Parent objects to leftist school assignment, gets accused if being neo nazi

I would think that an assignment about the Shut Down would be the best example to use in teaching: it's immediate, it's significant, it directly affects the public, the entire nation. To suggest, as the parent did, that another example should be used shows the parent knows little about teaching. The article being biased is the only question I'd have, and we only have the parent's opinion about that. The actions of the teacher are questionable, but, imo, don't warrant firing. If teachers were fired everytime a parent felt one should be, there would, literally, be no teachers, or very few. If parents could so easily get a teacher fired, they would be so intimidated and fearful about their jobs, they would be almost useless as teachers. It seems to me, the right wing, who are always shouting so much for their own rights and are so against what they see as totalitarian measures by the powers that be, these people are the first to want to turn society into a totalitarian dictatorship, as long as it is dictating what they want. Intimidation and fear tactics, demanding teachers' jobs every time you don't like what they do, this is one of the foundations of a brutal, totalitarian dictatorship.

I wonder what the RW would do if they REALLY had their way....teachers not protected from petulant parents, school choice, vouchers, etc. I say we try it in one state for 12 years (a full cycle from 1-12th grade) about Texas?
We'd have a generation of kids who could think for themselves.
I would think that an assignment about the Shut Down would be the best example to use in teaching: it's immediate, it's significant, it directly affects the public, the entire nation. To suggest, as the parent did, that another example should be used shows the parent knows little about teaching. The article being biased is the only question I'd have, and we only have the parent's opinion about that. The actions of the teacher are questionable, but, imo, don't warrant firing. If teachers were fired everytime a parent felt one should be, there would, literally, be no teachers, or very few. If parents could so easily get a teacher fired, they would be so intimidated and fearful about their jobs, they would be almost useless as teachers. It seems to me, the right wing, who are always shouting so much for their own rights and are so against what they see as totalitarian measures by the powers that be, these people are the first to want to turn society into a totalitarian dictatorship, as long as it is dictating what they want. Intimidation and fear tactics, demanding teachers' jobs every time you don't like what they do, this is one of the foundations of a brutal, totalitarian dictatorship.

except the teacher is not supposed to indoctrinate. and if the claim would be to teach non-fictional reading skills ( which was the assignment) there are tons of neutral articles or one can assign 2 articles to read - with opposing views - now THAT would teach.

but teaching was not the goal of this goon, indoctrination was.

If the teacher were teaching something very biased, but biased in the way you see things, you would not be calling her a goon or saying her goal was indoctrination. See how that works? It's a matter of perspective, not reality.
I would think that an assignment about the Shut Down would be the best example to use in teaching: it's immediate, it's significant, it directly affects the public, the entire nation. To suggest, as the parent did, that another example should be used shows the parent knows little about teaching. The article being biased is the only question I'd have, and we only have the parent's opinion about that. The actions of the teacher are questionable, but, imo, don't warrant firing. If teachers were fired everytime a parent felt one should be, there would, literally, be no teachers, or very few. If parents could so easily get a teacher fired, they would be so intimidated and fearful about their jobs, they would be almost useless as teachers. It seems to me, the right wing, who are always shouting so much for their own rights and are so against what they see as totalitarian measures by the powers that be, these people are the first to want to turn society into a totalitarian dictatorship, as long as it is dictating what they want. Intimidation and fear tactics, demanding teachers' jobs every time you don't like what they do, this is one of the foundations of a brutal, totalitarian dictatorship.

The teacher, who was not involved, took it upon herself to begin a smear campaign against a parent.
Calling a mutual friend and saying "we have a problem with a parent", and " he is like a neo nazi or something "!
It's absolutely wrong.
Except to a fanatical totalitarian.

Expressing a personal opinion in a private discussion with a friend is "absolutely wrong"? Seriously? LOL:cuckoo:
I would think that an assignment about the Shut Down would be the best example to use in teaching: it's immediate, it's significant, it directly affects the public, the entire nation. To suggest, as the parent did, that another example should be used shows the parent knows little about teaching. The article being biased is the only question I'd have, and we only have the parent's opinion about that. The actions of the teacher are questionable, but, imo, don't warrant firing. If teachers were fired everytime a parent felt one should be, there would, literally, be no teachers, or very few. If parents could so easily get a teacher fired, they would be so intimidated and fearful about their jobs, they would be almost useless as teachers. It seems to me, the right wing, who are always shouting so much for their own rights and are so against what they see as totalitarian measures by the powers that be, these people are the first to want to turn society into a totalitarian dictatorship, as long as it is dictating what they want. Intimidation and fear tactics, demanding teachers' jobs every time you don't like what they do, this is one of the foundations of a brutal, totalitarian dictatorship.

