Pat Robertson: Jews "polish diamonds" instead of washing their cars

I remember when the radical right wing HATED Jews.

Stick around long enough they might again.

The love and hate of the RIGHT WING PARTISANS is entirely pragmatic. They take their orders. Today they love Israel, ergo they love Jews.

Jews ought to trust nobody, no political movement they don't own.

The Zionists know this all too well.

Non-Jews are not to be trusted implicitly.

All alliances are temporary.

The KKK was founded by democrats and the membership was democrats. They used the Southern Baptist church as a cover but none of those men were Christians. That is far left not far right. Your sense of direction is a bit off there.

Christians and Jews supporting Israel have had an abiding friendship for years now. We are warmly received by Israeli's. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem. There is no ulterior motive to supporting Israel. I disagree with you.

On the Road to Armageddon
How evangelicals became Israel's best friend.

Read more at On the Road to Armageddon: How Evangelicals Became Israel's Best Friend by Timothy P. Weber -

Evangelical theologies do preach that Jews must control all of the Holy Land before the second coming of Christ. (The organized “Christian Zionist” movement is based on this concept, but as a political group they get little press and have relatively little clout in Washington.)

However, in the evangelical vision of the future, the powerful Jewish state is just a passing phase. In the next phase (to oversimplify a bit) all the Jews become Christians or go to hell. The "New" Testament image of Jews as “Christ-killers,” rejecting and therefore rejected by the true God, has never been totally erased either. So, although white evangelicals are more likely than other Americans to support Israel, their religion makes them rather ambivalent toward the Jewish religion, to say the least.they see Jews as a tool and a player in their end time fantasies.

every once in a while their leaders slip up and speak out such as John Haggee :

just listen to what this fat swine says,

Any Jew who makes compact with him and his filthy ilk is no better then them
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Robert Byrd - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They stayed Democrats.

Robert Carlyle Byrd (born Cornelius Calvin Sale, Jr.; November 20, 1917 – June 28, 2010) was a United States Senator from West Virginia. A member of the Democratic Party, Byrd served as a U.S. Representative from 1953 until 1959 and as a U.S. Senator from 1959 to 2010. He was the longest-serving U.S. Senator and, at the time of his death, the longest-serving member in the history of the United States Congress.[3][4][5][6] (In June 2013, his record was surpassed by U.S. Representative John Dingell of Michigan).[7] Byrd, however, still holds the record as the longest-serving member of Congress to serve in both houses. Byrd was a member of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1940s, serving as a recruiter and leader for his chapter, but later......... read more on link...

Comment*** They should have said......... but later changed to more subtle strategies!
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The KKK was founded by democrats and the membership was democrats. They used the Southern Baptist church as a cover but none of those men were Christians. That is far left not far right. Your sense of direction is a bit off there.

Christians and Jews supporting Israel have had an abiding friendship for years now. We are warmly received by Israeli's. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem. There is no ulterior motive to supporting Israel. I disagree with you.

On the Road to Armageddon
How evangelicals became Israel's best friend.

Read more at On the Road to Armageddon: How Evangelicals Became Israel's Best Friend by Timothy P. Weber -

Evangelical theologies do preach that Jews must control all of the Holy Land before the second coming of Christ. (The organized “Christian Zionist” movement is based on this concept, but as a political group they get little press and have relatively little clout in Washington.)

However, in the evangelical vision of the future, the powerful Jewish state is just a passing phase. In the next phase (to oversimplify a bit) all the Jews become Christians or go to hell. The "New" Testament image of Jews as “Christ-killers,” rejecting and therefore rejected by the true God, has never been totally erased either. So, although white evangelicals are more likely than other Americans to support Israel, their religion makes them rather ambivalent toward the Jewish religion, to say the least.they see Jews as a tool and a player in their end time fantasies.

every once in a while their leaders slip up and speak out such as John Haggee :

just listen to what this fat swine says,

Any Jew who makes compact with him and his filthy ilk is no better then them

This is the mind of the filthy rightwing goyim to say hitler slaughter 6 million plus for a purpose

Yes, the right-wing fundamentalists, dominionists, evangelical Christians love us Jews in ...

