Parkland report out: Shooter was able to reload 5 times, no one had a gun to shoot him.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The anti gun rant goes........if he had 10 round magazines he would have to reload more often and that would save lives. This lack of wisdom is based on facts go into it, no experience goes into it, and now, with the release of the Parkland shooting report, we see that it really is a stupid belief...that 10 round magazine limits would save lives.

What would have saved lives? An armed staff member or armed citizens visiting the school...who could have engaged the shooter and forced him into the one of 3 outcomes that mass shooters do when they are confronted by anyone with a gun.... surrender, run away, or commit suicide....

The Parkland shooter reloaded 5 times..... so that would have been 51 bullets if he had 10 round magazines plus one bullet in the chamber....he killed 18 people.

Keep in mind, the shooter in Crimea a few weeks ago had a 5 shot, pump action shotgun and killed 21 people.........

Again, magazine capacity has no bearing on how many people are killed in a mass public shooting. The target of the attack determines how many people the shooter can kill...

| Breitbart Parkland gunman paused five times but teachers were unarmed

News coming out of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission indicates the February 14 gunman paused five times to reload but no one was armed to intervene.

In other words, unarmed teachers were at the gunman’s mercy at all times.

On November 21, 2018, Breitbart News reported that Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri, head of the investigation into the Parkland shooting, made clear that this finding has ended his opposition to armed teachers.

The Associated Press quoted Gualtieri saying, “People need to keep an open mind to it as the reality is that if someone else in that school had a gun it could have saved kids’ lives.”

The discovery that the gunman was able to stop and reload five times during the attack without facing armed resistance makes the larger point that size of magazines, etc., are not a crucial factor in an attack.

The most critical factor is the element of time. And when the attacker is the only one with a gun he has all the time in the world on his side.
Here..... a longer story on the County Sheriff changing his opinion on arming teachers...

Sheriff supports armed teachers to stop school shooters | Daily Mail Online

The sheriff leading the state commission investigating Florida's high school massacre says he now believes trained, volunteer teachers should have access to guns so they can stop shooters who get past other safeguards.

Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri, chairman of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission, said he will ask the panel to recommend state law be changed so teachers who undergo background checks and extensive training will be allowed to have guns on campus as a last line of defense. It's a proposal that both the state teachers union and PTA oppose.

Gualtieri told The Associated Press this week he long believed only law enforcement personnel should carry guns at school, but his position 'morphed' after studying other shootings and watching security video of the Feb. 14 Stoneman Douglas attack, which left 14 students and three staff members dead.

He said it 'gnaws' at him that suspect Nikolas Cruz stopped firing five times to reload his AR-15 semi-automatic rifle, but no teacher or other school employee could use those pauses to shoot Cruz.

The athletic director and a coach, both unarmed, died trying to stop Cruz and at least one teacher minutes later would have had a clear shot.
So, you suggest arming all teachers?


1) end gun free zones. This would take away the attractiveness of schools as mass shooting targets. Also, by allowing parents to carry their concealed or open carried guns with them onto the school grounds as they conduct normal business there, meetings with the principal, dropping off lunches or homework that was forgotten at home, picking up kids for medical appointments..... you show mass shooters that the school will likely have armed defenders at random points in the day, something they can't factor into their equation. Mass shooters want to murder unarmed, helpless people...and we know from their statements, and from their notes, they will pass up a target they think will have armed defenders.

2) Some teachers can be armed with training. The key is mass public shooters react in 3 ways when they are confronted by anyone with a gun, a civilian or the police..... they surrender, run away (this is what the parkland shooter did when the police arrived) or commit suicide. The point is to confront him as soon as possible in the 5 minutes the shooting happens to drive them into one of those 3 outcomes, saving lives. The teacher or staff member does not have to be a Navy SEAL, or a DELTA Force shooter..... they need to know how to safely carry and shoot their gun and how to implement it in a possible confrontation....until the police arrive or the shooter surrenders, commits suicide or runs away.

3) I think support staff on campus would be better than teachers, but I am not against teachers with training carrying guns. Support staff such as building secretaries, the principals, assistant principals, maintenance men, .......they would have less direct contact with younger students.....the high schools tend to already have police resource officers, so it is the elementary level schools that would need protection.

Armed guards would be nice but I don't see that being cost effective.
So, you suggest arming all teachers?

