Parents Question Choice To Sing 'Allahu Akbar' At Holiday Concert...

Off topic for a sec...but I took the Belief-O-Matic religion test to see which one I should be part of. I think I took that test 5 or 6 times. Most times, it said Reformed Judaism. Twice it said BaHai (sp?) and twice Quaker. :eek-52:
Where is this belief o matic. I'm gonna do that.
Hang on...lemme find it.

Meanwhile, Doc, whether you dislike me or "those like me" or not, I do hope you can distance yourself from your prejudice to be fair in mod duties when "those like me" report something. For some reason, I don't think you can. Which is why I usually have to go over your fucked up head.
So you're a tattle tale? I need no test to tell me my religion: atheism.
Yes, I can be when blatant rules are broken or I AM ASKED to report certain things when I see it. Don't like it? Tough shit.
Off topic for a sec...but I took the Belief-O-Matic religion test to see which one I should be part of. I think I took that test 5 or 6 times. Most times, it said Reformed Judaism. Twice it said BaHai (sp?) and twice Quaker. :eek-52:
Where is this belief o matic. I'm gonna do that.
Hang on...lemme find it.

Meanwhile, Doc, whether you dislike me or "those like me" or not, I do hope you can distance yourself from your prejudice to be fair in mod duties when "those like me" report something. For some reason, I don't think you can. Which is why I usually have to go over your fucked up head.


I've never infracted you or banned you, and you've never "gone over my head".

Your delusions of persecution are really getting weird.
I never said you infracted me or banned me, now did I? But I KNOW you ignore my reports when I give them..which is rare..especially if I see you online "working". I go over your head with my concerns.
Seems to me you are self projecting some paranoia.


As I said, delusions of persecution. Please don't pretend to know what goes on in the back.
Calm down for a second.

You are losing the plot completely.

Nobody is attacking Judaism, but we are referring to the Western culture which in a religious context is called Judeo-Christian as opposed to Islam.

Another topic completely is the one you are talking about, which refers to worldwide rampant antisemitism.

Lets keep on topic.


I don't think you're understand what I'm talking about, at all.

I'm talking about how the term "Judeo-Christian" is just some bullshit Christians say in an attempt to co-opt Judaism into all your weird political shit.

We don't want to be associated with you. You guys are Christian, we're Jewish. There's a reason you guys split off 2000 years ago, and we haven't missed you. In fact, it's insulting - particularly when you say shit like "Judeo-Christian songs". When you say that, you mean Christian songs.
I don't think you can talk for all Jews. So stop it.

I can speak for more Jews than you guys can.
Are you Jewish?


Did it take you a while to figure that out?
More sniping. I thought you were bailing the thread due to the hens? Changed your mind, eh?
Here ya go Tilly.

Now, keep in mind you have to read it carefully for each choice you click...AND..whether your choice or belief is not very important, very important, highly important. If you don't click that on EACH QUESTION it will affect the results. And..have them email you the results cuz it will show you the whys and wherefores that religion is best for you...with a link to describe that particular religion. You can still see the results without the email...but you will have to remember stuff and that list has a bunch of religions and their base of beliefs. I usually just look at the top 5.

Thank you so much. I'll do it now. I consider myself agnostic so it will be interesting.

I don't think you're understand what I'm talking about, at all.

I'm talking about how the term "Judeo-Christian" is just some bullshit Christians say in an attempt to co-opt Judaism into all your weird political shit.

We don't want to be associated with you. You guys are Christian, we're Jewish. There's a reason you guys split off 2000 years ago, and we haven't missed you. In fact, it's insulting - particularly when you say shit like "Judeo-Christian songs". When you say that, you mean Christian songs.
I don't think you can talk for all Jews. So stop it.

I can speak for more Jews than you guys can.
Are you Jewish?


Did it take you a while to figure that out?
More sniping. I thought you were bailing the thread due to the hens? Changed your mind, eh?

As I said, I'm a little drunk. I can't help myself.

What's your excuse?
Off topic for a sec...but I took the Belief-O-Matic religion test to see which one I should be part of. I think I took that test 5 or 6 times. Most times, it said Reformed Judaism. Twice it said BaHai (sp?) and twice Quaker. :eek-52:
Where is this belief o matic. I'm gonna do that.
Hang on...lemme find it.

