Pastor At Church Where Trump Claims Membership Says He Never Walked Through The Doors “Not One Time"

No one Christian, would commit all those listed in a lifetime, because they are not Christians in the first place.
Can you digest it? Trump is not a Christian. He doesn't care what the Bible says, his actions speak volumes.
The most important being in Trump's life, is clearly himself, not God.
Now continue your Little Trumpster goose-step. :happy-1:
And everyone knows this, including so-called Evangelicals.

Yet they voted for him, and are his BIGGEST supporters.

What does that tell yo u?

Well I believe you said he is "totally irredeemable as a human being", did you not? Isn't that a kick in the head? Putting yourself in the Judgment Seat of God. No Christian I know would say that about anyone--not even the severest mass murderer on death row. Of course, in my experience, the people least close to Jesus say that with the most freedom. I mean that, really. They toss that around very freely, because they have no respect for Holiness and a great deal too much pride.

There, I said it.
Forgive me if this has already been acknowledged, but does the "pastor" have any idea how contradicting he himself sounds here? If our leader has never once been to that church building, in my opinion, the pastor if you can call him one has no ability to honestly say that he was our leader's pastor for five years.

God bless you and our leader always!!!

So what's your opinion on TRUMP in this matter Holly?
To me, if the "pastor" is trying to make it look like our leader has never been to church, the only thing that I have to say to that "pastor" is this: "You make it sound like your church is the only church that is on this planet."

God bless you and our leader always!!!

LoL! Holly, you really ought to reevaluate your life.

Get right with God. Seriously.

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No one Christian, would commit all those listed in a lifetime, because they are not Christians in the first place.
Can you digest it? Trump is not a Christian. He doesn't care what the Bible says, his actions speak volumes.
The most important being in Trump's life, is clearly himself, not God.
Now continue your Little Trumpster goose-step. :happy-1:
And everyone knows this, including so-called Evangelicals.

Yet they voted for him, and are his BIGGEST supporters.

What does that tell yo u?
I don’t know...what does it tell you?

Jesse Jackson was fucking around on his wife,
and fathered a child with one of his staff members,
and was using funds from his organization to care for them

He has a net worth of $10 million dollars,
because he has stood on the backs of the very people
he purports to champion and advocate for!

Jesse Jr. is a scum, just like his father
Forgive me if this has already been acknowledged, but does the "pastor" have any idea how contradicting he himself sounds here? If our leader has never once been to that church building, in my opinion, the pastor if you can call him one has no ability to honestly say that he was our leader's pastor for five years.

God bless you and our leader always!!!

So what's your opinion on TRUMP in this matter Holly?
To me, if the "pastor" is trying to make it look like our leader has never been to church, the only thing that I have to say to that "pastor" is this: "You make it sound like your church is the only church that is on this planet."

God bless you and our leader always!!!

LoL! Holly, you really ought to reevaluate your life.

Get right with God. Seriously.
I already have. How about yourself?

God bless you always!!!

I know right....

Who cares about whether or not a person attends church or is religious...big deal...

Why do people still doubt President Obama's faith and birthplace?

President Obama apostatized from Trinity UCC back in 2008, and threw his spiritual advisor Jeremiah Wright under the bus. During his presidency, he really didn't show much Christianity, disregarding the basic doctrines of the Right to Life or marriage between a man and a broad. I guess maybe he's some kind of heretic, but he doesn't look like much of a Christian to most people.

I forgot about the part when Obama was dragging his Bible around with him on the campaign trail, feigning to be a Christian.

I forgot about the part when Obama said he was grabbing married pussy because 'they let you.'

I forgot about the part when Obama was married three times and cheated on all three of his wives.

I forgot about ................. oh, fvck; that was Trump.

My bad.

I guess you also forgot about Obama's affair with Larry Sinclair?
I tend to forget slander.

Trump will always be remembered as the Guy who had unprotected sex with a porn star because she reminded him of his daughter. Your hero.
I know right....

Who cares about whether or not a person attends church or is religious...big deal...

Why do people still doubt President Obama's faith and birthplace?

