Pastor Protection Act - Florida Regulators Gone Wild.

Not a single church has been required to marry a gay couple- or for that matter a mixed race couple.

Nor will any church be required to- regardless of what Florida does or does not do.

Florida law allows a business to slam the door on customers just for appearing 'gay'.
At some point they'll start putting Christians in "re-education camps."
Not too far in the future. Child welfare is already aggressively engaged in removing children from religious homes.

"Aggressively"? :eusa_eh:

Got link?

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!! :scared1:

Yeah, aggressively, puke.

Ahhhhh... your own reactionary opinion again then.

I can work with that.

Carry on. :smoke:
And, sorry you're not feeling well.

Get better, 'k? :thup:
At some point they'll start putting Christians in "re-education camps."
Not too far in the future. Child welfare is already aggressively engaged in removing children from religious homes.

"Aggressively"? :eusa_eh:

Got link?

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!! :scared1:

Yeah, aggressively, puke.

Ahhhhh... your own reactionary opinion again then.

I can work with that.

Carry on. :smoke:

You couldn't work to save your life, loser.
At some point the Democrats are going to go too far and start putting priests, pastors and rabbis who refuse to perform a same-sex marriage into re-education camps.
At some point they'll start putting Christians in "re-education camps."
Not too far in the future. Child welfare is already aggressively engaged in removing children from religious homes.

"Aggressively"? :eusa_eh:

Got link?

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!! :scared1:

Yeah, aggressively, puke.

Ahhhhh... your own reactionary opinion again then.

I can work with that.

Carry on. :smoke:

You couldn't work to save your life, loser.

You're an angry woman, aren't you K.G.?

You have my pity.
At some point the Democrats are going to go too far and start putting priests, pastors and rabbis who refuse to perform a same-sex marriage into re-education camps.

Do you really believe that?!? :disbelief:

You too have my pity.
Moot point and strawman. As the clerk of the county she is OBLIGATED to administer the current laws and policies and currently she has no business telling the people of KY who they can or can't marry. She needs to do her $80,000 per year job or step aside.
Sorry, KY disagrees with you and hence the struggles just beginning between Christianity and Gaytianity, the new cult. One religion cannot command obedience and abdication from another..
At some point the Democrats are going to go too far and start putting priests, pastors and rabbis who refuse to perform a same-sex marriage into re-education camps.

Do you really believe that?!? :disbelief:

You too have my pity.
I pay attention and that makes me a very good predictor of what the next item on the liberal agenda will be.

It is already true that the government is forcing religious organizations to pay for contraception, even if contraception is considered a mortal sin by that organization.

I am sure as shit that you have no problem with that.

It is already true that men are now entering women's restrooms and locker rooms and I predicted that last year, and liberals scoffed and denied it.

It is also true that bakers and being required to cater same-sex marriages despite their religious objection to same-sex marriage.

Liberals are constantly talking about punishing churches by taking away their tax-exempt status.

So don't pretend you don't know what's going on.
Paranoid is a mighty miserable way to spend a life, Bud.

First generation to understand the right of everyone else to be wrong in religious matters gets to watch their grand kids start to explore the stars.
Paranoid is a mighty miserable way to spend a life, Bud.

First generation to understand the right of everyone else to be wrong in religious matters gets to watch their grand kids start to explore the stars.

Here's how many people think that religious folks are "wrong" about the marriage contract guaranteeing both a mother and father to opposed to the "gay marriage" contract which denies children per terms of either for life...

Check the poll: Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?
"But Nadine Smith, executive director of the advocacy group Equality Florida, said religious leaders are already protected by the First Amendment."

Most on the right won't let facts and the truth stand in the way political demagoguery.

Not when it wins them votes. In point of fact, this is in response to overreaching government mandates, mandates that anger and frighten many people. You gets whats you pay for.
"But Nadine Smith, executive director of the advocacy group Equality Florida, said religious leaders are already protected by the First Amendment."

Most on the right won't let facts and the truth stand in the way political demagoguery. religious leaders aren't the only people protected by the First Amendment.. Are you seriously that daft to try to sell that the religious protections afforded under the First are limited only to religious leaders?? :lmao: You are priceless!

Loophole...every Christian shop owner should declare themselves a religious leader. Viola! LGBTs would have to agree they don't have to cater to the gay religion then.
Paranoid is a mighty miserable way to spend a life, Bud.

First generation to understand the right of everyone else to be wrong in religious matters gets to watch their grand kids start to explore the stars.

Here's how many people think that religious folks are "wrong" about the marriage contract guaranteeing both a mother and father to opposed to the "gay marriage" contract which denies children per terms of either for life...

Check the poll: Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

As a private citizen, you and your beliefs can 'feel' about marriage however you want. You can refuse to recognize gay marriage all you want - nobody gives a fuck.

Our government, on the other hand, must recognize ALL two-person domestic partnerships with proper documentation for the purpose of Social Security advantages, VA benefits, and tax rules, or it must recognize NONE of them - anything else is the definition of discrimination.

