Parents Question Choice To Sing 'Allahu Akbar' At Holiday Concert...


I'm sorry, but I just don't believe you. I have never heard a Jew utter the words "Judeo-Christian" other than in a mocking context before, and I'm confident that I've met a whole lot more Jews than you have.
Well I don't believe you are Jewish then. What a sensible way to conduct a discussion, but fine, have it your way. Fake Jewish person.

I'm guessing you live in middle America somewhere. Am I correct?
You speak for all Jews and you make ignorant assumption after ignorant assumption. Eedjit.


If you look very closely, you'll see that I didn't make any "assumptions" - I made a guess, and asked for confirmation.

I notice you didn't answer me, though.
I've told you before where I'm from, when you informed me that you viewed all Americans as too dumb and emotional to be allowed to vote in referenda. Now, since you're such an aggressive psycho nut job, I will not be telling you again :)

"Aggressive psycho nut job"


I'm sorry, but I just don't believe you. I have never heard a Jew utter the words "Judeo-Christian" other than in a mocking context before, and I'm confident that I've met a whole lot more Jews than you have.
Well I don't believe you are Jewish then. What a sensible way to conduct a discussion, but fine, have it your way. Fake Jewish person.

I'm guessing you live in middle America somewhere. Am I correct?
You speak for all Jews and you make ignorant assumption after ignorant assumption. Eedjit.
No he does not speak for all jews. He is just one angry pissed off rude jew that hates all goyims.

  1. The latter is also its meaning in Yiddish. It is also used to refer to individuals from non-Jewish religious or ethnic groups; when used in this way in English, it occasionally has pejorative connotations. However, many people do not see the term "goy" as any more or less offensivethan the term "gentile".

    Goy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


I know how much you need to feel persecuted Gracie, but I don't hate goyim at all. Many of my friends are goyim, in fact at this point, I think most of them are.
I've decided not to believe you, just because.
You didn't lie when you said ya can't sing Christian carols? Did you not read your own link, then? Those are the only two options.
As I explained I wasn't just talking about what was in the link...can't YOU read? oh wait, you CAN but doing so doesn't help push your agenda...
Why the hell isn't them singing about "the little lord jesus" in the same concert as "Allaha akbari" relevant to your false claim that "ya can't sing Christian carols but you can indoctrinate". One can only conclude that either "ya" is different from "you", that you didn't read the link, or that you lied assuming no one would click the link. I'm going to go with option number three. Does your God approve of lying?
Why are muslims so adamant about injecting their religion into Christian holidays? Do you see a push for Christian music in Muslim holiday celebrations? Come on, it's fucking stupid and obnoxious.

I'm an atheist by the way.

Which Muslims were "so adamant" about "injecting their religion into Christian holidays"?
Right. This white liberal guilt movement seized on the muslim community so fast you'd think the planet was cooling.
Well I don't believe you are Jewish then. What a sensible way to conduct a discussion, but fine, have it your way. Fake Jewish person.

I'm guessing you live in middle America somewhere. Am I correct?
You speak for all Jews and you make ignorant assumption after ignorant assumption. Eedjit.


If you look very closely, you'll see that I didn't make any "assumptions" - I made a guess, and asked for confirmation.

I notice you didn't answer me, though.
I've told you before where I'm from, when you informed me that you viewed all Americans as too dumb and emotional to be allowed to vote in referenda. Now, since you're such an aggressive psycho nut job, I will not be telling you again :)

"Aggressive psycho nut job"

If the cap fits.
Oh, I will never feel persecuted by you. You're just a sad excuse for a Jew that hates goyims and it shows in every post. Which, by the way, is a pretty cheesey thing to say. Kinda like "I'm not racist. My best friend is black".


No Gracie, I don't dislike goyim. I dislike you, and people like you.

You do not represent Christians as a whole. My disdain towards you is individual. It has nothing to do with your religion.
Off topic for a sec...but I took the Belief-O-Matic religion test to see which one I should be part of. I think I took that test 5 or 6 times. Most times, it said Reformed Judaism. Twice it said BaHai (sp?) and twice Quaker. :eek-52:
I'm guessing you live in middle America somewhere. Am I correct?
You speak for all Jews and you make ignorant assumption after ignorant assumption. Eedjit.


If you look very closely, you'll see that I didn't make any "assumptions" - I made a guess, and asked for confirmation.

I notice you didn't answer me, though.
I've told you before where I'm from, when you informed me that you viewed all Americans as too dumb and emotional to be allowed to vote in referenda. Now, since you're such an aggressive psycho nut job, I will not be telling you again :)

"Aggressive psycho nut job"

If the cap fits.


