Paradigm Schiff


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Like I said in the other thread they need to go after her and the clinton foundation...


Intelligence committee Democrat denies reality of Hillary Clinton’s “to Russia with love” re-set.
March 29, 2017

Lloyd Billingsley


“In 2015, Russian intelligence agencies penetrated the computers of political organizations, think tanks and other U.S. institutions in what looked like a foreign intelligence-gathering operation,” but “this is not the first time we were hacked by Russia.” This particular action was “so extraordinary” because “President Vladimir Putin decided to become an active participant in the U.S. election and attempt to influence its result for Donald Trump and against Hillary Clinton.” Further, “this is not idle speculation or the partisan characterization of ambiguous events – it is the consensus conclusion of all our intelligence agencies.”

That is Adam Schiff (D-Burbank), ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, in a March 26 Sacramento Bee commentary headlined, “Independent commission needed to investigate Russian hacking of our democracy.”


One of the first actions of George W. Bush’s successor, the 44th president, was to cancel missile defense for U.S. allies Poland and the Czech Republic. Even the New York Times called it a “security reversal.” Mitt Romney called it a “gift to Russia” and more gifts were on the way in the “re-set” of relations.

“We want to ensure that every question the Russian military or Russian government asks is answered.” That was U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton after meeting with Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov. Secretary Clinton touted “deep cooperation between our countries” and agreed to the most intrusive arrangement the United States ever accepted.

The most Clinton could claim for the reset policy, noted James Kirchick, was “a collection of atmospheric achievements,” commemorative WWII marches, meetings and such. A week after the departure of Dimitry Medvedev, when the FBI busted 10 Russian spies operating in the United States, the Democrats’ Russian re-set team promptly swept it “under the rug.”


Paradigm Schiff

Look he's flipping her off and she's clueless...

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