Parents: here are some of the leftist studies and lessons your paying for

Academia’s “New Civics” vs. Traditional American Civics
Political ideology replaces civics education.
January 27, 2017
Jack Kerwick

The election of Donald J. Trump to the office of the Presidency of the United States came as a body blow to leftists. Actually, such was their arrogance—their certitude that their candidate couldn’t lose—that President Trump’s victory hit them more like a sucker punch.

Students and their professors at colleges and universities from around the country participated in “cry-ins,” entered “safe spaces,” cancelled classes and examinations, and organized demonstrations.

While the rest of the country looked incredulously upon this spectacle of presumably educated adults protesting the legitimate election of America’s 45th President, those of us who know a thing or two about the contemporary academic world were not in the least surprised by it.

And those academics who belong to the National Association of Scholars (NAS) know more than most.

The NAS recently released a report on the latest wave of anti-intellectualism to sweep the world of “higher education.” In “Making Citizens: How American Universities Teach Civics,” the NAS explains what it refers to as “the New Civics.” The latter “redefines civics as progressive political activism.”

While the New Civics styles itself “as an up-to-date version of volunteerism and good works,” the reality is that it stems from “the radical program of the 1960’s New Left [.]” Its “soft rhetoric” is designed to conceal its architects’ ultimate goals. First, they want to “repurpose higher education.” Secondly, adherents of the New Left want nothing more than to make students into joint enterprisers in “‘fundamentally transforming’ America.”

This dream of fundamental transformation that the left wants for students to make into a reality is fairly comprehensive. For starters, it involves “de-carbonizing the economy [.]” Yet it also involves “massively redistributing wealth, intensifying identity group grievance, curtailing the free market, expanding government bureaucracy, elevating international ‘norms’ over American Constitutional law, and disparaging our common history and ideals.”

Although leftist academics disagree amongst themselves as to how to prioritize the items on this agenda, they are of one mind that “America must be transformed by ‘systemic change’ from an unjust, oppressive society to a society that embodies social justice.”

The NAS report discloses how the New Civics plans to achieve its goals. It “hopes to accomplish” all of “this by teaching students that a good citizen is a radical activist….”

The New Civics “puts political activism at the center of everything that students do in college, including academic study, extra-curricular pursuits, and off-campus ventures.”

A current feature of college life is what is called “service-learning.” The NAS report finds that this all too often proves to be an “effort to divert students from the classroom to vocational training as community activists.”

One major problem with “service-learning” is that it has “succeeded in capturing nearly all the funding that formerly supported the old civics.” What “this means [is] that instead of teaching college students the foundations of law, liberty, and self-government, colleges teach students how to organize protests, occupy buildings, and stage demonstrations.”


This report on the “New Civics,” or “anti-civics,” is just its latest clarion call.

Academia’s “New Civics” vs. Traditional American Civics
This will be a long list, you as a parent should keep up on what your paying for. If the snowflakes want that course let them pay for it... If you are alumni stop funding these institutions...

The Anti-Trump Curriculum

Feminist Geology
Feminist geography - Wikipedia

Feds Paid $709,000 To Academic Who Studies How Glaciers Are Sexist :cuckoo:
Read more: Feds Paid $709,000 To Academic Who Studies How Glaciers Are Sexist

Feminist pedagogy
Feminist pedagogy - Norton Safe Search

The 15 Most Ridiculous College Courses You Won’t Believe Are Being Taught

Academics, on average, lean to the left. A survey being released today suggests that they are moving even more in that direction.


More to come...:popcorn:
From the title of this thread, you should have been paying for English lessons.
What's going on in our educational system is, simply, criminal.
Agree, and it has been for quite a while. I am part of a group who is sick of it, and we have started an alternative school that teaches children to be critical thinkers and allows them to study what they want to study.
South Carolina 6th Graders Learn Five Pillars of Islam
“I do not believe in terrorists’ idea of a ‘holy war.’”
Trey Sanchez

Kids in public schools learning about the religion of Islam in great detail continues to happen in the U.S.A.

TruthRevolt has kept a careful eye on this phenomenon, reporting on instances such as in California, Florida, Tennessee, and Minnesota where students either sang songs about Ramadan (complete with the lyrics “Allahu Akbar”), designed a Muslim prayer rug, or wrote down the five pillars of Islam, including “all people must submit to Allah.”

The latest has occurred in Summerville, South Carolina at Alston Middle School, where 6th graders learned about the five pillars and were instructed on the “correct” interpretation of verses from the Koran. obtained a copy of one of the worksheets that included a fill-in-the-blanks section which stated:

“Islam is a religion of (peace). If I believe in Islam, I am called a (Muslim). In the Islamic religion, we call God (Allah). I may dress differently than other kids. I feel (bad) that a few people of my religion committed terrorist acts. I do not believe in terrorists’ idea of a ‘holy war.’”

One parent told a local news station that permission should’ve been asked for before giving a lesson on religious values.

Similar complaints have been across the country. The near-indoctrination was getting so bad in Tennessee, lawmakers introduced a bill in 2015 to curb the amount of time spent on Islamic lessons. CAIR called the move “anti-Islam” but parents across the Bible Belt state had become concerned that more time was spent covering the doctrines of Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism but not Christianity. Usually, that topic was reserved for when the class studied the “Age of Exploration” and learned how Christians persecuted others in Western Europe.


South Carolina 6th Graders Learn Five Pillars of Islam
For example the OP quoted schools teaching the feminist literary criticism (something in which I teach mind you so I assure you I know what I'm talking about when I discuss it below). However, it has NOTHING to do with any political movement and be summed up very easily what its purpose is. What is the portrayal of men vs women in the text, and what power struggles exist? Why?". That's it. That's all the feminist criticism looks at. Hell you could have an anti-feminist narrative and use the feminist criticism for it and conclude that the narrative was effective or even had a positive message.

