention whore.
Muhammad Cartoon on Buses ? Good Idea, or Bad ?

What do you think of Islamization fighter Pamela Geller's idea of putting the winning Muhammad contest cartoon on city buses and in train stations ? She has already submitted the cartoon to the Washington, D.C. transit authority, for review.

Geller previously bankrolled bus ads in Washington, D.C., that featured photos of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler talking with a Muslim leader beside the message “Islamic Jew-hatred: It’s in the Quran.” In San Francisco, her group ran ads showing American Journalist James Foley moments before he was beheaded by ISIS terrorists last year.

Washington’s metropolitan transit authority accepted the AFDI ad without a fight. They attempted to block a previous ad campaign from the AFDI in 2012, but lost the court battle.
That same year, Manhattan’s MTA attempted to block the AFDI from putting up anti-Muslim ads in the city’s subway system.
“In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad,” the controversial ads read.
A federal judge ruled in AFDI's favor, acknowledging their First Amendment right to political speech.


It's stupid and invites violence. How long until someone on the crazy right wing of Islam puts a bomb on a bus?
They already did, in London, and there were no offensive images on the bus. Just being the 'wrong' type of Muslim, or non-Muslim, is justification enough for terrorists. They hate music too.

Here's exactly what's FUCKED UP about this post:


Geller and her hatemonger ilk don't. What she's doing here is tantamount to running images of "Piss Christ" with anti-Christianism messages, because Eric Rudolph bombed an abortion clinic.
I might not agree with what she is doing, but she can legally do it. What I disagree with, is your premise that major incitement is required for terrorist activity. It isn't. A Pakistani girl was nearly killed just for promoting education of fellow girls in Pakistan, just existing was enough of a justification for terrorists to try and kill her.

If a group wanted to run images saying 'piss Christ' they are more than welcome to, as it is freedom of speech and expression, even if the money could be better spent promoting peace and tolerance.

She will run her images on buses, and people will hopefully just ignore them and continue on with their day.

Facts and Case Summary - Morse v. Frederick United States Courts

This decision is not spot on, but good food for thought. I believe that if it can be proved that such signage caused a bombing, those injured and the families of those killed have a good civil case to bring forth against her and her organization.

The Q's. are:
Is the message a public nuisance
Does she have a duty to protect the public?
Did she breach this duty by posting a public nuisance?
Were there injuries to people or property.

3479. Anything which is injurious to health, including, but not
limited to, the illegal sale of controlled substances, or is indecent
or offensive to the senses, or an obstruction to the free use of
property, so as to interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life
or property, or unlawfully obstructs the free passage or use, in the
customary manner, of any navigable lake, or river, bay, stream,
canal, or basin, or any public park, square, street, or highway, is a

CA Codes civ 3479-3486.5
Yeah I've got one. It involves Pam Geller at a certain angle.

What hate you have, Comrade.

But you always lose control when others are allowed free speech, or any civil rights...

You are a democrat after all....
Speaking of irony --- which of us is conflating evil with an entire religion, painting it mit ein broad brush, und denying zat es ist even ein religion in ze first place, Adolf?

Here -- why don't you just put this into Photoshop and rework a coupla words...

I want you shouldn't be confused, which side you represent when you invoke "Nazis".​
So you are completely unaware of the alliance between Islam and the World War II Nazis, HA HA HA. Funny when guys come in here and display their ignorance. In case you didn't notice, that is the Palestinian Grand Mufti Husseni,talking to Adolf Hitler on the bus signs AFDI put up. And Muslims fought in World War II in Nazi uniforms - the Waffen SS.

THIS is the irony.


Why put offensive material on buses?
Do you have a better place for it?

Yeah I've got one. It involves Pam Geller at a certain angle.

That is a HILARIOUS satire. "I don't care if it's a man, a woman or an adorable little brown baby" :rofl:

How sad that there are those in this thread who will play this video and not even get it.
-- Like that Nazi poster just flew over Fiddler Crab's head.
It's stupid and invites violence. How long until someone on the crazy right wing of Islam puts a bomb on a bus?
They already did, in London, and there were no offensive images on the bus. Just being the 'wrong' type of Muslim, or non-Muslim, is justification enough for terrorists. They hate music too.

Here's exactly what's FUCKED UP about this post:


Geller and her hatemonger ilk don't. What she's doing here is tantamount to running images of "Piss Christ" with anti-Christianism messages, because Eric Rudolph bombed an abortion clinic.
I might not agree with what she is doing, but she can legally do it. What I disagree with, is your premise that major incitement is required for terrorist activity. It isn't. A Pakistani girl was nearly killed just for promoting education of fellow girls in Pakistan, just existing was enough of a justification for terrorists to try and kill her.

