Parent objects to leftist school assignment, gets accused if being neo nazi

If he doesn't like the assignment his kid gets in public school, send the kid to private school and stop complaining.
If he doesn't like the assignment his kid gets in public school, send the kid to private school and stop complaining.

tht is not up to you to decide where he sends his kid. He pays taxes and therefore this teacher's salary so he can and should complain.
The quality of Texas schools is poor enough already, it really wouldn’t be right to make Texas schools even worse than they are now.

Placing 14th out of 50 is your definition of performing poorly?

Education Week: States Show Spotty Progress on Education Gauges

Oh, wait, you didn't actually check to find that out. You just made an assumption based on your own prejudice.
You'll have to excuse Jonesy -- he was just using his usual standard of proof: "I really really really really REALLY want it to be true!!"
If he doesn't like the assignment his kid gets in public school, send the kid to private school and stop complaining.

if they don't like the prayers they get in public schools they should send their kids to public schools and stop complaining
I would think that an assignment about the Shut Down would be the best example to use in teaching: it's immediate, it's significant, it directly affects the public, the entire nation. To suggest, as the parent did, that another example should be used shows the parent knows little about teaching. The article being biased is the only question I'd have, and we only have the parent's opinion about that. The actions of the teacher are questionable, but, imo, don't warrant firing. If teachers were fired everytime a parent felt one should be, there would, literally, be no teachers, or very few. If parents could so easily get a teacher fired, they would be so intimidated and fearful about their jobs, they would be almost useless as teachers. It seems to me, the right wing, who are always shouting so much for their own rights and are so against what they see as totalitarian measures by the powers that be, these people are the first to want to turn society into a totalitarian dictatorship, as long as it is dictating what they want. Intimidation and fear tactics, demanding teachers' jobs every time you don't like what they do, this is one of the foundations of a brutal, totalitarian dictatorship.

I wonder what the RW would do if they REALLY had their way....teachers not protected from petulant parents, school choice, vouchers, etc. I say we try it in one state for 12 years (a full cycle from 1-12th grade) about Texas?

The quality of Texas schools is poor enough already, it really wouldn’t be right to make Texas schools even worse than they are now.

Oh?..Then explain how these allegedly poorly educated students are admitted to the UT system. One which has some of the highest academic standards of any University System in the US.
I am amused when one of you flamers criticizes things on which you have no knowledge.
I suppose you are going to start tooting the horn of those blue northeastern states public schools because after all, there is no teacher like a union teacher.
As though a union card makes any difference. Please.
I would think that an assignment about the Shut Down would be the best example to use in teaching: it's immediate, it's significant, it directly affects the public, the entire nation. To suggest, as the parent did, that another example should be used shows the parent knows little about teaching. The article being biased is the only question I'd have, and we only have the parent's opinion about that. The actions of the teacher are questionable, but, imo, don't warrant firing. If teachers were fired everytime a parent felt one should be, there would, literally, be no teachers, or very few. If parents could so easily get a teacher fired, they would be so intimidated and fearful about their jobs, they would be almost useless as teachers. It seems to me, the right wing, who are always shouting so much for their own rights and are so against what they see as totalitarian measures by the powers that be, these people are the first to want to turn society into a totalitarian dictatorship, as long as it is dictating what they want. Intimidation and fear tactics, demanding teachers' jobs every time you don't like what they do, this is one of the foundations of a brutal, totalitarian dictatorship.

except the teacher is not supposed to indoctrinate. and if the claim would be to teach non-fictional reading skills ( which was the assignment) there are tons of neutral articles or one can assign 2 articles to read - with opposing views - now THAT would teach.

but teaching was not the goal of this goon, indoctrination was.

