Parents of Capt. Khan Warn GOP's Ryan, McConnell Over Trump


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
I wouldn't hold my breath on this, however, I hope they do speak out

One of the standout speeches at the Democratic National Convention came not from the slew of politicians or celebrities but from the parents of a Muslim-American war hero who shared a stirring reprimand for GOP candidate Donald Trump. But that was only part of their message.

Khizr Khan appeared on MSNBC's "Last Call With Lawrence O'Donnell" on Friday with his wife Ghazala Khan and said there were two other individuals he wanted to address: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan.

Khan called both men "patriots" and "decent human beings" and appealed to them: "Isn't it time to repudiate Trump?"

Slain Soldier's Parents Say GOP Has 'Moral Imperative' to Disown Trump
I thought that was an awesome speech.

I don't see how any Trump supporter can show his face after that.
What is about Parents of Victims killed by Muslims only on one day, 9/11, only in one city?

Filthy Muslims shall watch this Great Video.

What is about Parents of these killed by Dirty Demonic Cult of Pedophile 'Prophet'?

Dedicated to the men, women and children
who lost their lives; those brave people who gave their lives
And the Heroes that responded to the emergency
11 September 2001

Watch here:
America Attacked 9 1 1
And what's about Parents of Christian Americans killed in the Name of Islam?

which ones are those? I mean, I saw a lot of Americans killed in the name of Oil Companies, and in "Bush ignoring a clear warning of a terrorist attack". So a lot of those folks died. Yupper.

The left was whining about the right "politicizing" the guy's son's is a newsflash, HE is the one doing it. Not one more whine from you trolls about it

Fat Irish Sow, you miss the point. Donald Trump has gotten ahead of the pack because he has played on the racism of people like you to be afraid of Mexicans and Muslims.

But what has Trump done? When he was of military age, he dodged the draft while poor kids of color went to Vietnam. None of his kids served in the military while Mr. Khan's son, one of those evil Muslims Trump whines about, served along side hispanic kids defending this nation.
"Have you ever been to Arlington Cemetery? Go look at the graves of brave patriots who died defending the United States of America.

You will see all faiths, genders and ethnicities. You have sacrificed nothing and no one."

I think I found my new tagline.
The left was whining about the right "politicizing" the guy's son's is a newsflash, HE is the one doing it. Not one more whine from you trolls about it

it is trump who doesn't want these people here, He saved other fellow Americans by his actions and bravery

Did you or the shyster ever serve?

He has shown to be a better American then you or shyster could ever be
And what's about Parents of Christian Americans killed in the Name of Islam?

which ones are those? I mean, I saw a lot of Americans killed in the name of Oil Companies, and in "Bush ignoring a clear warning of a terrorist attack". So a lot of those folks died. Yupper.

The left was whining about the right "politicizing" the guy's son's is a newsflash, HE is the one doing it. Not one more whine from you trolls about it

Fat Irish Sow, you miss the point. Donald Trump has gotten ahead of the pack because he has played on the racism of people like you to be afraid of Mexicans and Muslims.

But what has Trump done? When he was of military age, he dodged the draft while poor kids of color went to Vietnam. None of his kids served in the military while Mr. Khan's son, one of those evil Muslims Trump whines about, served along side hispanic kids defending this nation.

President Trump will stop Muslim Immigration and clean America from Islamization.
It is nothing wrong with it.
Sorry for his parents and for him, but Lefts send this guy to fight for Israel interests.
President Trump will never begin wars like Obama or Bush it did.

Really, where do you get that? Maybe you need to Check in with J'Roc, he seems to think Trump is a Zionist Hero. Trump pretty much went to AIPAC and Sheldon Adelson and kissed their rings. So I'm not seeing Trump being any less inclined to send American boys over to the Middle East than any other president. All it would take is for some Islamic Leader to diss him on Twitter.
Crooked Hillary is totally owned by zionist neocons. My guess is she would nuke Iran in the first hundred days. And demand the US take in more savages from the middle east. Really surprising the FBI director who got her off the hook implied just that.

He was fighting as an America against radial islam

Nobody has any idea if he was in the US military fighting as an "America" against "radial islam" or to eventually kill Americans and allies like so many Muslims trained by US forces do. It is in their DNA apparently.
President Trump will stop Muslim Immigration and clean America from Islamization.
It is nothing wrong with it.

Again, blaming immigrants is what a coward does. Our problem isn't with Islam or Immigrants. It's with our own boneheaded policies of taking sides in other people's fights and letting crazy people have easy access to weapons.
And what's about Parents of Christian Americans killed in the Name of Islam?

Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth
He was fighting as an America against radial islam

Sorry for his parents and for him, but Lefts send this guy to fight for Israel interests.
President Trump will never begin wars like Obama or Bush it did.

Israel interests

what a stupid goy, religion all religion is the root of this insanity and christ insanity has played a major roll stirring up the shit
Sorry for his parents and for him, but Lefts send this guy to fight for Israel interests.
President Trump will never begin wars like Obama or Bush it did.

Really, where do you get that? Maybe you need to Check in with J'Roc, he seems to think Trump is a Zionist Hero. Trump pretty much went to AIPAC and Sheldon Adelson and kissed their rings. So I'm not seeing Trump being any less inclined to send American boys over to the Middle East than any other president. All it would take is for some Islamic Leader to diss him on Twitter.

It was Israel interest to destroy countries like Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt etc.
Obama & Clinton, before Bush kindled the wars and killed Millions, Muslims and Americans.

Now this gang want a war with Russia.

President Trump will never begin a war, with no one state.
And what's about Parents of Christian Americans killed in the Name of Islam?

Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth
He was fighting as an America against radial islam

Sorry for his parents and for him, but Lefts send this guy to fight for Israel interests.
President Trump will never begin wars like Obama or Bush it did.

Israel interests

what a stupid goy, religion all religion is the root of this insanity and christ insanity has played a major roll stirring up the shit

Goys for Trump!
I wouldn't hold my breath on this, however, I hope they do speak out

One of the standout speeches at the Democratic National Convention came not from the slew of politicians or celebrities but from the parents of a Muslim-American war hero who shared a stirring reprimand for GOP candidate Donald Trump. But that was only part of their message.

Khizr Khan appeared on MSNBC's "Last Call With Lawrence O'Donnell" on Friday with his wife Ghazala Khan and said there were two other individuals he wanted to address: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan.

Khan called both men "patriots" and "decent human beings" and appealed to them: "Isn't it time to repudiate Trump?"

Slain Soldier's Parents Say GOP Has 'Moral Imperative' to Disown Trump
I watched that too. It was my impression that this man would be a Republican if not for Trump. His respect for McConnell and Ryan was high, and his sad disappointment in them caving to Trump seemed very real. He knows his opinion is only one man and not a movement, and I think it took a lot of courage to speak at the convention, but it is something he just has to get out.

People on both sides have lost children and will mourn forever. The difference is that Humayun Khan is a man who didn't think of himself as a Muslim. He was an American, and his whole religion is being castigated and targeted as possible terrorists, the very thing he died fighting. This is a doubling down on this family's pain. I believe the current attitude displayed by THAT party must be just as galling to those latinos who serve and are counting on citizenship...maybe.

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