I wonder what the RW would do if they REALLY had their way....teachers not protected from petulant parents, school choice, vouchers, etc. I say we try it in one state for 12 years (a full cycle from 1-12th grade) about Texas?
We'd have a generation of kids who could think for themselves.

and that would be a threat to the left so it must be avoided at any cost
I wonder what the RW would do if they REALLY had their way....teachers not protected from petulant parents, school choice, vouchers, etc. I say we try it in one state for 12 years (a full cycle from 1-12th grade) about Texas?
We'd have a generation of kids who could think for themselves.

and that would be a threat to the left so it must be avoided at any cost

It should tell something to progressives that they can't get people to go along with their agenda unless:

1. They indoctrinate children who are too young to question it,

2. They bribe people to agree, or

3. They use the threat of government force.

If progressive was so great, people who go along with it voluntarily.

That SHOULD tell something to progressives -- but it won't.
I would think that an assignment about the Shut Down would be the best example to use in teaching: it's immediate, it's significant, it directly affects the public, the entire nation. To suggest, as the parent did, that another example should be used shows the parent knows little about teaching. The article being biased is the only question I'd have, and we only have the parent's opinion about that. The actions of the teacher are questionable, but, imo, don't warrant firing. If teachers were fired everytime a parent felt one should be, there would, literally, be no teachers, or very few. If parents could so easily get a teacher fired, they would be so intimidated and fearful about their jobs, they would be almost useless as teachers. It seems to me, the right wing, who are always shouting so much for their own rights and are so against what they see as totalitarian measures by the powers that be, these people are the first to want to turn society into a totalitarian dictatorship, as long as it is dictating what they want. Intimidation and fear tactics, demanding teachers' jobs every time you don't like what they do, this is one of the foundations of a brutal, totalitarian dictatorship.

the shutdown had no affect

the only people that noticed were the people that got sent home, so obama had to do evil things to get people to notice. like shut down parks and block private businesses.

so not everyone was affected

A better topic could have been; The debt, spending, aca, UE

Things that actually hurt people.

and the teacher called him a nazi. That should get her fired
I would think that an assignment about the Shut Down would be the best example to use in teaching: it's immediate, it's significant, it directly affects the public, the entire nation. To suggest, as the parent did, that another example should be used shows the parent knows little about teaching. The article being biased is the only question I'd have, and we only have the parent's opinion about that. The actions of the teacher are questionable, but, imo, don't warrant firing. If teachers were fired everytime a parent felt one should be, there would, literally, be no teachers, or very few. If parents could so easily get a teacher fired, they would be so intimidated and fearful about their jobs, they would be almost useless as teachers. It seems to me, the right wing, who are always shouting so much for their own rights and are so against what they see as totalitarian measures by the powers that be, these people are the first to want to turn society into a totalitarian dictatorship, as long as it is dictating what they want. Intimidation and fear tactics, demanding teachers' jobs every time you don't like what they do, this is one of the foundations of a brutal, totalitarian dictatorship.

except the teacher is not supposed to indoctrinate. and if the claim would be to teach non-fictional reading skills ( which was the assignment) there are tons of neutral articles or one can assign 2 articles to read - with opposing views - now THAT would teach.

but teaching was not the goal of this goon, indoctrination was.

An assignment about the government shutdown is not ‘indoctrination,’ to suggest so is idiocy. It’s just as idiotic to perceive the assignment as ‘leftist,’ whatever that’s supposed to mean.

As already correctly noted, it’s a relevant topic worthy of classroom discussion.

That you and others on the right are embarrassed by the republican shutdown, however, that it exposes the GOP to be petty and ridiculous, and that you wish the issue would just ‘go away’ because you correctly perceive the shutdown as hurting republicans come 2014, does not mitigate the fact that the government shutdown is indeed a relevant topic worthy of discussion.
I would think that an assignment about the Shut Down would be the best example to use in teaching: it's immediate, it's significant, it directly affects the public, the entire nation. To suggest, as the parent did, that another example should be used shows the parent knows little about teaching. The article being biased is the only question I'd have, and we only have the parent's opinion about that. The actions of the teacher are questionable, but, imo, don't warrant firing. If teachers were fired everytime a parent felt one should be, there would, literally, be no teachers, or very few. If parents could so easily get a teacher fired, they would be so intimidated and fearful about their jobs, they would be almost useless as teachers. It seems to me, the right wing, who are always shouting so much for their own rights and are so against what they see as totalitarian measures by the powers that be, these people are the first to want to turn society into a totalitarian dictatorship, as long as it is dictating what they want. Intimidation and fear tactics, demanding teachers' jobs every time you don't like what they do, this is one of the foundations of a brutal, totalitarian dictatorship.

except the teacher is not supposed to indoctrinate. and if the claim would be to teach non-fictional reading skills ( which was the assignment) there are tons of neutral articles or one can assign 2 articles to read - with opposing views - now THAT would teach.

but teaching was not the goal of this goon, indoctrination was.