However when an ignorant person sees "feminist literary criticism" (such as our genius OP), they jump into the ocean with no lifeguard and scream about not having a life vest.
Can you explain the value of that? It's been a man's world, men have forged history. Some women have played some role but minuscule in comparison. That's changing and it's a good thing but what possible value can it have to look back in history and make value judgements with 21st century eyes?
For example the OP quoted schools teaching the feminist literary criticism (something in which I teach mind you so I assure you I know what I'm talking about when I discuss it below). However, it has NOTHING to do with any political movement and be summed up very easily what its purpose is. What is the portrayal of men vs women in the text, and what power struggles exist? Why?". That's it. That's all the feminist criticism looks at. Hell you could have an anti-feminist narrative and use the feminist criticism for it and conclude that the narrative was effective or even had a positive message.

However when an ignorant person sees "feminist literary criticism" (such as our genius OP), they jump into the ocean with no lifeguard and scream about not having a life vest.
Can you explain the value of that? It's been a man's world, men have forged history. Some women have played some role but minuscule in comparison. That's changing and it's a good thing but what possible value can it have to look back in history and make value judgements with 21st century eyes?

It's a literary criticism-not a historical criticism.

For example if one were to analyze the Harry Potter series with a feminist criticism we can see that many women are powerful both magically and in terms of influence. Some of good (McGonagall, Hermoine), some are evil (Umbridge, Lestrange). There seems to be no correlation between being male and being more powerful than females. There are also really no stereotypical women (the house wife who cooks/clean while the husband works). Using the feminist criticism wouldn't find this positive or negative-it's just a tool we use to analyze the role of women in the literature, how they are portrayed, and what the power struggle between men is.

We can use it to analyze the portrayal of women over time. For example one could analyze Snow White's evolution from the Grimms, to the Disney movie, to Once Upon a Time. The role has drastically changed, and we can use it as a reflection of history/society.

While it may still be a man's would be defeating to tell my female students that they will be victims for the rest of their lives. I point out that most of our school's APs are female, 1/3 of our principals have been female, and every member of our district is currently female. These are facts-not opinions. I wont pretend that their path will be easier than a man's-for some of them it wont be, for others it wont. With more women currently enrolled in universities the gap is closing at a faster rate than many would think (at least in education). Is it perfect? No. But we can't be blind to that progress that we both have to make, and that we have made.
What part of the original post is untrue?

The grammar is hosed.

"Break out the fire hose Mr. Eddington and wash that bull shit off deck"

You'll have to excuse me if I don't take somebody seriously who doesn't know the difference between "you're" and "your". Your post was also full of misinformation that's designed to appeals to the pre-determined notions that the readers already have. In short: it's bullshit.

That's it? That's your response? A grammar lesson?

Apparently, we are witnessing the death of coherent thought and communicative interchange.


Engaging in an intellectual conversation about education is one--people are free to disagree with the facts at hand (and believe me I disagree with tons of educators). However, if one truly believes that the public educational system is actually promoting Islam, an embrace of homosexual intercourse, an anti-Trump platform, feminist political movement, etc...well they're just wrong.

For example the OP quoted schools teaching the feminist literary criticism (something in which I teach mind you so I assure you I know what I'm talking about when I discuss it below). However, it has NOTHING to do with any political movement and be summed up very easily what its purpose is. What is the portrayal of men vs women in the text, and what power struggles exist? Why?". That's it. That's all the feminist criticism looks at. Hell you could have an anti-feminist narrative and use the feminist criticism for it and conclude that the narrative was effective or even had a positive message.

However when an ignorant person sees "feminist literary criticism" (such as our genius OP), they jump into the ocean with no lifeguard and scream about not having a life vest.

The public educational system is actually promoting Islam, an embrace of homosexual intercourse, an anti-Trump platform and the feminist political movement.

My kids are in middle school, where they take a class called "social studies" that straight up teaches and encourages communism. they have a classmate who is transgender with multi colored clown hair, and they are forced to embrace that lunacy. They are daily bombarded with anti-Trump rhetoric from classmates and teachers...which is smiled upon...whereas anything that questions that rhetoric is labeled as racist.

And yes Islam is promoted. The first day of this last quarter was set aside for a social studies IMMIGRATION lab, where the kids assume the roles of (muslim) immigrants, and watch a series of pro-muslim, pro-illegal rubbish. Kids also assume the roles of immigration agents, who are assigned "biases" because, according to the teacher, "if we don't assign biases they let everybody in and the model doesn't work".

YEAH BECAUSE THE MODEL ISN'T REALISTIC you fucking morons. The model is supposed to teach the children that borders are racist and wrong, and border agents are cruel and unreasonable..and it ISN'T TRUE. So they have to ASSIGN the characteristics, because the model actually reflects reality pretty well..which is that ALMOST EVERYBODY GETS THROUGH.
Last edited:
The grammar is hosed.

"Break out the fire hose Mr. Eddington and wash that bull shit off deck"

You'll have to excuse me if I don't take somebody seriously who doesn't know the difference between "you're" and "your". Your post was also full of misinformation that's designed to appeals to the pre-determined notions that the readers already have. In short: it's bullshit.

That's it? That's your response? A grammar lesson?

Apparently, we are witnessing the death of coherent thought and communicative interchange.


Engaging in an intellectual conversation about education is one--people are free to disagree with the facts at hand (and believe me I disagree with tons of educators). However, if one truly believes that the public educational system is actually promoting Islam, an embrace of homosexual intercourse, an anti-Trump platform, feminist political movement, etc...well they're just wrong.

