Pastor At Church Where Trump Claims Membership Says He Never Walked Through The Doors “Not One Time"

Bible Study isn't the same thing as church, you moron.
Nor did he ever actually enter the church doors. Not one time,” tweeted Lewicki,
That means he didn't attend church either.
Lady, you need to learn to apply logic to these fake stories.

How in the heck can this guy be Trump's former pastor if he never went to his church in the first place. Answer: This guy is lying.
How the heck does this asshole know if Trump didn't attend another church. BTW, Being a Christian doesn't require fellowship, it requires faith.

And G Dammit how can you SOBs complain about Trump's faith when you support a party that does not allow God in Congress or at your damned conventions?
Trump was on the rolls as a member, that is how Pastor Lewicki could say that. Back in the day, when Norman Vincent Peale was the pastor there, Trump's father dragged the whole family there. Trump's dad was a big fan.

I am not complaining--as a matter of fact, no one should be surprised by this.

Rump himself was a big fan. I posted a story about that way upthread. Peale seems to have nurtured Rump's incessant self-delusion.

I say "seems to" because we can't tell if Rump was already down that road and Peale just fed it like a bacteria, or if Peale gave him the idea.
I just can't care much, Pogo. Of course Trump didn't attend church. I don't really care much who he admired or what formed him. I just want to sprinkle salt on him and see him slither away.

Oh it actually is fascinating, as a psychological study. Here's the article I referred to: How Norman Vincent Peale Taught Doornail Rump to Worship Himself

I like to know where things come from. The more we understand that, the more we can (a) make some sense of a situation that doesn't make any, and (b) nip it in the bud when we see it germinating. Peale's snow jobbery was largely discredited and we can see the parallels --- Wiki notes:

>> One major criticism of The Power of Positive Thinking is that the book is full of anecdotes that are hard to substantiate. Almost all of the experts and many of the testimonials that Peale quotes as supporting his philosophy are unnamed, unknown and unsourced. Examples include a "famous psychologist",[15]:52 a two-page letter from a "practicing physician",[15]:150 another "famous psychologist",[15]:169 a "prominent citizen of New York City",[15]:88 and dozens, if not hundreds, more unverifiable quotations. Similar scientific studies of questionable validity are also cited. As psychiatrist R. C. Murphy exclaimed, "All this advertising is vindicated as it were, by a strict cleaving to the side of part truth," and referred to the work and the quoted material as "implausible and woodenly pious".[16] <<​

Doesn't that sound eerily familiar? "Many people are saying that". Now we know where those people came from.

Fatter o' mact judging by the rate at which USMB posters just make shit up because they'd like it to have been true, indicates a lot of 'em must have been following Peale around hypnotized.

On the other hand I love the salt idea. I've got extra and I'll pitch in.
Nor did he ever actually enter the church doors. Not one time,” tweeted Lewicki,
That means he didn't attend church either.
Lady, you need to learn to apply logic to these fake stories.

How in the heck can this guy be Trump's former pastor if he never went to his church in the first place. Answer: This guy is lying.
How the heck does this asshole know if Trump didn't attend another church. BTW, Being a Christian doesn't require fellowship, it requires faith.

And G Dammit how can you SOBs complain about Trump's faith when you support a party that does not allow God in Congress or at your damned conventions?
Trump was on the rolls as a member, that is how Pastor Lewicki could say that. Back in the day, when Norman Vincent Peale was the pastor there, Trump's father dragged the whole family there. Trump's dad was a big fan.

I am not complaining--as a matter of fact, no one should be surprised by this.

Rump himself was a big fan. I posted a story about that way upthread. Peale seems to have nurtured Rump's incessant self-delusion.

I say "seems to" because we can't tell if Rump was already down that road and Peale just fed it like a bacteria, or if Peale gave him the idea.
I just can't care much, Pogo. Of course Trump didn't attend church. I don't really care much who he admired or what formed him. I just want to sprinkle salt on him and see him slither away.

Libs just don't like the idea that President Trump keeps his spirituality close to the vest, so it can't be attack on a personal level.