An assignment about the government shutdown is not ‘indoctrination,’ to suggest so is idiocy. It’s just as idiotic to perceive the assignment as ‘leftist,’ whatever that’s supposed to mean.

As already correctly noted, it’s a relevant topic worthy of classroom discussion.

That you and others on the right are embarrassed by the republican shutdown, however, that it exposes the GOP to be petty and ridiculous, and that you wish the issue would just ‘go away’ because you correctly perceive the shutdown as hurting republicans come 2014, does not mitigate the fact that the government shutdown is indeed a relevant topic worthy of discussion.
The RW is very touchy about the subject of the Shutdown, aren't they?
From the article:

The district is looking further into this situation and will take appropriate actions.”

Translation: We will do nothing.

This is where teacher tenure becomes a scourge on public education. And of course the teacher's union will circle the wagons around this individual. Even though she is wrong on so many levels.
It is time to shove these unions aside and bring back public education to where it belongs. Under the scrutiny of the very people that PAY FOR IT.
Teachers and school administrations are paid by US. That makes them OUR employees.
However with the ridiculous levels in which unionized teachers and faculty are protected by unions, it reminds of the fox being placed in charge of the hen house.
Or, the inmates running the asylum.
The way this should work is the parents should pressure the local school board to recommend at least a censure and suspension of this teacher and that is WITHOUT pay.
what would a novasteve thread be w/o some Katzndogz hyperbole. :dunno:

SERIOUSLY, where do you people get these SOCON links anyway??? Tell me that, THEN, I MIGHT answer your zany OP.

Why are you so frightened to address the issue?
Your silence indicates you condone the actions of this teacher/union leader.
I would think that an assignment about the Shut Down would be the best example to use in teaching: it's immediate, it's significant, it directly affects the public, the entire nation. To suggest, as the parent did, that another example should be used shows the parent knows little about teaching. The article being biased is the only question I'd have, and we only have the parent's opinion about that. The actions of the teacher are questionable, but, imo, don't warrant firing. If teachers were fired everytime a parent felt one should be, there would, literally, be no teachers, or very few. If parents could so easily get a teacher fired, they would be so intimidated and fearful about their jobs, they would be almost useless as teachers. It seems to me, the right wing, who are always shouting so much for their own rights and are so against what they see as totalitarian measures by the powers that be, these people are the first to want to turn society into a totalitarian dictatorship, as long as it is dictating what they want. Intimidation and fear tactics, demanding teachers' jobs every time you don't like what they do, this is one of the foundations of a brutal, totalitarian dictatorship.

except the teacher is not supposed to indoctrinate. and if the claim would be to teach non-fictional reading skills ( which was the assignment) there are tons of neutral articles or one can assign 2 articles to read - with opposing views - now THAT would teach.

but teaching was not the goal of this goon, indoctrination was.

An assignment about the government shutdown is not ‘indoctrination,’ to suggest so is idiocy. It’s just as idiotic to perceive the assignment as ‘leftist,’ whatever that’s supposed to mean.

As already correctly noted, it’s a relevant topic worthy of classroom discussion.

That you and others on the right are embarrassed by the republican shutdown, however, that it exposes the GOP to be petty and ridiculous, and that you wish the issue would just ‘go away’ because you correctly perceive the shutdown as hurting republicans come 2014, does not mitigate the fact that the government shutdown is indeed a relevant topic worthy of discussion.

an assignment was NOT about government shutdown. the teacher has chosen a wingnut point of view to indoctrinate.
the assignment was about reading non-fictional skills ( whatever that is) and in order to achieve this - at least 2 points of view on a subject should have been assigned.
If that was just one - that was simple indoctrination assignment.

Although in this particular student it failed :lol:
I am not embarrassed in the slightest. I think a shutdown should have been longer :lol:
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I would think that an assignment about the Shut Down would be the best example to use in teaching: it's immediate, it's significant, it directly affects the public, the entire nation. To suggest, as the parent did, that another example should be used shows the parent knows little about teaching. The article being biased is the only question I'd have, and we only have the parent's opinion about that. The actions of the teacher are questionable, but, imo, don't warrant firing. If teachers were fired everytime a parent felt one should be, there would, literally, be no teachers, or very few. If parents could so easily get a teacher fired, they would be so intimidated and fearful about their jobs, they would be almost useless as teachers. It seems to me, the right wing, who are always shouting so much for their own rights and are so against what they see as totalitarian measures by the powers that be, these people are the first to want to turn society into a totalitarian dictatorship, as long as it is dictating what they want. Intimidation and fear tactics, demanding teachers' jobs every time you don't like what they do, this is one of the foundations of a brutal, totalitarian dictatorship.

