Parkland Teenage mass shooting survivor on how to stop mass school shootings....

Yep.....he pushes his ideas....

KASHUV: We Need To Stop School Shootings And Here's How

We need to get real about mental health care in this country. Affordable, accessible mental health care is essential. A person who would inflict the level of terror we’ve seen so far is sick — and he needs help. Yet, in America, it’s hard to get help. Access to mental health care needs to be easy, affordable, and prioritized.

We all need to be educated on the warning signs of a person in crisis. The refrain is the same after each one of these incidents — the shooter was a loner, someone who scared people, a person who was already on police radar. It’s only practical that we educate communities on recognizing the signs of an at-risk person, and teach them actionable steps to take.

We should take school security seriously. Gun-free zone signs don’t help. It’s absurd to think that they do. We protect our state houses, our sporting venues, and our concert halls with security. Why don’t we do the same for our children?

We should fully implement the recently enacted FIX NICS legislation. This would help ensure that people who shouldn’t have guns can’t get them. Everyone agrees that dangerous people shouldn’t have firearms, yet the system we use to keep that from happening has holes. This legislation has been signed into law and now needs to be implemented.

The media should be held accountable. There is no reason why broadcasters should splash the name and face of a mass murderer over their screens for days on end — that's giving him exactly what he wanted. They can report the news without using his name, without showing his face, and without giving him the type of coverage he believes makes him infamous. While the government should not be mandating this, each news outlet and journalist should take this on themselves.

The article in your link is wrong. The country has NOT rejected gun control. The overwhelming majority of the country is in favor of reasonable gun control. The NRA and their bought and paid for republican politicians have rejected it, but I don't expect that to last forever.
Banning firearms because of cosmetics is not reasonable gun control.

Amazing how you rant about things that haven't happened.

Liberal loony states are proceeding in that direction.

NY Gun Bill Ends Due Process, OR's Bill Confiscates Guns on Allegations

Illinois Town Orders Residents to Hand in Weapons - UnitedGunGroup

Cali Farmer Arrested, Charged, After He Tries to Register a Rifle

What a goofball.
1. All the whining about the Florida school shooters warning signs with nothing being done, any you want to stop a law that would make that possible. That's hypocritical.
2. I thought RWNJs wanted local control of gun laws
3. The idiot tried to register an illegal gun. Doh!!!

What is wrong with you?
Absolutely nothing is wrong with me. The 'illegality' of his one weapon is solely the opinion of the local government which evidently has its head up its do most liberals.

Fuckin' IDIOTS!

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