Pat Dollard captures my feelings about Obama today

Oh, by the way, where is the:

"Brag “I Killed Bin Laden A Year Ago Today Tweet”?

All I see is a picture of the situation room.

How badly did Dollard fry his brain during his drug use years?

So, they showed a pic of the situation room where Obama looked like the least important person in the room, with a coat thrown over his golf shirt. And we know it was a staged photo op because they admitted later they were looking at nothing but a blank screen. A year ago they posed for a silly looking photo op while the SEALS did a magnificent jobs of getting bin Laden.

Today In Stupid: Obama "Photoshopped" Into Famous Bin Laden/Situation Room Picture | Media Matters for America

The 9 Worst Lies Right-Wingers Tell About the Bin Laden Raid | Mother Jones
I didn't lie go to fag...I just posted the wrong company info on PURPOSE.. I deserve a small level of anonymity until I become a registered public candidate.Fail,go to fag.
anti Americans like you were an embarrassment to our country and your service.
When my service record and etc are made public,you'll be eating craw breakfast,lunch,and dinner.
Do me a favor,if you support commie illegal alien in office.
go serve in the Russian army,don't try to destroy our nation with subversion.
I have a total of seven years over you,between reserves and rangers,for to fag.
and it'll all be published for public consumption when my party is chartered nationally,etc.
eat my shorts,subversive loser.
I was am officer and ranger grad.
Will all made public in a couple of months,when everything is in place.
You were probably one of those alqueda sympathizers that served.
I was am officer and ranger grad.
Will all made public in a couple of months,when everything is in place.
You were probably one of those alqueda sympathizers that served.

You were neither, you fucking liar.

We've already busted you in both lies. Remember?
I didn't lie go to fag...I just posted the wrong company info on PURPOSE.. I deserve a small level of anonymity until I become a registered public candidate.Fail,go to fag.
anti Americans like you were an embarrassment to our country and your service.
When my service record and etc are made public,you'll be eating craw breakfast,lunch,and dinner.
Do me a favor,if you support commie illegal alien in office.
go serve in the Russian army,don't try to destroy our nation with subversion.
I have a total of seven years over you,between reserves and rangers,for to fag.
and it'll all be published for public consumption when my party is chartered nationally,etc.
eat my shorts,subversive loser.

Yeah, you definitely want to be anonymous whole using your real name and most of your previous locations and jobs for the past 10 years.

By all means, go ahead and publish more lies. As I you think I will ever believe you.
Guess what?I pick and choose what I make public,and what I don't. You didn't bust me on anything, in fact,when my record is publically made for consumption. You'll be tucking your commie islamifacist ass back to your hole and squirm.
Anti American types like your type of treasonous subversion should never have been allowed to serve.
What gets published will be from impartial sources.
You,blanket party sailor,and others were a blackeye to our military..
and should never have opted to serve.
Like I said,the peoples republic of China are looking for people just like you.
Guess what?I pick and choose what I make public,and what I don't. You didn't bust me on anything, in fact,when my record is publically made for consumption. You'll be tucking your commie islamifacist ass back to your hole and squirm.
Anti American types like your type of treasonous subversion should never have been allowed to serve.

You don't get it cheese dick.

It doesn't matter what you "make public".

No one is going to believe a fucking word of it, as you are a known liar.

Speaking of, what became of your tapes of you faking a really bad Latino accent?
What gets published will be from impartial sources.
You,blanket party sailor,and others were a blackeye to our military..
and should never have opted to serve.
Like I said,the peoples republic of China are looking for people just like you.

Blah blah.

Unlike you, I served honorably as an officer in the United States military.

It even says so on my DD 214.......
Did serve.
mine will be published and made for public consumption
Well what I'm wondering is how treasonous tards like you ever served.
wheni m a public candidate.
My DD214 and military record will be published.
I'm not a known liar.
Its all real.
Like the scam you libs tried to pull through Dan rather with the Dan rather bush docs
you never proved me a liar.I crawl under your skin subversive cause you know I'm right and it'll come
Out in the wash.
I did my job,and it pisses you square off cause I am very real,and it all comes out in the wash.
The fact you make all this effort to pay me this much is a high compliment.
Out in the wash.
I did my job,and it pisses you square off cause I am very real,and it all comes out in the wash.
The fact you make all this effort to pay me this much is a high compliment.

You realize not a single person on this board believes a word you say, right?

You blew your credibility with the tape recording lie.

Of course I already knew you were a liar after I busted you lying about Ranger School.

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