An Interview with Michael Weinstein
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Name Them...Who are they? you're wrong

Y'all really need to start researching before sputtering stupid on this forum.

Start here:

The Conservative Fantasy History of Civil Rights -- Daily Intelligencer

and a slightly different take:

and finally some middle ground:

Conservatives Try to Rewrite Civil Rights History (Again)

Yes, the Democratic Party was founded as the party of white populism, and thus, of white supremacy. But institutions change, and by the middle of the 20th century, activism, hard work, and political maneuvering had turned the Party of Andrew Johnson into a real vehicle for black rights.

The GOP transformation wasn’t as dramatic, but it happened. Decades of neglect set the stage for a gradual embrace of former segregationists, who had either left the Democratic Party, or has been ejected. The South’s shift to a Republican stronghold, the collapse of white support for the Democratic Party—all of these are part of the story.
Robert Byrd - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They stayed Democrats.

Robert Carlyle Byrd (born Cornelius Calvin Sale, Jr.; November 20, 1917 – June 28, 2010) was a United States Senator from West Virginia. A member of the Democratic Party, Byrd served as a U.S. Representative from 1953 until 1959 and as a U.S. Senator from 1959 to 2010. He was the longest-serving U.S. Senator and, at the time of his death, the longest-serving member in the history of the United States Congress.[3][4][5][6] (In June 2013, his record was surpassed by U.S. Representative John Dingell of Michigan).[7] Byrd, however, still holds the record as the longest-serving member of Congress to serve in both houses. Byrd was a member of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1940s, serving as a recruiter and leader for his chapter, but later......... read more on link...

Comment*** They should have said......... but later changed to more subtle strategies!
You have decided to rewrite his biography where it doesn't fit your agenda.
Very telling.

And people wonder why many of us Jews are leery of Christian Right-Wing support.

So, Pat Robertson has a Jew on the show and decides to say this kind of stuff.

Not really sure that this is the stuff of outrage, and that's not my point to begin with, but there is more than just a latent anti-Semitism within old Robertson.

Actually, we Jews and money - that story is connected directly to the Roman Catholic church.

He is on your side when it comes to Israel and the West Bank. But he is still a hate filled asshole. Just ignore him, he is a crazy person.
Funny Thing is, I watch The 700 club more than anyone on this board, other than Drifting Sand or whatever that guy's name is.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
I live in Georgia. I know who the heads of the Klan were around here and I can tell you now they were all Democrats. So were their political leaders -involved in KKK. Some of those Democrats are still in office today, Stat. Might be different in other states but not here in Georgia. I've met them. The KKK are as backwards today as they were back then. Very racist people. The Republican party has never had anything to do with them.

The White Southern Democrats who were in the KKK switched pretty much overwhelmingly to the Republican Party with Nixon's Southern State Strategy. That is fact.

Not according to the documented history and evidence it isn't, Stat. This is the link to Wikipedia. By 2008, there were only 6,000 Klans men left in the US. The KKK were never a part of the Republican Party. The group was rejected by the Republicans as they wanted nothing to do with them. The entire history of the KKK is Democrats and although they tried to force their way into the Republican party, into Christian Universities they were flatly rejected. Have a look at this:

Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Historian Eric Foner observed:

In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party, the planter class, and all those who desired restoration of white supremacy. Its purposes were political, but political in the broadest sense, for it sought to affect power relations, both public and private, throughout Southern society. It aimed to reverse the interlocking changes sweeping over the South during Reconstruction: to destroy the Republican party's infrastructure, undermine the Reconstruction state, reestablish control of the black labor force, and restore racial subordination in every aspect of Southern life.[45]

Wikisource has original text related to this article:
Interview with Nathan Bedford Forrest

To that end they worked to curb the education, economic advancement, voting rights, and right to keep and bear arms of blacks.[45] The Ku Klux Klan soon spread into nearly every southern state, launching a "reign of terror against Republican leaders both black and white. Those political leaders assassinated during the campaign included Arkansas Congressman James M. Hinds, three members of the South Carolina legislature, and several men who served in constitutional conventions."[46]

