Parents outraged as school children taught muslim prayer

We visited a Native American village (reenactment) when I was a kid but it didn't make me believe that the earth is held up by a Giant Turtle.
And Common Core has absolutely nothing to do with whatever your bitch is, Irish Ram.

What would the left's reaction be if a school took the students to a Catholic Cathedral and taught them the rosary?

Be completely honest
Why on earth would they do that? Taking them to the Cathedral and showing them the architecture and talking about the saint statues or stained glass windows as art would be perfectly appropriate in my book. My impression from the article is that the kids were just doing the kneeling thingy, not reciting a Muslim prayer. If they were teaching and reciting Muslim prayers, I'd object. I don't know how they do it in HOLLAND which is where this happened.

The OP clearly states they taught the children Muslim back to my question...what would the left's reaction be if the same took place at a Catholic Cathedral?
Imam Mawlana Tahier Wagid Hosain Noorani gave a tour of his mosque and taught almost exclusively native and blonde Dutch children how to get on their knees for an Islamic prayer.
I watched the video, too. He was showing them the posture. He never taught them a prayer. So even though your question is moot, I already answered it in my last post.
As I understood common core it was to put the nation's schools in the same ball park, in fact, one of the proponents was the military whose children are transferred a lot. They would go to a different school and meet up with a different curriculum. I remember turning in my homework to my new teacher, homework assigned in the last school.
We visited a Native American village (reenactment) when I was a kid but it didn't make me believe that the earth is held up by a Giant Turtle.
And Common Core has absolutely nothing to do with whatever your bitch is, Irish Ram.

What would the left's reaction be if a school took the students to a Catholic Cathedral and taught them the rosary?

Be completely honest
Why on earth would they do that? Taking them to the Cathedral and showing them the architecture and talking about the saint statues or stained glass windows as art would be perfectly appropriate in my book. My impression from the article is that the kids were just doing the kneeling thingy, not reciting a Muslim prayer. If they were teaching and reciting Muslim prayers, I'd object. I don't know how they do it in HOLLAND which is where this happened.

The OP clearly states they taught the children Muslim back to my question...what would the left's reaction be if the same took place at a Catholic Cathedral?
Imam Mawlana Tahier Wagid Hosain Noorani gave a tour of his mosque and taught almost exclusively native and blonde Dutch children how to get on their knees for an Islamic prayer.
I watched the video, too. He was showing them the posture. He never taught them a prayer. So even though your question is moot, I already answered it in my last post.

Baloney and I'll answer my own leftists would lose your ever loving minds and we both know it. Deny it and I'll call you out
We visited a Native American village (reenactment) when I was a kid but it didn't make me believe that the earth is held up by a Giant Turtle.
And Common Core has absolutely nothing to do with whatever your bitch is, Irish Ram.

What would the left's reaction be if a school took the students to a Catholic Cathedral and taught them the rosary?

Be completely honest
Why on earth would they do that? Taking them to the Cathedral and showing them the architecture and talking about the saint statues or stained glass windows as art would be perfectly appropriate in my book. My impression from the article is that the kids were just doing the kneeling thingy, not reciting a Muslim prayer. If they were teaching and reciting Muslim prayers, I'd object. I don't know how they do it in HOLLAND which is where this happened.

The OP clearly states they taught the children Muslim back to my question...what would the left's reaction be if the same took place at a Catholic Cathedral?

As someone who was raised and confirmed in the Roman Catholic Church I can answer that question. The Nuns believed and told us that it is a sin to attend any church but the Catholic Church - another thing which I have chosen to ignore.
Good. Be outraged. Then do something.
Common core is Muslim Obama's way of spreading Islam. Common core came from Saudi Arabia. And it targets our children. Hopefully Trump is going to correct this miscarriage of education against our youth. College courses like, "The Problem with Whiteness" need to become, "The Virtues of Math and Science"

"The Common Core State Standards Initiative is an educational initiative in the United States that details what K–12 students should know in English language arts and mathematics at the end of each grade. The initiative is sponsored by the National Governors Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and seeks to establish consistent educational standards across the states as well as ensure that students graduating from high school are prepared to enter credit-bearing courses at two- or four-year college programs or to enter the workforce.[1]"

Common Core State Standards Initiative - Wikipedia

The Irish Ram needs a change of moniker to The Irish Sheep, for only a biddable person (or a damn liar) would post what she has posted above.

Common core will destroy your kid(s) but the articles post isn't about common core.

Would you explain in detail how Common Core will destroy kids?
As I understood common core it was to put the nation's schools in the same ball park, in fact, one of the proponents was the military whose children are transferred a lot. They would go to a different school and meet up with a different curriculum. I remember turning in my homework to my new teacher, homework assigned in the last school.

