Passover to Exodus, let the story be told

Passover to Exodus, let the story be told

Hebrew Pesaḥ or Pesach, in Judaism, holiday commemorating the Hebrews’ liberation from slavery in Egypt and the “passing over” of the forces of destruction, or the sparing of the firstborn of the Israelites, when the Lord “smote the land of Egypt” on the eve of the Exodus.

The above troubles me a bit. Since the Jews knew the angel of death was coming and the only way, they could be spared is to sprinkle lambs blood on their door why didn’t the warn others who were not Jews?

The part of scripture troubles me to, the idea the Jews were slaves in Egypt. Scripture tells another story—

(Gen 47:1 KJV) Then Joseph came and told Pharaoh, and said, My father [ISRAEL] and my brethren, and their flocks, and their herds, and all that they have, are come out of the land of Canaan; and, behold, they are in the land of Goshen.

(Gen 47:3 KJV) And Pharaoh said unto his brethren, What is your occupation? And they said unto Pharaoh, Thy servants are shepherds, both we, and also our fathers.

(Gen 47:6 KJV) The land of Egypt is before thee; in the best of the land make thy father and brethren to dwell; in the land of Goshen let them dwell: and if thou knowest any men of activity among them, then make them rulers over my cattle.

(Gen 47:11 KJV) And Joseph placed his father [ISRAEL] and his brethren, and gave them a possession in the land of Egypt, in the best of the land, in the land of Rameses, as Pharaoh had commanded.

Clearly the Jews were not slaves in Egypt. Joseph ruled over Egypt and would have continued to rule until Moses destroys it all.

And it came to pass in those days, when Moses was grown, that he went out to his brothers, and looked on their burdens: and he spied an Egyptian smiting an Hebrew, one of his brothers. And he looked this way and that way, and when he saw that there was no man, he slew the Egyptian, and hid him in the sand. And when he went out the second day, behold, two men of the Hebrews strove together: and he said to him that did the wrong, Why smite you your fellow?

A fellow? The Egyptians were treating the Jews as fellow Egyptians.

Now when Pharaoh heard this thing, he sought to slay Moses. But Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh, and dwelled in the land of Midian: and he sat down by a well. Moses and all the others flee Egypt and are scattered throughout the land.
Exodus 2:11 One day, after Moses had grown up, he went out to his own people and observed their hard labor. He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his own people.

The above marks the beginning of the great exodus. The Jews were not slaves, the Jews ruled over Egypt and the fled because Moses murders a man in cold blood.

The above is the true history of the Jews of old. Have they changed their ways?

You are welcome to correct me where corrections are needed.
Thanks. Do you have a time line?
And it came to pass in those days, when Moses was grown, that he went out to his brothers, and looked on their burdens: and he spied an Egyptian smiting an Hebrew, one of his brothers. And he looked this way and that way, and when he saw that there was no man, he slew the Egyptian, and hid him in the sand. And when he went out the second day, behold, two men of the Hebrews strove together: and he said to him that did the wrong, Why smite you your fellow?

The Egyptians were treating the Jews as fellow Egyptians.

Now when Pharaoh heard this thing, he sought to slay Moses. But Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh, and dwelled in the land of Midian: and he sat down by a well. Moses and all the others flee Egypt and are scattered throughout the land.

Exodus 2:11 One day, after Moses had grown up, he went out to his own people and observed their hard labor. He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his own people.
The Pharaoh sought to punish Moses for the killing but Moses fled, taking all his fellow Jews with him.
The above marks the beginning of the great exodus. The Jews were not slaves, the Jews ruled over Egypt and they fled because Moses murders a man in cold blood.
I don't see why the word "fellow" there does not work like the word "neighbor" in the gospel accounts in the new testament of the Bible. It was wrong for him to slay a man, either way. And up until that time, Moses was in a privileged position living as one in the privileged class of the Egyptians while the rest of the people of Israel did not. And Moses was personally accountable. Why would all the other people of Israel need to flee, on his account? Was it not forty years later?

"why didn’t they warn others who were not Jews?"