Even McCain was brutally attack by libs because of things his spiritual mentor may have said. President Trump learned to protect his friends. Suppose President Trump revealed during the SOTU speech that the Tremendous pastor from San Antonio, John Hagee, was his spiritual advisor, not this doofus from Marble Collegiate? Would that get him any peace? Hell no.
You believe that? Bless your heart.
Nor did he ever actually enter the church doors. Not one time,” tweeted Lewicki,
That means he didn't attend church either.
Lady, you need to learn to apply logic to these fake stories.

How in the heck can this guy be Trump's former pastor if he never went to his church in the first place. Answer: This guy is lying.
How the heck does this asshole know if Trump didn't attend another church. BTW, Being a Christian doesn't require fellowship, it requires faith.

And G Dammit how can you SOBs complain about Trump's faith when you support a party that does not allow God in Congress or at your damned conventions?
Trump was on the rolls as a member, that is how Pastor Lewicki could say that. Back in the day, when Norman Vincent Peale was the pastor there, Trump's father dragged the whole family there. Trump's dad was a big fan.

I am not complaining--as a matter of fact, no one should be surprised by this.

Rump himself was a big fan. I posted a story about that way upthread. Peale seems to have nurtured Rump's incessant self-delusion.

I say "seems to" because we can't tell if Rump was already down that road and Peale just fed it like a bacteria, or if Peale gave him the idea.
I just can't care much, Pogo. Of course Trump didn't attend church. I don't really care much who he admired or what formed him. I just want to sprinkle salt on him and see him slither away.

Oh it actually is fascinating, as a psychological study. Here's the article I referred to: How Norman Vincent Peale Taught Doornail Rump to Worship Himself

I like to know where things come from. The more we understand that, the more we can (a) make some sense of a situation that doesn't make any, and (b) nip it in the bud when we see it germinating. Peale's snow jobbery was largely discredited and we can see the parallels --- Wiki notes:

>> One major criticism of The Power of Positive Thinking is that the book is full of anecdotes that are hard to substantiate. Almost all of the experts and many of the testimonials that Peale quotes as supporting his philosophy are unnamed, unknown and unsourced. Examples include a "famous psychologist",[15]:52 a two-page letter from a "practicing physician",[15]:150 another "famous psychologist",[15]:169 a "prominent citizen of New York City",[15]:88 and dozens, if not hundreds, more unverifiable quotations. Similar scientific studies of questionable validity are also cited. As psychiatrist R. C. Murphy exclaimed, "All this advertising is vindicated as it were, by a strict cleaving to the side of part truth," and referred to the work and the quoted material as "implausible and woodenly pious".[16] <<​

Doesn't that sound eerily familiar? "Many people are saying that". Now we know where those people came from.

Fatter o' mact judging by the rate at which USMB posters just make shit up because they'd like it to have been true, indicates a lot of 'em must have been following Peale around hypnotized.

On the other hand I love the salt idea. I've got extra and I'll pitch in.

Politicians from the Far Left all the way to the Center had a lot of praise for the late Dr. Peale. Even Extremists like Clinton and Carter.

To condemn the man now is unseemly, he's been room temperature for a quarter century.
Who says anyone must have a church, a group or a pastor to study the Bible? The Lord says in the Word that no man will teach us but he will teach us himself. "By my Spirit", not by the hand of mere mortals.

Trump does not study the Bible.

Christians are not pathological liars.
Christians are not extremely narcissistic
Christians do not worship money
Christians do not commit adultery multiple times
Christians don't cheat people out of money owed multiple times
Christians don't destroy God's Earth
Christians do not punish innocent people

How's that for starters?

Christians commit all those sins and more daily


No one Christian, would commit all those listed in a lifetime, because they are not Christians in the first place.
Can you digest it? Trump is not a Christian. He doesn't care what the Bible says, his actions speak volumes.
The most important being in Trump's life, is clearly himself, not God.
Now continue your Little Trumpster goose-step. :happy-1:
Who says anyone must have a church, a group or a pastor to study the Bible? The Lord says in the Word that no man will teach us but he will teach us himself. "By my Spirit", not by the hand of mere mortals.

Trump does not study the Bible.

