Parents of Capt. Khan Warn GOP's Ryan, McConnell Over Trump

And what's about Parents of Christian Americans killed in the Name of Islam?

Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth
He was fighting as an America against radial islam

That's great! I salute his service.

That does not preclude the fact that Muslims are at the root of the problems of nearly every trouble spot on the planet, nor does it preclude our banning any people of any group or country or region at our whim. To say that is unconstitutional is at the least a humorous notion.

Until the problem is defined and dealt with, they are all suspect.
ALL suspect, billy? Rethink that, please. You aren't part of the herd, or at least I didn't think so.

The Left likes to think of this as a criminal issue as opposed to a matter of war. Very well. That is the basic criminal investigatory approach.
And how about Latino's, billy? Are they all suspected rapists and drug dealers until they get sorted out? And are they all unable to judge fairly? Although I am suspicious of Alberto Gonzales, but that's not because of his ethnic background.
Latinos are Christian....have to watch out for all of THEM now too until "the problem is defined and dealt with".
I wouldn't hold my breath on this, however, I hope they do speak out

One of the standout speeches at the Democratic National Convention came not from the slew of politicians or celebrities but from the parents of a Muslim-American war hero who shared a stirring reprimand for GOP candidate Donald Trump. But that was only part of their message.

Khizr Khan appeared on MSNBC's "Last Call With Lawrence O'Donnell" on Friday with his wife Ghazala Khan and said there were two other individuals he wanted to address: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan.

Khan called both men "patriots" and "decent human beings" and appealed to them: "Isn't it time to repudiate Trump?"

Slain Soldier's Parents Say GOP Has 'Moral Imperative' to Disown Trump

You show us soldier khan and I show you Nidal Hasan, of fort hood massacre fame, with 13 notches in his belt. Good luck with your muslims are to be trusted death wish.
How many notches in Tim McVeigh's belt?
He was fighting as an America against radial islam

That's great! I salute his service.

That does not preclude the fact that Muslims are at the root of the problems of nearly every trouble spot on the planet, nor does it preclude our banning any people of any group or country or region at our whim. To say that is unconstitutional is at the least a humorous notion.

Until the problem is defined and dealt with, they are all suspect.
ALL suspect, billy? Rethink that, please. You aren't part of the herd, or at least I didn't think so.

The Left likes to think of this as a criminal issue as opposed to a matter of war. Very well. That is the basic criminal investigatory approach.
And how about Latino's, billy? Are they all suspected rapists and drug dealers until they get sorted out? And are they all unable to judge fairly? Although I am suspicious of Alberto Gonzales, but that's not because of his ethnic background.

All latino's aren't rapists, and nobody said they were.
"Someone's doing the raping!" -Donald Trump
I wonder what Captain Kahn would think of his parents using his death in an attempt to sway a federal election ?
I wonder what Capt. Khan would think of his father bravely standing there and pointing out that he knows more about the U.S. Constitution than Herr Drumpf.
I wonder what Captain Kahn would think of his parents using his death in an attempt to sway a federal election ?
I wonder what Capt. Khan would think of his father bravely standing there and pointing out that he knows more about the U.S. Constitution than Herr Drumpf.

I would too. 1. If his father was really bravely standing there (in one sense it does take a lot of guts to politicize your sons dealth). 2. If he really did know more about the constitution than Trump.

Trump is a moron.

Hillary is a moron.

This guy just joined the moron fight.
And what's about Parents of Christian Americans killed in the Name of Islam?

Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth
He was fighting as an America against radial islam

That's great! I salute his service.

That does not preclude the fact that Muslims are at the root of the problems of nearly every trouble spot on the planet, nor does it preclude our banning any people of any group or country or region at our whim. To say that is unconstitutional is at the least a humorous notion.

Until the problem is defined and dealt with, they are all suspect.
I guess the planet had no problems before Muslims came along. It's all their fault!!!!!!!

Oh it did, but this time, it's Muslims.
He was fighting as an America against radial islam

That's great! I salute his service.

That does not preclude the fact that Muslims are at the root of the problems of nearly every trouble spot on the planet, nor does it preclude our banning any people of any group or country or region at our whim. To say that is unconstitutional is at the least a humorous notion.

Until the problem is defined and dealt with, they are all suspect.
ALL suspect, billy? Rethink that, please. You aren't part of the herd, or at least I didn't think so.

The Left likes to think of this as a criminal issue as opposed to a matter of war. Very well. That is the basic criminal investigatory approach.
And how about Latino's, billy? Are they all suspected rapists and drug dealers until they get sorted out? And are they all unable to judge fairly? Although I am suspicious of Alberto Gonzales, but that's not because of his ethnic background.
Latinos are Christian....have to watch out for all of THEM now too until "the problem is defined and dealt with".

I know of no Latino group that has sworn to behead anyone who refuses to sing "La Bamba".
I wonder what Captain Kahn would think of his parents using his death in an attempt to sway a federal election ?
I wonder what Capt. Khan would think of his father bravely standing there and pointing out that he knows more about the U.S. Constitution than Herr Drumpf.

