Paris Junk Science Pact Calls for US to Redistribute Wealth to Banana Republics and 3rd World Hell H

All I'm finding so far are targets, no details or estimates on net costs to American businesses.

Does anyone care about this stuff?

They won't give details or estimates. They know what kind of outrage it would cause. Their GOAL IS for America to be brought down economically and militarily to the levels of something like India or Brazil. That's they point. That's the necessary outcome.
You are just as full of shit as usual. Were you 'Conservatives' not so much in love with willful ignorance, you would see this as an opportunity for profit. The big multinationals certainly will. And the world will be a cleaner and healthier place for replacing most fossil fuel with clean energy.
Yes, the big multinationals may be able to benefit, but it won't happen without up-front costs that they probably can't take on.

Is there a plan for the transitional period?
All I'm finding so far are targets, no details or estimates on net costs to American businesses. Does anyone care about this stuff?
They won't give details or estimates. They know what kind of outrage it would cause. Their GOAL IS for America to be brought down economically and militarily to the levels of something like India or Brazil. That's they point. That's the necessary outcome.
I agree that there are some who want to see America's global standing reduced, in terms of military influence, economic influence and our own standard of living. It's time for payback. Just looking at what they say demonstrates that pretty clearly.

But since this is going to happen, I want to think that those who agreed to this can demonstrate that they have thought this through more than that.

For example, they might have a specific plan for the massive business economic shift this is going to create pretty soon. Huge employers will be damaged on one end, perhaps there is taxpayer-funded support for creating a green economy. That could very well be, and I'd love to see it. It might be great.

I'm just asking for something more than the superficial stuff.

I'm just waiting for that moment when liberal turds who support this find themselves in a NYC heat wave and all of a sudden....can afford (or can't access) air conditioning. Or when they want to fly across the country for a fag festival....but can't afford the tickets.

When the results of this shit hits home for them....and they wonder "Why the fuck is THIS happening?"

Liberals are ALWAYS stunned when they see the results of their own ideology. Just like now....they pulled out of the Middle East and showered Muslims with love and tolerance....and ISIS is lobbing heads off. And libs are confused how it came to this.
All I'm finding so far are targets, no details or estimates on net costs to American businesses.

Does anyone care about this stuff?
A great many people care about it. And the utilities are putting in vast amounts of wind and solar even where there are not subsidies. Also, in spite of the fact that China also has locomotive producers, they are buying a large number of the big GE locomotives. Based on costs and maintenance costs. If our industries choose to, we can compete in producing clean energy products with any nation on earth. And, if we will get back to doing major R and D, we can exceed any nation on earth in innovation. But, listen up, GOP, we will not do it worshiping willful ignorance.
All I'm finding so far are targets, no details or estimates on net costs to American businesses.

Does anyone care about this stuff?

They won't give details or estimates. They know what kind of outrage it would cause. Their GOAL IS for America to be brought down economically and militarily to the levels of something like India or Brazil. That's they point. That's the necessary outcome.
You are just as full of shit as usual. Were you 'Conservatives' not so much in love with willful ignorance, you would see this as an opportunity for profit. The big multinationals certainly will. And the world will be a cleaner and healthier place for replacing most fossil fuel with clean energy.
Yes, the big multinationals may be able to benefit, but it won't happen without up-front costs that they probably can't take on.

Is there a plan for the transitional period?

And 99% of us aren't part of the big internationals. Libs will see that soon.
All I'm finding so far are targets, no details or estimates on net costs to American businesses.

Does anyone care about this stuff?
A great many people care about it. And the utilities are putting in vast amounts of wind and solar even where there are not subsidies. Also, in spite of the fact that China also has locomotive producers, they are buying a large number of the big GE locomotives. Based on costs and maintenance costs. If our industries choose to, we can compete in producing clean energy products with any nation on earth. And, if we will get back to doing major R and D, we can exceed any nation on earth in innovation. But, listen up, GOP, we will not do it worshiping willful ignorance.

Solar and wind won't support the population number the world is heading to.
All I'm finding so far are targets, no details or estimates on net costs to American businesses. Does anyone care about this stuff?.
A great many people care about it. And the utilities are putting in vast amounts of wind and solar even where there are not subsidies. Also, in spite of the fact that China also has locomotive producers, they are buying a large number of the big GE locomotives. Based on costs and maintenance costs. If our industries choose to, we can compete in producing clean energy products with any nation on earth. And, if we will get back to doing major R and D, we can exceed any nation on earth in innovation. But, listen up, GOP, we will not do it worshiping willful ignorance.
Solar and wind won't support the population number the world is heading to.
Where we're trying to go will require energy sources that we simply do not have yet.