The assignment is flawed. There were no significant adverse affects on the US economy during the shut down. That makes the point of the assignment moot.
The other issue is no matter what they do, teachers with tenure can even commit felonies without being terminated without a long drawn out and costly process which ends up costing taxpayers tons of money for high paid union attorneys. That is ABSURD.
Teacher tenure must be eliminated. It tips the balance of fairness far to much to the employee.
I would think that an assignment about the Shut Down would be the best example to use in teaching: it's immediate, it's significant, it directly affects the public, the entire nation. To suggest, as the parent did, that another example should be used shows the parent knows little about teaching. The article being biased is the only question I'd have, and we only have the parent's opinion about that. The actions of the teacher are questionable, but, imo, don't warrant firing. If teachers were fired everytime a parent felt one should be, there would, literally, be no teachers, or very few. If parents could so easily get a teacher fired, they would be so intimidated and fearful about their jobs, they would be almost useless as teachers. It seems to me, the right wing, who are always shouting so much for their own rights and are so against what they see as totalitarian measures by the powers that be, these people are the first to want to turn society into a totalitarian dictatorship, as long as it is dictating what they want. Intimidation and fear tactics, demanding teachers' jobs every time you don't like what they do, this is one of the foundations of a brutal, totalitarian dictatorship.

I wonder what the RW would do if they REALLY had their way....teachers not protected from petulant parents, school choice, vouchers, etc. I say we try it in one state for 12 years (a full cycle from 1-12th grade) about Texas?

"Petulant parents"....That is an extremist point of view.
BTW, in most states, there is none of this nonsense known as tenure. Teachers actually have to do a good job. Unlike in union states where teachers can flip the bird to the people for which they work.
Esmeralda what about the union goon accusing him of being a neo nazi?

I referred to that. That is the whole question. That you or others or the parent thinks the assignment is inappropriate or biased is not an issue, imo. Certainly not 'the' issue. A parent can question it, talk to the teacher about it, take it to the administration, but if parents are going to micro-manage what teachers do, they will simply hamper education instead of promoting it.

When I said there was something questionable about the teacher's behavior, I was referring to her suggestion he was a neo-nazi. Where was this done? As I read the article, it was a personal comment between the teacher and another person, so I wouldn't think that is something to fire or even reprimand the teacher about. If this teacher made a public accusation about the parent being a Neo-Nazi, then that is something the teacher should be reprimanded about, but it is not something to fire a teacher over, not one incident.

Stop protecting and defending. The OTHER teacher, the one who made the claims of neo naziism MADE this an issue.
The parent was merely questioning the bias of the assignment. The OTHER teacher made this a news item.
The parent addressed the school board to defend his good name against the allegations of neo naziism. Get your facts straight.
At best, the teacher who made the accusations and decided to make them public by involving a THIRD party( definition of "public) is going to be on the business end of what may very well be civil litigation which will not go well for her.
Here's my prediction. Tghe parent files the suit naming the teacher AND the school district as defendants. The school district's attorneys file a motion to dismiss the part fo the suit naming the District. Teacher/Union leader gets thrown under the bus by the school district and is forced to defend the suit on here own with here OWN money. That's the way it should go.
I would think that an assignment about the Shut Down would be the best example to use in teaching: it's immediate, it's significant, it directly affects the public, the entire nation. To suggest, as the parent did, that another example should be used shows the parent knows little about teaching. The article being biased is the only question I'd have, and we only have the parent's opinion about that. The actions of the teacher are questionable, but, imo, don't warrant firing. If teachers were fired everytime a parent felt one should be, there would, literally, be no teachers, or very few. If parents could so easily get a teacher fired, they would be so intimidated and fearful about their jobs, they would be almost useless as teachers. It seems to me, the right wing, who are always shouting so much for their own rights and are so against what they see as totalitarian measures by the powers that be, these people are the first to want to turn society into a totalitarian dictatorship, as long as it is dictating what they want. Intimidation and fear tactics, demanding teachers' jobs every time you don't like what they do, this is one of the foundations of a brutal, totalitarian dictatorship.

I wonder what the RW would do if they REALLY had their way....teachers not protected from petulant parents, school choice, vouchers, etc. I say we try it in one state for 12 years (a full cycle from 1-12th grade) about Texas?

The quality of Texas schools is poor enough already, it really wouldn’t be right to make Texas schools even worse than they are now.

Snip from your link that few can deny..

Barry said other topics could have been used in the classroom to teach the same lesson. "The problem with public schools being used as left-leaning indoctrination centers is reaching near epidemic level," he said. :eusa_hand:

I was a little shocked at some of the crap my kids were given as assignments. there was definitely a leftist slant to some of it.

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