Parliament vs. Trump

Actually, I don't give a rat's ass about anything Parliament says or does.
This is an indication of how foolish and misguided Trump supporters are regarding international relations: it is of great importance what our strongest and closest international ally thinks of a person who aspires to be the US president. It's hugely important.

I'm certainly not the first one to say it. Jerry Lee Lewis told them a long time ago to kiss his ass. England needs us more than we need them.
Well I guess it shoudn't amaze me but I've seen alot of variations on the theme we don't care.The problem with that is simple the world has to care. Whatever happens in the US has huge impact on the rest of the world. If you pick a president the rest of the world hopes for someone smart and responsible enough to recognise their is something outside the US border. 2008 busted your mortgage market and the subsequential damage bankrupted more then 1 governement to just give an obvious example. Our fear is with all the stuff Trump has been saying he's about the least responsible person there is. It might be just posturing but nobody really knows for sure. Hence the strong reactions

Which means little. The man could turn out to be a great President or an awful one. No one knows. Everyone thought Obama would be the one to bring the nation together yet he has proven to be the divider-in-chief. One never knows.
There is actually a big difference. The retoric used by Trump is blatently, racist, xenofobic, sexist and in general inflamatory. If he becomes commander in chief, he'll have the power of te greatest war machine on the planet. He comes over vindictive and petty and insanely narcisistic and it's scary. Remember we in Europe had a person like that in the thirties and he nearly destroyed the entire continent.

Racist? Really? Some folks don't think so:

Brother of slain civil rights leader Medgar Evers endorses Trump
THERE we go. "Different rules apply". Finally he admits to a double standard.

As I said at the beginning -- Rump the Magnificent can denigrate whoever/whatever he wants but let somebody react to it..... ooooooh no, we can't have that. :nono:

Having it Both Ways: Priceless.

This is where I came in.

They are two completely different situations, of course different rules apply, you moron.

"Politics stop at the water's edge." YOu ever hear that before, moron?

I don't know any "morons" -- perhaps Donald Rump can point them out -- but no, I've never heard that. But diga me this:

If that's true, then what the fuck business is it of ours what Natalie Maines says to a concert audience in London?

Once again ---- can't have it both ways. It seems we're making this same point over and over.
Wonder why.

The idea of a group, such as a nation, with loyalty supposedly between it's members, means that when one is insulting a fellow member of that group to an outsider, that person is showing disloyalty.

That is why it matters.

She was taking internal disagreements and using it to pander to people outside the group at the expense of the group as a whole.

Again --- who the fuck is this "she"? What thread are you even in?

Where do you get "disloyalty" out of your personal rules for what the British Parliament is allowed to opine on? Where exactly do you derive that?

See, this is exactly what I mean by hero-worship personality cult. Your Dear Leader gets criticized, not only does he melt down ---- you do too. Your relationship with this man is entirely emotional.

She hasn't yet realized he is just conning her and her conservative buddies. Sad, really. But, he hasn't conned the British Parliament or the rest of the world.

You base that on nothing but your desire for it to be true.
Different rules apply INSIDE a political campaign then in international relations.

I'm sorry that I didn't explain that to you. I thought you were smart enough to realize that painfully obvious fact.

I will adjust my view of your intelligence downward.
I love it when idiots attack other peoples intelligence. Whatever helps you sleep at night smarty pants. Really think about the statement you just made and maybe you will see the hypocrisy.

"It's ok for insiders to act like irresponsible undiplomatic babies as long as they are campaigning because they only have to work with the president in government. Outside countries have much more responsibility to work together and get things done so they need to keep their opinions to themselves and play nice."

noun: hypocrisy; plural noun: hypocrisies
  1. the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.

My point stands. If Trump is President, the British will have to deal with him though his term(s).

Insulting the possible leader of the most powerful nation in the world is irresponsible and undiplomatic.

That you don't understand the difference between a political campaign and international relations or why there might be different rules and expectations for the two, is you being a moron.

Then I shudder to think what the same reasoning makes you with your hero-worship personality cult double standard.

You are an asshole.

Trump is not my "hero", he is the candidate that most agrees with me on the issues, thus he has my support.

My point stands.

If Trump is President, the British will have to deal with him though his term(s).

