Pastor Calls Out Trump’s Bible Blasphemy In EXPLOSIVE Sermon

You have really turned to making shit up haven't you?....

Trump has been a tabloid joke since the 1980s. He sure fooled you. Were you impressed with his money or his tacky gold leaf home at Trump Towers... Perhaps it was his years of bragging about sex on Howard Stern.
Maybe Whitehall wants a Catholic theocracy. American Taliban?

Islam and catholicism are loonbat doctrines. One follows a prophet who climbed out of a well and married his underage kin. The other worships mary and seeks confession in front of another imperfect person.
Maybe Whitehall wants a Catholic theocracy. American Taliban?

Pastor Calls Out Trump’s Bible Blasphemy In EXPLOSIVE Sermon 240512 {post•126}

MAGA loves them some Vigano Catholics for Sure!

For example, Sainthikerguy will not discuss the grab 'em by the p*ssy," Schlafly|Vigano|Dobson|Chr*stians due to lack of interest as a MAGA patient suffering from severe Biden Derangement Stress Disorder.

Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 230901 {post•10682}. NotfooledbyW Sep’23 Vrvwgo: Bishop Vigano is on your side. Calling for. fasting and prayer for the J6 convicted prisoners who were trying to subvert American demicracy., •¥•. Vigano supports Russia’s genocide in Ukraine / He can go fuck himself - leave the choir boys alone. •¥¥•.

Vigano is your shame Saint @Beagle not mine. nfbw 230901 Vrvwgo10682

Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 230901 {post•10684}. HikerGuy83 Sep’23 Srvwgo: “535 pages, I thought there might be something interesting. I was disappointed. hkrgy 230901 Srvwgo10684

"grab 'em by the p*ssy," Schlafly|Vigano|Dobson|Chr*stians

Trump's dogwhistle to the Christian right is a permission slip to openly hate women

As Trump doubles down on "grab 'em by the p*ssy," the Christian right gets comfy admitting they love male dominance


Senior Writer

PUBLISHED MAY 15, 2023 6:00AM (EDT)

UPDATED JUNE 6, 2023 11:52PM (EDT)

Trump's dogwhistle to the Christian right is a permission slip

pblshd.23.06.06 AmandaMercotte


Faith leaders pray over President Donald Trump during a 'Evangelicals for Trump' campaign event held at the King Jesus International Ministry on January 03, 2020 in Miami, Florida. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
Trump has been a tabloid joke since the 1980s. He sure fooled you. Were you impressed with his money or his tacky gold leaf home at Trump Towers... Perhaps it was his years of bragging about sex on Howard Stern.
I was impressed on how fast Trump turned around the Obama economy and positioned our troops in a way to defeat Isis and ended our troop deaths in Afghanistan and got our job numbers up even in the minority communities... so just what has Biden impressed you with?....
And if you think Trump having the number one show on television for a decade says he is or was a joke its you who has a problem....
But you know what?... I don't give a shit about any of the TDS BS you always bring up... we have real issues here and abroad and the nation needs a strong leader again....
I was impressed on how fast Trump turned around the Obama economy and positioned our troops in a way to defeat Isis and ended our troop deaths in Afghanistan and got our job numbers up even in the minority communities..

Except Trump never got to a higher increase in GDP than Obama with the Tax Cuts for the billionaires. Trump ended the longest stretch of positive economic growth in US history that Obama Biden started. Going into election year 2020 the and before the onset of COVID the indicators were for the US economy to slip into recession.

Covid saved Trump from running for reelection during the first recession for over a decade on his watch. But then he fucked up the COVIID response and sided with the racists and Confederate traitors in response to the Chauvin murder protests

So he lost in a landslide.
Except Trump never got to a higher increase in GDP than Obama with the Tax Cuts for the billionaires. Trump ended the longest stretch of positive economic growth in US history that Obama Biden started. Going into election year 2020 the and before the onset of COVID the indicators were for the US economy to slip into recession.

Covid saved Trump from running for reelection during the first recession for over a decade on his watch. But then he fucked up the COVIID response and sided with the racists and Confederate traitors in response to the Chauvin murder protests

So he lost in a landslide.
If you think Trump raised the annual GDP more so higher than Obama did please post evidence of such a feat.
I know the last 1.5 years of Trump's term was during covid which when you fail to note that it makes everything else you say irrelevant... everyone knows they did better under Trump than under the 8 year Obama recession...
If you think Trump raised the annual GDP more so higher than Obama did please post evidence of such a feat.
Obama couldn't get us out of Afghanistan and a recession and his two achievements are Obamacare which sucks and is still making insurance companies rich and bankrupting sick people... and college tuition which no one can afford since Obama had the feds takeover the loan process....
He was a failure....
Trump is trying to sell bibles. And there are people are stupid enough to actually believe that Trump is sent by God himself to save America. Well this pastor broke off something for people like this.

