Parkland Teenage mass shooting survivor on how to stop mass school shootings....

Yep.....he pushes his ideas....

KASHUV: We Need To Stop School Shootings And Here's How

We need to get real about mental health care in this country. Affordable, accessible mental health care is essential. A person who would inflict the level of terror we’ve seen so far is sick — and he needs help. Yet, in America, it’s hard to get help. Access to mental health care needs to be easy, affordable, and prioritized.

We all need to be educated on the warning signs of a person in crisis. The refrain is the same after each one of these incidents — the shooter was a loner, someone who scared people, a person who was already on police radar. It’s only practical that we educate communities on recognizing the signs of an at-risk person, and teach them actionable steps to take.

We should take school security seriously. Gun-free zone signs don’t help. It’s absurd to think that they do. We protect our state houses, our sporting venues, and our concert halls with security. Why don’t we do the same for our children?

We should fully implement the recently enacted FIX NICS legislation. This would help ensure that people who shouldn’t have guns can’t get them. Everyone agrees that dangerous people shouldn’t have firearms, yet the system we use to keep that from happening has holes. This legislation has been signed into law and now needs to be implemented.

The media should be held accountable. There is no reason why broadcasters should splash the name and face of a mass murderer over their screens for days on end — that's giving him exactly what he wanted. They can report the news without using his name, without showing his face, and without giving him the type of coverage he believes makes him infamous. While the government should not be mandating this, each news outlet and journalist should take this on themselves.

Yep. Problem solved. All we have to do is cure mental illness. How do you plan to do that? Will a "mental illness" vaccination take care of that little problem?
The ONLY way to remove a citizens right to own firearms is through the legal process, that means identifying who should be taken before a Judge and then doing it. Right now NO ONE n the left plans to do anything like that they prefer crazies shoot up places cause they think it will help, them ban firearms.

Common sense regulation is not removing your guns or any kind of infringement on the 2nd ammendment.
I own an AR-15 and people like yourself would have it confiscated by the Government the very definition of infringement.

What a fool. I don't advocate removal of guns unless the owner is too unstable to be allowed one. In your case, you sound like you might be one of those.
Yep.....he pushes his ideas....

KASHUV: We Need To Stop School Shootings And Here's How

We need to get real about mental health care in this country. Affordable, accessible mental health care is essential. A person who would inflict the level of terror we’ve seen so far is sick — and he needs help. Yet, in America, it’s hard to get help. Access to mental health care needs to be easy, affordable, and prioritized.

We all need to be educated on the warning signs of a person in crisis. The refrain is the same after each one of these incidents — the shooter was a loner, someone who scared people, a person who was already on police radar. It’s only practical that we educate communities on recognizing the signs of an at-risk person, and teach them actionable steps to take.

We should take school security seriously. Gun-free zone signs don’t help. It’s absurd to think that they do. We protect our state houses, our sporting venues, and our concert halls with security. Why don’t we do the same for our children?

We should fully implement the recently enacted FIX NICS legislation. This would help ensure that people who shouldn’t have guns can’t get them. Everyone agrees that dangerous people shouldn’t have firearms, yet the system we use to keep that from happening has holes. This legislation has been signed into law and now needs to be implemented.

The media should be held accountable. There is no reason why broadcasters should splash the name and face of a mass murderer over their screens for days on end — that's giving him exactly what he wanted. They can report the news without using his name, without showing his face, and without giving him the type of coverage he believes makes him infamous. While the government should not be mandating this, each news outlet and journalist should take this on themselves.

Yep. Problem solved. All we have to do is cure mental illness. How do you plan to do that? Will a "mental illness" vaccination take care of that little problem?
The ONLY way to remove a citizens right to own firearms is through the legal process, that means identifying who should be taken before a Judge and then doing it. Right now NO ONE n the left plans to do anything like that they prefer crazies shoot up places cause they think it will help, them ban firearms.

Common sense regulation is not removing your guns or any kind of infringement on the 2nd ammendment.
I own an AR-15 and people like yourself would have it confiscated by the Government the very definition of infringement.

