Paris Junk Science Pact Calls for US to Redistribute Wealth to Banana Republics and 3rd World Hell H

"Paris Junk Science Pact Calls for US to Redistribute Wealth to Banana Republics and 3rd World Hell H"

And here's an example of the ignorance, stupidity, bigotry, and hate common to many on the right.
"Paris Junk Science Pact Calls for US to Redistribute Wealth to Banana Republics and 3rd World Hell H"

And here's an example of the ignorance, stupidity, bigotry, and hate common to many on the right.
You are an example of a commie retard. I hate socialism, communism and stupid, libtards cover all three. Stupid.
How trollish of you to rewrite my comment like that you nasty little but fucker.
My apologies, it was an editing error, one that you yourself committed as well.

Ok so school me. How did I somehow make your comment show up as my comment. Seriously.

Well the mistake was initially mine, as I failed to match up the up quote tags with the closing quote tags. I dont know how I did that, but it is why I usually delete a bunch of text to see the simplified previous quote. Somehow I goofed it up and failed to check the output.

Then when you quoted me, the mismatched open and closed quote tags replicated itself. Your mistake was less than mine in that you only failed to check the final output of the text to see the close quote tag hanging out there all alone.
If something can hurt us, take money out of the mouths of our children from your hard earned blood, sweat and tears Obama is ALL FOR IT. he hate us and this country that much. remember he thinks we are all greedy, bible thumping gun clingers. I've never lived under a President who is intentionally trying to do us harm.

and to think people voted for him even after all of that. that scares me just as much.
Man oh man. these warmer cultist are scary ass people. my gawd

Liberal Media Ecstatic Over Paris Climate Deal
"This agreement represents the best chance we have to save the one planet that we've got."

On Saturday a deal, theoretically regarding climate change, was reached by delegates in Paris. The nations involved must still sign and ratify the deal, but that didn't stop an absolutely absurd emotional release on the part of climate fear-mongers around the world and especially in the media.

For just one example, in the clip above, an MSNBC reporter climaxes early, even before the deal is actually agreed upon. If this is our "moon shot" moment, this period of American and world history is even more pathetic that one might think. A global deal that is long on socialism and virtually void of science is no moon landing. Embarrassing.

Apparently the rest of the media caught a case of "I'll have what he's having" and joined in the grotesque display, as seen in this clip via The Right Scoop.

the video at the site. sheeesh

If even two of the people in that clip have any inkling of what climate change is actually about beyond their liberal talking point that smart people want to fight it and dumb people don't, we'd be shocked.

If there is any doubt as to what the deal actually is - a barely concealed effort to topple America from the seat of world power and "spread the wealth around" - look no further than their own words. They call it "climate justice" these days, and that is not a coincidence - it reminds you of social justice. Under the left's principles of intersectionality, climate legislation is absolutely about "social justice." They are nothing if not masters of deceptive names.

But don't take our word for it, just read this "news" item from Reuters, tellingly titled "Paris climate deal throws 'frayed lifeline' to the poor":

"It is the best outcome we could have hoped for, not just for the least-developed countries, but for all citizens of the world," he said.
But not everyone was so enthusiastic. “This deal offers a frayed lifeline to the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people," said Helen Szoke, chief executive of aid agency Oxfam Australia. Only a "vague promise" of future funding was agreed and "the deal does not force countries to cut emissions fast enough to forestall a climate change catastrophe," she said.

This is of course the main reason that liberal progressives and the media love it so much. The church of environmentalism offers few opportunities more primed for pious rapture than this Paris deal. It is the ultimate metaphysical high. Witness the apocalyptic talk from The Guardian:

On Saturday night, with protesters gathering in the streets of Paris and thousands of politicians, diplomats, lawyers, business leaders, charities and others exhausted from three all-night negotiating sessions, the deal was closed.
For the UN and most governments, what has emerged is nothing less than a universal legal agreement to limit future man-made climate change, the greatest existential threat to life on Earth.

Seriously, do they read what they type before they put it in print? Then again, it's no different from what the President of the United States said after the deal:

"This agreement represents the best chance we have to save the one planet that we've got."

Support Obama's global redistribution of wealth, or the world will literally come to an end.

But remember, Republicans are the fear-mongers.

all of it and video here:
Liberal Media Ecstatic Over Paris Climate Deal

Your JOKE of a President.

this is just a plain old joker.

Especially since his families WEALTH came from owning a ZINC MINE.


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