Meanwhile, Doc, whether you dislike me or "those like me" or not, I do hope you can distance yourself from your prejudice to be fair in mod duties when "those like me" report something. For some reason, I don't think you can. Which is why I usually have to go over your fucked up head.


I've never infracted you or banned you, and you've never "gone over my head".

Your delusions of persecution are really getting weird.
I never said you infracted me or banned me, now did I? But I KNOW you ignore my reports when I give them..which is rare..especially if I see you online "working". I go over your head with my concerns.
Seems to me you are self projecting some paranoia.


As I said, delusions of persecution. Please don't pretend to know what goes on in the back.
Who said anything about the back? Yer a fool and delusional yourself in your paranoia.
Go, like you said you were.
I don't think you can talk for all Jews. So stop it.

I can speak for more Jews than you guys can.
Are you Jewish?


Did it take you a while to figure that out?
More sniping. I thought you were bailing the thread due to the hens? Changed your mind, eh?

As I said, I'm a little drunk. I can't help myself.

What's your excuse?
Drunk. How quaint.
I don't need an excuse to call it as it is....SOBER.
Damn right. Don't try to co-opt Jews.

You guys spent 1940 years treating us like shit if not outright murdering us, and just because FDR was picking fights with the fundamentalists, 50 years later the same fucking group of people who sat rapt at their radios listening to "Father" Coughlin are now listening to Rush Limbaugh and claiming to speak for Jews. "Judeo-Christian", my ass.

Calm down for a second.

You are losing the plot completely.

Nobody is attacking Judaism, but we are referring to the Western culture which in a religious context is called Judeo-Christian as opposed to Islam.

Another topic completely is the one you are talking about, which refers to worldwide rampant antisemitism.

Lets keep on topic.


I don't think you're understand what I'm talking about, at all.

I'm talking about how the term "Judeo-Christian" is just some bullshit Christians say in an attempt to co-opt Judaism into all your weird political shit.

We don't want to be associated with you. You guys are Christian, we're Jewish. There's a reason you guys split off 2000 years ago, and we haven't missed you. In fact, it's insulting - particularly when you say shit like "Judeo-Christian songs". When you say that, you mean Christian songs.
I don't think you can talk for all Jews. So stop it.

I can speak for more Jews than you guys can.
Are you Jewish?
Where is this belief o matic. I'm gonna do that.
Hang on...lemme find it.

Meanwhile, Doc, whether you dislike me or "those like me" or not, I do hope you can distance yourself from your prejudice to be fair in mod duties when "those like me" report something. For some reason, I don't think you can. Which is why I usually have to go over your fucked up head.


I've never infracted you or banned you, and you've never "gone over my head".

Your delusions of persecution are really getting weird.
I never said you infracted me or banned me, now did I? But I KNOW you ignore my reports when I give them..which is rare..especially if I see you online "working". I go over your head with my concerns.
Seems to me you are self projecting some paranoia.


As I said, delusions of persecution. Please don't pretend to know what goes on in the back.
Who said anything about the back? Yer a fool and delusional yourself in your paranoia.
Go, like you said you were.

When I say "in the back", I mean the entirely mysterious process that happens when you report a post.
Hang on...lemme find it.

Meanwhile, Doc, whether you dislike me or "those like me" or not, I do hope you can distance yourself from your prejudice to be fair in mod duties when "those like me" report something. For some reason, I don't think you can. Which is why I usually have to go over your fucked up head.


I've never infracted you or banned you, and you've never "gone over my head".

Your delusions of persecution are really getting weird.
I never said you infracted me or banned me, now did I? But I KNOW you ignore my reports when I give them..which is rare..especially if I see you online "working". I go over your head with my concerns.
Seems to me you are self projecting some paranoia.


As I said, delusions of persecution. Please don't pretend to know what goes on in the back.
Who said anything about the back? Yer a fool and delusional yourself in your paranoia.
Go, like you said you were.