Who knows, it's entirely possible that we'll have real breakthroughs over the next few years.

My curiosity on this is about the transitional period.
All I'm finding so far are targets, no details or estimates on net costs to American businesses. Does anyone care about this stuff?
They won't give details or estimates. They know what kind of outrage it would cause. Their GOAL IS for America to be brought down economically and militarily to the levels of something like India or Brazil. That's they point. That's the necessary outcome.
I agree that there are some who want to see America's global standing reduced, in terms of military influence, economic influence and our own standard of living. It's time for payback. Just looking at what they say demonstrates that pretty clearly.

But since this is going to happen, I want to think that those who agreed to this can demonstrate that they have thought this through more than that.

For example, they might have a specific plan for the massive business economic shift this is going to create pretty soon. Huge employers will be damaged on one end, perhaps there is taxpayer-funded support for creating a green economy. That could very well be, and I'd love to see it. It might be great.

I'm just asking for something more than the superficial stuff.

I'm just waiting for that moment when liberal turds who support this find themselves in a NYC heat wave and all of a sudden....can afford (or can't access) air conditioning. Or when they want to fly across the country for a fag festival....but can't afford the tickets.

When the results of this shit hits home for them....and they wonder "Why the fuck is THIS happening?"

Liberals are ALWAYS stunned when they see the results of their own ideology. Just like now....they pulled out of the Middle East and showered Muslims with love and tolerance....and ISIS is lobbing heads off. And libs are confused how it came to this.
LOL. Really? Had you idiots not gone into Iraq on the basis of a lie, there would be no ISIS. Had your leader simply gone into Afghanistan and killed Bin Laden, then got out, we would not be there today. Instead, he let Bin Laden live until President Obama fulfilled his campaign promise, and saw to it that Bin Laden was served justice.

As for power, that is why so many liberals are pushing for infrastructure spending. Our grid is antiquated, and vulnerable to natural and manmade disasters. Any you dumb fucks keep denying the funds to upgrade.
Okay, finally found this:

Note, this document is not based on yesterday's agreement, but at least it does provide some detail, and it the below examples are based on existing conditions. But I've not yet found any detail on financial effects to American business during the transition period.

They then reviewed a range of technological options, focusing on those technologies that were already available on an industrial level. Their proposed actions are broadly divided into three categories: increased energy efficiency, energy supply-side shifts, and carbon storage. These technologies would need to be implemented on a global scale.
Possible “wedges” include:

Doubling automobile fuel efficiency

Decrease the number of car miles traveled globally by half

Doubling efficiency of coal-based electric plants

Replacing coal plants withefficient natural gas plants

Increasing wind capacity 10 times relative to 2004 levels

Installing 100 times the 2004 capacity of solar electric generation

Eliminating tropical deforestation

Instituting carbon-saving conservation tillage in global agriculture

Retrofitting buildings for maximum energy efficiency

Capturing and storing carbon emissions from coal plants

Doubling nuclear generating capacity

Increase ethanol production twelve-fold through biomass plantations

Using solar-produced hydrogen for fuel-cell cars

No one strategy will suffice to build the entire stabilization triangle. We should also note that the climate stabilization wedges analysis does not address the costs of each wedge, nor other environmental implications of options such as nuclear and biofuels. And if the goal is emissions reduction, rather than simply stabilization, more than eight wedges would be needed.

They are making it abundantly clear that AGW is all about redistribution of wealth. One would think warmers would recognize this.
THAT would require libtards to think for themselves and they do not do that.

It's been bred and conditioned out of them.
The Senate isn't going to ratify this treaty.
Precisely why Obama isn't going to present it as a treaty.
And the GOP will let him get away with it.

Our Constitution sets this Republic up with a balance of powers, but it does not work if their is no opposition and my bet is that the current kabal of leaders in DC all profit from this in both parties as well as their corporate masters.

There is no way to not view the Republicans as sharing in this debacle.
Remember when you only had to GIVE your blood, sweat and tears to your family and country?
well forget about that. thanks to Obama. You can be a SLAVE to the world.

It’s a liberal’s wet dream…
Global elites released details of their global warming junk science pact Saturday. The international agreement calls for developed nations to transfer hundreds of billions of aid to third world hell holes.

The money will then be quickly deposited into Swiss bank accounts under an anonymous name until the dictator is thrown from office and replaced by the next tinpot dictator.