What a fool. I don't advocate removal of guns unless the owner is too unstable to be allowed one. In your case, you sound like you might be one of those.
What about the social security crowd that require assistance with some aspect of their life... Should they be precluded from their firearms, ipso facto... as Obama saw fit?
Yep.....he pushes his ideas....

KASHUV: We Need To Stop School Shootings And Here's How

We need to get real about mental health care in this country. Affordable, accessible mental health care is essential. A person who would inflict the level of terror we’ve seen so far is sick — and he needs help. Yet, in America, it’s hard to get help. Access to mental health care needs to be easy, affordable, and prioritized.

We all need to be educated on the warning signs of a person in crisis. The refrain is the same after each one of these incidents — the shooter was a loner, someone who scared people, a person who was already on police radar. It’s only practical that we educate communities on recognizing the signs of an at-risk person, and teach them actionable steps to take.

We should take school security seriously. Gun-free zone signs don’t help. It’s absurd to think that they do. We protect our state houses, our sporting venues, and our concert halls with security. Why don’t we do the same for our children?

We should fully implement the recently enacted FIX NICS legislation. This would help ensure that people who shouldn’t have guns can’t get them. Everyone agrees that dangerous people shouldn’t have firearms, yet the system we use to keep that from happening has holes. This legislation has been signed into law and now needs to be implemented.

The media should be held accountable. There is no reason why broadcasters should splash the name and face of a mass murderer over their screens for days on end — that's giving him exactly what he wanted. They can report the news without using his name, without showing his face, and without giving him the type of coverage he believes makes him infamous. While the government should not be mandating this, each news outlet and journalist should take this on themselves.

The article in your link is wrong. The country has NOT rejected gun control. The overwhelming majority of the country is in favor of reasonable gun control. The NRA and their bought and paid for republican politicians have rejected it, but I don't expect that to last forever.

No...the overwhelming majority do not understand the issues involved and are only reacting to the emotional appeal of gun grabbers who lie about the issues....
Yep. Problem solved. All we have to do is cure mental illness. How do you plan to do that? Will a "mental illness" vaccination take care of that little problem?
The ONLY way to remove a citizens right to own firearms is through the legal process, that means identifying who should be taken before a Judge and then doing it. Right now NO ONE n the left plans to do anything like that they prefer crazies shoot up places cause they think it will help, them ban firearms.

Common sense regulation is not removing your guns or any kind of infringement on the 2nd ammendment.
I own an AR-15 and people like yourself would have it confiscated by the Government the very definition of infringement.

What a fool. I don't advocate removal of guns unless the owner is too unstable to be allowed one. In your case, you sound like you might be one of those.
What about the social security crowd that require assistance with some aspect of their life... Should they be precluded from their firearms, ipso facto... as Obama saw fit?

If they are so disabled till they aren't able to tell if they crapped their pants, or know they need to eat or take their medicine, they probably shouldn't be buying a gun.
Yep.....he pushes his ideas....

KASHUV: We Need To Stop School Shootings And Here's How

We need to get real about mental health care in this country. Affordable, accessible mental health care is essential. A person who would inflict the level of terror we’ve seen so far is sick — and he needs help. Yet, in America, it’s hard to get help. Access to mental health care needs to be easy, affordable, and prioritized.

We all need to be educated on the warning signs of a person in crisis. The refrain is the same after each one of these incidents — the shooter was a loner, someone who scared people, a person who was already on police radar. It’s only practical that we educate communities on recognizing the signs of an at-risk person, and teach them actionable steps to take.

We should take school security seriously. Gun-free zone signs don’t help. It’s absurd to think that they do. We protect our state houses, our sporting venues, and our concert halls with security. Why don’t we do the same for our children?

We should fully implement the recently enacted FIX NICS legislation. This would help ensure that people who shouldn’t have guns can’t get them. Everyone agrees that dangerous people shouldn’t have firearms, yet the system we use to keep that from happening has holes. This legislation has been signed into law and now needs to be implemented.

