Passover to Exodus, let the story be told

Edomites are Jews. There is no Israelite Tribe named Jews or even Judah, except in corrupted Bibles designed to deceive the real tribes of Israel.
As for "Hebrew" it is spelled Ayin, b, r, i, English has no letter for Ayin, so Abri is much more accurate than Hebrew.

Look at a map. The Edomites weren't Jews.
In order to clear up the confusion, You have to define what you mean by the 500 year old Vatican invented word Jew or Jews.

The forced conversions of the Edomites was around 124 BC I think.

Don't play word games.
Glad You noticed that Edomites were incorporated into Yehuda by the foolish King Ion Hyrcanus.
Anyone still using Jew or Judah as a valid word is using subversive word games whether they know it or not, especially if they are using those words as a cover for Edomites, pretending to be the Biblical Nation/Tribe of Yehuda.
Glad You noticed that Edomites were incorporated into Yehuda by the foolish King Ion Hyrcanus.
Anyone still using Jew or Judah as a valid word is using subversive word games whether they know it or not, especially if they are using those words as a cover for Edomites, pretending to be the Biblical Nation/Tribe of Yehuda.
I know your head will explode, but one does not have to be genetically Jewish to be a Jew.
Guess what? there still is no J in Hebrew. We are known as Yehudi.
Precisely. Just because there was no English word “cat” until, say, 1000 years ago, does that mean there were no cats before then? Does it mean humans weren’t taking them in as pets 10,000 years ago? (Hint: they were.)
Glad You noticed that Edomites were incorporated into Yehuda by the foolish King Ion Hyrcanus.
Anyone still using Jew or Judah as a valid word is using subversive word games whether they know it or not, especially if they are using those words as a cover for Edomites, pretending to be the Biblical Nation/Tribe of Yehuda.

Edom was in southern Jordan and included Petra. Petra's sister city is Ma'dain Saleh in Saudi Arabia.

For some, maybe, for others maybe not.

Many Jews celebrate Passover.
Passover 2021 began in the evening of
Saturday, March 27
and ends in the evening of
Sunday, April 4

The do not see it as folklore or myth, some honestly believe it, and celebrate it and that is why I bring it up, exposing the real day of celebration. Once they realize that they are celebrating the death of all first born, humans and animals alike they may reconsider this and reject its meaning and reason for celebration.
Isn't that when the sun "passes over" the equator ? Hmmm ?

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