Pat Robertson: Jews "polish diamonds" instead of washing their cars

To think he was once thought of as Presidential Material, by republicans..


{Rev. Jesse Jackson referred to Jews as "Hymies" and to New York City as "Hymietown" in January 1984 during a conversation with a black Washington Post reporter, Milton Coleman. } Special Report: Clinton Accused

To think he was once thought of as Presidential Material, by democrats..

Yes, that was disgusting. And you see what great presidential material he was, too!!

So, thanks for proving a small side-point, there!!

But you'll vote Hillary, wontcha?

Party above all!
{Rev. Jesse Jackson referred to Jews as "Hymies" and to New York City as "Hymietown" in January 1984 during a conversation with a black Washington Post reporter, Milton Coleman. } Special Report: Clinton Accused

To think he was once thought of as Presidential Material, by democrats..

Yes, that was disgusting. And you see what great presidential material he was, too!!

So, thanks for proving a small side-point, there!!

But you'll vote Hillary, wontcha?

Party above all!

OH, wait, Hillary and Jackson are the same person!?!?! Really?!?!?


I will vote for the best candidate, once I have looked at both of their platforms.
To think he was once thought of as Presidential Material, by republicans..


{Rev. Jesse Jackson referred to Jews as "Hymies" and to New York City as "Hymietown" in January 1984 during a conversation with a black Washington Post reporter, Milton Coleman. } Special Report: Clinton Accused

To think he was once thought of as Presidential Material, by democrats..

Good thing not many of us wanted to vote for him.
Of course nothing can compare to Pat blaming natural disasters on abortions, homosexuality, and pacts with the devil. Jesse doesn't even come close to Pat's craziness, or greediness.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
Robert Byrd - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They stayed Democrats.

Robert Carlyle Byrd (born Cornelius Calvin Sale, Jr.; November 20, 1917 – June 28, 2010) was a United States Senator from West Virginia. A member of the Democratic Party, Byrd served as a U.S. Representative from 1953 until 1959 and as a U.S. Senator from 1959 to 2010. He was the longest-serving U.S. Senator and, at the time of his death, the longest-serving member in the history of the United States Congress.[3][4][5][6] (In June 2013, his record was surpassed by U.S. Representative John Dingell of Michigan).[7] Byrd, however, still holds the record as the longest-serving member of Congress to serve in both houses. Byrd was a member of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1940s, serving as a recruiter and leader for his chapter, but later......... read more on link...

Comment*** They should have said......... but later changed to more subtle strategies!

Lying for Jesus is a form of pious fraud which happens when some Christians believe that falsifying information is acceptable if that brings people to Jesus or somehow supports his historicity, saintliness or supposed godliness.
The practice has a long and venerable history in the Christian religions.

Eusebius of Caesarea (c. BCE 260 or 265 – 339 or 340), Emperor Constantine's bishop, was one of the earliest active advocates of the process:
“”How it may be lawful and fitting to use falsehood as a medicine, and for the benefit of those who want to be deceived.
Eusebius is considered the most likely perpetrator of the claimed mention of Jesus in Josephus.

Martin Luther

As well as his documented belief that reason is faith's greatest enemy , the founder of Protestantism also noted:
“”What harm would it do, if a man told a good strong lie for the sake of the good and for the Christian church ... a lie out of necessity, a useful lie, a helpful lie, such lies would not be against God, he would accept them.

in modern times:
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To think he was once thought of as Presidential Material, by republicans..


{Rev. Jesse Jackson referred to Jews as "Hymies" and to New York City as "Hymietown" in January 1984 during a conversation with a black Washington Post reporter, Milton Coleman. } Special Report: Clinton Accused

To think he was once thought of as Presidential Material, by democrats..

Good thing not many of us wanted to vote for him.
Of course nothing can compare to Pat blaming natural disasters on abortions, homosexuality, and pacts with the devil. Jesse doesn't even come close to Pat's craziness, or greediness.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

The anti religious leftist are the problem not Christians...Funny liberals only seem to like less observant Christian haters. They'd prefer to shut the more observant Christians up, and promote Sodomy, gay marriage, and Abortion. :cuckoo:
To think he was once thought of as Presidential Material, by republicans..