For example the OP quoted schools teaching the feminist literary criticism (something in which I teach mind you so I assure you I know what I'm talking about when I discuss it below). However, it has NOTHING to do with any political movement and be summed up very easily what its purpose is. What is the portrayal of men vs women in the text, and what power struggles exist? Why?". That's it. That's all the feminist criticism looks at. Hell you could have an anti-feminist narrative and use the feminist criticism for it and conclude that the narrative was effective or even had a positive message.

However when an ignorant person sees "feminist literary criticism" (such as our genius OP), they jump into the ocean with no lifeguard and scream about not having a life vest.

The public educational system is actually promoting Islam, an embrace of homosexual intercourse, an anti-Trump platform and the feminist political movement.

My kids are in middle school, where they take a class called "social studies" that straight up teaches and encourages communism. they have a classmate who is transgender with multi colored clown hair, and they are forced to embrace that lunacy. They are daily bombarded with anti-Trump rhetoric from classmates and teachers...which is smiled upon...whereas anything that questions that rhetoric is labeled as racist.

And yes Islam is promoted. The first day of this last quarter was set aside for a social studies IMMIGRATION lab, where the kids assume the roles of (muslim) immigrants, and watch a series of pro-muslim, pro-illegal rubbish. Kids also assume the roles of immigration agents, who are assigned "biases" because, according to the teacher, "if we don't assign biases they let everybody in and the model doesn't work".

YEAH BECAUSE THE MODEL ISN'T REALISTIC you fucking morons. The model is supposed to teach the children that borders are racist and wrong, and border agents are cruel and unreasonable..and it ISN'T TRUE. So they have to ASSIGN the characteristics, because the model actually reflects reality pretty well..which is that ALMOST EVERYBODY GETS THROUGH.

I am a teacher and I have NEVER taught anything related to Islam (or any religion out of Biblical allusions), nor have I taught anything regarding homosexuality.

A teacher's job is NOT to push their personal beliefs on their students...but this goes for beliefs on the "right" and "left" .

One of the following scenarios is occurring (based on your post I'm quoting): A) your kid is lying to you B) you're lying to USMB C)You're misinformed/misunderstand what the school work is, or D) you're missing out on a great law-suit opportunity.

A couple of inquiries for you:

1) Should the school prohibit students from expressing their political beliefs? (my district sent all of us an email telling us NOT to tell students about our beliefs).

2) Should teachers discriminate against students based on their hair or the clothes they wear?

3) Post a link of your district's curriculum that "promotes Islam", "promotes communism" "promotes homosexuality". Any curriculum is available online for easy access.

4) Do you REALLY think that schools should teach what communism is...after all if you're uneducated about it how could you possibly prevent it?

Basically here's my point: you're making a lot of claims...but are providing zero evidence.

"Break out the fire hose Mr. Eddington and wash that bull shit off deck"

You'll have to excuse me if I don't take somebody seriously who doesn't know the difference between "you're" and "your". Your post was also full of misinformation that's designed to appeals to the pre-determined notions that the readers already have. In short: it's bullshit.

That's it? That's your response? A grammar lesson?

Apparently, we are witnessing the death of coherent thought and communicative interchange.


Engaging in an intellectual conversation about education is one--people are free to disagree with the facts at hand (and believe me I disagree with tons of educators). However, if one truly believes that the public educational system is actually promoting Islam, an embrace of homosexual intercourse, an anti-Trump platform, feminist political movement, etc...well they're just wrong.

For example the OP quoted schools teaching the feminist literary criticism (something in which I teach mind you so I assure you I know what I'm talking about when I discuss it below). However, it has NOTHING to do with any political movement and be summed up very easily what its purpose is. What is the portrayal of men vs women in the text, and what power struggles exist? Why?". That's it. That's all the feminist criticism looks at. Hell you could have an anti-feminist narrative and use the feminist criticism for it and conclude that the narrative was effective or even had a positive message.

However when an ignorant person sees "feminist literary criticism" (such as our genius OP), they jump into the ocean with no lifeguard and scream about not having a life vest.

The public educational system is actually promoting Islam, an embrace of homosexual intercourse, an anti-Trump platform and the feminist political movement.

My kids are in middle school, where they take a class called "social studies" that straight up teaches and encourages communism. they have a classmate who is transgender with multi colored clown hair, and they are forced to embrace that lunacy. They are daily bombarded with anti-Trump rhetoric from classmates and teachers...which is smiled upon...whereas anything that questions that rhetoric is labeled as racist.

And yes Islam is promoted. The first day of this last quarter was set aside for a social studies IMMIGRATION lab, where the kids assume the roles of (muslim) immigrants, and watch a series of pro-muslim, pro-illegal rubbish. Kids also assume the roles of immigration agents, who are assigned "biases" because, according to the teacher, "if we don't assign biases they let everybody in and the model doesn't work".

YEAH BECAUSE THE MODEL ISN'T REALISTIC you fucking morons. The model is supposed to teach the children that borders are racist and wrong, and border agents are cruel and unreasonable..and it ISN'T TRUE. So they have to ASSIGN the characteristics, because the model actually reflects reality pretty well..which is that ALMOST EVERYBODY GETS THROUGH.

I am a teacher and I have NEVER taught anything related to Islam (or any religion out of Biblical allusions), nor have I taught anything regarding homosexuality.

A teacher's job is NOT to push their personal beliefs on their students...but this goes for beliefs on the "right" and "left" .

One of the following scenarios is occurring (based on your post I'm quoting): A) your kid is lying to you B) you're lying to USMB C)You're misinformed/misunderstand what the school work is, or D) you're missing out on a great law-suit opportunity.

A couple of inquiries for you:

1) Should the school prohibit students from expressing their political beliefs? (my district sent all of us an email telling us NOT to tell students about our beliefs).