Insulting the possible leader of the most powerful nation in the world is irresponsible and undiplomatic.
Different rules apply INSIDE a political campaign then in international relations.

I'm sorry that I didn't explain that to you. I thought you were smart enough to realize that painfully obvious fact.

I will adjust my view of your intelligence downward.
I love it when idiots attack other peoples intelligence. Whatever helps you sleep at night smarty pants. Really think about the statement you just made and maybe you will see the hypocrisy.

"It's ok for insiders to act like irresponsible undiplomatic babies as long as they are campaigning because they only have to work with the president in government. Outside countries have much more responsibility to work together and get things done so they need to keep their opinions to themselves and play nice."

noun: hypocrisy; plural noun: hypocrisies
  1. the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.

My point stands. If Trump is President, the British will have to deal with him though his term(s).

Insulting the possible leader of the most powerful nation in the world is irresponsible and undiplomatic.

That you don't understand the difference between a political campaign and international relations or why there might be different rules and expectations for the two, is you being a moron.

Then I shudder to think what the same reasoning makes you with your hero-worship personality cult double standard.

You are an asshole.

Trump is not my "hero", he is the candidate that most agrees with me on the issues, thus he has my support.

My point stands.

If Trump is President, the British will have to deal with him though his term(s).

Insulting the possible leader of the most powerful nation in the world is irresponsible and undiplomatic.
I'm probably asking alot but would it be at all possible to try to see it from an European standpoint.Trump is a guy who sais it's alright to torture someone he considers an enemy. Its even alright to go after the family of said enemy. He by admission sais he's simply gonna bully al the nations of the world into doing what he sais and you call the British undiplomatic. Pretty ironic if you ask me

Policy differences is one thing.

Going after a potentially leader personally, another.

They were irresponsible and undiplomatic.
They are two completely different situations, of course different rules apply, you moron.

"Politics stop at the water's edge." YOu ever hear that before, moron?

I don't know any "morons" -- perhaps Donald Rump can point them out -- but no, I've never heard that. But diga me this:

If that's true, then what the fuck business is it of ours what Natalie Maines says to a concert audience in London?

Once again ---- can't have it both ways. It seems we're making this same point over and over.
Wonder why.

The idea of a group, such as a nation, with loyalty supposedly between it's members, means that when one is insulting a fellow member of that group to an outsider, that person is showing disloyalty.

That is why it matters.

She was taking internal disagreements and using it to pander to people outside the group at the expense of the group as a whole.

Again --- who the fuck is this "she"? What thread are you even in?

Where do you get "disloyalty" out of your personal rules for what the British Parliament is allowed to opine on? Where exactly do you derive that?

See, this is exactly what I mean by hero-worship personality cult. Your Dear Leader gets criticized, not only does he melt down ---- you do too. Your relationship with this man is entirely emotional.

Natalie Maines, who you brought up is the "she".

It is disloyal of an American to badmouth the President of this nation to a foreign crowd.

Save your odd pop culture nonsense about "personality cult". I explained my reasons, you jerk.
This is funny. This is hilarious. First, Trump is not our president, and not likely to be so. Second, you all have been badmouthing, in the extreme, our president ever since the moment he was elected. You are the ones who are so quintessentially disloyal.

Natalie Maines badmouthed President GWBush during his term. I'm not the one that brought her up.

Trump has a very good chance at this point in time of becoming President.

I have already explained the difference between internal discussions and external discussions. If you want to address that, you are welcome to do so.
My point stands. If Trump is President, the British will have to deal with him though his term(s).

Insulting the possible leader of the most powerful nation in the world is irresponsible and undiplomatic.

That you don't understand the difference between a political campaign and international relations or why there might be different rules and expectations for the two, is you being a moron.

Then I shudder to think what the same reasoning makes you with your hero-worship personality cult double standard.

You are an asshole.

Trump is not my "hero", he is the candidate that most agrees with me on the issues, thus he has my support.

My point stands.

If Trump is President, the British will have to deal with him though his term(s).

Insulting the possible leader of the most powerful nation in the world is irresponsible and undiplomatic.

Double standard.
Ergo --- hypocrisy.

Do you think a political campaign and international relations are the same thing?

No I do not. Your double standard is one you've already admitted --- that Donald The Rump can insult, denigrate, slur and mock nationalities, religions, a gender, competitors and a congenital physical disability, but when some entity responds to that you melt down.