When I say "in the back", I mean the entirely mysterious process that happens when you report a post.
Put down the drink and READ. Carefully. I do not report a post when I see you "on duty". Why? Because I know you will ignore it. I wait. THEN report it. Or...go over your head with other means at my disposal.
You can pick up your drink again if you wish. I guess having to mod a place full of "people like me" that are supposedly "christians" is cause to be a drunken rude slob.
I wouldn't let my kid sing it. simple enough. If there isn't enough to sing the song. there you go. make a damn stand for crying out loud parents.
And furthermore...I do not bother to report AT ALL any more. No reason to. The problem is gone. Nothing to report. Unless it's in the wee hours and some schmuck (oh my, you gonna have another hissy cuz I used a jewish term?) posts a pic of a huge penis or some such. Then whether you are on duty or not, I report it.
Tilly Make sure you let us know what your results are! I might take the test again later this afternoon just to see if anything has changed. We all learn something new every day, no? And besides..I like quizzes. :)

I've never infracted you or banned you, and you've never "gone over my head".

Your delusions of persecution are really getting weird.
I never said you infracted me or banned me, now did I? But I KNOW you ignore my reports when I give them..which is rare..especially if I see you online "working". I go over your head with my concerns.
Seems to me you are self projecting some paranoia.


As I said, delusions of persecution. Please don't pretend to know what goes on in the back.
Who said anything about the back? Yer a fool and delusional yourself in your paranoia.
Go, like you said you were.

When I say "in the back", I mean the entirely mysterious process that happens when you report a post.
Put down the drink and READ. Carefully. I do not report a post when I see you "on duty". Why? Because I know you will ignore it. I wait. THEN report it. Or...go over your head with other means at my disposal.
You can pick up your drink again if you wish. I guess having to mod a place full of "people like me" that are supposedly "christians" is cause to be a drunken rude slob.


Please, tell me what "means" you have at your disposal to go over my head? Am I supposed to be scared?
Here ya go Tilly.

Now, keep in mind you have to read it carefully for each choice you click...AND..whether your choice or belief is not very important, very important, highly important. If you don't click that on EACH QUESTION it will affect the results. And..have them email you the results cuz it will show you the whys and wherefores that religion is best for you...with a link to describe that particular religion. You can still see the results without the email...but you will have to remember stuff and that list has a bunch of religions and their base of beliefs. I usually just look at the top 5.

Here ya go Tilly.

Now, keep in mind you have to read it carefully for each choice you click...AND..whether your choice or belief is not very important, very important, highly important. If you don't click that on EACH QUESTION it will affect the results. And..have them email you the results cuz it will show you the whys and wherefores that religion is best for you...with a link to describe that particular religion. You can still see the results without the email...but you will have to remember stuff and that list has a bunch of religions and their base of beliefs. I usually just look at the top 5.

It seems I'm a secular humanist, atheist, liberal Quaker, Theravada Buddhist in that order :)
Nonya, sparky. I am beneath you, remember? But I got a mighty fine ladder. And no, you are not supposed to be scared. You are supposed to be unbiased and act like a moderator of a board that houses MANY different faiths or no faiths at all..without insulting them due to whatever path they follow.

I've told you before and I will repeat myself even though you are drunk and probably won't remember:
I DON'T LIKE YOU. I DON'T LIKE POSTING WITH YOU. I DON'T LIKE TALKING TO YOU. to the hand from now on. Until you learn some manners, anyway.

Sincerely, Dumb Goyim (your words)
Here ya go Tilly.

Now, keep in mind you have to read it carefully for each choice you click...AND..whether your choice or belief is not very important, very important, highly important. If you don't click that on EACH QUESTION it will affect the results. And..have them email you the results cuz it will show you the whys and wherefores that religion is best for you...with a link to describe that particular religion. You can still see the results without the email...but you will have to remember stuff and that list has a bunch of religions and their base of beliefs. I usually just look at the top 5.

Here ya go Tilly.

Now, keep in mind you have to read it carefully for each choice you click...AND..whether your choice or belief is not very important, very important, highly important. If you don't click that on EACH QUESTION it will affect the results. And..have them email you the results cuz it will show you the whys and wherefores that religion is best for you...with a link to describe that particular religion. You can still see the results without the email...but you will have to remember stuff and that list has a bunch of religions and their base of beliefs. I usually just look at the top 5.

It seems I'm a secular humanist, atheist, liberal Quaker, Theravada Buddhist in that order :)
Take it again in a year. See if anything changes. :)
I wouldn't let my kid sing it. simple enough. If there isn't enough to sing the song. there you go. make a damn stand for crying out loud parents.

I agree.

What next?
Chopping teddy bears heads during break? just to start getting into the swing of all things Islamic?? :hellno:

Frankly! Enough is enough!

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