It's cute how you pretend to take the high road and simultaneously vomit up schoolyard insults at me.
Oh, I will never feel persecuted by you. You're just a sad excuse for a Jew that hates goyims and it shows in every post. Which, by the way, is a pretty cheesey thing to say. Kinda like "I'm not racist. My best friend is black".


No Gracie, I don't dislike goyim. I dislike you, and people like you.

You do not represent Christians as a whole. My disdain towards you is individual. It has nothing to do with your religion.
I don't really care if you dislike me. The feeling is mutual. Does it bug you that I think you are an asshole? Nope. So what makes you think I would feel any differently on what you think about me? But do get your facts straight Mod Man. I am not christian.
You speak for all Jews and you make ignorant assumption after ignorant assumption. Eedjit.


If you look very closely, you'll see that I didn't make any "assumptions" - I made a guess, and asked for confirmation.

I notice you didn't answer me, though.
I've told you before where I'm from, when you informed me that you viewed all Americans as too dumb and emotional to be allowed to vote in referenda. Now, since you're such an aggressive psycho nut job, I will not be telling you again :)

"Aggressive psycho nut job"

If the cap fits.


It's cute how you pretend to take the high road and simultaneously vomit up schoolyard insults at me.
Oh diddums. You are one of the rudest posters here, so forgive me if I say, suck it up :eusa_angel:
Oh, I will never feel persecuted by you. You're just a sad excuse for a Jew that hates goyims and it shows in every post. Which, by the way, is a pretty cheesey thing to say. Kinda like "I'm not racist. My best friend is black".


No Gracie, I don't dislike goyim. I dislike you, and people like you.

You do not represent Christians as a whole. My disdain towards you is individual. It has nothing to do with your religion.
I don't really care if you dislike me. The feeling is mutual. Does it bug you that I think you are an asshole? Nope. So what makes you think I would feel any differently on what you think about me? But do get your facts straight Mod Man. I am not christian.

Ok, fair enough. I feel like I may have gotten confused between the various hens pecking at me at the same time.

To be honest, I'm a little day-drunk. I think I'm going to tag out of this conversation.

If you look very closely, you'll see that I didn't make any "assumptions" - I made a guess, and asked for confirmation.

I notice you didn't answer me, though.
I've told you before where I'm from, when you informed me that you viewed all Americans as too dumb and emotional to be allowed to vote in referenda. Now, since you're such an aggressive psycho nut job, I will not be telling you again :)

"Aggressive psycho nut job"

If the cap fits.


It's cute how you pretend to take the high road and simultaneously vomit up schoolyard insults at me.
Oh diddums. You are one of the rudest posters here, so forgive me if I say, suck it up :eusa_angel:

Then you haven't met many of the posters here.

My point is, I don't pretend to take the high road.
Oh, I will never feel persecuted by you. You're just a sad excuse for a Jew that hates goyims and it shows in every post. Which, by the way, is a pretty cheesey thing to say. Kinda like "I'm not racist. My best friend is black".


No Gracie, I don't dislike goyim. I dislike you, and people like you.

You do not represent Christians as a whole. My disdain towards you is individual. It has nothing to do with your religion.
I don't really care if you dislike me. The feeling is mutual. Does it bug you that I think you are an asshole? Nope. So what makes you think I would feel any differently on what you think about me? But do get your facts straight Mod Man. I am not christian.

Ok, fair enough. I feel like I may have gotten confused between the various hens pecking at me at the same time.

To be honest, I'm a little day-drunk. I think I'm going to tag out of this conversation.
G'night and G-d bless.
Off topic for a sec...but I took the Belief-O-Matic religion test to see which one I should be part of. I think I took that test 5 or 6 times. Most times, it said Reformed Judaism. Twice it said BaHai (sp?) and twice Quaker. :eek-52:
Where is this belief o matic. I'm gonna do that.
Hang on...lemme find it.

Meanwhile, Doc, whether you dislike me or "those like me" or not, I do hope you can distance yourself from your prejudice to be fair in mod duties when "those like me" report something. For some reason, I don't think you can. Which is why I usually have to go over your fucked up head.
Off topic for a sec...but I took the Belief-O-Matic religion test to see which one I should be part of. I think I took that test 5 or 6 times. Most times, it said Reformed Judaism. Twice it said BaHai (sp?) and twice Quaker. :eek-52:
Where is this belief o matic. I'm gonna do that.
Hang on...lemme find it.

Meanwhile, Doc, whether you dislike me or "those like me" or not, I do hope you can distance yourself from your prejudice to be fair in mod duties when "those like me" report something. For some reason, I don't think you can. Which is why I usually have to go over your fucked up head.


