Passover to Exodus, let the story be told

I am relying on what the text says. You quoted Amos (IIRC) and drew conclusions from it, but none of what you read into it was in the text. If you want to rely on your fanciful interpretation and your personal sensibilities then you can claim whatever you want and support it by some invention regarding how you interpolate your own ideas into the text.
No you are not relying on the text. The text concludes logically that the Lord did way more than an introduction. You are an example of the letter of the law but not the spirit of the law.
If you took any reading class in English you were required to explain what you read means. If Moses spent 40 days, came down twice with the commandments and laws, you have to logically conclude they talked about a lot of different things. Same with Abraham and other prophets.
No you are not relying on the text. The text concludes logically that the Lord did way more than an introduction. You are an example of the letter of the law but not the spirit of the law.
If you took any reading class in English you were required to explain what you read means. If Moses spent 40 days, came down twice with the commandments and laws, you have to logically conclude they talked about a lot of different things. Same with Abraham and other prophets.
ROFLMAO @ "spirit of the law" and GETTING HYSTERICAL over "reading class
in English" I wonder if Moses was really into ebonics or MORONI LINGO
No you are not relying on the text. The text concludes logically that the Lord did way more than an introduction.
No, drawing a conclusion from teh text is what you are doing. The text says what it says.
You are an example of the letter of the law but not the spirit of the law.
Ah, so you admit it isn't in the letter of the law.
If you took any reading class in English you were required to explain what you read means. If Moses spent 40 days, came down twice with the commandments and laws, you have to logically conclude they talked about a lot of different things. Same with Abraham and other prophets.
Why would I "have to logically" conclude that? Maybe I would have to logically conclude that they spoke about ONLY that.
ROFLMAO @ "spirit of the law" and GETTING HYSTERICAL over "reading class
in English" I wonder if Moses was really into ebonics or MORONI LINGO
Is there any reason for taking you seriously? You seem like a complete female ditz! Now, if you would like to respond like a man would, please do. It will help you.
Is there any reason for taking you seriously? You seem like a complete female ditz! Now, if you would like to respond like a man would, please do. It will help you.
Do you even read what you post? What is the point of reading a book of any topic if you aren't going to interpret or try to figure out what is happening? In the movie, "Back to School" Rodney's hot teacher keeps trying to ask him about reading books that have been turned into movies. And, he admits that the only thing he knows about the books is what he learned from the producers and directors of the movies. She tried to get him to read the book to figure out what the author was telling him instead of what the producers and directors conclusions and interpretations are. In your case, you aren't doing either. I'm trying to get you to see this because you are unable to draw simple logical conclusions any reasonable person would do. If we sat around together talking for 40 days and nights to come up with the secret to a successful civilization you and I are putting together, you don't think we wouldn't talk about all angles and find out information? Say you are the "god" of our civilization we are putting together. You don't think I wouldn't have a thousand questions I'd ask you and we would discuss before coming up with ten specific commandments?
No, drawing a conclusion from teh text is what you are doing. The text says what it says.

Ah, so you admit it isn't in the letter of the law.

Why would I "have to logically" conclude that? Maybe I would have to logically conclude that they spoke about ONLY that.
What isn't the letter of the law? The letter of the law are the words of the ten commandments. How you interpret these and apply them to your life is the spirit of the law. There is nothing wrong with knowing the words of the law unless you don't understand why you should follow them. Jesus taught this concept to understand the law and not just do it because you are told to. As an example, God said not to commit adultery. The way you are taking this is that as long as you don't physically have sexual relations with another person than your wife, you are safe and in compliance with the law. But, Jesus saw more to this and most likely explained it to Moses when he gave Moses the ten commandments that even looking upon a woman to lust after her if not his wife is still adultery. Why? Because thoughts often become actions. Put on the whole armor of God and by letting virtue garish our thoughts. We will be judged on our thoughts as well. That's why it's important to ask for forgiveness of our sins morning, noon and night as we tend to be carnal in our thoughts as well as our actions.
No, drawing a conclusion from teh text is what you are doing. The text says what it says.

Ah, so you admit it isn't in the letter of the law.