The media should be held accountable. There is no reason why broadcasters should splash the name and face of a mass murderer over their screens for days on end — that's giving him exactly what he wanted. They can report the news without using his name, without showing his face, and without giving him the type of coverage he believes makes him infamous. While the government should not be mandating this, each news outlet and journalist should take this on themselves.

Yep. Problem solved. All we have to do is cure mental illness. How do you plan to do that? Will a "mental illness" vaccination take care of that little problem?

And yet a moron like you wants to ban guns.....and you think criminals will comply with could probably use some free mental health care....
Yep.....he pushes his ideas....

KASHUV: We Need To Stop School Shootings And Here's How

We need to get real about mental health care in this country. Affordable, accessible mental health care is essential. A person who would inflict the level of terror we’ve seen so far is sick — and he needs help. Yet, in America, it’s hard to get help. Access to mental health care needs to be easy, affordable, and prioritized.

We all need to be educated on the warning signs of a person in crisis. The refrain is the same after each one of these incidents — the shooter was a loner, someone who scared people, a person who was already on police radar. It’s only practical that we educate communities on recognizing the signs of an at-risk person, and teach them actionable steps to take.

We should take school security seriously. Gun-free zone signs don’t help. It’s absurd to think that they do. We protect our state houses, our sporting venues, and our concert halls with security. Why don’t we do the same for our children?

We should fully implement the recently enacted FIX NICS legislation. This would help ensure that people who shouldn’t have guns can’t get them. Everyone agrees that dangerous people shouldn’t have firearms, yet the system we use to keep that from happening has holes. This legislation has been signed into law and now needs to be implemented.

The media should be held accountable. There is no reason why broadcasters should splash the name and face of a mass murderer over their screens for days on end — that's giving him exactly what he wanted. They can report the news without using his name, without showing his face, and without giving him the type of coverage he believes makes him infamous. While the government should not be mandating this, each news outlet and journalist should take this on themselves.

The article in your link is wrong. The country has NOT rejected gun control. The overwhelming majority of the country is in favor of reasonable gun control. The NRA and their bought and paid for republican politicians have rejected it, but I don't expect that to last forever.

No...the overwhelming majority do not understand the issues involved and are only reacting to the emotional appeal of gun grabbers who lie about the issues....

Got it. The entire country is too dumb to understand the issues, but you and a few other gun nuts are the only smart ones. You bet.
Yep.....he pushes his ideas....

KASHUV: We Need To Stop School Shootings And Here's How

We need to get real about mental health care in this country. Affordable, accessible mental health care is essential. A person who would inflict the level of terror we’ve seen so far is sick — and he needs help. Yet, in America, it’s hard to get help. Access to mental health care needs to be easy, affordable, and prioritized.

We all need to be educated on the warning signs of a person in crisis. The refrain is the same after each one of these incidents — the shooter was a loner, someone who scared people, a person who was already on police radar. It’s only practical that we educate communities on recognizing the signs of an at-risk person, and teach them actionable steps to take.

We should take school security seriously. Gun-free zone signs don’t help. It’s absurd to think that they do. We protect our state houses, our sporting venues, and our concert halls with security. Why don’t we do the same for our children?

We should fully implement the recently enacted FIX NICS legislation. This would help ensure that people who shouldn’t have guns can’t get them. Everyone agrees that dangerous people shouldn’t have firearms, yet the system we use to keep that from happening has holes. This legislation has been signed into law and now needs to be implemented.

The media should be held accountable. There is no reason why broadcasters should splash the name and face of a mass murderer over their screens for days on end — that's giving him exactly what he wanted. They can report the news without using his name, without showing his face, and without giving him the type of coverage he believes makes him infamous. While the government should not be mandating this, each news outlet and journalist should take this on themselves.

Yep. Problem solved. All we have to do is cure mental illness. How do you plan to do that? Will a "mental illness" vaccination take care of that little problem?
The ONLY way to remove a citizens right to own firearms is through the legal process, that means identifying who should be taken before a Judge and then doing it. Right now NO ONE n the left plans to do anything like that they prefer crazies shoot up places cause they think it will help, them ban firearms.