President Obama apostatized from Trinity UCC back in 2008, and threw his spiritual advisor Jeremiah Wright under the bus. During his presidency, he really didn't show much Christianity, disregarding the basic doctrines of the Right to Life or marriage between a man and a broad. I guess maybe he's some kind of heretic, but he doesn't look like much of a Christian to most people.

I forgot about the part when Obama was dragging his Bible around with him on the campaign trail, feigning to be a Christian.

I forgot about the part when Obama said he was grabbing married pussy because 'they let you.'

I forgot about the part when Obama was married three times and cheated on all three of his wives.

I forgot about ................. oh, fvck; that was Trump.

My bad.

I guess you also forgot about Obama's affair with Larry Sinclair?
I tend to forget slander.

Trump will always be remembered as the Guy who had unprotected sex with a porn star because she reminded him of his daughter. Your hero.

Your President addressed this, dean. No , he did not have relations with this hoe. The gentleman is a germophobe, its against his nature to have relations with prostitutes.
I know right....

Who cares about whether or not a person attends church or is religious...big deal...

Why do people still doubt President Obama's faith and birthplace?

President Obama apostatized from Trinity UCC back in 2008, and threw his spiritual advisor Jeremiah Wright under the bus. During his presidency, he really didn't show much Christianity, disregarding the basic doctrines of the Right to Life or marriage between a man and a broad. I guess maybe he's some kind of heretic, but he doesn't look like much of a Christian to most people.

I forgot about the part when Obama was dragging his Bible around with him on the campaign trail, feigning to be a Christian.

I forgot about the part when Obama said he was grabbing married pussy because 'they let you.'

I forgot about the part when Obama was married three times and cheated on all three of his wives.

I forgot about ................. oh, fvck; that was Trump.

My bad.

I guess you also forgot about Obama's affair with Larry Sinclair?
I tend to forget slander.

Trump will always be remembered as the Guy who had unprotected sex with a porn star because she reminded him of his daughter. Your hero.

More lies from Deantard and you cowered from my question to you, old man.
President Donald Trump‘s former pastor seems skeptical of his public affection for bible study in recent years, calling it out as inauthentic.

After the President lauded a Fox & Friends segment he saw about the option of ‘Bible Literacy classes’ being introduced to state schools, Pastor David Lewicki slammed his former churchgoer’s “hypocrisy” on Twitter earlier this week and said Trump never attended bible study.

“I was @realDonaldTrump’s pastor for 5 years @MarbleChurch. I assure you, he had the ‘option’ to come to Bible study. He never ‘opted’ in. Nor did he ever actually enter the church doors. Not one time,” tweeted Lewicki, then quoting Edmund Burke on hypocrisy and failed promises.

Read on... Trump’s Former Pastor Calls Out President’s Bible Study ‘Hypocrisy’: Never Entered the Church, ‘Not One Time’

How the rightwing are easily fooled. Unless, of course, you don't care aka never cared about a President's religion and/or spirituality to begin with,
Peter never attended the synagogue meetings before. And Moses never knew who was God until he went on Mt Sinai. But it is good that these 501c3 churches are exposing themselves.

Luke 5: 8 When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus’ knees and said, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!”

Exodus 3:13 Moses said to God, “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?”

Acts 7:22 Moses was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and was powerful in speech and action.

I've read the bible. It is full of things that nobody does anymore. The Ten Commandments are more honored in the breach, there may be a handful of people left alive who actually follow Leviticus and Deuteronomy, and the instructions that Jesus purportedly gave in the Sermon on the Mount have just about disappeared.

Jesus probably would be looking at some jail time if he pulled that stunt with the money changers today. As for Holy Matrimony, which time is considered the holiest?
I've read the bible. It is full of things that nobody does anymore. The Ten Commandments are more honored in the breach, there may be a handful of people left alive who actually follow Leviticus and Deuteronomy, and the instructions that Jesus purportedly gave in the Sermon on the Mount have just about disappeared.

Jesus probably would be looking at some jail time if he pulled that stunt with the money changers today. As for Holy Matrimony, which time is considered the holiest?

The wedding night..........
I know right....

Who cares about whether or not a person attends church or is religious...big deal...