Why would I "have to logically" conclude that? Maybe I would have to logically conclude that they spoke about ONLY that.
And, for your last illogical and unreasonable questions, there was a conclusion of ten commandments and it took 40 days. Yet, Moses also ended up writing 5 large books in which he received most of it during those 40 days. He conversed with the Lord in the tabernacle as well in the holy of holies. But, perhaps for clarification and for new answers to troubles with Israel. While Moses was a leader, he was also a follower after the Lord. Good followers ask question and listen to answers being teachable and coachable.
What isn't the letter of the law?
conclusions you draw and interpretations you innovate
The letter of the law are the words of the ten commandments. How you interpret these and apply them to your life is the spirit of the law.
Therefore it isn't the letter of the law.
There is nothing wrong with knowing the words of the law unless you don't understand why you should follow them. Jesus taught this concept to understand the law and not just do it because you are told to. As an example, God said not to commit adultery. The way you are taking this is that as long as you don't physically have sexual relations with another person than your wife, you are safe and in compliance with the law. But, Jesus saw more to this and most likely explained it to Moses when he gave Moses the ten commandments that even looking upon a woman to lust after her if not his wife is still adultery. Why? Because thoughts often become actions. Put on the whole armor of God and by letting virtue garish our thoughts. We will be judged on our thoughts as well. That's why it's important to ask for forgiveness of our sins morning, noon and night as we tend to be carnal in our thoughts as well as our actions.
So Jesus drew conclusions and taught things not in the letter of the law. I have no problem with that. But it argues against your claim that things are in the letter of the law.
ROFLMAO @ "spirit of the law" and GETTING HYSTERICAL over "reading class
in English" I wonder if Moses was really into ebonics or MORONI LINGO
Mr. bear. The bible was not written in English---Neither was the Bhagavad Gita or the Koran.
I know NO Sanskrit ----my arabic is very limited (VERY!!!) and I do have a bit of Hebrew. As
to "reading class" ----my college "FRESHMAN COMP." was required and a very purposely
a KILLER COURSE. People failed left and right---the attrition rare in that school was 2/3
the first year. I was drafted to the REMEDIAL ROOM to help people like you. The prof.
apologized to me for the "B" He said "I gave a few "A"s my first year and almost lost
the job
Is there any reason for taking you seriously? You seem like a complete female ditz! Now, if you would like to respond like a man would, please do. It will help you.
Mr. bear. The bible was not written in English---Neither was the Bhagavad Gita or the Koran.
I know NO Sanskrit ----my arabic is very limited (VERY!!!) and I do have a bit of Hebrew. As
to "reading class" ----my college "FRESHMAN COMP." was required and a very purposely
a KILLER COURSE. People failed left and right---the attrition rare in that school was 2/3
the first year. I was drafted to the REMEDIAL ROOM to help people like you. The prof.
apologized to me for the "B" He said "I gave a few "A"s my first year and almost lost
conclusions you draw and interpretations you innovate

Therefore it isn't the letter of the law.

So Jesus drew conclusions and taught things not in the letter of the law. I have no problem with that. But it argues against your claim that things are in the letter of the law.
So, you still can't logically reason. That's okay. Most are able to by the time they reach the age of 16 or so. Some aren't capable and are simply educability retarded. The topic isn't the letter or spirit of the law. The topic is that the Lord and Moses did more than to sit around for 40 days and nights with the Lord only introducing Himself to Moses. In order to come out with a code of morals and ethics for Israel, logically it follows that they conversed about many things other than introducing themselves to each other. Jesus chastised the religious leaders because they discontinued the teachings Moses received about the spirit of the law being included with the letter of the law.
conclusions you draw and interpretations you innovate

Therefore it isn't the letter of the law.

So Jesus drew conclusions and taught things not in the letter of the law. I have no problem with that. But it argues against your claim that things are in the letter of the law.
Actually---Mr. Rose Ends. Jesus left no writings at all. As far as I recall, his conclusions
as reported in the NT were entirely consistent with those of Hillel. Hillel died in Jerusalem at about the time Jesus (according to the NT) was born (a fact you probably already know)
Mr. bear. The bible was not written in English---Neither was the Bhagavad Gita or the Koran.
I know NO Sanskrit ----my arabic is very limited (VERY!!!) and I do have a bit of Hebrew. As
to "reading class" ----my college "FRESHMAN COMP." was required and a very purposely
a KILLER COURSE. People failed left and right---the attrition rare in that school was 2/3
the first year. I was drafted to the REMEDIAL ROOM to help people like you. The prof.
apologized to me for the "B" He said "I gave a few "A"s my first year and almost lost
the job