Double standard.

If it weren't a double standard then you should have been melting down when Rump disparaged Mexicans, women, Muslims, congenital physical disabilities, the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America and anyone who takes issue with him or asks pointed questions.

Either that, or you wouldn't be melting down over the horror of Parliament reacting like anyone would who isn't drinking that particular emotional Kool-Aid.

One or the other. Not "one from column A and one from column B". There is consistency, and there is Double Standard. You chose the latter.

Got it.

You admit that they are not the same thing but you want to use the same standards because it gives you an excuse to smear your enemy.

I've already addressed your concern about the reporter.

I don't know any "morons" -- perhaps Donald Rump can point them out -- but no, I've never heard that. But diga me this:

If that's true, then what the fuck business is it of ours what Natalie Maines says to a concert audience in London?

Once again ---- can't have it both ways. It seems we're making this same point over and over.
Wonder why.

The idea of a group, such as a nation, with loyalty supposedly between it's members, means that when one is insulting a fellow member of that group to an outsider, that person is showing disloyalty.

That is why it matters.

She was taking internal disagreements and using it to pander to people outside the group at the expense of the group as a whole.

Again --- who the fuck is this "she"? What thread are you even in?

Where do you get "disloyalty" out of your personal rules for what the British Parliament is allowed to opine on? Where exactly do you derive that?

See, this is exactly what I mean by hero-worship personality cult. Your Dear Leader gets criticized, not only does he melt down ---- you do too. Your relationship with this man is entirely emotional.

Natalie Maines, who you brought up is the "she".

It is disloyal of an American to badmouth the President of this nation to a foreign crowd.

Save your odd pop culture nonsense about "personality cult". I explained my reasons, you jerk.
This is funny. This is hilarious. First, Trump is not our president, and not likely to be so. Second, you all have been badmouthing, in the extreme, our president ever since the moment he was elected. You are the ones who are so quintessentially disloyal.

Natalie Maines badmouthed President GWBush during his term. I'm not the one that brought her up.

Trump has a very good chance at this point in time of becoming President.

I have already explained the difference between internal discussions and external discussions. If you want to address that, you are welcome to do so.
Do you actually think what you are calling 'internal discussion' regarding the right wing's extremely hostile and racist criticism of Mr. Obama, his wife and his children has not been broadcast and heard around the world? Wow. You are just something else. It's getting too, too tiresome to address your posts.
Actually, I don't give a rat's ass about anything Parliament says or does.
This is an indication of how foolish and misguided Trump supporters are regarding international relations: it is of great importance what our strongest and closest international ally thinks of a person who aspires to be the US president. It's hugely important.

I'm certainly not the first one to say it. Jerry Lee Lewis told them a long time ago to kiss his ass. England needs us more than we need them.
Well I guess it shoudn't amaze me but I've seen alot of variations on the theme we don't care.The problem with that is simple the world has to care. Whatever happens in the US has huge impact on the rest of the world. If you pick a president the rest of the world hopes for someone smart and responsible enough to recognise their is something outside the US border. 2008 busted your mortgage market and the subsequential damage bankrupted more then 1 governement to just give an obvious example. Our fear is with all the stuff Trump has been saying he's about the least responsible person there is. It might be just posturing but nobody really knows for sure. Hence the strong reactions

Which means little. The man could turn out to be a great President or an awful one. No one knows. Everyone thought Obama would be the one to bring the nation together yet he has proven to be the divider-in-chief. One never knows.
There is actually a big difference. The retoric used by Trump is blatently, racist,....

I stopped reading there.

Screw you.

Policy differences is one thing.

Going after a potentially leader personally, another.

They were irresponsible and undiplomatic.
You think the British parliament is being irresponsible and undiplomatic? Seriously, what kind of brain do you have? Did you get it at a flea market?

I've already posted my reasons for stating that repeatedly.

SO, your post, where you pretend to be shocked by the fact that I don't hold the same opinion as you is nothing but filler.

And the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

And your personal attacks are the Logical Fallacy of Ad Hominem.

So, if you have nothing else to add, please keep your filler from wasting my time.
This is an indication of how foolish and misguided Trump supporters are regarding international relations: it is of great importance what our strongest and closest international ally thinks of a person who aspires to be the US president. It's hugely important.

