Pass First, Read Later. What Could Go Wrong?


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Oct 30, 2008
Ted Cruz on the new and improved amnesty bill.

Latest “Deal” from the Senate: Pass Amnesty First, Read the Bill Later
By: Senator Ted Cruz (Diary) | June 23rd, 2013 at 11:09 PM | 2

On Monday at 5:30pm, the United States Senate will vote on the most sweeping immigration reform proposal it has considered in almost 3 decades – and it will do so having only seen the nearly 1200 pages of text for approximately 72 hours. Americans – including myself, my fellow senators and our staffs – are still trying to figure out exactly what is in the new Schumer-Corker-Hoeven “deal.”

Sound familiar? Pass it to find out what’s in it? Reminiscent of Obamacare, the lengthy amendment to replace the Gang of 8’s original bill was crafted behind closed doors and introduced late on Friday, after many members had left town. In the 2007 immigration debate, close to 50 amendments were considered. But this year, we have only debated 9 – with some of us being completely shut out.

Given only a weekend to review the language, we will now vote on whether to end a debate that never really began. To be clear – this is not a difficult vote. On process alone, we should all vote “no.“ This was by design – the President, Harry Reid and the Gang of 8 preferred all along to ram through a “deal,” and not have a real debate – just like Obamacare. Worse, just like Obamacare, the “deal” involved lots of horse-trading and buying off of votes at the last minute – a display of everything that is wrong with Washington, and one of the things I specifically campaigned against.

But, on substance – the vote is even easier. There are too many troubling provisions of the bill to list, such as de facto affirmative action hiring for current illegal immigrants due to Obamacare and huge amounts of discretion for the DHS Secretary to waive deportation and inadmissibility. And for all the talk, the new Schumer-Corker-Hoeven “deal” is nothing new at all. It’s the same amnesty-before-false-promise-of-security of the Gang of 8 and the bills of debates past.

Latest ?Deal? from the Senate: Pass Amnesty First, Read the Bill Later | RedState
i wish ted cruz would leave the rep party and take others with him. the party needs to die
This bill will destroy America. But then, that's exactly what the Dumbos and RINOs want.
looks like rush limbaugh took the day off. none of these super rich people really give a damn. big vote tonight and he cant be bothered.
Wasn't this President promising transparency? Everything was going to be above board broadcast on CNN for all the people to see?
This bill will destroy America. But then, that's exactly what the Dumbos and RINOs want.

I heard a talking head on the radio make a point about the gang of eight bill and how a very smart prosecutor could make a legitimate case for treason;

Article 3, Section 3 of the Constitution of the United States of America reads:
“Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.”

I am totally paraphrasing here;

These people who came/reside here without permission not only do so with willful intention to break our laws, but to do so with premeditation to do this nation and its people grave economic harm. They do this through leeching off of our education, medical care, social services, other government services, burdening our law enforcement while encumbering Americans seeking those same services. And do it at a cost to the American tax payer of tens of billions of dollars a year while removing tens of billions of dollars a year from the US economy via remittances.

These people whose allegiances are to foreign nations which can be demonstrated by the billions of dollars they extract from the US economy every year and send to their home nations, and their refusal to assimilate. This would by definition make them a foreign invasion, a viable threat to the US economy, US sovereignty and way of life, de facto enemies of the State.

If it can be proven in a court of law that illegal immigrants are indeed enemies of the State and there sure seems to be a plethora of evidence to support it, then the Gang of Eight reform bill in no uncertain terms would be assisting enemies of the State. If offering the enemies of the United States of America assistance constitutes treason then a case of treason could be made.

Which would mean;

1. The creators of the bill;
2. The Senators who voted to pass it;
3. The Representatives who voted to pass it
4. The President, in signing it into law;

Would all be committing an act of treason which a capital crime in the US!

Now this sounds good on paper but in reality I don't think it would fly. However if it did, in my opinion, would be the greatest thing to happen to this country in a very long time. Not only would it remove a whole bunch of bad apples in Washington, it would strike some needed fear in to Congress and Office of the President for decades and reestablish the countries constitutional rule of law.
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well hyperbole aside, ( see above), the cake was baked a day after the election, the media et al told them- the latinos vote will kill you, get them on board, give them amnesty and the media will love you, and the Latinos will vote for you, and the gop just rode along and of course there are the usual suspects running the train.

McCain who said deprecating things about the wall (that was voted to built in 2006) right up until he ran for election in 08, then he became a border hawk, then graham etc. the gang of 4 gopers, what they fail to get and they are not alone in the gop, is- they suffer this pathology in that they think if they make it appear they are in the middle and not the far right ( the medias opinion of them) they will be treated better and they will be seen as middle of the rpoad senible guys.....what these idiots don't realize is; the media won't give them a shred of credit when this is done and nary a kiss....and in less than 5 years those folks will be citizens, the dems will just beat the drum once they have been given any kind of legal status....and, they will win and they will get citizenship, watch.

latinos etc. will not vote for the gop because they helped get them a green card etc. the dems will always have the whip hand, they will simply offer more, its what they do. The gop is in an arms race they cannot win.

And, the information that is now tabulated tells us that Latinos could have voted for Romney with a 70% margin and Romney would not have won....its a sham.....

Oh and Rubio- hes a dupe, dope or playing a very deep game, either way hes an establishment goper now.....and engaged in perpetuating what really are just barely concealed lies.

Its 1986 all over again.

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