What do you suggest, no guns allowed stickers on all doors? That should fix the problem. Y’all liberals haven’t thought of this one yet( I don’t know why) but right beside the no gun zone sticker, we could put a no murder zone sticker also, now that should stop it 100%.
What do y’all idio*t liberals think.

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So, you suggest arming all teachers?

What do you suggest, no guns allowed stickers on all doors? That should fix the problem. Y’all liberals haven’t thought of this one yet( I don’t know why) but right beside the no gun zone sticker, we could put a no murder zone sticker also, now that should stop it 100%.
What do y’all idio*t liberals think.

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Exactly......why hasn't anyone thought to put "No Murder Allowed" stickers in the window......?
So, you suggest arming all teachers?

What do you suggest, no guns allowed stickers on all doors? That should fix the problem. Y’all liberals haven’t thought of this one yet( I don’t know why) but right beside the no gun zone sticker, we could put a no murder zone sticker also, now that should stop it 100%.
What do y’all idio*t liberals think.

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I wonder what the "No Murder Allowed" stickers would look like?
And yet, the Parkland shooter was arrested by police.

If he had been black, he would have been shot.

Hell, blacks are shot just walking down the street. They don't even need to be armed.
The school cop had plenty of time and opportunity to shoot but he decided to play it safe and not go into the building. We need cops tbat do what they are paid to do.
And yet, the Parkland shooter was arrested by police.

If he had been black, he would have been shot.

Hell, blacks are shot just walking down the street. They don't even need to be armed.

And white people are shot more often than blacks by the police.....occasionally they too, are unarmed.......
So, you suggest arming all teachers?

What do you suggest, no guns allowed stickers on all doors? That should fix the problem. Y’all liberals haven’t thought of this one yet( I don’t know why) but right beside the no gun zone sticker, we could put a no murder zone sticker also, now that should stop it 100%.
What do y’all idio*t liberals think.

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I didn't suggest anything, I asked a question....if a school is no longer a gun free zone, all can carry then?
So, you suggest arming all teachers?

What do you suggest, no guns allowed stickers on all doors? That should fix the problem. Y’all liberals haven’t thought of this one yet( I don’t know why) but right beside the no gun zone sticker, we could put a no murder zone sticker also, now that should stop it 100%.
What do y’all idio*t liberals think.

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I didn't suggest anything, I asked a question....if a school is no longer a gun free zone, all can carry then?

All those who can legally carry them....the criminals, obviously, are already carrying guns onto school grounds. All ending the gun free zone laws would do is allow Law Abiding, peaceful people to carry their legal guns with them when they step across the border of the school property....that means they will not become felons or lose their Right to own guns for simply carrying a gun with them for self defense.
I'm not against concealed carry for select teachers/school officials. There needs to be stringent rules, stringent qualifications, and must pass frequent certifications. in other words only those who truly are proficient, experienced, and responsible with firearms-along with special training for a school environment.

Carrying firearms around a bunch of kids and occasional craziness that happens in a school is a huge responsibility; it has to be well thought out, regulated, and done right or the good intentions will backfire.
If anyone was there who had any balls they would have taken him by physical force, as in punched his lights out while reloading.
The shooter was able to reload so many times because the Broward county sheriff, Steve Israel (a political ally of Hillary Clinton), called for his deputies to stand down while children were being massacred.
You won't hear the left talk about that at all however.
And yet, the Parkland shooter was arrested by police.

If he had been black, he would have been shot.

Hell, blacks are shot just walking down the street. They don't even need to be armed.

What a Stupid thing to say. Doesn’t matter the race They shoot blacks walking down the street just tells us
1 your a moron
2. You have no clue what your talking about
3. Your a liberal asshole spewing more of your bullshit.

So stay away from things you don’t know which is probably most things.

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This isn't true... the School Resource Officer had a gun, and so did all the responders. Despite them all being armed, ALL OF THOSE WELL-TRAINED officers did NOTHING, but you expect a regular citizen to be armed and do a better job stopping a mass shooter.
This isn't true... the School Resource Officer had a gun, and so did all the responders. Despite them all being armed, ALL OF THOSE WELL-TRAINED officers did NOTHING, but you expect a regular citizen to be armed and do a better job stopping a mass shooter.

I don't expect, I know, from other mass shootings where armed citizens actually did stop the mass shooters......real world experiences...and remember, doofus, that was one incident where the police stood down, in the others they always rush in and often get shot as they do....

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