Passover to Exodus, let the story be told

Mystery Babylon is term in the Bible that no one really wants to understand, strongly enough. It is easiest to say it means some other place believers there should get out of, or, something Else. But it isn't. And generally no one wants to see that we all are in it, and all of us who are believers, who are God's people, should get out from it. It is with all the materialism, exploitation, destructiveness in the world, and wickedness in rebelliousness to God, where we are. People are compromised here where we are.

See Revelation 17:9-11. Rome was young. Hadn't been around long. The Whore of the is an accusation against Israel for whoring after false gods.
See Revelation 17:9-11. Rome was young. Hadn't been around long. The Whore of the is an accusation against Israel for whoring after false gods.
regardless of the psychotic rambling of the book of revulsions----"babylon" is not Israel. That
Israel was castigated as being a whore by poets like Amos and Jeremiah is an unrelated
issue. You are engaging in wishful thinking again. Amina was a whore---which is why
she gave the criminal infant to some perverted relative. "the whore of babylon" is Amina umm
muhummad----a real crystal ball "prophesy"
regardless of the psychotic rambling of the book of revulsions----"babylon" is not Israel. That
Israel was castigated as being a whore by poets like Amos and Jeremiah is an unrelated
issue. You are engaging in wishful thinking again. Amina was a whore---which is why
she gave the criminal infant to some perverted relative. "the whore of babylon" is Amina umm
muhummad----a real crystal ball "prophesy"

Amina was the mother of Muhammad. It was standard practice for babies to be sent to live with the bedu because it was safer healthwise to live in the desert than in the cities.

Never said that Israel was Babylon. They were being called the whore of Babylon, not Babylon.
Amina was the mother of Muhammad. It was standard practice for babies to be sent to live with the bedu because it was safer healthwise to live in the desert than in the cities.

Never said that Israel was Babylon. They were being called the whore of Babylon, not Babylon.
islamo nazi historic revisionism----it's an ongoing phenomenon. Still makes no sense. I did
read the silly book. As to Amina---------she gave him up to a wet nurse.
right----and she had better things to do than to STICK
around in the same town-----even Queen Victoria did not
do that

Queen Victoria was disgusted by breast feeding.

Queen Victoria was disgusted by breast feeding.

yes she was ----but she never gave up close hands on care of her MANY
children. She was disgusted by ....uhm...."animal functions"-----it's the
BRITISH in her.
A Thanksgiving turkey isn't a blood sacrifice for atonement of sin. It's just a feast ... Like other holiday meals.
SO? the "sacrifices" in the Jerusalem Temple back in the day fed the landless
levites and cohanim. ----the donation of the animals was akin to CHARITY----
into the ECONOMY OF MEAT in agrarian cultures----try learning Anthropology 101
Ann-of-Green Arbor-----anything on those acquired pagan customs
from Babylon. I AM INTRIGUED
It's been more than 2 hours since Ann-of-Green Arbor has introduced the
concept of "pagan customs" acquired in Babylon----ANYBODY have some
insight into this "issue"?
"Mystery Babylon is term in the Bible that no one really wants to understand, strongly enough. It is easiest to say it means some other place believers there should get out of, or, something Else. But it isn't. And generally no one wants to see that we all are in it, and all of us who are believers, who are God's people, should get out from it. It is with all the materialism, exploitation, destructiveness in the world, and wickedness in rebelliousness to God, where we are. People are compromised here where we are."
See Revelation 17:9-11. Rome was young. Hadn't been around long. The Whore of the is an accusation against Israel for whoring after false gods.

Seen that. See, there is just that interpretation shown without scripture passages that show it is about Babylon itself, or Israel, or Islam, or Rome, or anything else that any support what it is. But there is scripture I have for what I say. No interpretation necessary. Isaiah 24.
"Mystery Babylon is term in the Bible that no one really wants to understand, strongly enough. It is easiest to say it means some other place believers there should get out of, or, something Else. But it isn't. And generally no one wants to see that we all are in it, and all of us who are believers, who are God's people, should get out from it. It is with all the materialism, exploitation, destructiveness in the world, and wickedness in rebelliousness to God, where we are. People are compromised here where we are."

Seen that. See, there is just that interpretation shown without scripture passages that show it is about Babylon itself, or Israel, or Islam, or Rome, or anything else that any support what it is. But there is scripture I have for what I say. No interpretation necessary. Isaiah 24.
In My Vaunted Opinion IMVO ---freddie got it a lot closer than did
the shill of medina-----based on the symbolism of hebrew poetry

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