Common sense regulation is not removing your guns or any kind of infringement on the 2nd ammendment.

Yes.....and yet you won't state what "reasonable gun control" is because everytime you do...we show you how it isn't reasonable or gun control for mass shooters or criminals...and it always ends up being extreme infringement on the 2nd Amendment....
Yep.....he pushes his ideas....

KASHUV: We Need To Stop School Shootings And Here's How

We need to get real about mental health care in this country. Affordable, accessible mental health care is essential. A person who would inflict the level of terror we’ve seen so far is sick — and he needs help. Yet, in America, it’s hard to get help. Access to mental health care needs to be easy, affordable, and prioritized.

We all need to be educated on the warning signs of a person in crisis. The refrain is the same after each one of these incidents — the shooter was a loner, someone who scared people, a person who was already on police radar. It’s only practical that we educate communities on recognizing the signs of an at-risk person, and teach them actionable steps to take.

We should take school security seriously. Gun-free zone signs don’t help. It’s absurd to think that they do. We protect our state houses, our sporting venues, and our concert halls with security. Why don’t we do the same for our children?

We should fully implement the recently enacted FIX NICS legislation. This would help ensure that people who shouldn’t have guns can’t get them. Everyone agrees that dangerous people shouldn’t have firearms, yet the system we use to keep that from happening has holes. This legislation has been signed into law and now needs to be implemented.

The media should be held accountable. There is no reason why broadcasters should splash the name and face of a mass murderer over their screens for days on end — that's giving him exactly what he wanted. They can report the news without using his name, without showing his face, and without giving him the type of coverage he believes makes him infamous. While the government should not be mandating this, each news outlet and journalist should take this on themselves.

The article in your link is wrong. The country has NOT rejected gun control. The overwhelming majority of the country is in favor of reasonable gun control. The NRA and their bought and paid for republican politicians have rejected it, but I don't expect that to last forever.

No...the overwhelming majority do not understand the issues involved and are only reacting to the emotional appeal of gun grabbers who lie about the issues....

Got it. The entire country is too dumb to understand the issues, but you and a few other gun nuts are the only smart ones. You bet.

Nope...the majority of the country doesn't pay attention to the issue, and they don't understand the psychosis of gun control extremists like you...
The ONLY way to remove a citizens right to own firearms is through the legal process, that means identifying who should be taken before a Judge and then doing it. Right now NO ONE n the left plans to do anything like that they prefer crazies shoot up places cause they think it will help, them ban firearms.

Common sense regulation is not removing your guns or any kind of infringement on the 2nd ammendment.
I own an AR-15 and people like yourself would have it confiscated by the Government the very definition of infringement.

What a fool. I don't advocate removal of guns unless the owner is too unstable to be allowed one. In your case, you sound like you might be one of those.
What about the social security crowd that require assistance with some aspect of their life... Should they be precluded from their firearms, ipso facto... as Obama saw fit?

If they are so disabled till they aren't able to tell if they crapped their pants, or know they need to eat or take their medicine, they probably shouldn't be buying a gun.
Well as it was, any type of assistance (like investment portfolios, personal finance etc.) would qualify them for the no firearm list... we might actually agree on something here... lol
Yep.....he pushes his ideas....

KASHUV: We Need To Stop School Shootings And Here's How

We need to get real about mental health care in this country. Affordable, accessible mental health care is essential. A person who would inflict the level of terror we’ve seen so far is sick — and he needs help. Yet, in America, it’s hard to get help. Access to mental health care needs to be easy, affordable, and prioritized.

We all need to be educated on the warning signs of a person in crisis. The refrain is the same after each one of these incidents — the shooter was a loner, someone who scared people, a person who was already on police radar. It’s only practical that we educate communities on recognizing the signs of an at-risk person, and teach them actionable steps to take.

We should take school security seriously. Gun-free zone signs don’t help. It’s absurd to think that they do. We protect our state houses, our sporting venues, and our concert halls with security. Why don’t we do the same for our children?

