Parkland victims parents new to sue, sue, sue!


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
One of the biggest problems in US society is that there is no accountability. Looking at the myriad of ways the Parkland shooter could have been stopped, but was not, this is painfully clear.

People understand money though, so to hold them accountable, and many like them in the future, the victims of the Parkland shooter need to sue, but who?

Here are some suggestions.

1. Sue the state. The state secures state and federal buildings all across the country, yet they are never shot up. However, schools consistently are shot up with no attempt to secure them. This is negligence.

2. Sue the custodians of the shooter. The shooter was due to inherit some $800,000 from his dead parents next year. His custodians knew that and wanted the loot for themselves. Had they had him arrested before the shooting they still would not see any of it, nor if he were put in a mental ward. However, let him have a gun and send him off to school and chances are that he would die and they would collect. These custodians were negligent and perhaps criminally so in letting this kid have a gun because of his violent past.

3. The local law enforcement. Here they run to the scene with their guns and hide in the bushes? This should be any easy target for any lawyer.

I hope from now on, any school that gets shot up parents sue the hell out of the state until they secure these institutions like they do their local IRS building.
There are no custodians. Cruz isn't a minor. He is not under a conservatorship. He is not dead. His inheritance is his own money and available to pay his attorneys.
The shooters parents are dead, and the people who took him in are not responsible so that will be thrown out of court.

Not sure about the government though, they were let down from the top to the social worker who cleared the kid after cutting himself on Facebook.. Cutting is like an addiction and mental illness in itself.. he should have been referred to a mental health professional who would have seen the signs right away.
One of the biggest problems in US society is that there is no accountability. Looking at the myriad of ways the Parkland shooter could have been stopped, but was not, this is painfully clear.

People understand money though, so to hold them accountable, and many like them in the future, the victims of the Parkland shooter need to sue, but who?

Here are some suggestions.

1. Sue the state. The state secures state and federal buildings all across the country, yet they are never shot up. However, schools consistently are shot up with no attempt to secure them. This is negligence.

2. Sue the custodians of the shooter. The shooter was due to inherit some $800,000 from his dead parents next year. His custodians knew that and wanted the loot for themselves. Had they had him arrested before the shooting they still would not see any of it, nor if he were put in a mental ward. However, let him have a gun and send him off to school and chances are that he would die and they would collect. These custodians were negligent and perhaps criminally so in letting this kid have a gun because of his violent past.

3. The local law enforcement. Here they run to the scene with their guns and hide in the bushes? This should be any easy target for any lawyer.

I hope from now on, any school that gets shot up parents sue the hell out of the state until they secure these institutions like they do their local IRS building.
there's a guy out there that claims if a law suit is filed he has names, dates, and places of the HS in cooperation with LE to not arrest HS kids
They will probably go after innocent people like the gun manufacturer or the guy that sold him the gun legally..
Ultimately, the blame belongs to The Congress and The President. Their efforts to pray for the victims failed! The victims are still dead, maimed or mired in grief. Blood money given to members of Congress by the NRA, and to the President, is where the buck stops. Enough is enough:.

The NRA is a terrorist organization, which enables easy access to offensive weapons as it opposes comprehensive background checks. The Republican Party allowed the Brady Bill to sunset, the Republican Party blocked money for the CDC to collect stats on gun violence, and promises to take even minor bills to control guns in America are rejected by those who have been bribed by the NRA.

Every member of Congress, who does not give the money they received from the NRA to school districts in their districts, to be used for more school councilors / psychologists ought to be sent home in November. This includes every member, D or R or I.

Every dime received by Trump in "donations" from the NRA needs to be given to every school district in the nation where a child was killed or injured by gun fire.

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