2) Should teachers discriminate against students based on their hair or the clothes they wear?

3) Post a link of your district's curriculum that "promotes Islam", "promotes communism" "promotes homosexuality". Any curriculum is available online for easy access.

4) Do you REALLY think that schools should teach what communism is...after all if you're uneducated about it how could you possibly prevent it?

Basically here's my point: you're making a lot of claims...but are providing zero evidence.

Are you seriously telling me that I can't find proof that teachers are, in fact, intentionally influencing the attitudes, opinions, and politics of their students?

Do you REALLY want me to go find proof? We've had a hundred threads here about the hypocrisy and political interventions in our schools.
You'll have to excuse me if I don't take somebody seriously who doesn't know the difference between "you're" and "your". Your post was also full of misinformation that's designed to appeals to the pre-determined notions that the readers already have. In short: it's bullshit.

That's it? That's your response? A grammar lesson?

Apparently, we are witnessing the death of coherent thought and communicative interchange.


Engaging in an intellectual conversation about education is one--people are free to disagree with the facts at hand (and believe me I disagree with tons of educators). However, if one truly believes that the public educational system is actually promoting Islam, an embrace of homosexual intercourse, an anti-Trump platform, feminist political movement, etc...well they're just wrong.

For example the OP quoted schools teaching the feminist literary criticism (something in which I teach mind you so I assure you I know what I'm talking about when I discuss it below). However, it has NOTHING to do with any political movement and be summed up very easily what its purpose is. What is the portrayal of men vs women in the text, and what power struggles exist? Why?". That's it. That's all the feminist criticism looks at. Hell you could have an anti-feminist narrative and use the feminist criticism for it and conclude that the narrative was effective or even had a positive message.

However when an ignorant person sees "feminist literary criticism" (such as our genius OP), they jump into the ocean with no lifeguard and scream about not having a life vest.

The public educational system is actually promoting Islam, an embrace of homosexual intercourse, an anti-Trump platform and the feminist political movement.

My kids are in middle school, where they take a class called "social studies" that straight up teaches and encourages communism. they have a classmate who is transgender with multi colored clown hair, and they are forced to embrace that lunacy. They are daily bombarded with anti-Trump rhetoric from classmates and teachers...which is smiled upon...whereas anything that questions that rhetoric is labeled as racist.

And yes Islam is promoted. The first day of this last quarter was set aside for a social studies IMMIGRATION lab, where the kids assume the roles of (muslim) immigrants, and watch a series of pro-muslim, pro-illegal rubbish. Kids also assume the roles of immigration agents, who are assigned "biases" because, according to the teacher, "if we don't assign biases they let everybody in and the model doesn't work".

YEAH BECAUSE THE MODEL ISN'T REALISTIC you fucking morons. The model is supposed to teach the children that borders are racist and wrong, and border agents are cruel and unreasonable..and it ISN'T TRUE. So they have to ASSIGN the characteristics, because the model actually reflects reality pretty well..which is that ALMOST EVERYBODY GETS THROUGH.

I am a teacher and I have NEVER taught anything related to Islam (or any religion out of Biblical allusions), nor have I taught anything regarding homosexuality.

A teacher's job is NOT to push their personal beliefs on their students...but this goes for beliefs on the "right" and "left" .

One of the following scenarios is occurring (based on your post I'm quoting): A) your kid is lying to you B) you're lying to USMB C)You're misinformed/misunderstand what the school work is, or D) you're missing out on a great law-suit opportunity.

A couple of inquiries for you:

1) Should the school prohibit students from expressing their political beliefs? (my district sent all of us an email telling us NOT to tell students about our beliefs).

2) Should teachers discriminate against students based on their hair or the clothes they wear?

3) Post a link of your district's curriculum that "promotes Islam", "promotes communism" "promotes homosexuality". Any curriculum is available online for easy access.

4) Do you REALLY think that schools should teach what communism is...after all if you're uneducated about it how could you possibly prevent it?

Basically here's my point: you're making a lot of claims...but are providing zero evidence.

Are you seriously telling me that I can't find proof that teachers are, in fact, intentionally influencing the attitudes, opinions, and politics of their students?

Do you REALLY want me to go find proof? We've had a hundred threads here about the hypocrisy and political interventions in our schools.

I put idiots who pull that garbage on ignore. I also put the ones on ignore who insist on links to articles that I know they've already read, while pretending they've never heard the assertion before.

Pisses me off.
You'll have to excuse me if I don't take somebody seriously who doesn't know the difference between "you're" and "your". Your post was also full of misinformation that's designed to appeals to the pre-determined notions that the readers already have. In short: it's bullshit.

That's it? That's your response? A grammar lesson?

Apparently, we are witnessing the death of coherent thought and communicative interchange.


Engaging in an intellectual conversation about education is one--people are free to disagree with the facts at hand (and believe me I disagree with tons of educators). However, if one truly believes that the public educational system is actually promoting Islam, an embrace of homosexual intercourse, an anti-Trump platform, feminist political movement, etc...well they're just wrong.

For example the OP quoted schools teaching the feminist literary criticism (something in which I teach mind you so I assure you I know what I'm talking about when I discuss it below). However, it has NOTHING to do with any political movement and be summed up very easily what its purpose is. What is the portrayal of men vs women in the text, and what power struggles exist? Why?". That's it. That's all the feminist criticism looks at. Hell you could have an anti-feminist narrative and use the feminist criticism for it and conclude that the narrative was effective or even had a positive message.

However when an ignorant person sees "feminist literary criticism" (such as our genius OP), they jump into the ocean with no lifeguard and scream about not having a life vest.