If the teacher were teaching something very biased, but biased in the way you see things, you would not be calling her a goon or saying her goal was indoctrination. See how that works? It's a matter of perspective, not reality.
Incorrect. There is no room in public education for political slant.
Either way.
You people just don't like it because now people have finally begun to speak out against the liberal indoctrination taking place in the public schools.
I would think that an assignment about the Shut Down would be the best example to use in teaching: it's immediate, it's significant, it directly affects the public, the entire nation. To suggest, as the parent did, that another example should be used shows the parent knows little about teaching. The article being biased is the only question I'd have, and we only have the parent's opinion about that. The actions of the teacher are questionable, but, imo, don't warrant firing. If teachers were fired everytime a parent felt one should be, there would, literally, be no teachers, or very few. If parents could so easily get a teacher fired, they would be so intimidated and fearful about their jobs, they would be almost useless as teachers. It seems to me, the right wing, who are always shouting so much for their own rights and are so against what they see as totalitarian measures by the powers that be, these people are the first to want to turn society into a totalitarian dictatorship, as long as it is dictating what they want. Intimidation and fear tactics, demanding teachers' jobs every time you don't like what they do, this is one of the foundations of a brutal, totalitarian dictatorship.

The teacher, who was not involved, took it upon herself to begin a smear campaign against a parent.
Calling a mutual friend and saying "we have a problem with a parent", and " he is like a neo nazi or something "!
It's absolutely wrong.
Except to a fanatical totalitarian.

Expressing a personal opinion in a private discussion with a friend is "absolutely wrong"? Seriously? LOL:cuckoo:

Once the message is conveyed to a third party, it becomes public domain. With that said, what was once a private matter, has been publicized through social media. And THAT is the issue.
BTW, that is NOT an opinion. It is conveyed as an accusation. That is defined as slander.
Once one puts it out there for others to see, hear or read, it's defacto published.
If that teacher/union leader had an opinion, she should have kept it to herself.
Words have meaning. Words stated in the incorrect forum have consequences. All those on the left should know this.
Think Paula Deen.
Right wingers: If what you display on this thread and others is what you consider 'thinking for yourselves,' you are delusional.

And finally the dirt comes out in the wash.
Thanks for establishing your political ideology and agenda.
Face it. This questioning by the parent offends you to the to a high degree.
How DARE he question the almighty public, government school system.
You'd rather this person be silenced through innuendo and non truth.
Question: What if it were YOUR rights being trampled upon? Not so agreeable now, is it?
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I would think that an assignment about the Shut Down would be the best example to use in teaching: it's immediate, it's significant, it directly affects the public, the entire nation. To suggest, as the parent did, that another example should be used shows the parent knows little about teaching. The article being biased is the only question I'd have, and we only have the parent's opinion about that. The actions of the teacher are questionable, but, imo, don't warrant firing. If teachers were fired everytime a parent felt one should be, there would, literally, be no teachers, or very few. If parents could so easily get a teacher fired, they would be so intimidated and fearful about their jobs, they would be almost useless as teachers. It seems to me, the right wing, who are always shouting so much for their own rights and are so against what they see as totalitarian measures by the powers that be, these people are the first to want to turn society into a totalitarian dictatorship, as long as it is dictating what they want. Intimidation and fear tactics, demanding teachers' jobs every time you don't like what they do, this is one of the foundations of a brutal, totalitarian dictatorship.

except the teacher is not supposed to indoctrinate. and if the claim would be to teach non-fictional reading skills ( which was the assignment) there are tons of neutral articles or one can assign 2 articles to read - with opposing views - now THAT would teach.

but teaching was not the goal of this goon, indoctrination was.

An assignment about the government shutdown is not ‘indoctrination,’ to suggest so is idiocy. It’s just as idiotic to perceive the assignment as ‘leftist,’ whatever that’s supposed to mean.

As already correctly noted, it’s a relevant topic worthy of classroom discussion.

That you and others on the right are embarrassed by the republican shutdown, however, that it exposes the GOP to be petty and ridiculous, and that you wish the issue would just ‘go away’ because you correctly perceive the shutdown as hurting republicans come 2014, does not mitigate the fact that the government shutdown is indeed a relevant topic worthy of discussion.