I've never infracted you or banned you, and you've never "gone over my head".

Your delusions of persecution are really getting weird.
Off topic for a sec...but I took the Belief-O-Matic religion test to see which one I should be part of. I think I took that test 5 or 6 times. Most times, it said Reformed Judaism. Twice it said BaHai (sp?) and twice Quaker. :eek-52:
Where is this belief o matic. I'm gonna do that.
Hang on...lemme find it.

Meanwhile, Doc, whether you dislike me or "those like me" or not, I do hope you can distance yourself from your prejudice to be fair in mod duties when "those like me" report something. For some reason, I don't think you can. Which is why I usually have to go over your fucked up head.
So you're a tattle tale? I need no test to tell me my religion: atheism.
Here ya go Tilly.

Now, keep in mind you have to read it carefully for each choice you click...AND..whether your choice or belief is not very important, very important, highly important. If you don't click that on EACH QUESTION it will affect the results. And..have them email you the results cuz it will show you the whys and wherefores that religion is best for you...with a link to describe that particular religion. You can still see the results without the email...but you will have to remember stuff and that list has a bunch of religions and their base of beliefs. I usually just look at the top 5.

For a moment there .....I thought you were the poster guno.....:eek:

but no!!! it was our Senior Mod... theDoctorsIn! :p

Damn right. Don't try to co-opt Jews.

You guys spent 1940 years treating us like shit if not outright murdering us, and just because FDR was picking fights with the fundamentalists, 50 years later the same fucking group of people who sat rapt at their radios listening to "Father" Coughlin are now listening to Rush Limbaugh and claiming to speak for Jews. "Judeo-Christian", my ass.

Calm down for a second.

You are losing the plot completely.

Nobody is attacking Judaism, but we are referring to the Western culture which in a religious context is called Judeo-Christian as opposed to Islam.

Another topic completely is the one you are talking about, which refers to worldwide rampant antisemitism.

Lets keep on topic.


I don't think you're understand what I'm talking about, at all.

I'm talking about how the term "Judeo-Christian" is just some bullshit Christians say in an attempt to co-opt Judaism into all your weird political shit.

We don't want to be associated with you. You guys are Christian, we're Jewish. There's a reason you guys split off 2000 years ago, and we haven't missed you. In fact, it's insulting - particularly when you say shit like "Judeo-Christian songs". When you say that, you mean Christian songs.
I don't think you can talk for all Jews. So stop it.

I can speak for more Jews than you guys can.
Are you Jewish?
Off topic for a sec...but I took the Belief-O-Matic religion test to see which one I should be part of. I think I took that test 5 or 6 times. Most times, it said Reformed Judaism. Twice it said BaHai (sp?) and twice Quaker. :eek-52:
Where is this belief o matic. I'm gonna do that.
Hang on...lemme find it.

Meanwhile, Doc, whether you dislike me or "those like me" or not, I do hope you can distance yourself from your prejudice to be fair in mod duties when "those like me" report something. For some reason, I don't think you can. Which is why I usually have to go over your fucked up head.


I've never infracted you or banned you, and you've never "gone over my head".

Your delusions of persecution are really getting weird.
I never said you infracted me or banned me, now did I? But I KNOW you ignore my reports when I give them..which is rare..especially if I see you online "working". I go over your head with my concerns.
Seems to me you are self projecting some paranoia.
Damn right. Don't try to co-opt Jews.

You guys spent 1940 years treating us like shit if not outright murdering us, and just because FDR was picking fights with the fundamentalists, 50 years later the same fucking group of people who sat rapt at their radios listening to "Father" Coughlin are now listening to Rush Limbaugh and claiming to speak for Jews. "Judeo-Christian", my ass.

Calm down for a second.

You are losing the plot completely.

Nobody is attacking Judaism, but we are referring to the Western culture which in a religious context is called Judeo-Christian as opposed to Islam.

Another topic completely is the one you are talking about, which refers to worldwide rampant antisemitism.

Lets keep on topic.


I don't think you're understand what I'm talking about, at all.

I'm talking about how the term "Judeo-Christian" is just some bullshit Christians say in an attempt to co-opt Judaism into all your weird political shit.

We don't want to be associated with you. You guys are Christian, we're Jewish. There's a reason you guys split off 2000 years ago, and we haven't missed you. In fact, it's insulting - particularly when you say shit like "Judeo-Christian songs". When you say that, you mean Christian songs.
I don't think you can talk for all Jews. So stop it.

I can speak for more Jews than you guys can.
Are you Jewish?


Did it take you a while to figure that out?

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