We should fully implement the recently enacted FIX NICS legislation. This would help ensure that people who shouldn’t have guns can’t get them. Everyone agrees that dangerous people shouldn’t have firearms, yet the system we use to keep that from happening has holes. This legislation has been signed into law and now needs to be implemented.

The media should be held accountable. There is no reason why broadcasters should splash the name and face of a mass murderer over their screens for days on end — that's giving him exactly what he wanted. They can report the news without using his name, without showing his face, and without giving him the type of coverage he believes makes him infamous. While the government should not be mandating this, each news outlet and journalist should take this on themselves.

Yep. Problem solved. All we have to do is cure mental illness. How do you plan to do that? Will a "mental illness" vaccination take care of that little problem?

And yet a moron like you wants to ban guns.....and you think criminals will comply with could probably use some free mental health care....

Again, you accuse me of wanting to ban guns. Are you that nuts, or do you just like lying?
Yep.....he pushes his ideas....

KASHUV: We Need To Stop School Shootings And Here's How

We need to get real about mental health care in this country. Affordable, accessible mental health care is essential. A person who would inflict the level of terror we’ve seen so far is sick — and he needs help. Yet, in America, it’s hard to get help. Access to mental health care needs to be easy, affordable, and prioritized.

We all need to be educated on the warning signs of a person in crisis. The refrain is the same after each one of these incidents — the shooter was a loner, someone who scared people, a person who was already on police radar. It’s only practical that we educate communities on recognizing the signs of an at-risk person, and teach them actionable steps to take.

We should take school security seriously. Gun-free zone signs don’t help. It’s absurd to think that they do. We protect our state houses, our sporting venues, and our concert halls with security. Why don’t we do the same for our children?

We should fully implement the recently enacted FIX NICS legislation. This would help ensure that people who shouldn’t have guns can’t get them. Everyone agrees that dangerous people shouldn’t have firearms, yet the system we use to keep that from happening has holes. This legislation has been signed into law and now needs to be implemented.

The media should be held accountable. There is no reason why broadcasters should splash the name and face of a mass murderer over their screens for days on end — that's giving him exactly what he wanted. They can report the news without using his name, without showing his face, and without giving him the type of coverage he believes makes him infamous. While the government should not be mandating this, each news outlet and journalist should take this on themselves.

Yep. Problem solved. All we have to do is cure mental illness. How do you plan to do that? Will a "mental illness" vaccination take care of that little problem?

And yet a moron like you wants to ban guns.....and you think criminals will comply with could probably use some free mental health care....

Again, you accuse me of wanting to ban guns. Are you that nuts, or do you just like lying?

Every policy you advocate leads to gun confiscation and banning, just one baby step at a time.....
Yep.....he pushes his ideas....

KASHUV: We Need To Stop School Shootings And Here's How

We need to get real about mental health care in this country. Affordable, accessible mental health care is essential. A person who would inflict the level of terror we’ve seen so far is sick — and he needs help. Yet, in America, it’s hard to get help. Access to mental health care needs to be easy, affordable, and prioritized.

We all need to be educated on the warning signs of a person in crisis. The refrain is the same after each one of these incidents — the shooter was a loner, someone who scared people, a person who was already on police radar. It’s only practical that we educate communities on recognizing the signs of an at-risk person, and teach them actionable steps to take.

We should take school security seriously. Gun-free zone signs don’t help. It’s absurd to think that they do. We protect our state houses, our sporting venues, and our concert halls with security. Why don’t we do the same for our children?

We should fully implement the recently enacted FIX NICS legislation. This would help ensure that people who shouldn’t have guns can’t get them. Everyone agrees that dangerous people shouldn’t have firearms, yet the system we use to keep that from happening has holes. This legislation has been signed into law and now needs to be implemented.

The media should be held accountable. There is no reason why broadcasters should splash the name and face of a mass murderer over their screens for days on end — that's giving him exactly what he wanted. They can report the news without using his name, without showing his face, and without giving him the type of coverage he believes makes him infamous. While the government should not be mandating this, each news outlet and journalist should take this on themselves.

