Pan-Turkic integration put in place


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
First, you can hear Podcast from Voice of Russia about this subject:

Or watch video:
The idea of establishing such a cooperation council was first suggested at a summit in Antalya in 2006 by Nursultan Nazarbayev. In 2009, at the forum in Nakhichevan, the idea was sealed in an agreement on the founding of the new international organization. The CCTC will become the basis for the establishment of a new regional all-Turkic association called upon to enhance the unity of the peoples that live in a similar linguistic and cultural environment and to strengthen political, trade and economic contacts.


Kyrgyzistan, Azerbaycan, Turkey, Kazakstan, Turkmenistan.
All the Presidents from these countires as stated in order in last sentence.

- The Turkic Council will go into force on October 3rd with its Headquarters in Istanbul.
Current Turkish Ambassador to Russia will be its Secretary General.

- The UNESCO equivalent called TURKSOY to preserve cultural heritage of Turkic world will be based in Kazkhstan capital Astana. A sub-body of it is the Turkic Library and the Turkic Museums Administration.

- Inter Parliamentarian Assembly will have its Headquarters in capital of Azerbaycan, Baku.

- Academy Council, a Union of Universities will have its Headquarters in capital of Kazakhstan, Astana.

- Joint Development Bank and Joint Insurance Company will be headquartered in Istanbul to facilate common projects and development of non-oil sector. It will also have a fund, which helps these countries to institutionalize the new Bodies.


Full 60 points declaration is available on Turkish Foreign MInistry:
Declaration of 10th Summit of the Heads of the Turkic Speaking States (?stanbul, 16 September 2010) / Rep. of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Uzbekistan is most populous Central Asian country.
So far, it does not participate. After 2005 Andijan developments, it quit those cooperation initiatives of Turkic States.
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Oh this again, this is hysterical. :lol:

I am just waiting for the infighting to start or the next riot because they have different cultures and speak an entirely different language or dialect. :eusa_whistle:
Oh this again, this is hysterical. :lol:

I am just waiting for the infighting to start or the next riot because they have different cultures and speak an entirely different language or dialect. :eusa_whistle:

These nations were all under Communist rule with repressive Central Administration. It's now about 20 years, since they have their independence. 20 years is in history only a second.
These central Asian countries reside in a very hard to pentrate geography. It's in the middle of Eurasia, without any sea access and all those infrastructure network mainly was built and planned to connect it with Soviet Moscow and ensureing its total controll over it.

It's moving in the right direction with such institutionalized frameworks that bring these countries one step closer together. Always one step before you make the 2nd step. And the most important is off course: No money, no honey. Particularily, Azerbaycan and Kazakhstan now had a decade of oil and natural gas sales behind them, and their pockets are relatively full with Kazakhstan the richest. It allows them to have ambitions which they did not have right after independence.

The headline of this thread was taken and slightly modified from Voice of Russia

Pan-Turkic integration taking shape
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Oh this again, this is hysterical. :lol:

I am just waiting for the infighting to start or the next riot because they have different cultures and speak an entirely different language or dialect. :eusa_whistle:

These nations were all under Communist rule with repressive Central Administration. It's now about 20 years, since they have their independence. 20 years is in history only a second.
These central Asian countries reside in a very hard to pentrate geography. It's in the middle of Eurasia, without any sea access and all those infrastructure network mainly was built and planned to connect it with Soviet Moscow and ensureing its total controll over it.
It's moving in the right direction with such institutionalized frameworks that bring these countries one step closer together. Always one step before you make the 2nd step. And the most important is off course: No money, no honey. Particularily, Azerbaycan and Kazakhstan now had a decade of oil and natural gas sales behind them, and their pockets are relatively full with Kazakhstan the richest. It allows them to have ambitions which they did not have right after independence.

The headline of this thread was taken and slightly modified from Voice of Russia

Pan-Turkic integration taking shape
Pan-Turkic integration taking shape: Voice of Russia
Is that what you call them now, why it was right out of the communist era, the first conference and it fell apart. :lol:

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