Christians are not pathological liars.
Christians are not extremely narcissistic
Christians do not worship money
Christians do not commit adultery multiple times
Christians don't cheat people out of money owed multiple times
Christians don't destroy God's Earth
Christians do not punish innocent people

How's that for starters?

Christians commit all those sins and more daily


No one Christian, would commit all those listed in a lifetime, because they are not Christians in the first place.
Can you digest it? Trump is not a Christian. He doesn't care what the Bible says, his actions speak volumes.
The most important being in Trump's life, is clearly himself, not God.
Now continue your Little Trumpster goose-step. :happy-1:

LOL okay you're delusional . Got it.

As for Trump, didn't vote for him. I hate his tweets, I support some of the things he does, and not others, and it is you who is the goose stepper , marching to the leftist drum.
Lady, you need to learn to apply logic to these fake stories.

How in the heck can this guy be Trump's former pastor if he never went to his church in the first place. Answer: This guy is lying.
How the heck does this asshole know if Trump didn't attend another church. BTW, Being a Christian doesn't require fellowship, it requires faith.

And G Dammit how can you SOBs complain about Trump's faith when you support a party that does not allow God in Congress or at your damned conventions?
Trump was on the rolls as a member, that is how Pastor Lewicki could say that. Back in the day, when Norman Vincent Peale was the pastor there, Trump's father dragged the whole family there. Trump's dad was a big fan.

I am not complaining--as a matter of fact, no one should be surprised by this.

Rump himself was a big fan. I posted a story about that way upthread. Peale seems to have nurtured Rump's incessant self-delusion.

I say "seems to" because we can't tell if Rump was already down that road and Peale just fed it like a bacteria, or if Peale gave him the idea.
I just can't care much, Pogo. Of course Trump didn't attend church. I don't really care much who he admired or what formed him. I just want to sprinkle salt on him and see him slither away.

Oh it actually is fascinating, as a psychological study. Here's the article I referred to: How Norman Vincent Peale Taught Doornail Rump to Worship Himself

I like to know where things come from. The more we understand that, the more we can (a) make some sense of a situation that doesn't make any, and (b) nip it in the bud when we see it germinating. Peale's snow jobbery was largely discredited and we can see the parallels --- Wiki notes:

>> One major criticism of The Power of Positive Thinking is that the book is full of anecdotes that are hard to substantiate. Almost all of the experts and many of the testimonials that Peale quotes as supporting his philosophy are unnamed, unknown and unsourced. Examples include a "famous psychologist",[15]:52 a two-page letter from a "practicing physician",[15]:150 another "famous psychologist",[15]:169 a "prominent citizen of New York City",[15]:88 and dozens, if not hundreds, more unverifiable quotations. Similar scientific studies of questionable validity are also cited. As psychiatrist R. C. Murphy exclaimed, "All this advertising is vindicated as it were, by a strict cleaving to the side of part truth," and referred to the work and the quoted material as "implausible and woodenly pious".[16] <<​

Doesn't that sound eerily familiar? "Many people are saying that". Now we know where those people came from.

Fatter o' mact judging by the rate at which USMB posters just make shit up because they'd like it to have been true, indicates a lot of 'em must have been following Peale around hypnotized.

On the other hand I love the salt idea. I've got extra and I'll pitch in.

Politicians from the Far Left all the way to the Center had a lot of praise for the late Dr. Peale. Even Extremists like Clinton and Carter.

To condemn the man now is unseemly, he's been room temperature for a quarter century.

Dafuck Dipshit, you want me to jump in a time machine and go back?

Not necessary. Critics in his own time called him out for charlatanism. Which I already cited.

And where do you get this "doctor" shit? You don't get the title "doctor" on the basis that you need one.
Who says anyone must have a church, a group or a pastor to study the Bible? The Lord says in the Word that no man will teach us but he will teach us himself. "By my Spirit", not by the hand of mere mortals.

Trump does not study the Bible.

Christians are not pathological liars.
Christians are not extremely narcissistic
Christians do not worship money
Christians do not commit adultery multiple times
Christians don't cheat people out of money owed multiple times
Christians don't destroy God's Earth
Christians do not punish innocent people

How's that for starters?