If a group wanted to run images saying 'piss Christ' they are more than welcome to, as it is freedom of speech and expression, even if the money could be better spent promoting peace and tolerance.

She will run her images on buses, and people will hopefully just ignore them and continue on with their day.

There is no question here as to "whether she can legally do it". That doesn't even enter into it.

It's the sociocultural implications that are of interest here. Why would you do something so stupid as denigrating an entire religion on account of some wackos in far-flung places that have absolutely zero to do with the citizens who are going to be confronted with it?
Same reason that people denigrate others on basis of politics or economics, because it is useful in spreading their propaganda to similar minded people, and creating the us vs them mentality they are looking for.

Best thing people can do is ignore them and protest them, I would choose the earlier as if they don't get noticed then they don't get the attention they are looking for. That is what Islamic groups did when she ran her latest event, there were no protesters there at all.

Totally agree. They want attention. It's like the Westboro Baptists.
Yeah I've got one. It involves Pam Geller at a certain angle.

What hate you have, Comrade.

But you always lose control when others are allowed free speech, or any civil rights...

You are a democrat after all....

Perhaps one day when you're a grownup you'll understand what a metaphor is, Pothead.
But that's years off. Don't strain yerself.
You might not like her, but you have to admire the courage of this woman! She is going to post the winning Mohammad pic on city buses in Washington DC. That will be awesome. I do fear though that she is putting defenseless people at risk in order to strike a symbolic blow against Islam. It will not be difficult for a Muslim terrorist to shoot up a bus or detonate a suicide bomb on a bus filled with innocent people. When that happens, she will be blamed for the deaths by the gutless liberal media and even some on the right like O'Reilly.

I applaud the effort, but I think this will backfire!

AFDI s New Free Speech Bus and Train Ad Campaign Featuring Muhammad Cartoon - Breitbart
If she doesn't ride around on the bus with the picture, how is she being courageous?
Speaking of irony --- which of us is conflating evil with an entire religion, painting it mit ein broad brush, und denying zat es ist even ein religion in ze first place, Adolf?

Here -- why don't you just put this into Photoshop and rework a coupla words...

I want you shouldn't be confused, which side you represent when you invoke "Nazis".​
So you are completely unaware of the alliance between Islam and the World War II Nazis, HA HA HA. Funny when guys come in here and display their ignorance. In case you didn't notice, that is the Palestinian Grand Mufti Husseni,talking to Adolf Hitler on the bus signs AFDI put up. And Muslims fought in World War II in Nazi uniforms - the Waffen SS.

THIS is the irony.



The alliance was between a Palestinian Mufti (the Mufti of Jeruselum) and Hitler.

Not between "Islam" and the Nazi's.

Get your facts straight.
You might not like her, but you have to admire the courage of this woman! She is going to post the winning Mohammad pic on city buses in Washington DC. That will be awesome. I do fear though that she is putting defenseless people at risk in order to strike a symbolic blow against Islam. It will not be difficult for a Muslim terrorist to shoot up a bus or detonate a suicide bomb on a bus filled with innocent people. When that happens, she will be blamed for the deaths by the gutless liberal media and even some on the right like O'Reilly.

I applaud the effort, but I think this will backfire!

AFDI s New Free Speech Bus and Train Ad Campaign Featuring Muhammad Cartoon - Breitbart
If she doesn't ride around on the bus with the picture, how is she being courageous?

That's an old psycho game called, "let's you and him fight".
If she is as brave and courageous as her bigoted defenders think she is, that is what she would do. But we all know she is a self-aggrandizing cowardly c*unt attention whore.

Look, you're a democrat, so those who offend Muhammad offend your Al Qaeda buddies. Besides, as a leftist, you have a general hatred of the concept of free speech. Geller should check with George Soros on what she is allowed to say, just as you do.
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If she is as brave and courageous as her bigoted defenders think she is, that is what she would do. But we all know she is a self-aggrandizing cowardly c*unt attention whore.

Look, you're a democrat, so those who offend Muhammad offend your Al Qaeda buddies. Besides, and a leftist, you have a general hatred of the concept of free speech. Geller should check with George Soros on what she is allowed to say, just as you do.

Good to know blinkard Philistine pig-ignorance is not an endangered species. :thup:
If Geller was really courageous, she'd have her face tattooed with Mo's picture. I'd even help pay for it. Maybe a gofundme account is in order....

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