Parents Of Michigan High School Shooting Suspect Charged With Four Counts Of Involuntary Manslaughter

You think there is an insanity defence for Ethan?
No and I don't care about him being insane or not. He needs to be killed off--he's a threat to others. He murdered flat out---his life should be forfeit.

(He hid the gun, which shows that he knew killing was wrong which proves that he legally wasn't insane so can't claim mental insanity---supposedly. Not that it matters, he is a threat and everything else should hold no value)
"Can be used for that"?????
Ever seen that happen, M14?
I never have.
And I belong to two gun clubs with active busy skeet & trap ranges.
ps....don't try to stretch so far to make your point. IMHO
Fact remains - there are AR and AK based shotguns; they can be used for skeet.
And yes, I have seen it happen. Participated in it, personally.
If they consider the kid an adult, then why are other adults who didn't kill anyone being accused of killing someone?
My parents weren't responsible for, and didn't know about 90% of the shit I did as a kid...
The kid is 15 and they are his parents
Laws do vary state to state.

THere should be no limits...the 2nd amendment should be absolute.
could be, but unless you explain why, then it just spreads more ignorance.
And thus, your willful ignorance.
BLM organiozes, supports and participates in the riots and the looting - thus, their need to 'answer".
The NRA does not.

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