Why think all the people of Israel would think Egyptians would be delivered if they warned them? The people of Israel had flocks, from which a lamb would be taken for any household among them. Where would all the Egyptians get blood for putting on their doorposts?
Moses was in a privileged position living as one in the privileged class of the Egyptians
Moses is the one who carved out of stone the Ten Commandments
The sixth (6) Commandment, which he carved out of stone said--

6. Thou shalt not kill. (murder)

Then Moses---
And it came to pass in those days, when Moses was grown, that he went out to his brothers, and looked on their burdens: and he spied an Egyptian smiting an Hebrew, one of his brothers. And he looked this way and that way, and when he saw that there was no man, he slew the Egyptian, and hid him in the sand. And when he went out the second day, behold, two men of the Hebrews strove together: and he said to him that did the wrong, Why smite you your fellow

Why smite you your fellow
Have any answers/guesses out there--?
The people of Israel had flocks
Actually, as the Bible goes, Joseph, the ruler of Egypt, tells his Israelite people to abandon all their land and move to Egypt.
So they did so, living in the best of the land.
As Joseph orders
p.s. they may have taken their flocks with them.
Moses is the one who carved out of stone the Ten Commandments
The sixth (6) Commandment, which he carved out of stone said--

6. Thou shalt not kill. (murder)

Then Moses---
And it came to pass in those days, when Moses was grown, that he went out to his brothers, and looked on their burdens: and he spied an Egyptian smiting an Hebrew, one of his brothers. And he looked this way and that way, and when he saw that there was no man, he slew the Egyptian, and hid him in the sand. And when he went out the second day, behold, two men of the Hebrews strove together: and he said to him that did the wrong, Why smite you your fellow

Why smite you your fellow
Have any answers/guesses out there--?
your point?
Biblically, the only significance to Moses is that he preached “do not kill”, "love your neighbor".,.,etc.,., and low and behold, Moses murders a person in the street in broad daylight.

The Pharaoh sought after him for his crime but before Moses could be arrested for the murder he and his followers fled. (great exodus)
correct me if I am wrong
Moses witnessed an Egyptian beating a Hebrew slave.

In today’s world if someone witnessed such a beatdown he might intervene and use lethal force to stop the attack. The defense would be that the Egyptian could have seriously injured his victim so the use of lethal force was justified. Moses could have pulled his concealed handgun and shot the assailant and could have been perceived as a hero not a murderer.

How times change.
You mean besides because it wasn't practical. When exactly do you think the widespread dissemination of written materials occurred?

Which story? Exodus?

There are thousands of small clay tablets in Dilmun, Sumer and Ras Shamra that predate the Jewish people. They record the Code of Hammurabi, the Ugarit texts, the myth of Gilgamesh etc.
There are thousands of small clay tablets in Dilmun, Sumer and Ras Shamra that predate the Jewish people. They record the Code of Hammurabi, the Ugarit texts, the myth of Gilgamesh etc.
The laws elaborated by Moses are a remarkable
IMPROVEMENT over those of Hammurabi which
are even more CASTE infected than are the
Moses could have pulled his concealed handgun and shot the assailant and could have been perceived as a hero not a murderer.
How times change.
Lying remains the same
The handgun was not invented until way after Moses’s death

A handgun is a short-barrelled gun, typically a firearm, that is designed to be usable with only one hand..,.,Before commercial mass production, handguns were often considered a badge of office, comparable to a ceremonial sword. However, in 1836, Samuel Colt patented the Colt Paterson, the first practical mass-produced revolver,
Handgun - Wikipedia

Generally, Moses is seen as a legendary figure, whilst retaining the possibility that Moses or a Moses-like figure existed in the 13th century BCE. Rabbinical Judaism calculated a lifespan of Moses corresponding to 1391–1271 BCE
Moses - Wikipedia
You, Batcat, please do the math for me----

Lying remains the same
The handgun was not invented until way after Moses’s death

A handgun is a short-barrelled gun, typically a firearm, that is designed to be usable with only one hand..,.,Before commercial mass production, handguns were often considered a badge of office, comparable to a ceremonial sword. However, in 1836, Samuel Colt patented the Colt Paterson, the first practical mass-produced revolver,
Handgun - Wikipedia

Generally, Moses is seen as a legendary figure, whilst retaining the possibility that Moses or a Moses-like figure existed in the 13th century BCE. Rabbinical Judaism calculated a lifespan of Moses corresponding to 1391–1271 BCE
Moses - Wikipedia
You, Batcat, please do the math for me----

You left an important part of my post out. Obviously I was comparing life in today’s world with life back in ancient Egypt.

I posted:

”In today’s world if someone witnessed such a beatdown he might intervene and use lethal force to stop the attack. The defense would be that the Egyptian could have seriously injured his victim so the use of lethal force was justified. Moses could have pulled his concealed handgun and shot the assailant and could have been perceived as a hero not a murderer.
Give me the chapter and verse where he murdered someone?


How is this murder?

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