Mr. bear. The bible was not written in English---Neither was the Bhagavad Gita or the Koran.
I know NO Sanskrit ----my arabic is very limited (VERY!!!) and I do have a bit of Hebrew. As
to "reading class" ----my college "FRESHMAN COMP." was required and a very purposely
a KILLER COURSE. People failed left and right---the attrition rare in that school was 2/3
the first year. I was drafted to the REMEDIAL ROOM to help people like you. The prof.
apologized to me for the "B" He said "I gave a few "A"s my first year and almost lost
It's unfortunate that the school didn't have anyone with proper credentials and chose you. Poor students.
Only a B and you are giving me a lecture. English, Hebrew, doesn't matter for this topic. It's illogical except for a concrete mind of a 10 year old to believe the Lord and Moses sat around introducing themselves for 40 days and 40 nights and discussed nothing else. Moses was first given the higher law and thus the spirit of the law. He attempted to teach this to a million Irosie91adites as they traveled in the dessert. But, the people wanted to keep imagining evil in their minds until the Assyrians and Babylonians dispersed Israel around the world.
So, you still can't logically reason. That's okay. Most are able to by the time they reach the age of 16 or so. Some aren't capable and are simply educability retarded. The topic isn't the letter or spirit of the law. The topic is that the Lord and Moses did more than to sit around for 40 days and nights with the Lord only introducing Himself to Moses. In order to come out with a code of morals and ethics for Israel, logically it follows that they conversed about many things other than introducing themselves to each other. Jesus chastised the religious leaders because they discontinued the teachings Moses received about the spirit of the law being included with the letter of the law.
^^^^^^ Mr. Bear has offered the "INSIGHT" of Saint Constantine---aka
THE GENOCIDAL SAINT with prophetic powers so intense that SAINT
ADOLF aped his legal code (which came to be known as Justinian Law and
Canon Law) when he elaborated the NUREMBURG LAWS
Actually---Mr. Rose Ends. Jesus left no writings at all. As far as I recall, his conclusions
as reported in the NT were entirely consistent with those of Hillel. Hillel died in Jerusalem at about the time Jesus (according to the NT) was born (a fact you probably already know)
Bull Crap! Hillel Hitler!
It's unfortunate that the school didn't have anyone with proper credentials and chose you. Poor students.
Only a B and you are giving me a lecture. English, Hebrew, doesn't matter for this topic. It's illogical except for a concrete mind of a 10 year old to believe the Lord and Moses sat around introducing themselves for 40 days and 40 nights and discussed nothing else. Moses was first given the higher law and thus the spirit of the law. He attempted to teach this to a million Irosie91adites as they traveled in the dessert. But, the people wanted to keep imagining evil in their minds until the Assyrians and Babylonians dispersed Israel around the world.
Yet another insight---^^^^ into the minds of the ISRAELITES by the great Prophet
Bear ---and into the teachings of Moses with which he is, obviously, familiar. I wonder
if the Prophet Bear can describe the "imagined evil" in the minds of the Israelites
since he is in possession of the hitherto lost-----BOOK OF MOSES MIND
^^^^^^ Mr. Bear has offered the "INSIGHT" of Saint Constantine---aka
THE GENOCIDAL SAINT with prophetic powers so intense that SAINT
ADOLF aped his legal code (which came to be known as Justinian Law and
Canon Law) when he elaborated the NUREMBURG LAWS
I think you have lost it. Typical female emotional breakdown...
Bull Crap! Hillel Hitler!
who is "Hillel Hitler"? -----the only Hillel I know was born more than 2000
years ago. The Baptized in the Catholic Church Recapitulator of
the Justinian Code ADOLF HITLER was born 1889 AD (or CE)
who is "Hillel Hitler"? -----the only Hillel I know was born more than 2000
years ago. The Baptized in the Catholic Church Recapitulator of
the Justinian Code ADOLF HITLER was born 1889 AD (or CE)
Jesus was not Catholic. Anymore than Abraham was not a Jew. Jesus spoke and his scribes wrote his words down. The Bible is a compilation of those words. Not all because Jesus said not to write everything down, especially the secrets of the kingdom of God.
Now, do you believe lusting after someone other than your spouse is adultery?
Jesus was not Catholic. Anymore than Abraham was not a Jew. Jesus spoke and his scribes wrote his words down. The Bible is a compilation of those words. Not all because Jesus said not to write everything down, especially the secrets of the kingdom of God.
Now, do you believe lusting after someone other than your spouse is adultery?
At no point did I suggest the absurdity that Jesus was (LOL) catholic. Abraham was
not a "JEW" because his grandson JACOB (aka Israel) has not yet named HIS third
son JUDAH as the leader of the whole tribe. ROFLMAO @ "scribes" ---Jesus had
"scribes" He CURSED the scribes according to the NT and he, himself, was
LITERATE. Several of the "gospels" were written by people who never met
Jesus. In YOUR "MIND" Jesus told his putative "scribes" not to write the
"secrets" which----of course, YOU just happen to "know". Thoughts are not sins---
ACTS are.
At no point did I suggest the absurdity that Jesus was (LOL) catholic. Abraham was
not a "JEW" because his grandson JACOB (aka Israel) has not yet named HIS third
son JUDAH as the leader of the whole tribe. ROFLMAO @ "scribes" ---Jesus had
"scribes" He CURSED the scribes according to the NT and he, himself, was
LITERATE. Several of the "gospels" were written by people who never met
Jesus. In YOUR "MIND" Jesus told his putative "scribes" not to write the
"secrets" which----of course, YOU just happen to "know". Thoughts are not sins---
ACTS are.
Jesus never cursed the scribes or apostles. No, all except Paul new Jesus Christ personally.
John 16:12, "I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now."

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