Why do people still doubt President Obama's faith and birthplace?

President Obama apostatized from Trinity UCC back in 2008, and threw his spiritual advisor Jeremiah Wright under the bus. During his presidency, he really didn't show much Christianity, disregarding the basic doctrines of the Right to Life or marriage between a man and a broad. I guess maybe he's some kind of heretic, but he doesn't look like much of a Christian to most people.

I forgot about the part when Obama was dragging his Bible around with him on the campaign trail, feigning to be a Christian.

I forgot about the part when Obama said he was grabbing married pussy because 'they let you.'

I forgot about the part when Obama was married three times and cheated on all three of his wives.

I forgot about ................. oh, fvck; that was Trump.

My bad.

I guess you also forgot about Obama's affair with Larry Sinclair?
I tend to forget slander.

Trump will always be remembered as the Guy who had unprotected sex with a porn star because she reminded him of his daughter. Your hero.

I believe the Rump quote went, "I've always said, if she wasn't my daughter perhaps I'd be boinking her in a hotel room and having her swat my ass with a magazine and then perhaps I'd be paying her $130,000 to keep quiet about it".

Something like that....?
President Donald Trump‘s former pastor seems skeptical of his public affection for bible study in recent years, calling it out as inauthentic.

After the President lauded a Fox & Friends segment he saw about the option of ‘Bible Literacy classes’ being introduced to state schools, Pastor David Lewicki slammed his former churchgoer’s “hypocrisy” on Twitter earlier this week and said Trump never attended bible study.

“I was @realDonaldTrump’s pastor for 5 years @MarbleChurch. I assure you, he had the ‘option’ to come to Bible study. He never ‘opted’ in. Nor did he ever actually enter the church doors. Not one time,” tweeted Lewicki, then quoting Edmund Burke on hypocrisy and failed promises.

Read on... Trump’s Former Pastor Calls Out President’s Bible Study ‘Hypocrisy’: Never Entered the Church, ‘Not One Time’

How the rightwing are easily fooled. Unless, of course, you don't care aka never cared about a President's religion and/or spirituality to begin with,
Peter never attended the synagogue meetings before. And Moses never knew who was God until he went on Mt Sinai. But it is good that these 501c3 churches are exposing themselves.

Luke 5: 8 When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus’ knees and said, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!”

Exodus 3:13 Moses said to God, “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?”

Acts 7:22 Moses was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and was powerful in speech and action.

God has a history of choosing among the most flawed to do his most important work.
President Donald Trump‘s former pastor seems skeptical of his public affection for bible study in recent years, calling it out as inauthentic.

After the President lauded a Fox & Friends segment he saw about the option of ‘Bible Literacy classes’ being introduced to state schools, Pastor David Lewicki slammed his former churchgoer’s “hypocrisy” on Twitter earlier this week and said Trump never attended bible study.

“I was @realDonaldTrump’s pastor for 5 years @MarbleChurch. I assure you, he had the ‘option’ to come to Bible study. He never ‘opted’ in. Nor did he ever actually enter the church doors. Not one time,” tweeted Lewicki, then quoting Edmund Burke on hypocrisy and failed promises.

Read on... Trump’s Former Pastor Calls Out President’s Bible Study ‘Hypocrisy’: Never Entered the Church, ‘Not One Time’

How the rightwing are easily fooled. Unless, of course, you don't care aka never cared about a President's religion and/or spirituality to begin with,
Peter never attended the synagogue meetings before. And Moses never knew who was God until he went on Mt Sinai. But it is good that these 501c3 churches are exposing themselves.

Luke 5: 8 When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus’ knees and said, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!”

Exodus 3:13 Moses said to God, “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?”

Acts 7:22 Moses was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and was powerful in speech and action.

God has a history of choosing among the most flawed to do his most important work.

That fits Jesus perfectly; right?
I know right....

Who cares about whether or not a person attends church or is religious...big deal...

Why do people still doubt President Obama's faith and birthplace?

President Obama apostatized from Trinity UCC back in 2008, and threw his spiritual advisor Jeremiah Wright under the bus. During his presidency, he really didn't show much Christianity, disregarding the basic doctrines of the Right to Life or marriage between a man and a broad. I guess maybe he's some kind of heretic, but he doesn't look like much of a Christian to most people.

