Passover to Exodus, let the story be told

Haven't you ever read the Bible? Moses murdered an Egyptian.

Under Jewish law, it was not murder. The Egyptian was a rodef - in the midst of beating a Hebrew to death. It was self-defense, taken over by Moses.

The Egyptians beat many Hebrews to death, and of course killed all the Jewish male babies.
Haven't you ever read the Bible? Moses murdered an Egyptian.
technically In USA jurisprudence which is---based on biblical jurisprudence---
the killing of the Egyptian whilst he was attacking an enslaved jew was NOT
MURDER-----it was homicide and could be justified. If you prefer the
Code of Hummurabi-----THEN you could consider the killing of the Egyptian
to be a capital crime----the Code of Hummurabi is INTENSELY CASTE ADHERENT.
Classically----it is thought that Abraham rejected the CASTE society of Babylon
"Mystery Babylon is term in the Bible that no one really wants to understand, strongly enough. It is easiest to say it means some other place believers there should get out of, or, something Else. But it isn't. And generally no one wants to see that we all are in it, and all of us who are believers, who are God's people, should get out from it. It is with all the materialism, exploitation, destructiveness in the world, and wickedness in rebelliousness to God, where we are. People are compromised here where we are."

Seen that. See, there is just that interpretation shown without scripture passages that show it is about Babylon itself, or Israel, or Islam, or Rome, or anything else that any support what it is. But there is scripture I have for what I say. No interpretation necessary. Isaiah 24.

roflmao @ "GATEWAY"
Under Jewish law, it was not murder. The Egyptian was a rodef - in the midst of beating a Hebrew to death. It was self-defense, taken over by Moses.

The Egyptians beat many Hebrews to death, and of course killed all the Jewish male babies.
It happened in Egypt.
It happened in Egypt.
So? You’re trying to cast Moses as a murderer because he saved the life of a Hebrew about to be killed by an Egyptian? Do you have any idea as to the thousands and thousands of Hebrews these Arabs whipped to death, if they didn’t first drown innocent babies in the Nile?
"Mystery Babylon is term in the Bible that no one really wants to understand, strongly enough. It is easiest to say it means some other place believers there should get out of, or, something Else. But it isn't. And generally no one wants to see that we all are in it, and all of us who are believers, who are God's people, should get out from it. It is with all the materialism, exploitation, destructiveness in the world, and wickedness in rebelliousness to God, where we are. People are compromised here where we are."

Seen that. See, there is just that interpretation shown without scripture passages that show it is about Babylon itself, or Israel, or Islam, or Rome, or anything else that any support what it is. But there is scripture I have for what I say. No interpretation necessary. Isaiah 24.
We all interpretate and understand words differently. If not, there would not be 20,000 different Christian Churches and different branches of Judaism and Islam.
We all interpretate and understand words differently. If not, there would not be 20,000 different Christian Churches and different branches of Judaism and Islam.
In Jewish literature----of the time of Jesus----BABYLON was considered an
epicenter of EVIL. In fact-----doing things LIKE THE BABYLONIANS were
determined to be ANATHEMA. A trite example----the babylonians
were big on TATOOS -----thus it is EVEN TODAY forbidden to jews
So? You’re trying to cast Moses as a murderer because he saved the life of a Hebrew about to be killed by an Egyptian? Do you have any idea as to the thousands and thousands of Hebrews these Arabs whipped to death, if they didn’t first drown innocent babies in the Nile?
uhm---sorry Lisa----the ancient Egyptians were not "ARABS"---yet
What were they? Other than murdering slaveowners?
a primitive people of North Africa with a remarkable desire
to BUILD on the backs of hundreds of thousands of enslaved
people-----and they DID MANAGE to stumble upon ways
to do it which kinda demonstrates "WHERE THERE IS A WILL,
THERE IS A WAY" An interesting factoid that I stumbled
upon in random reading-----some jewish leader cautioned
AGAINST returning to Egypt----but somehow jews being jews--
they did have a thriving community in the seaport city
a primitive people of North Africa with a remarkable desire
to BUILD on the backs of hundreds of thousands of enslaved
people-----and they DID MANAGE to stumble upon ways
to do it which kinda demonstrates "WHERE THERE IS A WILL,
THERE IS A WAY" An interesting factoid that I stumbled
upon in random reading-----some jewish leader cautioned
AGAINST returning to Egypt----but somehow jews being jews--
they did have a thriving community in the seaport city

And Elephantine Island about 500 BC.
a primitive people of North Africa with a remarkable desire
to BUILD on the backs of hundreds of thousands of enslaved
people-----and they DID MANAGE to stumble upon ways
to do it which kinda demonstrates "WHERE THERE IS A WILL,
THERE IS A WAY" An interesting factoid that I stumbled
upon in random reading-----some jewish leader cautioned
AGAINST returning to Egypt----but somehow jews being jews--
they did have a thriving community in the seaport city
Where’s our reparations?
According to God's law that Moses was able to intuit prophetically, the killing was justified. Under Egyptian law, because the Egyptian man was doing as he was instructed to, the killing was not allowed.
In Jewish literature----of the time of Jesus----BABYLON was considered an
epicenter of EVIL. In fact-----doing things LIKE THE BABYLONIANS were
determined to be ANATHEMA. A trite example----the babylonians
were big on TATOOS -----thus it is EVEN TODAY forbidden to jews
I'm sure there are Jews that have tatoos and interpret things differently. That's why not all Jews are Orthodox. That's why some synagogues have women Rabbis. And, many Jews over compensated for the Kosher laws as well. Added layers on the law so as not to break the law. But, creating new laws that Moses never intended. It's just the way mankind often is. All religions have this.

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