Party Deliberately Spreading Misinformation To Get Donations

It's campaign fundraising. No different then let's say, sending out a fundraising letter to solicit "donations" to help fight an election that was supposedly "stolen". :)
Which is exactly the point of this thread. The left pretend to be holier than though and then turn right around and do the very same things they accuse the other side of being shady and unethical with low moral values or are doing things illegally.
But how? Our only real choices are either an R or a D who like the system just fine. And, to think that just voting for none of the above would fix the problem is naive.
We fix a system that incentivizes and rewards the very worst impulses of its participants.

Only one (1) party wants to do that. The Dems and Republicans love the all-or-nothing status quo.

I'll certainly check into all that fundraising by distribution of false information as soon as I finish reading all these donation requests to help reinstate trump, since he still claims the election was stolen.
Which is the point of this thread. You investigate Trump for doing the very same things yourself. Is your side more ethical, or the very same as those you investigate?
This is stupid. You fight (finance) the fights have even a remote chance of winning and let the others go. You MAGA Rumpster Terrorists and Traitors need to clean up your own act.
The point is, you attack Trump for this stuff and then turn right around and do the very same things yourselves.
You don't see a difference in citing separate pollsters numbers and claiming the entirety of the system is corrupt only if and when you lose?

One is exponentially worse than the other.
???????????? The left claim fraud every time they lose.
We fix a system that incentivizes and rewards the very worst impulses of its participants.

Only one (1) party wants to do that. The Dems and Republicans love the all-or-nothing status quo.

Forward Party? Is that really a thing? Never heard of it. Hey, I'm not going to look it up but I'm all for something different but let's be honest, the Forward Party has no chance of winning the race for dog catcher. I wish it were different but the real world is the real world.
Forward Party? Is that really a thing? Never heard of it. Hey, I'm not going to look it up but I'm all for something different but let's be honest, the Forward Party has no chance of winning the race for dog catcher. I wish it were different but the real world is the real world.
You asked. I'm a one-issue voter now. I'm done bending over for this.
I have yet to see them predict fraud if they were to lose like the Trumpyberra did in 2016 and in 2020. Furthermore, they followed the procedure established by state laws to challenge elections they dispute. Not so with the New GOP where broad accusations and allegation matter, sometimes more than facts.
Are you kidding me? They have already been predicting fraud. Haven't you heard of gerrmandering and suppressing votes? The left bring those up every time they lose.
???????????? The left claim fraud every time they lose.
No, they don't. Republicans didn't use to either. This type of unwillingness to concede an obvious defeat helped put the Neo in the Neo-GOP.

America will learn to never trust the Neo-GOP, ever.
Are you kidding me? They have already been predicting fraud. Haven't you heard of gerrmandering and suppressing votes? The left bring those up every time they lose.
Gerrymandering is not fraud. Restrictive voting laws are not fraud. Those are fought over every year.
You asked. I'm a one-issue voter now. I'm done bending over for this.
Hey, just so you know, I looked up the forward party. It's main person is Andrew Yang, a democrat who favors universal basic income. In other words, giving poor people money so they don't have to work. This is nothing but an offshoot of the democratic party. They claim they want to bring both sides together. How are they going to do that? That's what Biden claimed he was going to do. But, as most lefties (and righties) are, their version of bringing people together is to have the other side come over and do things YOUR way.
Which is the point of this thread. You investigate Trump for doing the very same things yourself. Is your side more ethical, or the very same as those you investigate?

One HUGE difference. No Democrat ever worked so hard and came so close as to appointing himself KING of the United States of America like Rump has. Forget all the other crap that Rump has done. Forget about all the other crap that Biden has done. Lump Bush, Jr and Obama in that same thing. We almost lost our Nation. The other time that it was that close was when they were trying to pressure GW to accept the King position and he wisely refused.

If it was just about ethics, no one could run for office and stay that way.
Hey, just so you know, I looked up the forward party. It's main person is Andrew Yang, a democrat who favors universal basic income. In other words, giving poor people money so they don't have to work. This is nothing but an offshoot of the democratic party. They claim they want to bring both sides together. How are they going to do that? That's what Biden claimed he was going to do. But, as most lefties (and righties) are, their version of bringing people together is to have the other side come over and do things YOUR way.
As I said, I'm a one-issue voter. Period. Everything else is secondary.
Are you kidding me? They have already been predicting fraud. Haven't you heard of gerrmandering and suppressing votes? The left bring those up every time they lose.

That is two seperate issues.

Gerrymandering done correctly is something that is a wonder to watch. I still get a chuckle when I think of Green Eggs and Ham. But during the time period that the criminal Rumpsters were in charge, they removed that requirement and made it so any senator could just phone it in and it only took one. The Dems have not used it yet but it's there for their disposal.

Supressing Votes is a nasty thing and has gone on since the day this nation was born. It's something we all have to be aware of and put a stop to it. Texas has already had a ruling about their "One Box Per County" that affected mostly the poor and minority areas for 2020. Then they just went back to trying to figure out other ways. And not just Texas but every damned Red State in the Nation.
We have quite a lot of one issue voters, or idol worshipers. We are failing at any working effort towards any solutions that benefit the United States.
Instead ALL effort go's to getting your political party a win. even though every 4 to 8 years we dump one political party for the other political party.
We have quite a lot of one issue voters, or idol worshipers. We are failing at any working effort towards any solutions that benefit the United States.
Instead ALL effort go's to getting your political party a win. even though every 4 to 8 years we dump one political party for the other political party.

It didn't used to be that way when America was Great. There wasn't a huge difference between Truman and Eisenhower. They both understood what the nation needed and worked toward that end. But during that time, a sickness was formed called the 2nd Red Scare. Because it wasn't effective it begat the John Birch Society and that is what one fringe side is right now. Oh, they call themselves something else but they did that just before Goldwater ran them off. We are just about at the end of the 3rd Red Scare, and it's caused by a group even more destructive and dangerous the American than the make-believe Red Scares. Of course, we have always had the opposite number on the left but we keep them reigned in. The problem right now is, the MAGA Rumpster Domestic Terrorists and Traitors keep stirring themselves and the extreme left up. One thing that should come out of the Jan6 commission is some methods to stop this crap.

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