And America continues to drown in debt in the process.
CNS News reported:

The draft of the international agreement to deal with climate change, which is being considered today in Paris by representatives from 195 countries, calls for the developed nations of the world (which include the United States) to transfer wealth

and if you are what they LABELED a , "denier"

all of it here:
Paris Junk Science Pact Calls for US to Redistribute Wealth to Banana Republics and 3rd World Hell Holes - The Gateway Pundit

I wouldn't mind at all helping our friends south of the border. Not a problem for me. Better that then wasting money on killing sand ******* half way round the world in the Middle East.
The Senate isn't going to ratify this treaty.
Precisely why Obama isn't going to present it as a treaty.
And the GOP will let him get away with it.

Our Constitution sets this Republic up with a balance of powers, but it does not work if their is no opposition and my bet is that the current kabal of leaders in DC all profit from this in both parties as well as their corporate masters.

There is no way to not view the Republicans as sharing in this debacle.
We need a third party, but not the Libertarians.
I wouldn't mind at all helping our friends south of the border. Not a problem for me. Better that then wasting money on killing sand ******* half way round the world in the Middle East.
Wow you hit all the libtard buttons; irrational loyalty to your ideology, played the 'save the little brown babies' while engaging in overt racism at the same time, ignoring the budget and how we are supposed to pay for this $600 billion agreement, and all the time ignoring that it IS NOT BINDING so its entirely symbolic.

Why dont you just go back to your crayon book and leave the adults to discuss this?
Remember when you only had to GIVE your blood, sweat and tears to your family and country?
well forget about that. thanks to Obama. You can be a SLAVE to the world.

It’s a liberal’s wet dream…
Global elites released details of their global warming junk science pact Saturday. The international agreement calls for developed nations to transfer hundreds of billions of aid to third world hell holes.

The money will then be quickly deposited into Swiss bank accounts under an anonymous name until the dictator is thrown from office and replaced by the next tinpot dictator.

And America continues to drown in debt in the process.
CNS News reported:

The draft of the international agreement to deal with climate change, which is being considered today in Paris by representatives from 195 countries, calls for the developed nations of the world (which include the United States) to transfer wealth

and if you are what they LABELED a , "denier"

all of it here:
Paris Junk Science Pact Calls for US to Redistribute Wealth to Banana Republics and 3rd World Hell Holes - The Gateway Pundit

I wouldn't mind at all helping our friends south of the border. Not a problem for me. Better that then wasting money on killing sand ******* half way round the world in the Middle East.
What is fucked up is that we will be sending a half Trillion dollars to China, when we owe them $2 Trillion in debt already.
Here's what is really happening:
I'm a tinpot dictator in a little country in the middle of Africa no one's heard of. The newly created infrastructure around which my country and all the other shithole countries need to be apart of will require four of my closest relatives to basically spend all their time in NY where the Climate Change 'head office' is located.
These relatives are going to live in penthouse suites, with a cook and maid. They'll need to be 'limoed' to a from the meetings. They'll need to be dressed in $1000 hand made suits, $500 shoes, $300 hand made shirts. They need credit cards supplied by the 'Head Office' to pay for the $300 lunches. They'll need 'walking around money of course. They'll need to stay in touch with me so they'll be flying home in chartered jets. (When they arrive they'll be bringing me the luxury items I told them to buy for me while in NY like the caviar and $500 bottles of French wine). Some meetings will have to be held in Paris and Rome. My relatives can 'sneak' their families aboard for these 'meetings'.
The money? Oh the US being the 'sponsor' has made an initial deposit of 500 million in a special bank account for us to draw on. Obama doesn't want any country to feel 'left out' so all of us are given a generous monthly allowance so we'll all be 'equal'. Whatever we don't spend each month goes directly into my pocket BTW.
It's all a bunch of Obama Socialist bullshit designed to bring down America.
Serious question here: Above and beyond the money we have pledged to other countries, would it be safe to assume that we have also pledged money to support American business in developing green energy, and in dealing with the increased costs of reducing emissions?

Still looking around for that info, I'll update when I find it.

Always thinking investment.
Why in the hell would we send Russia and China a dime? WTF? We are told how China is now the number one economy, the world's greatest military, that China is the new USA yet the same people who say these things wants to send money, WE DON'T HAVE to that same country? Have we gone bonkers?

I hope that the Congress has to vote on this BS and it isn't just Barry Obama taking the easy way out once again.
The Senate isn't going to ratify this treaty.
Precisely why Obama isn't going to present it as a treaty.
And the GOP will let him get away with it.

Our Constitution sets this Republic up with a balance of powers, but it does not work if their is no opposition and my bet is that the current kabal of leaders in DC all profit from this in both parties as well as their corporate masters.

There is no way to not view the Republicans as sharing in this debacle.

Exactly right. And that's why the GOP elite are gonna be unemployed by us supporting Trump. Either the GOP changes...or....Democrats will take us into hell. But we're are DONE with supporting Republicans who are too spineless to fight the Democrats.

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