Parents Question Choice To Sing 'Allahu Akbar' At Holiday Concert...

I wouldn't let my kid sing it. simple enough. If there isn't enough to sing the song. there you go. make a damn stand for crying out loud parents.

I agree.

What next?
Chopping teddy bears heads during break? just to start getting into the swing of all things Islamic?? :hellno:

Frankly! Enough is enough!

The backlash is starting, give it time to gain momentum
Do you still take screenshots of all of our conversations, Gracie?
Nonya, sparky. I am beneath you, remember? But I got a mighty fine ladder. And no, you are not supposed to be scared. You are supposed to be unbiased and act like a moderator of a board that houses MANY different faiths or no faiths at all..without insulting them due to whatever path they follow.

I've told you before and I will repeat myself even though you are drunk and probably won't remember:
I DON'T LIKE YOU. I DON'T LIKE POSTING WITH YOU. I DON'T LIKE TALKING TO YOU. to the hand from now on. Until you learn some manners, anyway.


I haven't insulted anyone "due to whatever path they follow".

I have, on the other hand, insulted people who've insulted me, people who use the term "Judeo-Christian", you, and probably a bunch more.
Nonya, sparky. I am beneath you, remember? But I got a mighty fine ladder. And no, you are not supposed to be scared. You are supposed to be unbiased and act like a moderator of a board that houses MANY different faiths or no faiths at all..without insulting them due to whatever path they follow.

I've told you before and I will repeat myself even though you are drunk and probably won't remember:
I DON'T LIKE YOU. I DON'T LIKE POSTING WITH YOU. I DON'T LIKE TALKING TO YOU. to the hand from now on. Until you learn some manners, anyway.

Sincerely, Dumb Goyim (your words)

Link to where I called you a "dumb goyim"?
You aren't worth me being your fetch and carry. You know you called me that. I know you called me that. Others know you called me that.
And yes, you have insulted many. But today, in THIS thread, you said "you" and "people like you"..with italics to boot. Sober up. Act like a man.

And for the record, I have never insulted you. Until you called me a goyim.
You aren't worth me being your fetch and carry. You know you called me that. I know you called me that. Others know you called me that.
And yes, you have insulted many. But today, in THIS thread, you said "you" and "people like you"..with italics to boot. Sober up. Act like a man.

And for the record, I have never insulted you. Until you called me a goyim.

"Goyim" isn't an insult. It doesn't mean anything more than "not a Jew". And I don't think I ever called you a "dumb goy", it just doesn't sound like me. If anything, I would have gone with "stupid" rather than "dumb". Either way, I don't think I said it.

Don't you have screenshots of all of our conversations? You've warned me a few times that you've been keeping all of them, as if I should be afraid. Why don't you go through those, and find the one where I called you a "dumb goyim"? We can clear the whole mystery up.
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It did when you called me that. You either put DUMB or STUPID in front of it. You meant it exactly the way you said it. As an insult. But no worries. I don't hate jews because of one that acts like you do.
He is one angry, pissed off dude, thats for sure. And hates most of us. Or rather, people like me. Whatever he thinks I am, anyway. :lol:
You aren't worth me being your fetch and carry. You know you called me that. I know you called me that. Others know you called me that.
And yes, you have insulted many. But today, in THIS thread, you said "you" and "people like you"..with italics to boot. Sober up. Act like a man.

And for the record, I have never insulted you. Until you called me a goyim.

"Goyim" isn't an insult. It doesn't mean anything more than "not a Jew". And I don't think I ever called you a "dumb goy", it just doesn't sound like me. If anything, I would have gone with "stupid" rather than "dumb". Either way, I don't think I said it.

Don't you have screenshots of all of our conversations? You've warned me a few times that you've been keeping all of them, as if I should be afraid. Why don't you go through those, and find the one where I called you a "dumb goyim"? We can clear the whole mystery up.
You use it pejoratively, as you well know.
You aren't worth me being your fetch and carry. You know you called me that. I know you called me that. Others know you called me that.
And yes, you have insulted many. But today, in THIS thread, you said "you" and "people like you"..with italics to boot. Sober up. Act like a man.

And for the record, I have never insulted you. Until you called me a goyim.

