Panetta at CIA? Trouble is brewing.

on the job training? the experienced people fucked up big time and Panetta is no light weight. It will be alright. Stop worrying your pretty little head over these things. Let the big kids handle it.

sorry Panetta is a political lightweight
has ZERO experience in security
hes a budget guy
oh poor puppy. please don't make mad at me...

Does that mean I get my "groundlessly smug superiority" back? Or do you even remember where you put it? Its probably wherever you keep your crack pipe - try there...
you seem so very sure of it all. why? do you know Panetta? Why would all those experts on Obama's transition team...the ones with security credentials up the yoohoo, go along with this?

hmmmmmmm, :eusa_whistle:
well, honestly, it looks like a political payoff
i cant understand why he wants the position, but who knows
well, honestly, it looks like a political payoff
i cant understand why he wants the position, but who knows

a pay off? to whom? He was/is close to the Clintons.. Putting him at CIA puts him at odds with State. If you think a man like Panetta who had a powerful career and a life before he worked with the Clintons would sacrifice his career at CIA or the power in subservience to anyone you are truly mad with wingnut disease. if anything it would sound better to propose it as a way to neutralize or frustrate Hillary at State

Leon Edward Panetta (born June 28, 1938) is a Democratic politician and scholar from California's Central Coast.

He served as White House Chief of Staff to Bill Clinton, and before that was a member of the United States House of Representatives from 1977 to 1993.

He is the founder and director of the Panetta Institute, serves as Distinguished Scholar to the Chancellor of the California State University system and is a professor at Jesuit-run Santa Clara University teaching public policy.

On January 5, 2009, Fox News reported that President-elect Barack Obama will name him Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.[1]

Political career

Panetta started in politics in 1966 as a legislative assistant to Republican Senator Thomas Kuchel, the United States Senate Minority Whip from California, whom Panetta has called "a tremendous role model"[2].

In 1969 he became the assistant to Robert H. Finch, Secretary of the United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare under the Nixon administration. Soon thereafter he was appointed Director of the Office for Civil Rights.

Panetta chose to enforce civil rights and equal education laws, even under alleged political pressure not to from then-president Nixon.

Robert Mardian said of Panetta: "Doesn't he understand Nixon promised the Southern delegates he would stop enforcing the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts?"[3]. Secretary Robert Finch and Assistant Secretary John Veneman refused to fire Panetta, threatening to resign if forced to do so. A few weeks later in 1970, Panetta resigned and left Washington to work as Executive Assistant for John Lindsay, the Republican Mayor of New York City.

He wrote about this experience in his 1971 book Bring Us Together: The Nixon Team and the Civil Rights Retreat.

He moved back to Monterey to practice law at Panetta, Thompson & Panetta from 1971 through to 1976.

[edit] Congressional work

Panetta switched to the Democratic Party in 1971, because he thought that the Republican Party was moving away from the political center, and it was working against Civil Rights legislation.

In 1976, Panetta was elected to the U.S. Congress to represent California's 16th congressional district, unseating incumbent Republican Burt Talcott with 53% of the vote (the 17th district after the 1990 census), and was reelected for nine terms.

During his time in Congress, his work concentrated mostly on budget issues, civil rights, education, health, and environmental issues, particularly preventing oil drilling off the California coast. He wrote the Hunger Prevention Act (Public Law 100-435) of 1988 and the Fair Employment Practices Resolution. He was a major factor in establishing the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.

His positions included:

* Chairman of the U.S. House Committee on the Budget
* Chairman of the Agriculture Committee's Subcommittee on Domestic Marketing, Consumer Relations, and Nutrition
* Chairman of the Administration Committee's Subcommittee on Personnel and Police
* Chairman of the Task Force on Domestic Hunger created by the U.S. House Select Committee on Hunger
* Vice Chairman of the Caucus of Vietnam-Era Veterans in Congress
* Member of the President's Commission on Foreign Language and International Studies.
sorry Panetta is a political lightweight
has ZERO experience in security
hes a budget guy

now what the political talking heads are saying DiveCon is that Panetta is a "firewall" between the CIA and the obamalama. Remember the CIA sold Bush out? Yes, and the other thing is Panetta is pro US Army Field Manuel strictly, so in essence obamalama has caved to the left. We will have tea parties with the terrorists.
now what the political talking heads are saying DiveCon is that Panetta is a "firewall" between the CIA and the obamalama. Remember the CIA sold Bush out? Yes, and the other thing is Panetta is pro US Army Field Manuel strictly, so in essence obamalama has caved to the left. We will have tea parties with the terrorists.

Well, well ................... As we all had a little chuckle watching the left jump and yell at some of Obama's early picks, now the roll out of ultra liberals begin. Obama is what his voting record spoke to from the start, far left, not centrist. The only thing which may save us some is the fact that things are bad enough, he may not be able to do all of the damage he had planned on. But, the house and senate have already begun rewriting freedom and fairness in this nation.

And I can't wait to see how he and Hillary handle the many world issues in all of the hot spots, let alone biz as usual and the many pure political issues.

Hang on folks, the water is going to get real choppy. We need a common sense centrist and I really don't think Obama will be that person. We don't need far left or far right.

It's also interesting that many like to claim that capitalism failed. Well as pure capitalism is not totally healthy, capitalism did not fail, we failed capitalism!
Obama circumventing Feinstein might put a snag on this choice. Let's hope so. This guy has no intel experience.
Obama circumventing Feinstein might put a snag on this choice. Let's hope so. This guy has no intel experience.

Hey Captain Obvious, D'oh! so fukin' what? what is your beef besides spouting the obvious? why would intel experience be necessary for running a huge agency? wouldn't managerial experience be more important?

how about a spy with NO managerial experience? do you know what most of the CIA chiefs did before they became CIA chief? no, you do not.

Hey Captain Obvious, D'oh! so fukin' what? what is your beef besides spouting the obvious? why would intel experience be necessary for running a huge agency? wouldn't managerial experience be more important?

how about a spy with NO managerial experience? do you know what most of the CIA chiefs did before they became CIA chief? no, you do not.


You don't know what I know and what I don't so fuck off.

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