I'm certainly not the first one to say it. Jerry Lee Lewis told them a long time ago to kiss his ass. England needs us more than we need them.
Well I guess it shoudn't amaze me but I've seen alot of variations on the theme we don't care.The problem with that is simple the world has to care. Whatever happens in the US has huge impact on the rest of the world. If you pick a president the rest of the world hopes for someone smart and responsible enough to recognise their is something outside the US border. 2008 busted your mortgage market and the subsequential damage bankrupted more then 1 governement to just give an obvious example. Our fear is with all the stuff Trump has been saying he's about the least responsible person there is. It might be just posturing but nobody really knows for sure. Hence the strong reactions

Which means little. The man could turn out to be a great President or an awful one. No one knows. Everyone thought Obama would be the one to bring the nation together yet he has proven to be the divider-in-chief. One never knows.
There is actually a big difference. The retoric used by Trump is blatently, racist,....

I stopped reading there.

Screw you.

Well screw you is actually pretty good as a comeback and I like how you try to say I'm just beiing polliticly correct but since you're a Trump supporter I won't have to bring up all the footage, Quotes etc. Because you like it when he call most Mexican immegrants rapist; If you feel you can show me that any of te names I used for Trump are lies I will gladly stand corrected.
I'm certainly not the first one to say it. Jerry Lee Lewis told them a long time ago to kiss his ass. England needs us more than we need them.
Well I guess it shoudn't amaze me but I've seen alot of variations on the theme we don't care.The problem with that is simple the world has to care. Whatever happens in the US has huge impact on the rest of the world. If you pick a president the rest of the world hopes for someone smart and responsible enough to recognise their is something outside the US border. 2008 busted your mortgage market and the subsequential damage bankrupted more then 1 governement to just give an obvious example. Our fear is with all the stuff Trump has been saying he's about the least responsible person there is. It might be just posturing but nobody really knows for sure. Hence the strong reactions

Which means little. The man could turn out to be a great President or an awful one. No one knows. Everyone thought Obama would be the one to bring the nation together yet he has proven to be the divider-in-chief. One never knows.
There is actually a big difference. The retoric used by Trump is blatently, racist,....

I stopped reading there.

Screw you.

Well screw you is actually pretty good as a comeback and I like how you try to say I'm just beiing polliticly correct but since you're a Trump supporter I won't have to bring up all the footage, Quotes etc. Because you like it when he call most Mexican immegrants rapist; If you feel you can show me that any of te names I used for Trump are lies I will gladly stand corrected.
Wow I really need to reread before I push post LOL.
The idea of a group, such as a nation, with loyalty supposedly between it's members, means that when one is insulting a fellow member of that group to an outsider, that person is showing disloyalty.

That is why it matters.

She was taking internal disagreements and using it to pander to people outside the group at the expense of the group as a whole.

Again --- who the fuck is this "she"? What thread are you even in?

Where do you get "disloyalty" out of your personal rules for what the British Parliament is allowed to opine on? Where exactly do you derive that?

See, this is exactly what I mean by hero-worship personality cult. Your Dear Leader gets criticized, not only does he melt down ---- you do too. Your relationship with this man is entirely emotional.

Natalie Maines, who you brought up is the "she".

It is disloyal of an American to badmouth the President of this nation to a foreign crowd.

Save your odd pop culture nonsense about "personality cult". I explained my reasons, you jerk.
This is funny. This is hilarious. First, Trump is not our president, and not likely to be so. Second, you all have been badmouthing, in the extreme, our president ever since the moment he was elected. You are the ones who are so quintessentially disloyal.

Natalie Maines badmouthed President GWBush during his term. I'm not the one that brought her up.

Trump has a very good chance at this point in time of becoming President.

I have already explained the difference between internal discussions and external discussions. If you want to address that, you are welcome to do so.
Do you actually think what you are calling 'internal discussion' regarding the right wing's extremely hostile and racist criticism of Mr. Obama, his wife and his children has not been broadcast and heard around the world? Wow. You are just something else. It's getting too, too tiresome to address your posts.

Save your race card for some one who gives a damn.

And yes, I do think the break down of civility in our politics is a problem for the rest of the world to see.

