Panetta at CIA? Trouble is brewing.

Obama and the transition team think Panetta is qualified. Do you even know who is on the transition team and are you more qualified than they to decide who is qualified? Think about it.

You would need to be specific to even have an iota of a chance of being credible in your opinion about qualifications.

Why do you feel the way you do? What do you actually know about Panetta and the qualifications for CIA chief? Do you know what most people who headed up CIA did before they headed up CIA? IS the DCI the head intel guy anymore? Is the head still called the DCI? Do you even know what the DCI did before Homeland Security was invented and who headed up Homeland Security?

Please, speak.

Bottom line, it's Obama's position to fill, he appoints and in all likelihood his nominee will be confirmed. As I said, good luck with it.
The funniest part of this whole bit is Im a 51 year old woman who has been with my husband since I was 19.

See what happens when you assume you know everything and think you have the right to tell everyone who can speak and who can not.

I suggest you get yout own iron because your panties always seem to be in a wad.:tongue:

yeah, I seen you at the freak show woman. When did you shave your ass?

yeah, I seen you at the freak show woman. When did you shave your ass?


You seem a little bit confused. Two points , that is not me and most importantly that is not a woman. Knowing the differance between women and men may make you sex life a little less confusing too.
Stop whining Bitch, and just let the fact that you are wrong sink in. Take a while, but you'll get there in the end!

But it never seems to sink in to jive con....ummm I mean dive wrong......ummmm I mean.....oh hell you know his name.

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