Passover to Exodus, let the story be told

You’re trying to tell a Jew that John was a prophet because he “revealed“ all the End of Days stuff in the New Testament? From a Jewish perspective, that’s all ridiculous - so why would we think someone who “warned“ about it was an actual prophet?

Don’t you see how nonsensical that is?
You mean how nonsensical Moses was to the Pharaoh of Egypt? How the people of Israel tried to stone Moses when His first attempt to Pharaoh to let Israel go and made them make bricks without straw. Prophets have always been rejected by their own people. Many stoned to death as well. Heck, they had a thief released for Passover and left their Lord God to be crucified. Why should I be surprised you would reject prophets?
You mean how nonsensical Moses was to the Pharaoh of Egypt? How the people of Israel tried to stone Moses when His first attempt to Pharaoh to let Israel go and made them make bricks without straw. Prophets have always been rejected by their own people. Many stoned to death as well. Heck, they had a thief released for Passover and left their Lord God to be crucified. Why should I be surprised you would reject prophets?
I don’t reject prophets. John was not a prophet.
The good news is that the Lord has opened up communications again for these the last days. If you want to go blind into the the final days, that's your choice and problem. Again, the definition of Apostles is they are prophets, seers and revelators. Are you saying John the Revelator was no prophet? :laughing0301:
John was HIGH (as in INTOXICATED)
Biblical Definition of a Prophet - noun. a person who speaks for God or a deity, or by divine inspiration. (in the Old Testament) a person chosen to speak for God and to guide the people of Israel: Moses was the greatest of Old Testament prophets. (often initial capital letter) one of the Major or Minor Prophets.

John and the other Apostles were definitely prophets. Prophets, seers and revelators.
really? Can you show me where that definition is found in the bible? Not "examples" but you are claiming a definition exists, so please show me that definition.
Jews believe differently than Christians. Is it so terrible for different people to have different opinions?
No we don’t. I am a convert from Judaism. I simply had spiritual experiences that led me to Christ. Then, I was able to understand the OT and recognize what the leaders of the Jewish movement are holding from the people. If Moses were to return today, you all would stone him.
really? Can you show me where that definition is found in the bible? Not "examples" but you are claiming a definition exists, so please show me that definition.
Amos 3:7. There are more. We know Jeremiah was called to be a prophet. You really should read more.
Amos 3:7. There are more. We know Jeremiah was called to be a prophet. You really should read more.
3:7 reads "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets."

Your quoted definition was "a person who speaks for God or a deity, or by divine inspiration" .

That verse doesn't match that definition. That verse isn't a definition, and the description it provides says nothing about what your definition claims. You really should pay more careful attention to what you cite.
No we don’t. I am a convert from Judaism. I simply had spiritual experiences that led me to Christ. Then, I was able to understand the OT and recognize what the leaders of the Jewish movement are holding from the people. If Moses were to return today, you all would stone him.
How sad that you have such contempt for Jews, especially since you were born Jewish and likely have Jewish relatives.
3:7 reads "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets."

Your quoted definition was "a person who speaks for God or a deity, or by divine inspiration" .

That verse doesn't match that definition. That verse isn't a definition, and the description it provides says nothing about what your definition claims. You really should pay more careful attention to what you cite.
You need a course in comprehension. It most certainly does say a prophet speaks God’s secrets to the people. Good grief.
How sad that you have such contempt for Jews, especially since you were born Jewish and likely have Jewish relatives.
I have no contempt. They haven’t had my experiences and haven’t made the same covenants as I have with God. You like to twist and spin things because you know I’m right.
I have no contempt. They haven’t had my experiences and haven’t made the same covenants as I have with God. You like to twist and spin things because you know I’m right.
ROFLMAO @ "you know i'm right......" yeah EVERYONE KNOWS......
You need a course in comprehension. It most certainly does say a prophet speaks God’s secrets to the people. Good grief.
Really? I quoted the text of the verse you brought up. Show me in that verse where a prophet is defined as one who speaks to the people. Are you really that dim?
Really? I quoted the text of the verse you brought up. Show me in that verse where a prophet is defined as one who speaks to the people. Are you really that dim?
3:7 reads "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets."
Which means the people do not receive guidance from God if the prophets aren’t told first. The message comes from top down, not bottoms up. God tells the prophets and the prophets tell the people usually through those closest which would be apostles. Then to the 70. Than to the people. God is God of order and his house is of order and prayer. Top down.
Simple comprehension. If you can’t comprehend English then how would you do with Hebrew or Greek.
3:7 reads "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets."
Which means the people do not receive guidance from God if the prophets aren’t told first.
The text speaks of what God will DO. No where does it say anything about guidance. Strike one.
The message comes from top down, not bottoms up. God tells the prophets and the prophets tell the people usually through those closest which would be apostles.
The verse says nothing about the prophet telling people anything or any intermediary "apostles" Strike 2.
Then to the 70. Than to the people. God is God of order and his house is of order and prayer. Top down.
Simple comprehension. If you can’t comprehend English then how would you do with Hebrew or Greek.
Greek is useless and if you read the Hebrew and understood the specific references in the verse you might have a better understanding of exactly what this verse speaks of. Strike 3.

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