Christians commit all those sins and more daily


No one Christian, would commit all those listed in a lifetime, because they are not Christians in the first place.
Can you digest it? Trump is not a Christian. He doesn't care what the Bible says, his actions speak volumes.
The most important being in Trump's life, is clearly himself, not God.
Now continue your Little Trumpster goose-step. :happy-1:
----------------------------- if you are correct then that is TRUMPS Business in this here land of the USA that has a SECULAR Government Kiwiman .
Trump was on the rolls as a member, that is how Pastor Lewicki could say that. Back in the day, when Norman Vincent Peale was the pastor there, Trump's father dragged the whole family there. Trump's dad was a big fan.

I am not complaining--as a matter of fact, no one should be surprised by this.

Rump himself was a big fan. I posted a story about that way upthread. Peale seems to have nurtured Rump's incessant self-delusion.

I say "seems to" because we can't tell if Rump was already down that road and Peale just fed it like a bacteria, or if Peale gave him the idea.
I just can't care much, Pogo. Of course Trump didn't attend church. I don't really care much who he admired or what formed him. I just want to sprinkle salt on him and see him slither away.

Oh it actually is fascinating, as a psychological study. Here's the article I referred to: How Norman Vincent Peale Taught Doornail Rump to Worship Himself

I like to know where things come from. The more we understand that, the more we can (a) make some sense of a situation that doesn't make any, and (b) nip it in the bud when we see it germinating. Peale's snow jobbery was largely discredited and we can see the parallels --- Wiki notes:

>> One major criticism of The Power of Positive Thinking is that the book is full of anecdotes that are hard to substantiate. Almost all of the experts and many of the testimonials that Peale quotes as supporting his philosophy are unnamed, unknown and unsourced. Examples include a "famous psychologist",[15]:52 a two-page letter from a "practicing physician",[15]:150 another "famous psychologist",[15]:169 a "prominent citizen of New York City",[15]:88 and dozens, if not hundreds, more unverifiable quotations. Similar scientific studies of questionable validity are also cited. As psychiatrist R. C. Murphy exclaimed, "All this advertising is vindicated as it were, by a strict cleaving to the side of part truth," and referred to the work and the quoted material as "implausible and woodenly pious".[16] <<​

Doesn't that sound eerily familiar? "Many people are saying that". Now we know where those people came from.

Fatter o' mact judging by the rate at which USMB posters just make shit up because they'd like it to have been true, indicates a lot of 'em must have been following Peale around hypnotized.

On the other hand I love the salt idea. I've got extra and I'll pitch in.

Politicians from the Far Left all the way to the Center had a lot of praise for the late Dr. Peale. Even Extremists like Clinton and Carter.

To condemn the man now is unseemly, he's been room temperature for a quarter century.

Dafuck Dipshit, you want me to jump in a time machine and go back?

Not necessary. Critics in his own time called him out for charlatanism. Which I already cited.

And where do you get this "doctor" shit? You don't get the title "doctor" on the basis that you need one.

Peale was a Doctor of Divinity. Sure, he had critics during his time. But his supporters extended across the political spectrum.
No one Christian, would commit all those listed in a lifetime, because they are not Christians in the first place.
Can you digest it? Trump is not a Christian. He doesn't care what the Bible says, his actions speak volumes.
The most important being in Trump's life, is clearly himself, not God.
Now continue your Little Trumpster goose-step. :happy-1:
And everyone knows this, including so-called Evangelicals.

Yet they voted for him, and are his BIGGEST supporters.

What does that tell yo u?
Rump himself was a big fan. I posted a story about that way upthread. Peale seems to have nurtured Rump's incessant self-delusion.

I say "seems to" because we can't tell if Rump was already down that road and Peale just fed it like a bacteria, or if Peale gave him the idea.
I just can't care much, Pogo. Of course Trump didn't attend church. I don't really care much who he admired or what formed him. I just want to sprinkle salt on him and see him slither away.

