Part of the Harris campaign platform: raise taxes on corporations. An analysis.


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
Red State! Amen.

I realize this will come as a shock to Kamala. But it’s obvious is the truth. And even liberals and progressives and Democrats should recognize it and alter their positions accordingly.


Now. That said, someone please tell our Vice President. It’s not clear that she grasps this fact.

When the gubmint raises taxes on a corporation, they do what businesses do. They pass along the extra costs to the consumer.

So when Kamala says “raise taxes on corporations,” just face it. She is saying “tax all of you all.”
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That guy is most definitely a weirdo. Not every cent of any tax is passed on to the customers of any company. One need only look at how real companies (not imaginary ones in specious arguments), function. One need only see how costs of goods and services go up or down with tax rates.

I could try and counter this with asking how many times a business got a tax break and did not pass it on to customers, but then I'd be in a circular thingie with a rightwingie pseudo-intellect (that guy in Kendrick's linked video, not the fragile OP).

btw, do a search of "Timothy Kendrick" and up pops "Ohio Snapchat Killer!" :auiqs.jpg:

Bleyk Diablo and Blanco European
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I realize this will come as a shock to Kamala. But it’s obvious is the truth. And even liberals and progressives and Democrats should recognize it and alter their positions accordingly.


Now. That said, someone please tell our Vice President. It’s not clear that she grasps this fact.

When the gubmint raises taxes on a corporation, they do what businesses do. They pass along the extra costs to the consumer.

So when Kamala says “raise taxes on corporations,” just face it. She is saying “tax all of you all.”

That guy is most definitely a weirdo. Not every cent of any tax is passed on to the customers of any company. One need only look at how real companies (not imaginary ones in specious arguments), function. One need only see how costs of goods and services go up or down with tax rates.

I could try and counter this with asking how many times a business got a tax break and did not pass it on to customers, but then I'd be in a circular thingie with a rightwingie pseudo-intellect (that guy in Kendrick's linked video, not the fragile OP).

btw, do a search of "Timothy Kendrick" and up pops "Ohio Snapchat Killer!" :auiqs.jpg:
Proof Dante' failed his H.S. econ 101 class.

What a dope. You really bleev you are smarter than Dave Ramsey?

I don't think I need to ask, this is yoar argument against what Ramsey said.
btw, do a search of "Timothy Kendrick" and up pops "Ohio Snapchat Killer!" :auiqs.jpg:

Someone with the same name as the person who posted that Ramsey Clip? . . . you are so desperate, it is transparent.


Raising Taxes Leads to Higher Prices, but Lowering Them Leads to Greater Profits

Recommended Reading​

How Sales Taxes Could Boost Economic Growth

Research suggests higher taxes could help end stagnation in developed economies.
CBR - Economics

Could the US Raise $1 Trillion by Hiking Capital Gains Rates?

Revisiting tax-policy score keeping could yield more-accurate projections and greater tax revenue.

CBR - Economics
This is how dumb you really are.

In yoar world? There is no difference between a tax on unrealized capital gains, and a sale tax.


This is how dumb you really are.

In yoar world? There is no difference between a tax on unrealized capital gains, and a sale tax.


I put Dante on ignore a while ago.

While the guy's got his moments... there is too much garbage between them to make reading his posts worthwhile.

That guy is most definitely a weirdo. Not every cent of any tax is passed on to the customers of any company. One need only look at how real companies (not imaginary ones in specious arguments), function. One need only see how costs of goods and services go up or down with tax rates.

I could try and counter this with asking how many times a business got a tax break and did not pass it on to customers, but then I'd be in a circular thingie with a rightwingie pseudo-intellect (that guy in Kendrick's linked video, not the fragile OP).

btw, do a search of "Timothy Kendrick" and up pops "Ohio Snapchat Killer!" :auiqs.jpg:

Bleyk Diablo and Blanco European
The dainty is deliberately clueless.
"CORPORATIONS DON’T PAY TAXES," is right up there with "Trump is not a convicted felon."
Trump is NOT yet a convicted felon. No entry of judgment yet because not yet sentenced. There may never be any entry of judgment.

And only absurd little morons would pretend that corporations pay taxes without passing along the cost to consumers.
I put Dante on ignore a while ago.

While the guy's got his moments... there is too much garbage between them to make reading his posts worthwhile.
From his link;

Larry Summers slams Biden economic agenda as ‘increasingly dangerous’​

Larry Summers was Biden’s biggest inflation critic. Was he wrong?​


So is he right or wrong? Is the lefty economic policy good or bad?

Trick question. For them? It is both. The truth is, they want the government to control the economy. They actually feel that it can and should.


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