Parent objects to leftist school assignment, gets accused if being neo nazi

Umm.....Genius....These are public schools. Funded by the taxpayers. Which means the taxpayers have a say on how the schools are operated.
Your statement reveals a premise. That premise is that schools should be permitted to do as they wish and the taxpayers should just shut up about it.
Maybe that's how it works in Roo Land, but not here.
So you can shove your opinion where the sun don't shine.

Tax payers are not expected to just put up and shut up. They are expected to vote according to their views and opinions. Then the majority rules. What we have in our schools nowadays is what the majority wants. If you want to change it, change it through the methods our constitution prescribes and stop just sitting on your asses and bitching.

Are school administrators elected ?

Schools are not supposed to offer political ideas to kids.
That would be indoctrination.
Indoctrination is not education.
Noted however that you support both indoctrination and intimidation by schools.
I'm sure you value, abusing, intimidating, threatening and ordering violence against kids who do not comply to your fanatical beliefs either?

Most UNIONISED teachers employ such methods.

Just like the Nazis did , interestingly enough.
:cuckoo: Get help.
o i am waiting for all the conservative women to attack this conservative male poster for his sexual attacks on a liberal female poster.......i wont hold my breath....but where are all you moral women who are so outraged when a liberal male poster does this?
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so you are simply another republican extremist...she says get help and that brings this out in you.....says a lot about you now doesnt it? ....immature with uncontrolled anger issues?
To claim an OPINION PIECE by the New York times is Non Fiction is BS. It mixes the truth with the Lies from a Liberal Slanted Opinion piece. So, the Parent had every right to object to a teacher telling their child that the NY Times piece was purely factual.

There are other articles that slam articles such as this, and this debate happened on this board. With both sides stating there opinions about what their Opinions are on the subject. In essence, this is the aspect of Gov't. Two sides of an equation arguing about who is right and who is wrong. Had the teacher wanted to teach the subject FAIRLY, she would have found opposing views on the subject through other sources and set up a mock debate or something on the shut down issue. Then maybe, the parent would have never objected to the lessons.........................

So, perhaps the teacher, who is obviously slanted left, would actually be teaching the correct way. Way back when, while in school I remember a lesson like this. Which was the class was divided in half, and one side argued for and one against an issue. The whole purpose was to learn about DEBATING which is absolutely part of Gov't..............................

Did the teacher CROSS THE LINE....................ABSOLUTELY....................She had no business ACCUSING THE PARENT OF BEING A NEO-NAZI...............So the parent had every right to demand that she be punished for doing so. Had the teacher had any class what so ever, she would have never done this. This should have been rectified by the school with a teacher parent conference. NOT CALLING A PARENT NAMES for QUESTIONING THE ASSIGNMENT......................

So, the teacher should be punished for SLANDERING a PARENT......................

That teacher CAUSED THIS by calling someone names for stating their beliefs, and it has NO BUSINESS IN THE CLASSROOM..

But Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, dismissed as game-playing the House proposal to begin conference committee negotiations.

“We will not go to conference with a gun to our heads,” he said, demanding that the House accept the Senate’s six-week stopgap spending bill, which has no policy prescriptions, before negotiations begin.

Mr. Reid...............You can demand all you want, but the House doesn't have to agree to your demands, just as you don't have to agree with the House's demands...............Gun to our heads.....................Nice BS Mr. Reid...........Perhaps you should have to go to a Gov't Class and learn about the Constitution, as obviously you DON 'T GET IT..............We are a Republic, and Founding Fathers Gave the Power of the Purse to the House..................They are using the power Granted under the Constitution, to CHALLENGE AN OUT OF CONTROL GOV'T....................To imply that this method of stopping the abuse is a GUN TO YOUR HEAD is UTTER BS and Rhetoric...............It has happened many times in the past, and this country is STILL HERE..........The Lies of we are all going to Die, CANNIBALISM, and USUAL RHETORIC are nothing more the POLITICS OF A LIE.............


Opposing view to the Communist Reid..................Opinion based on my view of the situation.................Had I put this as a NON FICTION OP ED PIECE to STUDENTS, the left would have gone bat shit crazy over it....................A responsible person would say, then we'll allow the students to DEBATE THIS...........One side for and the other against, to learn about Gov't............

But alas, as on these boards some BRAIN DEAD LIBERAL will call me names for my position on this issue..............and part of politics and Gov't is for me to tell them to take a long walk off a short bridge.
Paul............I agree that the leftist nut jobs have many jobs where they preach their BS agenda to our kids..................Which is why I agree with the parent STANDING UP TO IT................

They have no business teaching their political views to our children. And in this case the teacher was doing that......................

While in College, a certain English teacher was a Liberal from hell............Ordering us to write Term papers on Slanted BS. On one assignment, I voiced my Opinion and got the Teacher upset with my views. Failed me for my views even though the paper was all legit...................Had me stand up and read my paper to the class, trying to make fun of my views..............

I didn't care and gladly READ IT.........While I got a snicker or two from leftist views in the class, I made it CRYSTAL CLEAR TO ALL OF THEM that I WOULD NOT BACK DOWN FROM MY VIEWS..............I said that to the entire class and SPECIFICALLY TO THE TEACHER..........

After class, I challenged the Teacher with an OR ELSE CONVERSATION..........That there would be consequences for FAILING MY OPINION because he didn't agree.........The options were discussed, and my Grade was changed after I told him what I was prepared to do...............