YOur belief system that it is only an issue of the Right WIng is interesting in that it shows how narrow minded and partisan and completely blind you are.

That does not change the fact that in group discussion is different from external discussion.
I'm certainly not the first one to say it. Jerry Lee Lewis told them a long time ago to kiss his ass. England needs us more than we need them.
Well I guess it shoudn't amaze me but I've seen alot of variations on the theme we don't care.The problem with that is simple the world has to care. Whatever happens in the US has huge impact on the rest of the world. If you pick a president the rest of the world hopes for someone smart and responsible enough to recognise their is something outside the US border. 2008 busted your mortgage market and the subsequential damage bankrupted more then 1 governement to just give an obvious example. Our fear is with all the stuff Trump has been saying he's about the least responsible person there is. It might be just posturing but nobody really knows for sure. Hence the strong reactions

Which means little. The man could turn out to be a great President or an awful one. No one knows. Everyone thought Obama would be the one to bring the nation together yet he has proven to be the divider-in-chief. One never knows.
There is actually a big difference. The retoric used by Trump is blatently, racist,....

I stopped reading there.

Screw you.

Well screw you is actually pretty good as a comeback and I like how you try to say I'm just beiing polliticly correct but since you're a Trump supporter I won't have to bring up all the footage, Quotes etc. Because you like it when he call most Mexican immegrants rapist; If you feel you can show me that any of te names I used for Trump are lies I will gladly stand corrected.

I find that hard to believe but on the off chance you are telling the truth here you go.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

As you can see he did NOT call the "most" of Mexican immigrants rapists.

He listed a list of problems that Third World Immigrants bring with them, including various types of crime, such as rape.
Well I guess it shoudn't amaze me but I've seen alot of variations on the theme we don't care.The problem with that is simple the world has to care. Whatever happens in the US has huge impact on the rest of the world. If you pick a president the rest of the world hopes for someone smart and responsible enough to recognise their is something outside the US border. 2008 busted your mortgage market and the subsequential damage bankrupted more then 1 governement to just give an obvious example. Our fear is with all the stuff Trump has been saying he's about the least responsible person there is. It might be just posturing but nobody really knows for sure. Hence the strong reactions

Which means little. The man could turn out to be a great President or an awful one. No one knows. Everyone thought Obama would be the one to bring the nation together yet he has proven to be the divider-in-chief. One never knows.
There is actually a big difference. The retoric used by Trump is blatently, racist,....

I stopped reading there.

Screw you.
Well screw you is actually pretty good as a comeback and I like how you try to say I'm just beiing polliticly correct but since you're a Trump supporter I won't have to bring up all the footage, Quotes etc. Because you like it when he call most Mexican immegrants rapist; If you feel you can show me that any of te names I used for Trump are lies I will gladly stand corrected.

I find that hard to believe but on the off chance you are telling the truth here you go.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

As you can see he did NOT call the "most" of Mexican immigrants rapists.

He listed a list of problems that Third World Immigrants bring with them, including various types of crime, such as rape.

That's uh... not what it says. It says "they're rapists". There are no qualifiers in "they're rapists". The only uncertainty is who "they" refers to. Presumably it refers to those "Mexicans" (he doesn't seem to be aware that a lot of other Central Americans worse off than Mexicans use the border as a gateway) who bust the border. And curiously ----- he assumes that some of these rapists are "good people".

The wages of working off the cuff without a teleprompter or indeed -- any kind of preparation in advance.
Well I guess it shoudn't amaze me but I've seen alot of variations on the theme we don't care.The problem with that is simple the world has to care. Whatever happens in the US has huge impact on the rest of the world. If you pick a president the rest of the world hopes for someone smart and responsible enough to recognise their is something outside the US border. 2008 busted your mortgage market and the subsequential damage bankrupted more then 1 governement to just give an obvious example. Our fear is with all the stuff Trump has been saying he's about the least responsible person there is. It might be just posturing but nobody really knows for sure. Hence the strong reactions

Which means little. The man could turn out to be a great President or an awful one. No one knows. Everyone thought Obama would be the one to bring the nation together yet he has proven to be the divider-in-chief. One never knows.
There is actually a big difference. The retoric used by Trump is blatently, racist,....

I stopped reading there.

Screw you.