The public educational system is actually promoting Islam, an embrace of homosexual intercourse, an anti-Trump platform and the feminist political movement.

My kids are in middle school, where they take a class called "social studies" that straight up teaches and encourages communism. they have a classmate who is transgender with multi colored clown hair, and they are forced to embrace that lunacy. They are daily bombarded with anti-Trump rhetoric from classmates and teachers...which is smiled upon...whereas anything that questions that rhetoric is labeled as racist.

And yes Islam is promoted. The first day of this last quarter was set aside for a social studies IMMIGRATION lab, where the kids assume the roles of (muslim) immigrants, and watch a series of pro-muslim, pro-illegal rubbish. Kids also assume the roles of immigration agents, who are assigned "biases" because, according to the teacher, "if we don't assign biases they let everybody in and the model doesn't work".

YEAH BECAUSE THE MODEL ISN'T REALISTIC you fucking morons. The model is supposed to teach the children that borders are racist and wrong, and border agents are cruel and unreasonable..and it ISN'T TRUE. So they have to ASSIGN the characteristics, because the model actually reflects reality pretty well..which is that ALMOST EVERYBODY GETS THROUGH.

I am a teacher and I have NEVER taught anything related to Islam (or any religion out of Biblical allusions), nor have I taught anything regarding homosexuality.

A teacher's job is NOT to push their personal beliefs on their students...but this goes for beliefs on the "right" and "left" .

One of the following scenarios is occurring (based on your post I'm quoting): A) your kid is lying to you B) you're lying to USMB C)You're misinformed/misunderstand what the school work is, or D) you're missing out on a great law-suit opportunity.

A couple of inquiries for you:

1) Should the school prohibit students from expressing their political beliefs? (my district sent all of us an email telling us NOT to tell students about our beliefs).

2) Should teachers discriminate against students based on their hair or the clothes they wear?

3) Post a link of your district's curriculum that "promotes Islam", "promotes communism" "promotes homosexuality". Any curriculum is available online for easy access.

4) Do you REALLY think that schools should teach what communism is...after all if you're uneducated about it how could you possibly prevent it?

Basically here's my point: you're making a lot of claims...but are providing zero evidence.

Are you seriously telling me that I can't find proof that teachers are, in fact, intentionally influencing the attitudes, opinions, and politics of their students?

Do you REALLY want me to go find proof? We've had a hundred threads here about the hypocrisy and political interventions in our schools.

You made a claim and I am asking you to prove it. Not through websites/blogs from people in basements but from the actual source: the curriculum. It's not that unreasonable of a request, and could be done in 2 minutes at the most.

I can claim that I have a magic purple firing breathing dragon in my garage...but that means nothing if I can't prove it.
That's it? That's your response? A grammar lesson?

Apparently, we are witnessing the death of coherent thought and communicative interchange.


Engaging in an intellectual conversation about education is one--people are free to disagree with the facts at hand (and believe me I disagree with tons of educators). However, if one truly believes that the public educational system is actually promoting Islam, an embrace of homosexual intercourse, an anti-Trump platform, feminist political movement, etc...well they're just wrong.

For example the OP quoted schools teaching the feminist literary criticism (something in which I teach mind you so I assure you I know what I'm talking about when I discuss it below). However, it has NOTHING to do with any political movement and be summed up very easily what its purpose is. What is the portrayal of men vs women in the text, and what power struggles exist? Why?". That's it. That's all the feminist criticism looks at. Hell you could have an anti-feminist narrative and use the feminist criticism for it and conclude that the narrative was effective or even had a positive message.

However when an ignorant person sees "feminist literary criticism" (such as our genius OP), they jump into the ocean with no lifeguard and scream about not having a life vest.

The public educational system is actually promoting Islam, an embrace of homosexual intercourse, an anti-Trump platform and the feminist political movement.

My kids are in middle school, where they take a class called "social studies" that straight up teaches and encourages communism. they have a classmate who is transgender with multi colored clown hair, and they are forced to embrace that lunacy. They are daily bombarded with anti-Trump rhetoric from classmates and teachers...which is smiled upon...whereas anything that questions that rhetoric is labeled as racist.

And yes Islam is promoted. The first day of this last quarter was set aside for a social studies IMMIGRATION lab, where the kids assume the roles of (muslim) immigrants, and watch a series of pro-muslim, pro-illegal rubbish. Kids also assume the roles of immigration agents, who are assigned "biases" because, according to the teacher, "if we don't assign biases they let everybody in and the model doesn't work".

YEAH BECAUSE THE MODEL ISN'T REALISTIC you fucking morons. The model is supposed to teach the children that borders are racist and wrong, and border agents are cruel and unreasonable..and it ISN'T TRUE. So they have to ASSIGN the characteristics, because the model actually reflects reality pretty well..which is that ALMOST EVERYBODY GETS THROUGH.

I am a teacher and I have NEVER taught anything related to Islam (or any religion out of Biblical allusions), nor have I taught anything regarding homosexuality.

A teacher's job is NOT to push their personal beliefs on their students...but this goes for beliefs on the "right" and "left" .

One of the following scenarios is occurring (based on your post I'm quoting): A) your kid is lying to you B) you're lying to USMB C)You're misinformed/misunderstand what the school work is, or D) you're missing out on a great law-suit opportunity.

A couple of inquiries for you:

1) Should the school prohibit students from expressing their political beliefs? (my district sent all of us an email telling us NOT to tell students about our beliefs).

2) Should teachers discriminate against students based on their hair or the clothes they wear?

3) Post a link of your district's curriculum that "promotes Islam", "promotes communism" "promotes homosexuality". Any curriculum is available online for easy access.

4) Do you REALLY think that schools should teach what communism is...after all if you're uneducated about it how could you possibly prevent it?

