Passover to Exodus, let the story be told

I'm sure there are Jews that have tatoos and interpret things differently. That's why not all Jews are Orthodox. That's why some synagogues have women Rabbis. And, many Jews over compensated for the Kosher laws as well. Added layers on the law so as not to break the law. But, creating new laws that Moses never intended. It's just the way mankind often is. All religions have this.
your reply is NEITHER HERE NOR THERE----just silly. A little advice---
if you are ever called upon to testify in court----do not DECIDE what
this or that person "INTENDED" uhm. Jimmy Carter probably---
some time or the other ---committed adultery IN HIS HEART
It would only be silly if it weren't true. But, because only our Church has to authority to act in the name of the Lord and receive the Lord's secrets through his servants, the Prophet, the 20,000 Christian churches have no authority and their ordinance work is false and won't be recognized in heaven. Same with all other religions as well. The world lost their authority and are flying by the seats of their pants. So, it is you that is being silly.
Now, do you have the right to opinions? Of course! Do you have the right to share your knowledge? Of course! I enjoy picking up information from people who study the gospel and science. Much is true. But, much is not as well. So, do share your information. But, no reason to trash other's opinions, right?
It would only be silly if it weren't true. But, because only our Church has to authority to act in the name of the Lord and receive the Lord's secrets through his servants, the Prophet, the 20,000 Christian churches have no authority and their ordinance work is false and won't be recognized in heaven. Same with all other religions as well. The world lost their authority and are flying by the seats of their pants. So, it is you that is being silly.
Now, do you have the right to opinions? Of course! Do you have the right to share your knowledge? Of course! I enjoy picking up information from people who study the gospel and science. Much is true. But, much is not as well. So, do share your information. But, no reason to trash other's opinions, right?
you have just DESCRIBED your idiot assertions as that which you and
your "church" as 'secrets' which you and your 'church' have received
as "Lord's secrets" whereas no other 'church' is so endowed-----and
then you suddenly deflated your idiot assertions to "opinions"----
MAKE UP YOUR ""MIND"" <<< such as it is
you have just DESCRIBED your idiot assertions as that which you and
your "church" as 'secrets' which you and your 'church' have received
as "Lord's secrets" whereas no other 'church' is so endowed-----and
then you suddenly deflated your idiot assertions to "opinions"----
MAKE UP YOUR ""MIND"" <<< such as it is
Amos: 3:7. The Lord said he reveals his secrets to his servants the prophets. And, Jesus told to not write down or speak about some of the things he gave them. So, who is the idiot now?
Amos: 3:7. The Lord said he reveals his secrets to his servants the prophets. And, Jesus told to not write down or speak about some of the things he gave them. So, who is the idiot now?
You are-----to what did jesus refer if and when he said "don't write this down"? uhm-----the first methodist church of Paterson, New Jersey? uhm Campbell's
tomato soup? Kellog's rice crispies?
Amos: 3:7. The Lord said he reveals his secrets to his servants the prophets. And, Jesus told to not write down or speak about some of the things he gave them. So, who is the idiot now?
But since the era of prophecy ended 300 years before the common era. It can't be talking about Jesus.
Amos: 3:7. The Lord said he reveals his secrets to his servants the prophets. And, Jesus told to not write down or speak about some of the things he gave them. So, who is the idiot now?
Jesus isn’t considered a prophet. He’s considered the Messiah by Christians, and a Jewish man by Jews.
You are-----to what did jesus refer if and when he said "don't write this down"? uhm-----the first methodist church of Paterson, New Jersey? uhm Campbell's
tomato soup? Kellog's rice crispies?
There was a Methodist church in 30 AD? That’s an emotional responsebb be void of truth. What mysteries of the kingdom do you think he told them? I believe it was the new covenant he taught in the temple for Apostles and a few other handpicked disciples including women. Jesuits archaeologists uncovered writings of John depicting unknown ceremonial rites Jesus was having them do inside the temple. Jesuits won’t tell. The baptists that were there won’t either. And we won’t because we don’t tell what the eternal covenants of the Temple are. The Catholics and of religions that know won’t because their flocks would leave their Church for ours.
But since the era of prophecy ended 300 years before the common era. It can't be talking about Jesus.
Well, in one sense because Jesus wasn’t a prophet. He is the one who always revealed His secrets to the prophets. The only reason the prophets ended was because the people apostatized and there were no prophets in that land. But there were others of his flock in the Americas with prophets until 421 AD. Then, total apostasy until the Lord called a prophet to open back up communication with the people and restore His Church in these last days of the restitution of all doctrine and covenants. Temples in the name of the Lord are again functioning with the new and everlasting covenant that I believe he gave to the original Apostles in the temple as I posted recently. The coven of eternal marriage and exaltation in the big Jude free of the Celestial glory.
Well, in one sense because Jesus wasn’t a prophet. He is the one who always revealed His secrets to the prophets. The only reason the prophets ended was because the people apostatized and there were no prophets in that land. But there were others of his flock in the Americas with prophets until 421 AD. Then, total apostasy until the Lord called a prophet to open back up communication with the people and restore His Church in these last days of the restitution of all doctrine and covenants. Temples in the name of the Lord are again functioning with the new and everlasting covenant that I believe he gave to the original Apostles in the temple as I posted recently. The coven of eternal marriage and exaltation in the big Jude free of the Celestial glory.
When jesus was alive there were no prophets to reveal anything to.
There was a Methodist church in 30 AD? That’s an emotional responsebb be void of truth. What mysteries of the kingdom do you think he told them? I believe it was the new covenant he taught in the temple for Apostles and a few other handpicked disciples including women. Jesuits archaeologists uncovered writings of John depicting unknown ceremonial rites Jesus was having them do inside the temple. Jesuits won’t tell. The baptists that were there won’t either. And we won’t because we don’t tell what the eternal covenants of the Temple are. The Catholics and of religions that know won’t because their flocks would leave their Church for ours.
lay off the mushrooms
No, since prophecy ended 300 years earlier, his followers were therefore not prophets.
The good news is that the Lord has opened up communications again for these the last days. If you want to go blind into the the final days, that's your choice and problem. Again, the definition of Apostles is they are prophets, seers and revelators. Are you saying John the Revelator was no prophet? :laughing0301:
The good news is that the Lord has opened up communications again for these the last days. If you want to go blind into the the final days, that's your choice and problem. Again, the definition of Apostles is they are prophets, seers and revelators. Are you saying John the Revelator was no prophet? :laughing0301:
That's what I'm saying, yes. He was no prophet.
Biblical Definition of a Prophet - noun. a person who speaks for God or a deity, or by divine inspiration. (in the Old Testament) a person chosen to speak for God and to guide the people of Israel: Moses was the greatest of Old Testament prophets. (often initial capital letter) one of the Major or Minor Prophets.

John and the other Apostles were definitely prophets. Prophets, seers and revelators.
Biblical Definition of a Prophet - noun. a person who speaks for God or a deity, or by divine inspiration. (in the Old Testament) a person chosen to speak for God and to guide the people of Israel: Moses was the greatest of Old Testament prophets. (often initial capital letter) one of the Major or Minor Prophets.

John and the other Apostles were definitely prophets. Prophets, seers and revelators.
You’re trying to tell a Jew that John was a prophet because he “revealed“ all the End of Days stuff in the New Testament? From a Jewish perspective, that’s all ridiculous - so why would we think someone who “warned“ about it was an actual prophet?

Don’t you see how nonsensical that is?

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