Oh it actually is fascinating, as a psychological study. Here's the article I referred to: How Norman Vincent Peale Taught Doornail Rump to Worship Himself

I like to know where things come from. The more we understand that, the more we can (a) make some sense of a situation that doesn't make any, and (b) nip it in the bud when we see it germinating. Peale's snow jobbery was largely discredited and we can see the parallels --- Wiki notes:

>> One major criticism of The Power of Positive Thinking is that the book is full of anecdotes that are hard to substantiate. Almost all of the experts and many of the testimonials that Peale quotes as supporting his philosophy are unnamed, unknown and unsourced. Examples include a "famous psychologist",[15]:52 a two-page letter from a "practicing physician",[15]:150 another "famous psychologist",[15]:169 a "prominent citizen of New York City",[15]:88 and dozens, if not hundreds, more unverifiable quotations. Similar scientific studies of questionable validity are also cited. As psychiatrist R. C. Murphy exclaimed, "All this advertising is vindicated as it were, by a strict cleaving to the side of part truth," and referred to the work and the quoted material as "implausible and woodenly pious".[16] <<​

Doesn't that sound eerily familiar? "Many people are saying that". Now we know where those people came from.

Fatter o' mact judging by the rate at which USMB posters just make shit up because they'd like it to have been true, indicates a lot of 'em must have been following Peale around hypnotized.

On the other hand I love the salt idea. I've got extra and I'll pitch in.

Politicians from the Far Left all the way to the Center had a lot of praise for the late Dr. Peale. Even Extremists like Clinton and Carter.

To condemn the man now is unseemly, he's been room temperature for a quarter century.

Dafuck Dipshit, you want me to jump in a time machine and go back?

Not necessary. Critics in his own time called him out for charlatanism. Which I already cited.

And where do you get this "doctor" shit? You don't get the title "doctor" on the basis that you need one.

Peale was a Doctor of Divinity. Sure, he had critics during his time. But his supporters extended across the political spectrum.

"Political" doesn't even enter into it. This is about psychology, not "politics". Wallowing in a world of self-delusion isn't fucking "politics". It's "mental illness".

I know that must be challenging to your tiny little dichotomy-obsessed mind but hey, tough titty.
LOL okay you're delusional . Got it.

As for Trump, didn't vote for him. I hate his tweets, I support some of the things he does, and not others, and it is you who is the goose stepper , marching to the leftist drum.
What is your brain interpreting as "the leftist drum?"
LOL okay you're delusional . Got it.

As for Trump, didn't vote for him. I hate his tweets, I support some of the things he does, and not others, and it is you who is the goose stepper , marching to the leftist drum.
What is your brain interpreting as "the leftist drum?"

I hear the drumbeat of yet another intellectual sloth Dichotomist who thinks Rump has something to do with "right" and "left". Because he can't be bothered to think any deeper than "muh team".
LOL okay you're delusional . Got it.

As for Trump, didn't vote for him. I hate his tweets, I support some of the things he does, and not others, and it is you who is the goose stepper , marching to the leftist drum.
What is your brain interpreting as "the leftist drum?"

Well let's start with this.

Who in the fuck cares if the guy goes to Church or not? You don't care, you really don't. You just see another opportunity to "orange man bad"

Because that's all the left has right now. "orange man bad" is your answer to everything.
LOL okay you're delusional . Got it.

As for Trump, didn't vote for him. I hate his tweets, I support some of the things he does, and not others, and it is you who is the goose stepper , marching to the leftist drum.
What is your brain interpreting as "the leftist drum?"

I hear the drumbeat of yet another intellectual sloth Dichotomist who thinks Rump has something to do with "right" and "left". Because he can't be bothered to think any deeper than "muh team".

Of the two of us, it's clear which of us has a "team" and it's you Dodo.
LOL okay you're delusional . Got it.

As for Trump, didn't vote for him. I hate his tweets, I support some of the things he does, and not others, and it is you who is the goose stepper , marching to the leftist drum.
What is your brain interpreting as "the leftist drum?"

I hear the drumbeat of yet another intellectual sloth Dichotomist who thinks Rump has something to do with "right" and "left". Because he can't be bothered to think any deeper than "muh team".

Of the two of us, it's clear which of us has a "team" and it's you Dodo.

And you just confirmed my observation, Dumbass.
LOL okay you're delusional . Got it.