Well screw you is actually pretty good as a comeback and I like how you try to say I'm just beiing polliticly correct but since you're a Trump supporter I won't have to bring up all the footage, Quotes etc. Because you like it when he call most Mexican immegrants rapist; If you feel you can show me that any of te names I used for Trump are lies I will gladly stand corrected.

I find that hard to believe but on the off chance you are telling the truth here you go.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

As you can see he did NOT call the "most" of Mexican immigrants rapists.

He listed a list of problems that Third World Immigrants bring with them, including various types of crime, such as rape.

Well I guess it shoudn't amaze me but I've seen alot of variations on the theme we don't care.The problem with that is simple the world has to care. Whatever happens in the US has huge impact on the rest of the world. If you pick a president the rest of the world hopes for someone smart and responsible enough to recognise their is something outside the US border. 2008 busted your mortgage market and the subsequential damage bankrupted more then 1 governement to just give an obvious example. Our fear is with all the stuff Trump has been saying he's about the least responsible person there is. It might be just posturing but nobody really knows for sure. Hence the strong reactions

Which means little. The man could turn out to be a great President or an awful one. No one knows. Everyone thought Obama would be the one to bring the nation together yet he has proven to be the divider-in-chief. One never knows.
There is actually a big difference. The retoric used by Trump is blatently, racist,....

I stopped reading there.

Screw you.

Well screw you is actually pretty good as a comeback and I like how you try to say I'm just beiing polliticly correct but since you're a Trump supporter I won't have to bring up all the footage, Quotes etc. Because you like it when he call most Mexican immegrants rapist; If you feel you can show me that any of te names I used for Trump are lies I will gladly stand corrected.

I find that hard to believe but on the off chance you are telling the truth here you go.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

As you can see he did NOT call the "most" of Mexican immigrants rapists.

He listed a list of problems that Third World Immigrants bring with them, including various types of crime, such as rape.
If he first sais Mexico doesnt send his best, then specifies they send those with problems and then names those problems as criminals ,drug addicts or rapist and then actually sais some I ASSUME ,are good ppl. You don't find it at all racist?
Save your race card for some one who gives a damn.

And yes, I do think the break down of civility in our politics is a problem for the rest of the world to see.

So now -- all of a sudden -- it IS OK for the British Parliament to notice.

I just felt the earth move.
Which means little. The man could turn out to be a great President or an awful one. No one knows. Everyone thought Obama would be the one to bring the nation together yet he has proven to be the divider-in-chief. One never knows.
There is actually a big difference. The retoric used by Trump is blatently, racist,....

I stopped reading there.

Screw you.

Well screw you is actually pretty good as a comeback and I like how you try to say I'm just beiing polliticly correct but since you're a Trump supporter I won't have to bring up all the footage, Quotes etc. Because you like it when he call most Mexican immegrants rapist; If you feel you can show me that any of te names I used for Trump are lies I will gladly stand corrected.

I find that hard to believe but on the off chance you are telling the truth here you go.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

As you can see he did NOT call the "most" of Mexican immigrants rapists.

He listed a list of problems that Third World Immigrants bring with them, including various types of crime, such as rape.

Which means little. The man could turn out to be a great President or an awful one. No one knows. Everyone thought Obama would be the one to bring the nation together yet he has proven to be the divider-in-chief. One never knows.
There is actually a big difference. The retoric used by Trump is blatently, racist,....

I stopped reading there.

Screw you.

Well screw you is actually pretty good as a comeback and I like how you try to say I'm just beiing polliticly correct but since you're a Trump supporter I won't have to bring up all the footage, Quotes etc. Because you like it when he call most Mexican immegrants rapist; If you feel you can show me that any of te names I used for Trump are lies I will gladly stand corrected.

I find that hard to believe but on the off chance you are telling the truth here you go.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

As you can see he did NOT call the "most" of Mexican immigrants rapists.

He listed a list of problems that Third World Immigrants bring with them, including various types of crime, such as rape.
If he first sais Mexico doesnt send his best, then specifies they send those with problems and then names those problems as criminals ,drug addicts or rapist and then actually sais some I ASSUME ,are good ppl. You don't find it at all racist?
You are right tough I have to stand corrected he didn't call them all rapist. He named them drug addicts and simple criminals too with of course the exeption of some.

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