"Goyim" isn't an insult. It doesn't mean anything more than "not a Jew". And I don't think I ever called you a "dumb goy", it just doesn't sound like me. If anything, I would have gone with "stupid" rather than "dumb". Either way, I don't think I said it.

Don't you have screenshots of all of our conversations? You've warned me a few times that you've been keeping all of them, as if I should be afraid. Why don't you go through those, and find the one where I called you a "dumb goyim"? We can clear the whole mystery up.
Because she can't be bothered to waste her time on you? You do insult people, you get very aggressive and insulting so it's not exactly difficult to believe you call a poster a dumb goyim. And you are a mod for G-d's sake.
Since when isn't god great?

I read the article, I'm not seeing the problem.

Intolerance is what led to the Salem witch trials. The establishment always needs an enemy to conduct it's crimes against humanity.

the problem with that particular song is the ALLAHUAKBARR------that is what muslims say while they are slitting throats or shooting people. There must be
something a little less ---------associated with gore. When I was a kid---(long long ago) during the Christmas concert-------consisting of intensely religious songs-----the Jewish song sorts thrown in was 'HAVA NAGILA" which means nothing more than------"c'mon---lets be happy" There must be an Arabic song something like that
You aren't worth me being your fetch and carry. You know you called me that. I know you called me that. Others know you called me that.
And yes, you have insulted many. But today, in THIS thread, you said "you" and "people like you"..with italics to boot. Sober up. Act like a man.

And for the record, I have never insulted you. Until you called me a goyim.

"Goyim" isn't an insult. It doesn't mean anything more than "not a Jew". And I don't think I ever called you a "dumb goy", it just doesn't sound like me. If anything, I would have gone with "stupid" rather than "dumb". Either way, I don't think I said it.

Don't you have screenshots of all of our conversations? You've warned me a few times that you've been keeping all of them, as if I should be afraid. Why don't you go through those, and find the one where I called you a "dumb goyim"? We can clear the whole mystery up.
You use it pejoratively, as you well know.

No, I don't. I use it to separate, but it's not a pejorative, aside from in the context of an occasional joke.
LINK: Parents Question Choice To Sing 'Allahu Akbar' At Holiday Concert

Ya think?

You can't have a nativity scene, ya can't sing any Christian-related carols at school, but you can indoctrinate the kids by teaching them to sing shite like "Mmmm Mmmm Obama' and 'Allahu Akbar'?!


You really should read your asinine links before you post them, clown.

Christian and Jewish songs will be performed as well, but the Ramadan song is getting all the attention.
You aren't worth me being your fetch and carry. You know you called me that. I know you called me that. Others know you called me that.
And yes, you have insulted many. But today, in THIS thread, you said "you" and "people like you"..with italics to boot. Sober up. Act like a man.

And for the record, I have never insulted you. Until you called me a goyim.

"Goyim" isn't an insult. It doesn't mean anything more than "not a Jew".
If it's not an insult, perhaps you could explain the purpose of calling someone who knows they are not a Jew, you 'not a Jew'?
You aren't worth me being your fetch and carry. You know you called me that. I know you called me that. Others know you called me that.
And yes, you have insulted many. But today, in THIS thread, you said "you" and "people like you"..with italics to boot. Sober up. Act like a man.

And for the record, I have never insulted you. Until you called me a goyim.

"Goyim" isn't an insult. It doesn't mean anything more than "not a Jew". And I don't think I ever called you a "dumb goy", it just doesn't sound like me. If anything, I would have gone with "stupid" rather than "dumb". Either way, I don't think I said it.

Don't you have screenshots of all of our conversations? You've warned me a few times that you've been keeping all of them, as if I should be afraid. Why don't you go through those, and find the one where I called you a "dumb goyim"? We can clear the whole mystery up.
You use it pejoratively, as you well know.

No, I don't. I use it to separate, but it's not a pejorative, aside from in the context of an occasional joke.
To separate? Why, how divisive of you :)
You aren't worth me being your fetch and carry. You know you called me that. I know you called me that. Others know you called me that.
And yes, you have insulted many. But today, in THIS thread, you said "you" and "people like you"..with italics to boot. Sober up. Act like a man.

And for the record, I have never insulted you. Until you called me a goyim.

"Goyim" isn't an insult. It doesn't mean anything more than "not a Jew". And I don't think I ever called you a "dumb goy", it just doesn't sound like me. If anything, I would have gone with "stupid" rather than "dumb". Either way, I don't think I said it.