Nice try. it was NOT the lesson in and of itself.
The issue is the way the lesson was presented. It was presented in such a way so as to produce or spin a political point of view.
The facts are clear on the shut down. No significant detraction of economy was detected.
except the teacher is not supposed to indoctrinate. and if the claim would be to teach non-fictional reading skills ( which was the assignment) there are tons of neutral articles or one can assign 2 articles to read - with opposing views - now THAT would teach.

but teaching was not the goal of this goon, indoctrination was.

An assignment about the government shutdown is not ‘indoctrination,’ to suggest so is idiocy. It’s just as idiotic to perceive the assignment as ‘leftist,’ whatever that’s supposed to mean.

As already correctly noted, it’s a relevant topic worthy of classroom discussion.

That you and others on the right are embarrassed by the republican shutdown, however, that it exposes the GOP to be petty and ridiculous, and that you wish the issue would just ‘go away’ because you correctly perceive the shutdown as hurting republicans come 2014, does not mitigate the fact that the government shutdown is indeed a relevant topic worthy of discussion.
The RW is very touchy about the subject of the Shutdown, aren't they?

No...Your side is. it was the LEFT that made the shut down out to be potentially the next apocalypse. All the nation heard was 'crickets'.....The 15% of the government that stopped operating drew a yawn.
90% white

hates minorities

KKK says all of their positions have been adopted

drives away anyone who isn't "pure"

runs on idelogy

yep, sounds very, very Neo Nazi.

rdean sees liberal tyranny in action = doesn't need to snort the coke


Ever see one rebuild the house?

Not in their job description. Although in many small communities around the nation, firefighters are volunteers.
You libs would not do a fucking thing unless you knew there was something in it for YOU.
If he doesn't like the assignment his kid gets in public school, send the kid to private school and stop complaining.
Umm.....Genius....These are public schools. Funded by the taxpayers. Which means the taxpayers have a say on how the schools are operated.
Your statement reveals a premise. That premise is thet schools should be permitted to do as they wish and the taxpayers should just shut up about it.
Maybe that's how it works in Roo Land, but not here.
So you can shove your opinion where the sun don't shine.
except the teacher is not supposed to indoctrinate. and if the claim would be to teach non-fictional reading skills ( which was the assignment) there are tons of neutral articles or one can assign 2 articles to read - with opposing views - now THAT would teach.

but teaching was not the goal of this goon, indoctrination was.

An assignment about the government shutdown is not ‘indoctrination,’ to suggest so is idiocy. It’s just as idiotic to perceive the assignment as ‘leftist,’ whatever that’s supposed to mean.

As already correctly noted, it’s a relevant topic worthy of classroom discussion.

That you and others on the right are embarrassed by the republican shutdown, however, that it exposes the GOP to be petty and ridiculous, and that you wish the issue would just ‘go away’ because you correctly perceive the shutdown as hurting republicans come 2014, does not mitigate the fact that the government shutdown is indeed a relevant topic worthy of discussion.
The RW is very touchy about the subject of the Shutdown, aren't they?
It certainly appears that way. I guess, as the assignment was simply to read non-fiction, they could have read about how Texas executes more people than any state in the Union and how the vast majority of those executed are poor and/or black. Or do we pick and choose to make sure nothing that is read in our schools could in any way make conservative values and positions (such as being pro-capital punishment) look bad in any way. Perhaps the right wing should get together and make a reading list, both fiction and non-fiction, for all schools in the nation, and only those works would be taught in the schools, nationwide. University level too. That would be fair, wouldn't it? Not indoctrination or totalitarianism or anything. Just the 'right' thing to do. Pun intended.