The article in your link is wrong. The country has NOT rejected gun control. The overwhelming majority of the country is in favor of reasonable gun control. The NRA and their bought and paid for republican politicians have rejected it, but I don't expect that to last forever.

No...the overwhelming majority do not understand the issues involved and are only reacting to the emotional appeal of gun grabbers who lie about the issues....

Got it. The entire country is too dumb to understand the issues, but you and a few other gun nuts are the only smart ones. You bet.

Nope...the majority of the country doesn't pay attention to the issue, and they don't understand the psychosis of gun control extremists like you...

Shouldn't you be trying to find some way to whine about England about now?
Common sense regulation is not removing your guns or any kind of infringement on the 2nd ammendment.
I own an AR-15 and people like yourself would have it confiscated by the Government the very definition of infringement.

What a fool. I don't advocate removal of guns unless the owner is too unstable to be allowed one. In your case, you sound like you might be one of those.
What about the social security crowd that require assistance with some aspect of their life... Should they be precluded from their firearms, ipso facto... as Obama saw fit?

If they are so disabled till they aren't able to tell if they crapped their pants, or know they need to eat or take their medicine, they probably shouldn't be buying a gun.
Well as it was, any type of assistance (like investment portfolios, personal finance etc.) would qualify them for the no firearm list... we might actually agree on something here... lol

Is that what the NRA told you?
Yep.....he pushes his ideas....

KASHUV: We Need To Stop School Shootings And Here's How

We need to get real about mental health care in this country. Affordable, accessible mental health care is essential. A person who would inflict the level of terror we’ve seen so far is sick — and he needs help. Yet, in America, it’s hard to get help. Access to mental health care needs to be easy, affordable, and prioritized.

We all need to be educated on the warning signs of a person in crisis. The refrain is the same after each one of these incidents — the shooter was a loner, someone who scared people, a person who was already on police radar. It’s only practical that we educate communities on recognizing the signs of an at-risk person, and teach them actionable steps to take.

We should take school security seriously. Gun-free zone signs don’t help. It’s absurd to think that they do. We protect our state houses, our sporting venues, and our concert halls with security. Why don’t we do the same for our children?

We should fully implement the recently enacted FIX NICS legislation. This would help ensure that people who shouldn’t have guns can’t get them. Everyone agrees that dangerous people shouldn’t have firearms, yet the system we use to keep that from happening has holes. This legislation has been signed into law and now needs to be implemented.

The media should be held accountable. There is no reason why broadcasters should splash the name and face of a mass murderer over their screens for days on end — that's giving him exactly what he wanted. They can report the news without using his name, without showing his face, and without giving him the type of coverage he believes makes him infamous. While the government should not be mandating this, each news outlet and journalist should take this on themselves.

Yep. Problem solved. All we have to do is cure mental illness. How do you plan to do that? Will a "mental illness" vaccination take care of that little problem?

And yet a moron like you wants to ban guns.....and you think criminals will comply with could probably use some free mental health care....

Again, you accuse me of wanting to ban guns. Are you that nuts, or do you just like lying?

Every policy you advocate leads to gun confiscation and banning, just one baby step at a time.....

Sorry. Not in the mood for a gun nut tonight. If you would ever come up with something new, it would help.
Yep.....he pushes his ideas....

KASHUV: We Need To Stop School Shootings And Here's How

We need to get real about mental health care in this country. Affordable, accessible mental health care is essential. A person who would inflict the level of terror we’ve seen so far is sick — and he needs help. Yet, in America, it’s hard to get help. Access to mental health care needs to be easy, affordable, and prioritized.

We all need to be educated on the warning signs of a person in crisis. The refrain is the same after each one of these incidents — the shooter was a loner, someone who scared people, a person who was already on police radar. It’s only practical that we educate communities on recognizing the signs of an at-risk person, and teach them actionable steps to take.