So? John Edwards was once thought of as Presidential Material by democrats.

I would like to point out that neither was elected by either party.

Ok, I'll stop being onerous now. :badgrin:

For at least a couple of minutes.
{Rev. Jesse Jackson referred to Jews as "Hymies" and to New York City as "Hymietown" in January 1984 during a conversation with a black Washington Post reporter, Milton Coleman. } Special Report: Clinton Accused

To think he was once thought of as Presidential Material, by democrats..

Good thing not many of us wanted to vote for him.
Of course nothing can compare to Pat blaming natural disasters on abortions, homosexuality, and pacts with the devil. Jesse doesn't even come close to Pat's craziness, or greediness.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

The anti religious leftist are the problem not Christians...Funny liberals only seem to like less observant Christian haters. They'd prefer to shut the more observant Christians up, and promote Sodomy, gay marriage, and Abortion. :cuckoo:

Choose your friends wisely.
The Christians appear as friends, the Zionist ones do, because they see you as a means to an end that in the long run will perish beneath their feet.
Good thing not many of us wanted to vote for him.
Of course nothing can compare to Pat blaming natural disasters on abortions, homosexuality, and pacts with the devil. Jesse doesn't even come close to Pat's craziness, or greediness.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

The anti religious leftist are the problem not Christians...Funny liberals only seem to like less observant Christian haters. They'd prefer to shut the more observant Christians up, and promote Sodomy, gay marriage, and Abortion. :cuckoo:

Choose your friends wisely.
The Christians appear as friends, the Zionist ones do, because they see you as a means to an end that in the long run will perish beneath their feet.

Not all Christians, but some.

Alone the fact that to many Right-Wing Christians, the fate of us Jews according to their end-times eschatology, is more important than actual live, breating people before them right now, should maybe tell us something.

Ideas are important. Ideas change the world. But people are still more important than ideas, imo.

Jroc also made a statement to me somewhere that I was referring to all Christians, but I am not. Right-Wing Christians do not comprise the majority of Christians throughout the world.

Evangelicals are about 14% of all of Christianity and the last time I looked, 14% is not the majority. So, we are talking about a minority here:

Major World Christian Denominations, Rank, Size, Members, Adherents, Number Born Again; # in Christ's Congregation - Belief

Since Vatican II, the Roman Catholic Church has taken a decidedly different look at Jews and Judaism. Yes, you will hear some anti-semitic stuff from some Catholics, too, but they are also in the minority.

And there are left-leaning Christian churches who do not necessarily believe in the end-times eschatology (which appears to be the flash-point for Right-Wing Christian Zionism, their brand of Zionism). But I bet that many Righties may just come out and say that those Left-leaning Christians are not Christians at all. That's their call, I'm a Jew, I can't and won't even try to judge that one.

I know and am good friends with a number of Evangelicals, very nice, decent people who love G-d in their own way and are very supportive of Israel and Jewry without the kind of junk that Robertson says.

The point of the OP remains. And I even wrote in the OP, I am not even sure what Robertson said is outrage-worthy, but it is yet one more sign of his latent anti-semitism.

And yes, [MENTION=48060]guno[/MENTION], Hagee did say that the Holocaust was part of G-d's plan, but I have also heard at least 3 Rabbis say this. Now, context, as always, is important, but the huge question that came after the holocaust of WHY???? --- is one for which many are still looking for the answer. If Hagee was speaking from a purely theological standpoint, the theology to which he subscribes, I cannot fault him for this one statement (although I personally don't like the statement at all). Robertson, on the other hand, goes far too easily into stereotypes of us Jews.

Well, let's see. I'm a Jew and I have:

-put roofs on houses.
-completely rewired houses.
-worked at a tree nursery, literally lifting and delivering pine trees and done landscaping.
-painted houses.
-worked as a Janitor.
-repaired autos.
And yes, I have mowed many lawns in my life.

I know many Jews who do hands on labor. It's part of life.

So, in my book, Robertson's statements are FAR more insidious than Hagee's statements. That's my view.
Robert Byrd - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They stayed Democrats.