Wait a minute… a liberal bringing up Communism?!?!
HOOKSETT, N.H. – The New Hampshire Union Leader published a guest op/ed from a teacher who identifies herself as a liberal. Diane Sekula is a teacher in Hooksett, NH and she was responding to a published article that said Common Core is a conservative flashpoint.

Sekula writes:

I come from a staunch Democrat family. By most people’s standards, I would be considered liberal. I am also, however, very much against Common Core. Public dissatisfaction with Common Core is not a partisan issue. It is a matter of importance for anyone interested in doing what’s best for the children of New Hampshire.

She points out that this current path that education is on is one she saw in the former Soviet Union. Wait a minute… a liberal bringing up Communism?!?! Are we sure she’s not a closet tea party activist? (Just kidding…)

Liberal teacher: Common Core like education system I saw in Soviet Union
We visited a Native American village (reenactment) when I was a kid but it didn't make me believe that the earth is held up by a Giant Turtle.
And Common Core has absolutely nothing to do with whatever your bitch is, Irish Ram.

What would the left's reaction be if a school took the students to a Catholic Cathedral and taught them the rosary?

Be completely honest
Why on earth would they do that? Taking them to the Cathedral and showing them the architecture and talking about the saint statues or stained glass windows as art would be perfectly appropriate in my book. My impression from the article is that the kids were just doing the kneeling thingy, not reciting a Muslim prayer. If they were teaching and reciting Muslim prayers, I'd object. I don't know how they do it in HOLLAND which is where this happened.

The OP clearly states they taught the children Muslim back to my question...what would the left's reaction be if the same took place at a Catholic Cathedral?
Imam Mawlana Tahier Wagid Hosain Noorani gave a tour of his mosque and taught almost exclusively native and blonde Dutch children how to get on their knees for an Islamic prayer.
I watched the video, too. He was showing them the posture. He never taught them a prayer. So even though your question is moot, I already answered it in my last post.

Baloney and I'll answer my own leftists would lose your ever loving minds and we both know it. Deny it and I'll call you out
Baloney? About what? You asked me a question and I answered it. Sorry if it doesn't fit with your pre-existing notion of what I would say. I already told you I would object if a public school taught my kid the rosary. What the hell else do you want me to say?
Good. Be outraged. Then do something.
Common core is Muslim Obama's way of spreading Islam. Common core came from Saudi Arabia. And it targets our children. Hopefully Trump is going to correct this miscarriage of education against our youth. College courses like, "The Problem with Whiteness" need to become, "The Virtues of Math and Science"

"The Common Core State Standards Initiative is an educational initiative in the United States that details what K–12 students should know in English language arts and mathematics at the end of each grade. The initiative is sponsored by the National Governors Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and seeks to establish consistent educational standards across the states as well as ensure that students graduating from high school are prepared to enter credit-bearing courses at two- or four-year college programs or to enter the workforce.[1]"

Common Core State Standards Initiative - Wikipedia

The Irish Ram needs a change of moniker to The Irish Sheep, for only a biddable person (or a damn liar) would post what she has posted above.

Common core will destroy your kid(s) but the articles post isn't about common core.

Would you explain in detail how Common Core will destroy kids?

This is continued from an already posted link to someone else on here ...

I’ve avoided using terms like “Communist Core,” etc. because it seems like an overly partisan approach to opposing Common Core. That said I find it fascinating to read this comparison from a teacher who actually experienced Soviet-style education. So, according to this teacher, we’re going back to the USSR. Based on how she described education in Moldova I can see her point. Heck, Common Core replaced the foundations of Euclidian geometry with a method that a school for gifted students in Moscow created, tried and then jettisoned when it failed. (See Ze’ev Wurman’s review of the Common Core Math Standards)

Be sure to read the rest.

Note: I don’t say it often enough, but a mega hat-tip to Jamie Gass of the Pioneer Institute who finds article like the one I’m sharing below and emails them out to his list. He’s helped to spark many blog posts.
We visited a Native American village (reenactment) when I was a kid but it didn't make me believe that the earth is held up by a Giant Turtle.
And Common Core has absolutely nothing to do with whatever your bitch is, Irish Ram.

What would the left's reaction be if a school took the students to a Catholic Cathedral and taught them the rosary?

Be completely honest
She won't.
We visited a Native American village (reenactment) when I was a kid but it didn't make me believe that the earth is held up by a Giant Turtle.
And Common Core has absolutely nothing to do with whatever your bitch is, Irish Ram.

What would the left's reaction be if a school took the students to a Catholic Cathedral and taught them the rosary?