What was the constitutional issue that caused Mr. Khan to wave a pocket Constitution about?
You show us soldier khan and I show you Nidal Hasan, of fort hood massacre fame, with 13 notches in his belt. Good luck with your muslims are to be trusted death wish.

You mean the guy the Army knew was a problem, and didn't take any action on because "Officer's Country"?

So do you blame Christians for Ivan Lopez, the Christian Shooter in the Second Fort Hood massacre?
I wonder what Captain Kahn would think of his parents using his death in an attempt to sway a federal election ?
I wonder what Capt. Khan would think of his father bravely standing there and pointing out that he knows more about the U.S. Constitution than Herr Drumpf.

What was the constitutional issue that caused Mr. Khan to wave a pocket Constitution about?
so billy how does it feel , a patriotic Muslim officer in the military an then there is you
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You show us soldier khan and I show you Nidal Hasan, of fort hood massacre fame, with 13 notches in his belt. Good luck with your muslims are to be trusted death wish.

You mean the guy the Army knew was a problem, and didn't take any action on because "Officer's Country"?

So do you blame Christians for Ivan Lopez, the Christian Shooter in the Second Fort Hood massacre?

Oh stop trying to put down christians whom you hate so much. This is still a christian country. You really need to stop this death wish of this becoming a muslim country.
I wonder what Captain Kahn would think of his parents using his death in an attempt to sway a federal election ?
I wonder what Capt. Khan would think of his father bravely standing there and pointing out that he knows more about the U.S. Constitution than Herr Drumpf.

What was the constitutional issue that caused Mr. Khan to wave a pocket Constitution about?
so billy how does it feel , a patriotic Muslim officer in the military an then there is you

He was a muslim.

I thought he was an American citizen.

Did I hear that wrong ?
I wouldn't hold my breath on this, however, I hope they do speak out

One of the standout speeches at the Democratic National Convention came not from the slew of politicians or celebrities but from the parents of a Muslim-American war hero who shared a stirring reprimand for GOP candidate Donald Trump. But that was only part of their message.

Khizr Khan appeared on MSNBC's "Last Call With Lawrence O'Donnell" on Friday with his wife Ghazala Khan and said there were two other individuals he wanted to address: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan.

Khan called both men "patriots" and "decent human beings" and appealed to them: "Isn't it time to repudiate Trump?"

Slain Soldier's Parents Say GOP Has 'Moral Imperative' to Disown Trump

They spoke on behave of a woman who let Americans die in Bhengazi........not smart people....
Oh stop trying to put down christians whom you hate so much. This is still a christian country. You really need to stop this death wish of this becoming a muslim country.

Actually, what I want is a country where nobody argues about what Imaginary Sky Pixies want...

But it's laughable for you to claim your Sky Pixie is better than their Sky Pixie...
They spoke on behave of a woman who let Americans die in Bhengazi........not smart people....

Um, so what was Hillary supposed to have done to prevent those guys from dying, exactly?

Because you've had 9 Congressional investigations all of which came up with... um... nothing.
I thought that was an awesome speech.

I don't see how any Trump supporter can show his face after that.

Quite easily. Parading one good Muslim around doesn't make up for the many that slaughter innocents in the name of Allah, nor the vast majority that stay silent and support such acts.

Major Hassan was a "hero" for serving his country to you lefties wasn't he? Right up until he decided to go batshit crazy Jihadi. Even then some of you lefties probably consider him a hero since he did it out of objecting to Bush's wars, right?
I wouldn't hold my breath on this, however, I hope they do speak out

One of the standout speeches at the Democratic National Convention came not from the slew of politicians or celebrities but from the parents of a Muslim-American war hero who shared a stirring reprimand for GOP candidate Donald Trump. But that was only part of their message.

Khizr Khan appeared on MSNBC's "Last Call With Lawrence O'Donnell" on Friday with his wife Ghazala Khan and said there were two other individuals he wanted to address: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan.

Khan called both men "patriots" and "decent human beings" and appealed to them: "Isn't it time to repudiate Trump?"

Slain Soldier's Parents Say GOP Has 'Moral Imperative' to Disown Trump

And I should listen to them because?
Quite easily. Parading one good Muslim around doesn't make up for the many that slaughter innocents in the name of Allah, nor the vast majority that stay silent and support such acts.

Yawn, guy, it's not like Muslims have the corner on "Acting like Dicks during wars".

Major Hassan was a "hero" for serving his country to you lefties wasn't he? Right up until he decided to go batshit crazy Jihadi. Even then some of you lefties probably consider him a hero since he did it out of objecting to Bush's wars, right?

Actually, he did it because he was a crazy person who probably shouldn't have been in the military. Hasan is what happens when you fight a war and don't get rid of people who shouldn't be there. Much like Manning and Bergdahl.

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