Parent's Fury

Most people don't. Nor would they permit their vulnerable children to be influenced by the authors of the material.

I imagine that's why the parents weren't informed about it.

That's how these influencers operate, observably.

From the report...

''Deirdre Hall, a mother of a sixth-grade student at Eliot who received the survey...said she found out about the survey when her daughter came home and told her about the "really weird survey" she took during history class.''
People are being surveyed on oral sex and transgenderism in history class? Okay, that's a new one for me.
Asking about oral sex in history class could make perfect sense if the days lesson was on "So how did the stain get on Monica's dress back in the 1990's?"
People are being surveyed on oral sex and transgenderism in history class? Okay, that's a new one for me.

Apparently the survey was only administered in two classrooms.

Now...there's no information given with regard to whether it was given to all students who flowed through those two classrooms during the course of the day.

Nor is there any information reported on whether the survey was given only by these two particular teachers to a single classroom session.
Asking about oral sex in history class could make perfect sense if the days lesson was on "So how did the stain get on Monica's dress back in the 1990's?"

There are some other questions on there with regard to the home that are a bit questionable as well, beyond asking questions that put the idea of tranny blowjobs into their vulnerable minds.

Those other questions regarding the home is reflective of the agenda that Sylvester the Cat was promoting a while back...

Given the overflow of extreme progressive activists in the education system, one can easily see how that whole concept will go.

Cripes, we've already read reports where some of the whackobirds have removed the American flag from the classroom because ''it made them feel uncomfortable" and influenced students to pledge to the gay flag the influencer replaced it with.

And thats only one of many, many. many examples which could be provided...
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You must be a foreigner.

How about, shut up and stop meddling in our politics.
"He" is supposed to be German from what I have heard. It is pushing 3 A.M. in Germany right now.

It is not nearly so late in West Virginia, however.
And the parents have every right to be furious.

You leftist loons better stop

Boston middle school survey asking students about oral sex, transgenderism prompts parents' outrage

Crap like this doesn't belong in high schools, let alone middle schools. And we had the left attacking Florida's so called "Don't say gay" law, which was against teaching sexuality to kindergarten through third grade.

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