As for Trump, didn't vote for him. I hate his tweets, I support some of the things he does, and not others, and it is you who is the goose stepper , marching to the leftist drum.
What is your brain interpreting as "the leftist drum?"

Well let's start with this.

Who in the fuck cares if the guy goes to Church or not? You don't care, you really don't. You just see another opportunity to "orange man bad"

Because that's all the left has right now. "orange man bad" is your answer to everything.
Trump and his religious claims are just lies, as usual. Nothing is sacred to him. He lies about everything. His supporters whine and complain when his lies are reported. In Trump world, reporting, when the President of the United States lies is being unfair and bashing Trump. They honestly have convinced themselves that Trump continuously and compulsively telling lies is OK and acceptable.
LOL okay you're delusional . Got it.

As for Trump, didn't vote for him. I hate his tweets, I support some of the things he does, and not others, and it is you who is the goose stepper , marching to the leftist drum.
What is your brain interpreting as "the leftist drum?"

Well let's start with this.

Who in the fuck cares if the guy goes to Church or not? You don't care, you really don't. You just see another opportunity to "orange man bad"

Because that's all the left has right now. "orange man bad" is your answer to everything.
Trump and his religious claims are just lies, as usual. Nothing is sacred to him. He lies about everything. His supporters whine and complain when his lies are reported. In Trump world, reporting, when the President of the United States lies is being unfair and bashing Trump. They honestly have convinced themselves that Trump continuously and compulsively telling lies is OK and acceptable.

It's a good thing other politician don't lie and then have those lied defended by stupid and or dishonest voters......
Forgive me if this has already been acknowledged, but does the "pastor" have any idea how contradicting he himself sounds here? If our leader has never once been to that church building, in my opinion, the pastor if you can call him one has no ability to honestly say that he was our leader's pastor for five years.

God bless you and our leader always!!!

So what's your opinion on TRUMP in this matter Holly?
To me, if the "pastor" is trying to make it look like our leader has never been to church, the only thing that I have to say to that "pastor" is this: "You make it sound like your church is the only church that is on this planet."

God bless you and our leader always!!!

First, the "pastor" is in no way capable or able to judge Donald Trump's heart, and not especially on the very small thing he said on Twitter about the Bible being studied in school. That he would say so publicly--and out how many times he went to church and Bible study publicly--is repulsive and makes me think much less of him than it does of Trump. But of course, this pastor HATES Trump, possibly as much as He adheres to his faith, and this does not surprise me. Here, from their church website:

A Progressive Theology
Our congregation was founded in living rooms in the 1950s, when the Medlock neighborhood was being established as Atlanta’s new “suburban frontier.” NDPC’s founding members were “dreamers” and “activists,” and the church was ecumenical and open to joint services and fellowship within and outside the immediate community. The church’s first pastor signed Atlanta’s Ministers Manifesto, advocating for racial integration.

North Decatur Presbyterian Church has cultivated an inclusive and progressive Christian theology, with members taking active roles in the civil rights movement, feminism, the antiwar and anti-nuclear movements, environmental awareness, and full equality for the LGBTQ community. Our willingness to promote social change is rooted in a theological vision of a liberating God.

Our Story | North Decatur Presbyterian Church

In short they're a Social Justice church and I can guarantee many of them love Social Justice more than they love Jesus. And therefore, hate Trump more than they love Jesus. When you do not make JESUS the center of your CHRISTIAN church, all kinds of silly business takes over. There, I said it.

Lastly. I do not believe Donald Trump is a Christian. What I DO believe is that he is an advocate for Christianity. So you can throw at me all day long that he is not a Christian and I will agree with you. For the umpteenth time, I did not vote for him to be my pastor, my husband or my son in law, but my president. And in that venue I still think he's doing a very good job.
So called Evangelicals voted for Trump, and are solely responsible for getting him to the Oval Office, despite his racism, bigotry and sacrilegious ways he displayed for 3 years straight before taking that seat. Will you admit that they love their racism more than they love Jesus?

Once again, a self-professed conservative is damning themselves and their side, by their own words.

Try again hack.

Donald Trump is not a racist. Sorry you're so blind to that. Really.

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