Panetta Criticizes The One, The Lord God obama


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
And what do you think happened?

Take a guess.... Take a wild guess...... Take a wild-assed guess or even a scientific wild-assed guess...

the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM jumped to their Lord God obama's defense.

You wonder why this thing is going obama's way in the polls?

Don't. It's the same reason that half the public still thinks a video caused the Benghazi attacks or that the Stuttering Clusterfuck actually won against Putin and Assad...

Former Obama Defense Secretary Leon Panetta Criticizes Obama’s Handling of Shutdown, Liberal Reporters In Attendance Spring To Dear Leader’s Defense…


Lapdogs to the rescue!

Via Daily Caller:

When former Obama administration Defense Secretary Leon Panetta dared to criticize his old boss’ handling of the government shutdown, a group of Washington political reporters were there to leap to President Barack Obama’s defense.

“You have to engage in the process,” Panetta said, criticizing Obama at a Monday breakfast sponsored by The Wall Street Journal, according to an account by liberal Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus. “This is a town where it’s not enough to feel you have the right answers. You’ve got to roll up your sleeves and you’ve got to really engage in the process … that’s what governing is all about.”

This propelled some political reporters in the room to justify Obama’s lack of leadership, reports Marcus.

“To some extent, the reporters in the room seemed more forgiving of the circumstances in which the president finds himself,” she wrote. “Jackie Calmes of The New York Times noted that the Panetta-envisioned budget deal was illusory because Republicans refuse to consider new tax revenue. Doyle McManus of the Los Angeles Times observed that the White House would argue that its previous efforts at schmoozing and deal-making had fizzled.”

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I was against the shutdown initially but now that dimocraps have shown themselves to be even scummier than I thought possible, I say we shut the government down completely and totally.

Default, let the EBT card holders run amok, let the mayhem begin.

It would be worth almost any cost, any price to get rid of the scuzziest administration backed by the scummiest people on Earth (the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM)

But they won't do it. It ain't gonna happen

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