Robert Carlyle Byrd (born Cornelius Calvin Sale, Jr.; November 20, 1917 – June 28, 2010) was a United States Senator from West Virginia. A member of the Democratic Party, Byrd served as a U.S. Representative from 1953 until 1959 and as a U.S. Senator from 1959 to 2010. He was the longest-serving U.S. Senator and, at the time of his death, the longest-serving member in the history of the United States Congress.[3][4][5][6] (In June 2013, his record was surpassed by U.S. Representative John Dingell of Michigan).[7] Byrd, however, still holds the record as the longest-serving member of Congress to serve in both houses. Byrd was a member of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1940s, serving as a recruiter and leader for his chapter, but later......... read more on link...

Comment*** They should have said......... but later changed to more subtle strategies!

Lying for Jesus is a form of pious fraud which happens when some Christians believe that falsifying information is acceptable if that brings people to Jesus or somehow supports his historicity, saintliness or supposed godliness.
The practice has a long and venerable history in the Christian religions.

Eusebius of Caesarea (c. BCE 260 or 265 – 339 or 340), Emperor Constantine's bishop, was one of the earliest active advocates of the process:
“”How it may be lawful and fitting to use falsehood as a medicine, and for the benefit of those who want to be deceived.
Eusebius is considered the most likely perpetrator of the claimed mention of Jesus in Josephus.

Martin Luther

As well as his documented belief that reason is faith's greatest enemy , the founder of Protestantism also noted:
“”What harm would it do, if a man told a good strong lie for the sake of the good and for the Christian church ... a lie out of necessity, a useful lie, a helpful lie, such lies would not be against God, he would accept them.

in modern times: Liars For Jesus: The Religious Right's Alternate Version of American History - Home

I have facts and historical evidence on my side, Guno. Margaret Sanger was an elitist married to a very wealthy man. She planned who was going to be parents and who wasn't through her diabolical plans of murdering the unborn - it wasn't going to be the black Americans being born - she was a woman on a mission. Planned Parenthood is an affront to God. Children are a gift from God. He does the planning. NOT MARGARET SANGER & CULT FOLLOWERS.

With that said, I am assuming you must be referring to the Catholic Democrat Political leaders who continued to support failed social programs such as in the case of Detroit. I have been told before there is a doctrine in the Catholic church that taught deception is permissable under certain circumstances. I do not know the history of how that would have come about... This would have been prior to Martin Luthers' protestant reformation and as he came out of the Catholic Church I would not be surprised to learn Luther still had many false understandings of Christianity. (Catholic Doctrine is OOB on Scripture)

How did that happen?

The bible was kept from the people until the Protestant Reformation came along - which Luther led. No christian accepts the teaching that lies told out of necessity are acceptable. A lie is a lie. The bible is clear that liars cannot enter the kingdom of heaven so why would someone who believes the bible ignore what it says? They wouldn't.

If Luther said this ( which I doubt ) I would have to believe he changed his mind about it after leaving Catholicism. There was alot of anti semitism taught in the RCC too and that led to even "saints" being quoted as having made anti semitic statements. Of course this was done in ignorance. What did they know? This is why lies are such a damnable thing. See JROC's video on the history of democrat party and KKK and also the Wikipedia page for the facts. Thanks for reading!

One more thought~

There are many good Catholic people who will have nothing to do with deception and lies and the other morning I read of a Catholic Priest who refused communion to a Democrat Senator in the USA because of the mans support of abortion. It was of interest to me because the Priest is in this case was actually preventing the judgment of God from falling on the man. Had the man taken communion of his own accord knowing he is unrepented of his sins he would have eaten and drank the judgment of God on himself. This is why in scripture Paul said many in the church had become sick in their body or have fallen dead because they didn't examine themselves ( repent of all sin - be fully prepared before God ) before taking the bread and the wine. Ignorance is no excuse. It's in the bible. As God said, My people perish for lack of knowledge... The question is, if you don't believe chiildren are a gift from God as He says in his Word, if you find it perfectly acceptable to kill what God has given as a gift - then can you honestly say that you are a follower of Christ?

If not who do you think you are following and where do you think it will lead you?