I forgot about the part when Obama was dragging his Bible around with him on the campaign trail, feigning to be a Christian.

I forgot about the part when Obama said he was grabbing married pussy because 'they let you.'

I forgot about the part when Obama was married three times and cheated on all three of his wives.

I forgot about ................. oh, fvck; that was Trump.

My bad.

I guess you also forgot about Obama's affair with Larry Sinclair?
I tend to forget slander.

Trump will always be remembered as the Guy who had unprotected sex with a porn star because she reminded him of his daughter. Your hero.

I believe the Rump quote went, "I've always said, if she wasn't my daughter perhaps I'd be boinking her in a hotel room and having her swat my ass with a magazine and then perhaps I'd be paying her $130,000 to keep quiet about it".

Something like that....?

Well that explains why you’re a weirdo single dude who doesn’t own a TV. Pigo.
I've read the bible. It is full of things that nobody does anymore. The Ten Commandments are more honored in the breach, there may be a handful of people left alive who actually follow Leviticus and Deuteronomy, and the instructions that Jesus purportedly gave in the Sermon on the Mount have just about disappeared.

Jesus probably would be looking at some jail time if he pulled that stunt with the money changers today. As for Holy Matrimony, which time is considered the holiest?

The wedding night..........
Oh read the Old Testament! No guys with physical disabilities allowed in the priesthood. A guy is obligated to get his widowed sister-in-law pregnant. A woman who has given birth is "unclean" for an amount of time that depends on the gender of the child she gives birth to. Heterosexuality and the natural process of a human female shedding the lining of her uterus during menstruation? Ritual baths?

I won't even begin to explore how humans are supposed to be virgins on their FIRST wedding night. Imagine virgin men and virgin women uniting at the alter or under the chuppah swearing their ever faith to each other as each has come to this place bearing the precious gift of purity to each other before retiring to the bedroom to partake. And this only accounts for Christians and Jews!
President Donald Trump‘s former pastor seems skeptical of his public affection for bible study in recent years, calling it out as inauthentic.

After the President lauded a Fox & Friends segment he saw about the option of ‘Bible Literacy classes’ being introduced to state schools, Pastor David Lewicki slammed his former churchgoer’s “hypocrisy” on Twitter earlier this week and said Trump never attended bible study.

“I was @realDonaldTrump’s pastor for 5 years @MarbleChurch. I assure you, he had the ‘option’ to come to Bible study. He never ‘opted’ in. Nor did he ever actually enter the church doors. Not one time,” tweeted Lewicki, then quoting Edmund Burke on hypocrisy and failed promises.

Read on... Trump’s Former Pastor Calls Out President’s Bible Study ‘Hypocrisy’: Never Entered the Church, ‘Not One Time’

How the rightwing are easily fooled. Unless, of course, you don't care aka never cared about a President's religion and/or spirituality to begin with,
President Donald Trump‘s former pastor seems skeptical of his public affection for bible study in recent years, calling it out as inauthentic.

After the President lauded a Fox & Friends segment he saw about the option of ‘Bible Literacy classes’ being introduced to state schools, Pastor David Lewicki slammed his former churchgoer’s “hypocrisy” on Twitter earlier this week and said Trump never attended bible study.

“I was @realDonaldTrump’s pastor for 5 years @MarbleChurch. I assure you, he had the ‘option’ to come to Bible study. He never ‘opted’ in. Nor did he ever actually enter the church doors. Not one time,” tweeted Lewicki, then quoting Edmund Burke on hypocrisy and failed promises.

Read on... Trump’s Former Pastor Calls Out President’s Bible Study ‘Hypocrisy’: Never Entered the Church, ‘Not One Time’

How the rightwing are easily fooled. Unless, of course, you don't care aka never cared about a President's religion and/or spirituality to begin with,

Yeah. trump was a virgin when he got married for the third time. How holy is this. I don't even think that he was a virgin on the night before his first marriage. but some "holy persons' love him. You either do or you don't people.
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