Pastor Goes Off About Trump Endorsed Bible "Disgusting"!​

As a practicing Christian, I'll take Trump over the baby-killer any day of the week.
Pastor Calls Out Trump’s Bible Blasphemy In EXPLOSIVE Sermon 240513 {post•136}

NotfooledbyW May’24 Vpcotb: Confess your anti-DeSantis sin Saint Mashmont because you want babies killed by choice in the womb between five and sixteen weeks after conception . Satan has control of your mind. nfbw 240513 Vpcotb00136

Biden the baby-killer is pushing abortion 24/7. Trump isn't doing that.

Pastor Calls Out Trump’s Bible Blasphemy In EXPLOSIVE Sermon 240513 {post•136}

NotfooledbyW May’24 Vpcotb: Both Biden and Ttump are pushing “choice”

Biden will allow it through 21 weeks; Trump will allow for 15 weeks. #1

Ninety-five percent of all abortions happen between six weeks and sixteen weeks / statistically speaking zero abortions will occur in a state that has a six week ban

Without a six week ban about a million baby fetuses will be murdered every year. TRUMP IS FOR a million baby fetuses being murdered every year so Democrats will like him. Should he be president. nfbw 240513 Vpcotb00136

Backup Data see here nf.23.06.08 #9,113
Based on the date of the mother’s last menstrual period, the breakdown of abortions is as follows:
Weeks of PregnancyPercentageYearly total
< 9 weeks65.4%563,958
9-10 weeks14.7%126,761
11-12 weeks8.2%70,710
13-15 weeks6.3%54,326
16-20 weeks4.1%35,355
21+ weeks1.3%11.,210
All abortions100%862,320
This means approximately 88% of abortions occur in the first trimester (first 12 weeks) of pregnancy.
ndpndntthnkr.23.05.18. #119

Are you going to ask baby-killer Trump that very same question and not vote for him ever again for anything?

Believer Saint @beagle9 snd Atheist Saint @CarsomyrPlusSix surely can’t?

Trump Faces Big Rift with Pro-Lifers After Opposing Heartbeat Laws

Former President Trump's comments on abortion laws are drawing fire from pro-lifers. On "Meet the Press" Sunday, host Kr
CBN NEWS 09-18-2023 pblshd vnglcls.23.09.DeSantis is opposed to killing Babies. He is the only presidential candidate on all sides who is truly opposed to killing all babies.

Pastor Calls Out Trump’s Bible Blasphemy In EXPLOSIVE Sermon 240513 {post•136}

NotfooledbyW May’24 Vpcotb:Saint Mashmont worships Trump and opposes DeSantis as the Republican Candidate. Saint Mashmont favors killing a million Babies every year in America.

There is no practical difference between Trump and Biden because if a 15 week national ban were to be enacted, every woman and the abortion by choice industry would adjust - a million babies will be aborted every single year between five and sixteen weeks from conception.

DeSantis was raised by Catholics.

A story in the Miami Herald last year described Mr. DeSantis as having been “raised Catholic,” while an editorial in the Fort Lauderdale Sun Sentinel called him simply “a Catholic.” A New York Post profile by Piers Morgan published earlier this year went further, describing Mr. DeSantis as “a Catholic who prays every day,” while the magazine Crisispublished an essay that called the governor, “a practicing Catholic, by all accounts,” though the piece did not provide further insight. (The author, Darrick Taylor, added, “DeSantis doesn’t appear to have revealed much about how he practices his faith while in office.”) The publication Insider called Mr. DeSantis “a practicing Catholic who has positioned himself as a defender of the Christian faith.” . nfbw 240513 Vpcotb00136

Pastor Calls Out Trump’s Bible Blasphemy In EXPLOSIVE Sermon 240513 {post•136}

NotfooledbyW May’24 Vpcotb:See TRUMP IS FOR a million baby fetuses being murdered every year so Democrats will like him. Should he be president. 240222 {post•201}. Trump has privately told allies he supports a 16-week national abortion plan, nfbw 240224 Vtifam0”201. nfbw 240513 Vpcotb00136
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It's a really simple concept. The pastor is entitled to his opinion and Trump is free to endorse anything he wants. The two aren't mutually exclusive. Well except in the minds of morons.

How do you reconcile a FEDERAL law legalizing abortion with the Tenth Amendment? 240508 {post•169}

OKTexas said: It pretty damn simple, congress has no more authority to impose abortion on the nation than SCOTUS did. The court made it very clear in Dobbs that it's a State issue. The legislatures of each State will decide the issue in that State. vktvxvs 240509 Shdyra00169

Biden the baby-killer is pushing abortion 24/7. Trump isn't doing that.