- Jeremiah
As I do not believe in the rapture and some of the Christians I am in fellowship with do not believe in it either - we have no agenda when it comes to Israel and the Jews. I do believe the Republicans have sometimes used the Christians to get elected into office by mentioning they supported Israel, etc. I have seen Democrats do this also and do not like it, Bruce. Because some of them are liars and are not a friend to Israel at all.

As you do not know me - my involvment with Israel goes way back. I won't go into details on a message board but my State sponsored a bill to Stand with Israel - after I wrote over 100 letters to my own Congressmen and Senators urging them to get it done. It had already been done in another State! The Congressman who co sponsored the bill wrote to me to let me know he did it for me and hoped I was happy.
Whether I am happy or not isn't the issue. The question is - Is God happy? And as some of my Congressmen and Senators do fear the LORD I pray for them that they will make the right decisions concerning Israel and God answers. On the matter of trust I will tell you who I don't trust. I don't trust people who are always bringing up reasons to not trust people. I find them to be the very ones you cannot trust! Ha! Ha!

Have a nice day, Bruce.

- Jeremiah
As I do not believe in the rapture and some of the Christians I am in fellowship with do not believe in it either - we have no agenda when it comes to Israel and the Jews. I do believe the Republicans have sometimes used the Christians to get elected into office by mentioning they supported Israel, etc. I have seen Democrats do this also and do not like it, Bruce. Because some of them are liars and are not a friend to Israel at all.

As you do not know me - my involvment with Israel goes way back. I won't go into details on a message board but my State sponsored a bill to Stand with Israel - after I wrote over 100 letters to my own Congressmen and Senators urging them to get it done. It had already been done in another State! The Congressman who co sponsored the bill wrote to me to let me know he did it for me and hoped I was happy.
Whether I am happy or not isn't the issue. The question is - Is God happy? And as some of my Congressmen and Senators do fear the LORD I pray for them that they will make the right decisions concerning Israel and God answers. On the matter of trust I will tell you who I don't trust. I don't trust people who are always bringing up reasons to not trust people. I find them to be the very ones you cannot trust! Ha! Ha!

Have a nice day, Bruce.

- Jeremiah

I can understand that, since the "rapture", as it is often called, is not specifically laid out in the Offenbarung Johannes (Revelations), but rather, has been pieced together through a number of books of the Christian Bible, including prophecies out of the Tanakh.

Well written, Jeremiah.
I remember when the radical right wing HATED Jews.

Stick around long enough they might again.

The love and hate of the RIGHT WING PARTISANS is entirely pragmatic. They take their orders. Today they love Israel, ergo they love Jews.

Jews ought to trust nobody, no political movement they don't own.

The Zionists know this all too well.

Non-Jews are not to be trusted implicitly.

All alliances are temporary.

The KKK was founded by democrats and the membership was democrats. They used the Southern Baptist church as a cover but none of those men were Christians. That is far left not far right. Your sense of direction is a bit off there.

Christians and Jews supporting Israel have had an abiding friendship for years now. We are warmly received by Israeli's. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem. There is no ulterior motive to supporting Israel. I disagree with you.

How old are you lad?

The world didn't start in 1980.

I'll say it again, and this time with much more enthusiam.

I remember when cHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALIST like Roberts hated Jews.

The fact that the GOP has found temporary use for these idiots, and have propagandized them into now loving Israel doesn't change the past.
I cannot find any evidence of the rapture in New Testament teaching, Stat, nor in the admonitions to the 7 churches in Revelation. Indeed I find the very opposite teaching. Endure until the end is the message. The end is the end. Not the beginning of the end nor the half way point or the three quarter point but the end! As in the end.. lol....

As to the Torah and Tanakh. I do not find any evidence of the rapture although I am well aware they like to attach Elijahs being caught up in a whirlwind to the rapture teaching - I am also aware of how they have used Enoch walking with God .... etc.

I call the bible my Jewish bible.
I remember when the radical right wing HATED Jews.

Stick around long enough they might again.

The love and hate of the RIGHT WING PARTISANS is entirely pragmatic. They take their orders. Today they love Israel, ergo they love Jews.

Jews ought to trust nobody, no political movement they don't own.

The Zionists know this all too well.

Non-Jews are not to be trusted implicitly.

All alliances are temporary.