Neadless to say I passed the class with a B, should have been higher, but the Teacher never attempted this kind of BS with me again.
the parent could have taken a whole direct tact and supplied facts etc that proved what was in the article was misquote, mistaken or just plain wrong.....he could have used this as a teaching tool for his that she could debate an article or refute it with does risk a low grade doing such but one can then protest the low grade....

the teacher was totally wrong and should be fired but that is not gonna happen due to is this a liberal i live in a republican controlled county and the teachers think they can do no wrong....they are beyond question...

nambla? really? there you go with extremes again....comparing teacher unions with pedophiles

and then wonder why you are not taken seriously?
the parent could have taken a whole direct tact and supplied facts etc that proved what was in the article was misquote, mistaken or just plain wrong.....he could have used this as a teaching tool for his that she could debate an article or refute it with does risk a low grade doing such but one can then protest the low grade....

the teacher was totally wrong and should be fired but that is not gonna happen due to is this a liberal i live in a republican controlled county and the teachers think they can do no wrong....they are beyond question...

nambla? really? there you go with extremes again....comparing teacher unions with pedophiles

and then wonder why you are not taken seriously?

The parent voiced his complaint to the school, as the teacher pushed this article as a Non Fiction article.............Where is that wrong.................The wrong was the teacher attacking the parent for QUESTIONING the VALIDITY OF THE ARTICLE...............

Had the teacher been responsible, this wouldn't have happened.............

And that is the OP...........
Again, had the teacher wanted a true lesson in Gov't he would have divided the class in a debate about the issue.............One side for and one side against..............Showing opposing views for examples.

The impasse meant that 800,000 federal workers were to be furloughed and more than a million others would be asked to work without pay.


Factual Article.................

From the article:

The district is looking further into this situation and will take appropriate actions.”

Translation: We will do nothing.

The complete statement from the school district:

The district planned to meet with a parent who had a concern about a class assignment. A teacher that was not involved with the assignment took it upon themselves to address the issue that was made public by the parent on Oct. 24, 2013. The teacher’s actions are not supported or sanctioned by the administration and school board of East Pennsboro Area School District. The district is looking further into this situation and will take appropriate actions.

Do yourself, and everyone, a favor and don't selectively edit official statements to suit an agenda.
From the article:

The district is looking further into this situation and will take appropriate actions.”

Translation: We will do nothing.

The complete statement from the school district:

The district planned to meet with a parent who had a concern about a class assignment. A teacher that was not involved with the assignment took it upon themselves to address the issue that was made public by the parent on Oct. 24, 2013. The teacher’s actions are not supported or sanctioned by the administration and school board of East Pennsboro Area School District. The district is looking further into this situation and will take appropriate actions.

Do yourself, and everyone, a favor and don't selectively edit official statements to suit an agenda.
She's predicting, not editing.
Geez. :eusa_doh: rw/lolibertarian meltdown much? :eusa_eh:

this and regulatory & safety issues (EPA, OSHA, SEC, etc...) are rw booga boos. :omg: What retards.
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From the article:

Translation: We will do nothing.

The complete statement from the school district:

The district planned to meet with a parent who had a concern about a class assignment. A teacher that was not involved with the assignment took it upon themselves to address the issue that was made public by the parent on Oct. 24, 2013. The teacher’s actions are not supported or sanctioned by the administration and school board of East Pennsboro Area School District. The district is looking further into this situation and will take appropriate actions.

Do yourself, and everyone, a favor and don't selectively edit official statements to suit an agenda.
She's predicting, not editing.

And she's probably correct. And she could have made that prediction just a easily if she had used the full quote and not left herself open to criticism and ridicule from any of her political opponents on the board... Though I don't think I saw any of that... So maybe I don't have a point... Except that it is always better to use the whole quote...

Never mind...
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I would think that an assignment about the Shut Down would be the best example to use in teaching: it's immediate, it's significant, it directly affects the public, the entire nation. To suggest, as the parent did, that another example should be used shows the parent knows little about teaching. The article being biased is the only question I'd have, and we only have the parent's opinion about that. The actions of the teacher are questionable, but, imo, don't warrant firing. If teachers were fired everytime a parent felt one should be, there would, literally, be no teachers, or very few. If parents could so easily get a teacher fired, they would be so intimidated and fearful about their jobs, they would be almost useless as teachers. It seems to me, the right wing, who are always shouting so much for their own rights and are so against what they see as totalitarian measures by the powers that be, these people are the first to want to turn society into a totalitarian dictatorship, as long as it is dictating what they want. Intimidation and fear tactics, demanding teachers' jobs every time you don't like what they do, this is one of the foundations of a brutal, totalitarian dictatorship.

Did you even read the article? It's only a good teaching tool if both sides of the issue are properly presented. If the father is questioning the assignment as being left leaning then it sound like this wasn't done. The teacher also had no right to ask anyone on facebook if the father was a Neo Nazi. That was offensive bordering on slander. Clearly she overstepped. Even if he was a Neo Nazi it's none of her fucking business as it's not a crime. She should be fired ASAP. As a teacher she sucks. I can't imagine the tax payers are paying her to indoctinate their children with her personal views. Then to question a parents personal beliefs because they questioned her shitty teaching, while typical of liberals, is uncalled for and reason enough for fireing.
So, no one wants to defend the union rep calling a friend of the parent and calling him a neo-Nazi...but the usual suspects refuse to condemn it, too.

Not at all surprising, actually.

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