BTW, right wingers, in case you didn't realize it, all schools in the country, including universities, mostly teach the classics in literature, works that have been around for generations, in many cases several hundred years, and in some cases, as in Greek literature, thousands of years. Most schools focus on these classics, works from American writers as well as from writers all over the world, and most written before the idea of the world being cut into two pieces, right wing and left wing, ever existed. What you really want is a Christian country, a Christian education system, a totally conservative perspective, etc. Theocracy and totalitarianism at its best.
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If he doesn't like the assignment his kid gets in public school, send the kid to private school and stop complaining.
Umm.....Genius....These are public schools. Funded by the taxpayers. Which means the taxpayers have a say on how the schools are operated.
Your statement reveals a premise. That premise is that schools should be permitted to do as they wish and the taxpayers should just shut up about it.
Maybe that's how it works in Roo Land, but not here.
So you can shove your opinion where the sun don't shine.

Tax payers are not expected to just put up and shut up. They are expected to vote according to their views and opinions. Then the majority rules. What we have in our schools nowadays is what the majority wants. If you want to change it, change it through the methods our constitution prescribes and stop just sitting on your asses and bitching.
Right wingers: If what you display on this thread and others is what you consider 'thinking for yourselves,' you are delusional.

And finally the dirt comes out in the wash.
Thanks for establishing your political ideology and agenda.
Face it. This questioning by the parent offends you to the to a high degree.
How DARE he question the almighty public, government school system.
You'd rather this person be silenced through innuendo and non truth.
Question: What if it were YOUR rights being trampled upon? Not so agreeable now, is it?

What a garbled, incoherent, nonsensical response. I am quite aware that parents make complaints all the time, about various practices in the schools, in the classrooms, by teachers, and including the material that is taught. They go through the proper channels. If you really want to have an impact, become a member of the school board.

But that's not even in the post you quoted. What you quoted is that I think the kind of statements I see by the right wing indicate that your thinking isn't any more thinking for yourselves than is anyone else's. The right wing displays a great tendency to parrot each other, their leaders, and their voice boxes from television and radio. In day to day threads here, I see virtually nothing that is outside that box or original in conception or even expression. You continually say the left is indoctrinating your children but fail to see that you yourselves are thoroughly indoctrinated.

And what rights of yours are being trampled upon? You have the right to object through the proper channels. This is a civilized country. We don't just go out and lynch folks from the nearest tree. If a teacher has actually done something that warrants him or her being fired, go through the proper channels and make that happen. No one is stopping you. Your problem is that you want to be the one who determines who is fired or what is taught, you all by yourself, and when that doesn't happen, you say your rights are being 'trampled' on. If it is so bad, do home schooling, or go to private schools, or join the school board and make changes happen. No one is stopping you. No one is trampling on your rights.
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The teacher, who was not involved, took it upon herself to begin a smear campaign against a parent.
Calling a mutual friend and saying "we have a problem with a parent", and " he is like a neo nazi or something "!
It's absolutely wrong.
Except to a fanatical totalitarian.

Expressing a personal opinion in a private discussion with a friend is "absolutely wrong"? Seriously? LOL:cuckoo:

Once the message is conveyed to a third party, it becomes public domain. With that said, what was once a private matter, has been publicized through social media. And THAT is the issue.
BTW, that is NOT an opinion. It is conveyed as an accusation. That is defined as slander.
Once one puts it out there for others to see, hear or read, it's defacto published.
If that teacher/union leader had an opinion, she should have kept it to herself.
Words have meaning. Words stated in the incorrect forum have consequences. All those on the left should know this.
Think Paula Deen.

Wrong. In fact, ludicrously wrong. Your statement that saying anything to anyone puts it in 'public domain,' would mean that no one would be free to speak about anything to anyone. So, what someone would tell their husband or wife, in the privacy of their own home, is now 'public domain'? Ludicrous beyond belief. A teacher, as is anyone else, is free to express personal opinions and thoughts to a confidant or friend in a personal situation. If she publishes these opinions or speaks them in a public forum, that may be different, though free speech still applies. Firing someone for having an opinion? Seems to go against everything your right wingers are supposed to stand for. seems pretty clear it is only okay to express an opinion as long as it is one you want expressed.

Paula Deen was not fired from her job. No one fired her. This is not a similar situation. You are demanding this teacher be fired and if she isn't, you rights are being violated. It's a totally different situation.
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