Parents outraged as school children taught muslim prayer

We visited a Native American village (reenactment) when I was a kid but it didn't make me believe that the earth is held up by a Giant Turtle.
And Common Core has absolutely nothing to do with whatever your bitch is, Irish Ram.

What would the left's reaction be if a school took the students to a Catholic Cathedral and taught them the rosary?

Be completely honest
Why on earth would they do that? Taking them to the Cathedral and showing them the architecture and talking about the saint statues or stained glass windows as art would be perfectly appropriate in my book. My impression from the article is that the kids were just doing the kneeling thingy, not reciting a Muslim prayer. If they were teaching and reciting Muslim prayers, I'd object. I don't know how they do it in HOLLAND which is where this happened.

The OP clearly states they taught the children Muslim back to my question...what would the left's reaction be if the same took place at a Catholic Cathedral?

As someone who was raised and confirmed in the Roman Catholic Church I can answer that question. The Nuns believed and told us that it is a sin to attend any church but the Catholic Church - another thing which I have chosen to ignore.
in Catechism class the brothers taught us that the pontiff is the closest person to god on the planet and he probably converses with him daily....something i said..."come on,you expect me to believe that?"......the guy puts his pants on the same way that we do,and probably farts too....they did not like that...

LOL, yeah, I made some rather radical comments too. Before confirmation we were asked to take the pledge not to dance or date with members of the opposite sex - or some such promise. Everyone in the class stood but me. Days later, one of the members of the class, a very well developed and pretty girl who lived a couple of blocks away from my home, came by my house and we made out. She stood, but decided such a pledge was silly too. We're still friends more than a half century later.
When I was a kid in school I needed a parent's signature to go along on any field trip off school grounds. Same way when my boys were in school. I guess in the Netherlands they don't follow this practice?
I went to mostly private schools my whole life. The high school I went to offered religious studies which taught us about different belief systems. We learned how all religions pray. No one changed their religion because of it.

These kids aren't going to all of a sudden take their Shahadah ( Islamic testimony of faith) and got to Hajj. Get a freaking grip.

Actually non Muslim kids have been forced to write and recite the shahada in American and European schools. Do you live under a rock?

Forced? Highly unlikely, but why would you lie?

Please post the names of the child victim and the persecutor, as well as the place of such nefarious deeds. Note the amount force applied and if any instruments of torture were employed, and of course how many children died in the process.
I went to mostly private schools my whole life. The high school I went to offered religious studies which taught us about different belief systems. We learned how all religions pray. No one changed their religion because of it.

These kids aren't going to all of a sudden take their Shahadah ( Islamic testimony of faith) and got to Hajj. Get a freaking grip.

Actually non Muslim kids have been forced to write and recite the shahada in American and European schools. Do you live under a rock?

Forced? Highly unlikely, but why would you lie?

Please post the names of the child victim and the persecutor, as well as the place of such nefarious deeds. Note the amount force applied and if any instruments of torture were employed, and of course how many children died in the process.

When you are not given a choice that's referred to as " FORCED", or at least blackmailed. Do it or else.
Don't do it , don't graduate sure in the hell sounds like forced to me.
Students prepare for Sharia Law

After a video emerged showing children learning how to pray in a mosque, angry parents are demanding a primary school in Holland to change its curriculum.
The mosque in question, called the Ghulzar e Madina, is located in the Dutch city of Zwolle and is thought to have been visited by radical preachers from Pakistan.

There is a difference between choosing to do it and forcing them to do it. Force comes in many forms. Like if your kid doesn't do it they won't move on to the next grade. Wake up people the state(s) own your kid.
Oh but GOD FORBID if a CHRISTIAN wants to pray or bring a bible to school...........if you haven't figured it out yet " YOU DO NOT MATTER" As a born American you are not important even the sheep who lick the crap off their leaders boots.

Why don't you hate mongering white motherfuckers get a fuckin people are sooooooo over due for some real serious back yard ass whoopin...and I pray to God, Trump makes your lives all of yours a living fuckin hell....this hate has got to stop.

The only question I have is whether you are a fat, stupid racist middle-aged black woman or some snot nosed suburban white kid pretending he's a fat, stupid racist middle -aged black woman.
What would the left's reaction be if a school took the students to a Catholic Cathedral and taught them the rosary?

Be completely honest
Why on earth would they do that? Taking them to the Cathedral and showing them the architecture and talking about the saint statues or stained glass windows as art would be perfectly appropriate in my book. My impression from the article is that the kids were just doing the kneeling thingy, not reciting a Muslim prayer. If they were teaching and reciting Muslim prayers, I'd object. I don't know how they do it in HOLLAND which is where this happened.

The OP clearly states they taught the children Muslim back to my question...what would the left's reaction be if the same took place at a Catholic Cathedral?

As someone who was raised and confirmed in the Roman Catholic Church I can answer that question. The Nuns believed and told us that it is a sin to attend any church but the Catholic Church - another thing which I have chosen to ignore.
in Catechism class the brothers taught us that the pontiff is the closest person to god on the planet and he probably converses with him daily....something i said..."come on,you expect me to believe that?"......the guy puts his pants on the same way that we do,and probably farts too....they did not like that...

LOL, yeah, I made some rather radical comments too. Before confirmation we were asked to take the pledge not to dance or date with members of the opposite sex - or some such promise. Everyone in the class stood but me. Days later, one of the members of the class, a very well developed and pretty girl who lived a couple of blocks away from my home, came by my house and we made out. She stood, but decided such a pledge was silly too. We're still friends more than a half century later.
i saw the writing on the wall when someone asked the brother if we should bring a bible to class.....he said "no need,i will tell you everything you need to know"....did the guy think a bunch of 14-15 year olds are all stupid? i had to laugh at some of his answers to my questions...

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