Gay people don't care if you don't like them and they don't care if you don't respect their partnerships, but if the government in a democracy is going to build economic advantages in to the system for married couples, that government must give those advantages to ALL partnerships with proper documentation.
At some point the Democrats are going to go too far and start putting priests, pastors and rabbis who refuse to perform a same-sex marriage into re-education camps.

Do you really believe that?!? :disbelief:

You too have my pity.
I pay attention and that makes me a very good predictor of what the next item on the liberal agenda will be.

It is already true that the government is forcing religious organizations to pay for contraception, even if contraception is considered a mortal sin by that organization.

I am sure as shit that you have no problem with that.

It is already true that men are now entering women's restrooms and locker rooms and I predicted that last year, and liberals scoffed and denied it.

It is also true that bakers and being required to cater same-sex marriages despite their religious objection to same-sex marriage.

Liberals are constantly talking about punishing churches by taking away their tax-exempt status.

So don't pretend you don't know what's going on.
No, you're a liar – typical of most on the reprehensible right.
At some point the Democrats are going to go too far and start putting priests, pastors and rabbis who refuse to perform a same-sex marriage into re-education camps.

Do you really believe that?!? :disbelief:

You too have my pity.
I pay attention and that makes me a very good predictor of what the next item on the liberal agenda will be.

It is already true that the government is forcing religious organizations to pay for contraception, even if contraception is considered a mortal sin by that organization.

I am sure as shit that you have no problem with that.

It is already true that men are now entering women's restrooms and locker rooms and I predicted that last year, and liberals scoffed and denied it.

It is also true that bakers and being required to cater same-sex marriages despite their religious objection to same-sex marriage.

Liberals are constantly talking about punishing churches by taking away their tax-exempt status.

So don't pretend you don't know what's going on.
No, you're a liar – typical of most on the reprehensible right.
Everything I just said is true. Calling me a liar just makes you look like a guy who doesn't want to know the truth.
I'm all in for aa Federal Sales Tax. Let's cut the burden on individuals, businesses, and corporations. Let's cut the size and political corruption of the IRS. Lets put H&R Block and the others out of business. Let's simplify things. We collect sales tax at the point of sale already, so it would not take a great deal of effort to collect a Federal Sales Tax at point of sale.

Great idea. Way to ensure that people like me NEVER AGAIN MAKE A PURCHASE THAT IS NOT 100% NECESSARY FOR MY SURVIVAL. The Communistwealth of Massachusetts already taxes my purchases at 6.25%. That already reduces my discretionary apending. Add a Federal Sales Tax on top and that spending goes away entirely.

Bullshit. :boohoo:
1. As a private citizen, you and your beliefs can 'feel' about marriage however you want. You can refuse to recognize gay marriage all you want - nobody gives a fuck...2. Our government, on the other hand, must recognize ALL two-person domestic partnerships with proper documentation for the purpose of Social Security advantages, VA benefits, and tax rules, or it must recognize NONE of them - anything else is the definition of discrimination...3. Gay people don't care if you don't like them and they don't care if you don't respect their partnerships, but if the government in a democracy is going to build economic advantages in to the system for married couples, that government must give those advantages to ALL partnerships with proper documentation.

1. The 1st Amendment covers anyone, anywhere, anytime. And you do give a fuck because you're trying to force people to use your cult's lingo, have trannys use opposite bathrooms and jailing Christians for their faith.

2. Each and every state in the Union is not only not bound by Obergefell, they are instead bound to defy it via child protection laws. New York vs Ferber (USSC 1982) has declared that an adult's civil right may not be exercised if it harms children physically or psychologically. Contractually-depriving a child for life of even the hope of a mother or father is child abuse. So, states are required to defy Obergefell by the various federal child abuse protection statutes.

3. Gay people not only care that people like them, they DEMAND people worship what they do under threat of blackmail, ruining careers, lawsuits and jailing. Gay people not only demand that people care, they demand that people worship their deviant sex cult.
1. The 1st Amendment covers anyone, anywhere, anytime. And you do give a fuck because you're trying to force people to use your cult's lingo, have trannys use opposite bathrooms and jailing Christians for their faith.

Exactly. That is why Kim Davis was allowed to ignore the law without any repercussion.

2. Each and every state in the Union is not only not bound by Obergefell, they are instead bound to defy it via child protection laws. New York vs Ferber (USSC 1982) has declared that an adult's civil right may not be exercised if it harms children physically or psychologically. Contractually-depriving a child for life of even the hope of a mother or father is child abuse. So, states are required to defy Obergefell by the various federal child abuse protection statutes.

States are not bound by whatever hapless legal bullshit you pull out of your arse. You would be wise to remember that fact.

3. Gay people not only care that people like them, they DEMAND people worship what they do under threat of blackmail, ruining careers, lawsuits and jailing. Gay people not only demand that people care, they demand that people worship their deviant sex cult.

Nobody gives a shit if some one-trick pony on the Internet doesn't care for them. Stop pretending you have more relevance than you actually do. :thup:

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