Don't you have screenshots of all of our conversations? You've warned me a few times that you've been keeping all of them, as if I should be afraid. Why don't you go through those, and find the one where I called you a "dumb goyim"? We can clear the whole mystery up.
Because she can't be bothered to waste her time on you? You do insult people, you get very aggressive and insulting so it's not exactly difficult to believe you call a poster a dumb goyim. And you are a mod for G-d's sake.

Yeah, I'm a mod. As everyone seems to think is some golden bullet in conversation.

Being nice isn't a requirement for being a good moderator. I return what I get. All that matters for a mod is being fair.

Most of the time, I treat people with the same level of respect that I'm getting from them.
You aren't worth me being your fetch and carry. You know you called me that. I know you called me that. Others know you called me that.
And yes, you have insulted many. But today, in THIS thread, you said "you" and "people like you"..with italics to boot. Sober up. Act like a man.

And for the record, I have never insulted you. Until you called me a goyim.

"Goyim" isn't an insult. It doesn't mean anything more than "not a Jew".
If it's not an insult, perhaps you could explain the purpose of calling someone who knows they are not a Jew, you 'not a Jew'?

"You goy" doesn't make any sense. It betrays a misunderstanding of the word.
You aren't worth me being your fetch and carry. You know you called me that. I know you called me that. Others know you called me that.
And yes, you have insulted many. But today, in THIS thread, you said "you" and "people like you"..with italics to boot. Sober up. Act like a man.

And for the record, I have never insulted you. Until you called me a goyim.

"Goyim" isn't an insult. It doesn't mean anything more than "not a Jew".
If it's not an insult, perhaps you could explain the purpose of calling someone who knows they are not a Jew, you 'not a Jew'?

"You goy" doesn't make any sense. It betrays a misunderstanding of the word.
I'm asking, if it's not pejorative, why you feel compelled to tell people who know they aren't Jewish that they aren't Jewish? It can only be to insult, as they are already aware that they aren't Jewish.
You aren't worth me being your fetch and carry. You know you called me that. I know you called me that. Others know you called me that.
And yes, you have insulted many. But today, in THIS thread, you said "you" and "people like you"..with italics to boot. Sober up. Act like a man.

And for the record, I have never insulted you. Until you called me a goyim.

"Goyim" isn't an insult. It doesn't mean anything more than "not a Jew". And I don't think I ever called you a "dumb goy", it just doesn't sound like me. If anything, I would have gone with "stupid" rather than "dumb". Either way, I don't think I said it.

Don't you have screenshots of all of our conversations? You've warned me a few times that you've been keeping all of them, as if I should be afraid. Why don't you go through those, and find the one where I called you a "dumb goyim"? We can clear the whole mystery up.
Because she can't be bothered to waste her time on you? You do insult people, you get very aggressive and insulting so it's not exactly difficult to believe you call a poster a dumb goyim. And you are a mod for G-d's sake.

Yeah, I'm a mod. As everyone seems to think is some golden bullet in conversation.

Being nice isn't a requirement for being a good moderator. I return what I get. All that matters for a mod is being fair.

Most of the time, I treat people with the same level of respect that I'm getting from them.
If you say so. (Not). I have never done you harm. I have always said the mod crew were great and appreciated every one of them and I meant it. Then in some convo I was in,you came stumbling in on a drunken stupor probably, and called me a dumb goyim. And in this thread, you already repeated what you think of me..and those "like me". Whatever that means. What exactly am I like? And who are the ones "just like me"? Never mind. I don't really care.
Get what you give, sparky. Before, i thought you a pretty decent guy. Now? Pfffffffffft. Yer just an asshole with a mod suit on. And HAYELL NO do I trust you being fair. Especially with me...or "those like me".
He is one angry, pissed off dude, thats for sure. And hates most of us. Or rather, people like me. Whatever he thinks I am, anyway. :lol:

I don't hate any posters on this message board, or any other collection of random anonymous people from around the world. I don't hate people that I have actual real-life cause to. Hatred is a pointless emotion.

I'll qualify my statements from before though: I was mistaken when I indicted "people like you" before. I was confusing you with other people arguing from a different point of view, and I got mixed up. My distaste for you is, in a sense, somewhat unique.

I don't think there are many people like you.

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