It's a really simple concept. The pastor is entitled to his opinion and Trump is free to endorse anything he wants. The two aren't mutually exclusive. Well except in the minds of morons.


Abortion is not the big issue you make it out to be. Most are satisfied with their own states decisions.

Do you agree with what Saint Mashmont believes in the above post?

Important read for you Saint Oktexas:

At the end of 2023, according to the Pew Research Center, 55% of white evangelical Republican voters said they would vote for Trump. Now that he has clinched the Republican nomination, that number has probably risen. At the grassroots level, this means that in churches across Texas, pastors will endorse Trump from the pulpit, and other Republican candidates down-ballot, violating tax law. Organizations such as NEXUS Mountain Network, a Christian-based social network, will promote the idea that evangelicals have a right and a duty to be politically active and advocate for Christian nationalism.

The problem with all this isn’t that evangelicals are involved in politics — they should be. Heck, everyone, regardless of religion or creed, should show some interest in civics. It isn’t that evangelicals encourage their friends to vote or are pro-life, or even that they think America would lose its identity or freedom if we fail to preserve our cultural inheritance.

The biggest problem, mostly, is that evangelical Christians have decided political power is the way to usher America back to its roots and that Trump is not just the salve but the key, the leader through which to do this.

Trump’s candidacy has recognized and glorified Christian nationalism: Now, it’s more vocal, determined, and — ironically — more hypocritical than ever. Trump rarely espouses Christian values in his personal life, though he did champion religious liberty and claimed to be pro-life while in office. He lured populist voters and attracted fringe extremists — the kind of people who fly from Texas to the Capitol to participate in an insurrection, get arrested, and claim they were just restoring Christian values to their beloved democratic republic.
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Pastor Calls Out Trump’s Bible Blasphemy In EXPLOSIVE Sermon 240513 {post•136}

NotfooledbyW May’24 Vpcotb: Confess your anti-DeSantis sin Saint Mashmont because you want babies killed by choice in the womb between five and sixteen weeks after conception . Satan has control of your mind. nfbw 240513 Vpcotb00136

Pastor Calls Out Trump’s Bible Blasphemy In EXPLOSIVE Sermon 240513 {post•136}

NotfooledbyW May’24 Vpcotb: Both Biden and Ttump are pushing “choice”

Biden will allow it through 21 weeks; Trump will allow for 15 weeks. #1

Ninety-five percent of all abortions happen between six weeks and sixteen weeks / statistically speaking zero abortions will occur in a state that has a six week ban

Without a six week ban about a million baby fetuses will be murdered every year. TRUMP IS FOR a million baby fetuses being murdered every year so Democrats will like him. Should he be president. nfbw 240513 Vpcotb00136

Backup Data see here nf.23.06.08 #9,113


Pastor Calls Out Trump’s Bible Blasphemy In EXPLOSIVE Sermon 240513 {post•136}

NotfooledbyW May’24 Vpcotb:Saint Mashmont worships Trump and opposes DeSantis as the Republican Candidate. Saint Mashmont favors killing a million Babies every year in America.

There is no practical difference between Trump and Biden because if a 15 week national ban were to be enacted, every woman and the abortion by choice industry would adjust - a million babies will be aborted every single year between five and sixteen weeks from conception.

DeSantis was raised by Catholics.

A story in the Miami Herald last year described Mr. DeSantis as having been “raised Catholic,” while an editorial in the Fort Lauderdale Sun Sentinel called him simply “a Catholic.” A New York Post profile by Piers Morgan published earlier this year went further, describing Mr. DeSantis as “a Catholic who prays every day,” while the magazine Crisispublished an essay that called the governor, “a practicing Catholic, by all accounts,” though the piece did not provide further insight. (The author, Darrick Taylor, added, “DeSantis doesn’t appear to have revealed much about how he practices his faith while in office.”) The publication Insider called Mr. DeSantis “a practicing Catholic who has positioned himself as a defender of the Christian faith.” . nfbw 240513 Vpcotb00136

Pastor Calls Out Trump’s Bible Blasphemy In EXPLOSIVE Sermon 240513 {post•136}

NotfooledbyW May’24 Vpcotb:See TRUMP IS FOR a million baby fetuses being murdered every year so Democrats will like him. Should he be president. 240222 {post•201}. Trump has privately told allies he supports a 16-week national abortion plan, nfbw 240224 Vtifam0”201. nfbw 240513 Vpcotb00136
Biden would have it right up to birth. He's pushing it all day every day. It's the centerpiece of his entire campaign.

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