The KKK was founded by democrats and the membership was democrats. They used the Southern Baptist church as a cover but none of those men were Christians. That is far left not far right. Your sense of direction is a bit off there.

Christians and Jews supporting Israel have had an abiding friendship for years now. We are warmly received by Israeli's. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem. There is no ulterior motive to supporting Israel. I disagree with you.

How old are you lad?

The world didn't start in 1980.

I'll say it again, and this time with much more enthusiam.

I remember when cHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALIST like Roberts hated Jews.

The fact that the GOP has found temporary use for these idiots, and have propagandized them into now loving Israel doesn't change the past.

Both parties have failed. What has that to do with the relationship between Christians and Israel? Absolutely nothing. I do not recall Christian fundamentalists ever hating Jews. I recall Christian fundamentalists such as Corrie Ten Boom who saved Jewish lives during the holocaust and later was sent to death camps to suffer with them but I don't recall any who hated the Jews. p.s. according to the Doctrine of Christ in the New Testament a person is not a true Christian if they do not have a love in their hearts for the Jewish people. It is one of the ways we can tell who is who. ( amongst ourselves ) Not everyone who says they are a Christian is one.
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Good thing not many of us wanted to vote for him.
Of course nothing can compare to Pat blaming natural disasters on abortions, homosexuality, and pacts with the devil. Jesse doesn't even come close to Pat's craziness, or greediness.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

The anti religious leftist are the problem not Christians...Funny liberals only seem to like less observant Christian haters. They'd prefer to shut the more observant Christians up, and promote Sodomy, gay marriage, and Abortion. :cuckoo:

Choose your friends wisely.
The Christians appear as friends, the Zionist ones do, because they see you as a means to an end that in the long run will perish beneath their feet.

There is no means to an end. It is their belief not to side against the Jews. that's a fact and I'll take that, thank you very much. They do believe the Jews are G-d's people. So no i don't worry about them and neither does Natanyahu and all Jews who support Israel. i worry more about my leftist Jewish brothers who will support their leftist ideology before being Jews, but they will be Judged for that.
The anti religious leftist are the problem not Christians...Funny liberals only seem to like less observant Christian haters. They'd prefer to shut the more observant Christians up, and promote Sodomy, gay marriage, and Abortion. :cuckoo:

Choose your friends wisely.
The Christians appear as friends, the Zionist ones do, because they see you as a means to an end that in the long run will perish beneath their feet.

There is no means to an end. It is their belief not to side against the Jews. that's a fact and I'll take that, thank you very much. They do believe the Jews are G-d's people. So no i don't worry about them and neither does Natanyahu and all Jews who support Israel. i worry more about my leftist Jewish brothers who will support their leftist ideology before being Jews, but they will be Judged for that.

I could also say that I worry more about my rightist Jewish brothers who will support their rightist ideology before being Jews, but that would just be bullshit, exactly like the same kind of bullshit that Jroc just wrote.

Jroc, I have an emergency message for you from G-d: G-d is not partisan. G-d is over politics. So, get over it. You are creating enemies where there are none, sadly, a trait of Rightism.
Choose your friends wisely.
The Christians appear as friends, the Zionist ones do, because they see you as a means to an end that in the long run will perish beneath their feet.

There is no means to an end. It is their belief not to side against the Jews. that's a fact and I'll take that, thank you very much. They do believe the Jews are G-d's people. So no i don't worry about them and neither does Natanyahu and all Jews who support Israel. i worry more about my leftist Jewish brothers who will support their leftist ideology before being Jews, but they will be Judged for that.

I could also say that I worry more about my rightist Jewish brothers who will support their rightist ideology before being Jews, but that would just be bullshit, exactly like the same kind of bullshit that Jroc just wrote.

Jroc, I have an emergency message for you from G-d: G-d is not partisan. G-d is over politics. So, get over it. You are creating enemies where there are none, sadly, a trait of Rightism.

You did exactly that with this thread, and i wasn't including people like you in that comment, although you obviously did me in your reply. That's cool though, Religious Jews are right wingers generally. I'm proud to lumped in with them. i was actually referring to Jews who side against Israel and with the Arabs and our other enemies understand?
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