Basically here's my point: you're making a lot of claims...but are providing zero evidence.

Are you seriously telling me that I can't find proof that teachers are, in fact, intentionally influencing the attitudes, opinions, and politics of their students?

Do you REALLY want me to go find proof? We've had a hundred threads here about the hypocrisy and political interventions in our schools.

I put idiots who pull that garbage on ignore. I also put the ones on ignore who insist on links to articles that I know they've already read, while pretending they've never heard the assertion before.

Pisses me off.

Most of those articles don't distinguish between a set of standards and a curriculum...if one can't do that simple of a task-their information is automatically invalid, as it proves they have no idea as to what they're talking about.

PS: I asked for the CURRICULUM not NEWS ARTICLES. This isn't rocket science.
That's it? That's your response? A grammar lesson?

Apparently, we are witnessing the death of coherent thought and communicative interchange.


Engaging in an intellectual conversation about education is one--people are free to disagree with the facts at hand (and believe me I disagree with tons of educators). However, if one truly believes that the public educational system is actually promoting Islam, an embrace of homosexual intercourse, an anti-Trump platform, feminist political movement, etc...well they're just wrong.

For example the OP quoted schools teaching the feminist literary criticism (something in which I teach mind you so I assure you I know what I'm talking about when I discuss it below). However, it has NOTHING to do with any political movement and be summed up very easily what its purpose is. What is the portrayal of men vs women in the text, and what power struggles exist? Why?". That's it. That's all the feminist criticism looks at. Hell you could have an anti-feminist narrative and use the feminist criticism for it and conclude that the narrative was effective or even had a positive message.

However when an ignorant person sees "feminist literary criticism" (such as our genius OP), they jump into the ocean with no lifeguard and scream about not having a life vest.

The public educational system is actually promoting Islam, an embrace of homosexual intercourse, an anti-Trump platform and the feminist political movement.

My kids are in middle school, where they take a class called "social studies" that straight up teaches and encourages communism. they have a classmate who is transgender with multi colored clown hair, and they are forced to embrace that lunacy. They are daily bombarded with anti-Trump rhetoric from classmates and teachers...which is smiled upon...whereas anything that questions that rhetoric is labeled as racist.

And yes Islam is promoted. The first day of this last quarter was set aside for a social studies IMMIGRATION lab, where the kids assume the roles of (muslim) immigrants, and watch a series of pro-muslim, pro-illegal rubbish. Kids also assume the roles of immigration agents, who are assigned "biases" because, according to the teacher, "if we don't assign biases they let everybody in and the model doesn't work".

YEAH BECAUSE THE MODEL ISN'T REALISTIC you fucking morons. The model is supposed to teach the children that borders are racist and wrong, and border agents are cruel and unreasonable..and it ISN'T TRUE. So they have to ASSIGN the characteristics, because the model actually reflects reality pretty well..which is that ALMOST EVERYBODY GETS THROUGH.

I am a teacher and I have NEVER taught anything related to Islam (or any religion out of Biblical allusions), nor have I taught anything regarding homosexuality.

A teacher's job is NOT to push their personal beliefs on their students...but this goes for beliefs on the "right" and "left" .

One of the following scenarios is occurring (based on your post I'm quoting): A) your kid is lying to you B) you're lying to USMB C)You're misinformed/misunderstand what the school work is, or D) you're missing out on a great law-suit opportunity.

A couple of inquiries for you:

1) Should the school prohibit students from expressing their political beliefs? (my district sent all of us an email telling us NOT to tell students about our beliefs).

2) Should teachers discriminate against students based on their hair or the clothes they wear?

3) Post a link of your district's curriculum that "promotes Islam", "promotes communism" "promotes homosexuality". Any curriculum is available online for easy access.

4) Do you REALLY think that schools should teach what communism is...after all if you're uneducated about it how could you possibly prevent it?

Basically here's my point: you're making a lot of claims...but are providing zero evidence.

Are you seriously telling me that I can't find proof that teachers are, in fact, intentionally influencing the attitudes, opinions, and politics of their students?

Do you REALLY want me to go find proof? We've had a hundred threads here about the hypocrisy and political interventions in our schools.

You made a claim and I am asking you to prove it. Not through websites/blogs from people in basements but from the actual source: the curriculum. It's not that unreasonable of a request, and could be done in 2 minutes at the most.

I can claim that I have a magic purple firing breathing dragon in my garage...but that means nothing if I can't prove it.

"The lawsuit, filed in federal court, alleges that students spent only one day studying Christianity and two weeks studying Islam."

“During its brief instruction on Christianity, Defendants failed to cover any portion of the Bible or other non-Islamic religious texts, such as the Ten Commandments,” the lawsuit states. “Instead, the class included disparaging remarks about Christianity and the Pope.”

Students were also allegedly instructed that “the Islamic religion is a fact while Christianity and Judaism are just beliefs.”

Study guide, that was handed out to the kids..

"Most Muslim's faith is stronger than the average Christian."

Also, the apostrophe is used incorrectly, which is typical of the mush headed idiots trying to indoctrinate our kids.
Engaging in an intellectual conversation about education is one--people are free to disagree with the facts at hand (and believe me I disagree with tons of educators). However, if one truly believes that the public educational system is actually promoting Islam, an embrace of homosexual intercourse, an anti-Trump platform, feminist political movement, etc...well they're just wrong.

For example the OP quoted schools teaching the feminist literary criticism (something in which I teach mind you so I assure you I know what I'm talking about when I discuss it below). However, it has NOTHING to do with any political movement and be summed up very easily what its purpose is. What is the portrayal of men vs women in the text, and what power struggles exist? Why?". That's it. That's all the feminist criticism looks at. Hell you could have an anti-feminist narrative and use the feminist criticism for it and conclude that the narrative was effective or even had a positive message.