Be completely honest
She won't.
Show me one lie I've ever told here, moron.
Good. Be outraged. Then do something.
Common core is Muslim Obama's way of spreading Islam. Common core came from Saudi Arabia. And it targets our children. Hopefully Trump is going to correct this miscarriage of education against our youth. College courses like, "The Problem with Whiteness" need to become, "The Virtues of Math and Science"

What does Common Core have to do with the Netherlands?
Good. Be outraged. Then do something.
Common core is Muslim Obama's way of spreading Islam. Common core came from Saudi Arabia. And it targets our children. Hopefully Trump is going to correct this miscarriage of education against our youth. College courses like, "The Problem with Whiteness" need to become, "The Virtues of Math and Science"

Last time I checked, Netherlands doesn't teach common core.

Common core came from Saudi Arabia? Lol. Well that's a new one.

As someone who has actually taught common core to students, I can ensure you it did not come from Saudi Arabia.

All common core is, is a set of national standards that every child must learn. It bridges the gap that was between states.

Common core standards are line with what they are teaching in Europe and in
Last edited:
I went to mostly private schools my whole life. The high school I went to offered religious studies which taught us about different belief systems. We learned how all religions pray. No one changed their religion because of it.

These kids aren't going to all of a sudden take their Shahadah ( Islamic testimony of faith) and got to Hajj. Get a freaking grip.
Students prepare for Sharia Law

After a video emerged showing children learning how to pray in a mosque, angry parents are demanding a primary school in Holland to change its curriculum.
The mosque in question, called the Ghulzar e Madina, is located in the Dutch city of Zwolle and is thought to have been visited by radical preachers from Pakistan.

There is a difference between choosing to do it and forcing them to do it. Force comes in many forms. Like if your kid doesn't do it they won't move on to the next grade. Wake up people the state(s) own your kid.
Oh but GOD FORBID if a CHRISTIAN wants to pray or bring a bible to school...........if you haven't figured it out yet " YOU DO NOT MATTER" As a born American you are not important even the sheep who lick the crap off their leaders boots.

Why don't you hate mongering white motherfuckers get a fuckin people are sooooooo over due for some real serious back yard ass whoopin...and I pray to God, Trump makes your lives all of yours a living fuckin hell....this hate has got to stop.
I went to mostly private schools my whole life. The high school I went to offered religious studies which taught us about different belief systems. We learned how all religions pray. No one changed their religion because of it.

These kids aren't going to all of a sudden take their Shahadah ( Islamic testimony of faith) and got to Hajj. Get a freaking grip.

Actually non Muslim kids have been forced to write and recite the shahada in American and European schools. Do you live under a rock?
I went to mostly private schools my whole life. The high school I went to offered religious studies which taught us about different belief systems. We learned how all religions pray. No one changed their religion because of it.

These kids aren't going to all of a sudden take their Shahadah ( Islamic testimony of faith) and got to Hajj. Get a freaking grip.

Actually non Muslim kids have been forced to write and recite the shahada in American and European schools. Do you live under a rock?

Forced? Highly unlikely, but why would you lie?

Please post the names of the child victim and the persecutor, as well as the place of such nefarious deeds. Note the amount force applied and if any instruments of torture were employed, and of course how many children died in the process.
I went to mostly private schools my whole life. The high school I went to offered religious studies which taught us about different belief systems. We learned how all religions pray. No one changed their religion because of it.

These kids aren't going to all of a sudden take their Shahadah ( Islamic testimony of faith) and got to Hajj. Get a freaking grip.

Actually non Muslim kids have been forced to write and recite the shahada in American and European schools. Do you live under a rock?

Forced is a very strong wrong. Religious studies is a big part of many European country's curriculum. They learn about a range of religions and their rituals. So just like they are learning about Islamic prayers, they also learn about Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism and of course Christianity.

You act as if they are only teaching Islamic studies.
We visited a Native American village (reenactment) when I was a kid but it didn't make me believe that the earth is held up by a Giant Turtle.
And Common Core has absolutely nothing to do with whatever your bitch is, Irish Ram.

What would the left's reaction be if a school took the students to a Catholic Cathedral and taught them the rosary?

Be completely honest
Why on earth would they do that? Taking them to the Cathedral and showing them the architecture and talking about the saint statues or stained glass windows as art would be perfectly appropriate in my book. My impression from the article is that the kids were just doing the kneeling thingy, not reciting a Muslim prayer. If they were teaching and reciting Muslim prayers, I'd object. I don't know how they do it in HOLLAND which is where this happened.

The OP clearly states they taught the children Muslim back to my question...what would the left's reaction be if the same took place at a Catholic Cathedral?

As someone who was raised and confirmed in the Roman Catholic Church I can answer that question. The Nuns believed and told us that it is a sin to attend any church but the Catholic Church - another thing which I have chosen to ignore.
in Catechism class the brothers taught us that the pontiff is the closest person to god on the planet and he probably converses with him daily....something i said..."come on,you expect me to believe that?"......the guy puts his pants on the same way that we do,and probably farts too....they did not like that...

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