We should take school security seriously. Gun-free zone signs don’t help. It’s absurd to think that they do. We protect our state houses, our sporting venues, and our concert halls with security. Why don’t we do the same for our children?

We should fully implement the recently enacted FIX NICS legislation. This would help ensure that people who shouldn’t have guns can’t get them. Everyone agrees that dangerous people shouldn’t have firearms, yet the system we use to keep that from happening has holes. This legislation has been signed into law and now needs to be implemented.

The media should be held accountable. There is no reason why broadcasters should splash the name and face of a mass murderer over their screens for days on end — that's giving him exactly what he wanted. They can report the news without using his name, without showing his face, and without giving him the type of coverage he believes makes him infamous. While the government should not be mandating this, each news outlet and journalist should take this on themselves.

Yep. Problem solved. All we have to do is cure mental illness. How do you plan to do that? Will a "mental illness" vaccination take care of that little problem?

And yet a moron like you wants to ban guns.....and you think criminals will comply with could probably use some free mental health care....

Again, you accuse me of wanting to ban guns. Are you that nuts, or do you just like lying?

Every policy you advocate leads to gun confiscation and banning, just one baby step at a time.....

Sorry. Not in the mood for a gun nut tonight. If you would ever come up with something new, it would help.

The truth is the truth.......again, you didn't name your "common sense" gun know it won't do anything, but you push it so that you can ban and confiscate guns in slow motion...
Obama’s Outrageous Expansion of Gun-Buyer Background Checks
By John R. Lott Jr.

January 3, 2017 8:54 PM


Customer inspects a gun at a store in Phoenix, Ariz. (Reuters photo: Ralph D. Freso)
In his last days as president, he’s bidding to strip millions of seniors of their Second Amendment rights.
Have you ever thought of letting someone else manage your finances? Under finalized new rules released just before Christmas by President Obama, Social Security recipients will be banned from buying a gun if they are deemed “financially incompetent.” Some 4.2 million Social Security recipients — about 10 percent of all people 65 and older — could lose the right to own a gun as a result.

Just because someone can’t manage his finances doesn’t mean that he’s a danger to others. What is next? Keeping guns away from people who can’t drive or do math? What about other rights? Should “financially incompetent” people be forbidden from voting or making other decisions? President Obama and most other Democrats would be understandably upset if any voters were required to pass a literacy or intelligence test at the polls, but they have no problem denying millions of seniors their ability to defend themselves.
The kid is spot on saying a shooter should not become a media star. If these mentally ill kids would get no coverage, they would just off themselves at home. Mental illness is tough to stop. In many cases there is nothing that can be done for these kids. There is no magic pill for most forms of mental illness. Some respond better than other to meds, but it just manages the condition. There is no cure. I still don't see why people are ok with schools being soft targets. If you can't grab the guns or cure the shooters, why in the name of G are we not securing school grounds? My son's high school just starting screening those who entered the front door the last 9 weeks of this year. Heads in the sand. They really don't think it can happen to them.
The kid is spot on saying a shooter should not become a media star. If these mentally ill kids would get no coverage, they would just off themselves at home. Mental illness is tough to stop. In many cases there is nothing that can be done for these kids. There is no magic pill for most forms of mental illness. Some respond better than other to meds, but it just manages the condition. There is no cure. I still don't see why people are ok with schools being soft targets. If you can't grab the guns or cure the shooters, why in the name of G are we not securing school grounds? My son's high school just starting screening those who entered the front door the last 9 weeks of this year. Heads in the sand. They really don't think it can happen to them.

The problem we had these last few weeks.......the coverage the Parkland survivors received from the press. Because of this shooter, they had a CNN town hall, they had school walk outs, and they had rallies in D.C. and around the country, the copy cats saw all of that set in motion by the shooting, and they wanted that for themselves.....

We need the press to be responsible........and they just won't do shootings work for them...
Why hasn't there been a near instantaneous moratorium called on the 'Promise Program' and other Obama era edu. policy fiascos that hugely contributed toward this 18 yo who should have been arrested 20 some times & behind bars on a number of occasions...?

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