However when an ignorant person sees "feminist literary criticism" (such as our genius OP), they jump into the ocean with no lifeguard and scream about not having a life vest.

The public educational system is actually promoting Islam, an embrace of homosexual intercourse, an anti-Trump platform and the feminist political movement.

My kids are in middle school, where they take a class called "social studies" that straight up teaches and encourages communism. they have a classmate who is transgender with multi colored clown hair, and they are forced to embrace that lunacy. They are daily bombarded with anti-Trump rhetoric from classmates and teachers...which is smiled upon...whereas anything that questions that rhetoric is labeled as racist.

And yes Islam is promoted. The first day of this last quarter was set aside for a social studies IMMIGRATION lab, where the kids assume the roles of (muslim) immigrants, and watch a series of pro-muslim, pro-illegal rubbish. Kids also assume the roles of immigration agents, who are assigned "biases" because, according to the teacher, "if we don't assign biases they let everybody in and the model doesn't work".

YEAH BECAUSE THE MODEL ISN'T REALISTIC you fucking morons. The model is supposed to teach the children that borders are racist and wrong, and border agents are cruel and unreasonable..and it ISN'T TRUE. So they have to ASSIGN the characteristics, because the model actually reflects reality pretty well..which is that ALMOST EVERYBODY GETS THROUGH.

I am a teacher and I have NEVER taught anything related to Islam (or any religion out of Biblical allusions), nor have I taught anything regarding homosexuality.

A teacher's job is NOT to push their personal beliefs on their students...but this goes for beliefs on the "right" and "left" .

One of the following scenarios is occurring (based on your post I'm quoting): A) your kid is lying to you B) you're lying to USMB C)You're misinformed/misunderstand what the school work is, or D) you're missing out on a great law-suit opportunity.

A couple of inquiries for you:

1) Should the school prohibit students from expressing their political beliefs? (my district sent all of us an email telling us NOT to tell students about our beliefs).

2) Should teachers discriminate against students based on their hair or the clothes they wear?

3) Post a link of your district's curriculum that "promotes Islam", "promotes communism" "promotes homosexuality". Any curriculum is available online for easy access.

4) Do you REALLY think that schools should teach what communism is...after all if you're uneducated about it how could you possibly prevent it?

Basically here's my point: you're making a lot of claims...but are providing zero evidence.

Are you seriously telling me that I can't find proof that teachers are, in fact, intentionally influencing the attitudes, opinions, and politics of their students?

Do you REALLY want me to go find proof? We've had a hundred threads here about the hypocrisy and political interventions in our schools.

You made a claim and I am asking you to prove it. Not through websites/blogs from people in basements but from the actual source: the curriculum. It's not that unreasonable of a request, and could be done in 2 minutes at the most.

I can claim that I have a magic purple firing breathing dragon in my garage...but that means nothing if I can't prove it.

"The lawsuit, filed in federal court, alleges that students spent only one day studying Christianity and two weeks studying Islam."

“During its brief instruction on Christianity, Defendants failed to cover any portion of the Bible or other non-Islamic religious texts, such as the Ten Commandments,” the lawsuit states. “Instead, the class included disparaging remarks about Christianity and the Pope.”

Students were also allegedly instructed that “the Islamic religion is a fact while Christianity and Judaism are just beliefs.”

Study guide:

Those are not links to a district's curriculum.

They are links to:

-A lesson ( a VERY poorly orchestrated one mind you)
-Even then it's not REALLY a lesson (the answers are already filled out)

Serious question (not trying to be a smart ass): do you know what a curriculum is?
Last edited:
Engaging in an intellectual conversation about education is one--people are free to disagree with the facts at hand (and believe me I disagree with tons of educators). However, if one truly believes that the public educational system is actually promoting Islam, an embrace of homosexual intercourse, an anti-Trump platform, feminist political movement, etc...well they're just wrong.

For example the OP quoted schools teaching the feminist literary criticism (something in which I teach mind you so I assure you I know what I'm talking about when I discuss it below). However, it has NOTHING to do with any political movement and be summed up very easily what its purpose is. What is the portrayal of men vs women in the text, and what power struggles exist? Why?". That's it. That's all the feminist criticism looks at. Hell you could have an anti-feminist narrative and use the feminist criticism for it and conclude that the narrative was effective or even had a positive message.

However when an ignorant person sees "feminist literary criticism" (such as our genius OP), they jump into the ocean with no lifeguard and scream about not having a life vest.

The public educational system is actually promoting Islam, an embrace of homosexual intercourse, an anti-Trump platform and the feminist political movement.

My kids are in middle school, where they take a class called "social studies" that straight up teaches and encourages communism. they have a classmate who is transgender with multi colored clown hair, and they are forced to embrace that lunacy. They are daily bombarded with anti-Trump rhetoric from classmates and teachers...which is smiled upon...whereas anything that questions that rhetoric is labeled as racist.

And yes Islam is promoted. The first day of this last quarter was set aside for a social studies IMMIGRATION lab, where the kids assume the roles of (muslim) immigrants, and watch a series of pro-muslim, pro-illegal rubbish. Kids also assume the roles of immigration agents, who are assigned "biases" because, according to the teacher, "if we don't assign biases they let everybody in and the model doesn't work".

YEAH BECAUSE THE MODEL ISN'T REALISTIC you fucking morons. The model is supposed to teach the children that borders are racist and wrong, and border agents are cruel and unreasonable..and it ISN'T TRUE. So they have to ASSIGN the characteristics, because the model actually reflects reality pretty well..which is that ALMOST EVERYBODY GETS THROUGH.

I am a teacher and I have NEVER taught anything related to Islam (or any religion out of Biblical allusions), nor have I taught anything regarding homosexuality.

A teacher's job is NOT to push their personal beliefs on their students...but this goes for beliefs on the "right" and "left" .

One of the following scenarios is occurring (based on your post I'm quoting): A) your kid is lying to you B) you're lying to USMB C)You're misinformed/misunderstand what the school work is, or D) you're missing out on a great law-suit opportunity.

A couple of inquiries for you:

1) Should the school prohibit students from expressing their political beliefs? (my district sent all of us an email telling us NOT to tell students about our beliefs).

2) Should teachers discriminate against students based on their hair or the clothes they wear?

3) Post a link of your district's curriculum that "promotes Islam", "promotes communism" "promotes homosexuality". Any curriculum is available online for easy access.

4) Do you REALLY think that schools should teach what communism is...after all if you're uneducated about it how could you possibly prevent it?

Basically here's my point: you're making a lot of claims...but are providing zero evidence.

Are you seriously telling me that I can't find proof that teachers are, in fact, intentionally influencing the attitudes, opinions, and politics of their students?

Do you REALLY want me to go find proof? We've had a hundred threads here about the hypocrisy and political interventions in our schools.

I put idiots who pull that garbage on ignore. I also put the ones on ignore who insist on links to articles that I know they've already read, while pretending they've never heard the assertion before.

Pisses me off.

Most of those articles don't distinguish between a set of standards and a curriculum...if one can't do that simple of a task-their information is automatically invalid, as it proves they have no idea as to what they're talking about.

PS: I asked for the CURRICULUM not NEWS ARTICLES. This isn't rocket science.

Who said that to prove schools are promoting Islam, one must provide a curriculum that shows "WE ARE PROMOTING ISLAM"?

Nobody made the claim that the school curriculum has "PROMOTE ISLAM" stated in bold script somewhere. Your insistence that that is the only acceptable *proof* that the schools are promoting it is wrongheaded and stupid, and proves you're a lightweight and a brainwashed loon.

So the lawsuit and the exhibit I referenced certainly confirm that in some schools, Islam is being promoted. Two weeks on Islam..and note if you will the repeated references to how women in Islam are considered *equal* to men. Laughable.
The public educational system is actually promoting Islam, an embrace of homosexual intercourse, an anti-Trump platform and the feminist political movement.

My kids are in middle school, where they take a class called "social studies" that straight up teaches and encourages communism. they have a classmate who is transgender with multi colored clown hair, and they are forced to embrace that lunacy. They are daily bombarded with anti-Trump rhetoric from classmates and teachers...which is smiled upon...whereas anything that questions that rhetoric is labeled as racist.

And yes Islam is promoted. The first day of this last quarter was set aside for a social studies IMMIGRATION lab, where the kids assume the roles of (muslim) immigrants, and watch a series of pro-muslim, pro-illegal rubbish. Kids also assume the roles of immigration agents, who are assigned "biases" because, according to the teacher, "if we don't assign biases they let everybody in and the model doesn't work".

YEAH BECAUSE THE MODEL ISN'T REALISTIC you fucking morons. The model is supposed to teach the children that borders are racist and wrong, and border agents are cruel and unreasonable..and it ISN'T TRUE. So they have to ASSIGN the characteristics, because the model actually reflects reality pretty well..which is that ALMOST EVERYBODY GETS THROUGH.

I am a teacher and I have NEVER taught anything related to Islam (or any religion out of Biblical allusions), nor have I taught anything regarding homosexuality.

A teacher's job is NOT to push their personal beliefs on their students...but this goes for beliefs on the "right" and "left" .

One of the following scenarios is occurring (based on your post I'm quoting): A) your kid is lying to you B) you're lying to USMB C)You're misinformed/misunderstand what the school work is, or D) you're missing out on a great law-suit opportunity.

A couple of inquiries for you:

1) Should the school prohibit students from expressing their political beliefs? (my district sent all of us an email telling us NOT to tell students about our beliefs).

2) Should teachers discriminate against students based on their hair or the clothes they wear?

3) Post a link of your district's curriculum that "promotes Islam", "promotes communism" "promotes homosexuality". Any curriculum is available online for easy access.

4) Do you REALLY think that schools should teach what communism is...after all if you're uneducated about it how could you possibly prevent it?

Basically here's my point: you're making a lot of claims...but are providing zero evidence.

Are you seriously telling me that I can't find proof that teachers are, in fact, intentionally influencing the attitudes, opinions, and politics of their students?

Do you REALLY want me to go find proof? We've had a hundred threads here about the hypocrisy and political interventions in our schools.

I put idiots who pull that garbage on ignore. I also put the ones on ignore who insist on links to articles that I know they've already read, while pretending they've never heard the assertion before.

Pisses me off.

Most of those articles don't distinguish between a set of standards and a curriculum...if one can't do that simple of a task-their information is automatically invalid, as it proves they have no idea as to what they're talking about.

PS: I asked for the CURRICULUM not NEWS ARTICLES. This isn't rocket science.

Who said that to prove schools are promoting Islam, one must provide a curriculum that shows "WE ARE PROMOTING ISLAM"?

Nobody made the claim that the school curriculum has "PROMOTE ISLAM" stated in bold script somewhere. Your insistence that that is the only acceptable *proof* that the schools are promoting it is wrongheaded and stupid, and proves you're a lightweight and a brainwashed loon.

I'm trying to grasp what you think...

-Do you think that school districts approach teachers on an individual basis and instruct them to promote Islam?

-Do you really think that NO teacher in the country would say something if they were told to promote Islam but stay hush about about?
Kids do learn about Islam in History class.

And Christianity, and Judaism, and Buddhism, and Hinduism, and Taoism, and Jainism, etc.

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