Three Ku Klux Klan members arrested in Tishomingo County, Mississippi, September 1871, for the attempted murder of an entire family[citation needed] Wikisource has original text related to this article:
Why the Ku Klux

Klan members adopted masks and robes that hid their identities and added to the drama of their night rides, their chosen time for attacks. Many of them operated in small towns and rural areas where people otherwise knew each other's faces, and sometimes still recognized the attackers. "The kind of thing that men are afraid or ashamed to do openly, and by day, they accomplish secretly, masked, and at night."[47] The Ku Klux Klan night riders "sometimes claimed to be ghosts of Confederate soldiers so, as they claimed, to frighten superstitious blacks. Few freedmen took such nonsense seriously."[48]

The Klan attacked black members of the Loyal Leagues and intimidated southern Republicans and Freedmen's Bureau workers. When they killed black political leaders, they also took heads of families, along with the leaders of churches and community groups, because these people had many roles in society. Agents of the Freedmen's Bureau reported weekly assaults and murders of blacks. "Armed guerrilla warfare killed thousands of Negroes; political riots were staged; their causes or occasions were always obscure, their results always certain: ten to one hundred times as many Negroes were killed as whites." Masked men shot into houses and burned them, sometimes with the occupants still inside. They drove successful black farmers off their land. "Generally, it can be reported that in North and South Carolina, in 18 months ending in June 1867, there were 197 murders and 548 cases of aggravated assault."[49]

Comment*** If we examine the profile of the founder of Planned Parenthood, an agenda originally aimed at reducing the black population, and if we look at which party has continued to try to curb the education, promote Planned Parenthood, prevented the advancement of black americans it has to be the Democratic party. The same would be true of a Party not inclined to sympathise with Israel and the Jewish people suffering anti semitism. There seems to be more support for those oppressing Israel and the Jews within the Democratic Party. David Horowitz, a member of the Democrat party for decades - before going Republican - said that Detroits social programs were handled by the Democrats for past 100 yrs. In fact in every major city that is failing these same people today. The agenda does not appear to have changed one iota. Which is why I never became a Democrat. Like Horowitz my conscience wouldn't allow it. ( Horowitz left the Democrat Party after burning his membership card to the Communist Party - Not all Democrats are Communists but some are ) While the Republican party today has many in name only among their members they have only themselves to blame for allowing it.

And the Klan was never a part of the Democratic party. Again, we are talking about RACIST INDIVIDUALS who decided to band together.

Without exact lists of KKK members and then corresponding lists of party breakdown, by state, by name, by year, this is all pretty much pissing in the wind.

But the fact remains that the vote in the South shifted immensely with Nixon's Southern State strategy. This can only mean that vast swaths of the populations of those southern states which had reliably voted Democratic, switched sides. And the same more than likely applies to the vast majority of KKKers.

By the way, there is still a KKK hotbed near Cincinnatti, Oh, deep in the most RED county in Ohio.
Robert Byrd - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They stayed Democrats.

Robert Carlyle Byrd (born Cornelius Calvin Sale, Jr.; November 20, 1917 – June 28, 2010) was a United States Senator from West Virginia. A member of the Democratic Party, Byrd served as a U.S. Representative from 1953 until 1959 and as a U.S. Senator from 1959 to 2010. He was the longest-serving U.S. Senator and, at the time of his death, the longest-serving member in the history of the United States Congress.[3][4][5][6] (In June 2013, his record was surpassed by U.S. Representative John Dingell of Michigan).[7] Byrd, however, still holds the record as the longest-serving member of Congress to serve in both houses. Byrd was a member of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1940s, serving as a recruiter and leader for his chapter, but later......... read more on link...

Comment*** They should have said......... but later changed to more subtle strategies!

You know, Jeremiah, the OP of this thread is not about the KKK at all, and yet, you are just bound and determined to tell us all about the KKK. Why?

Now, I don't mind a little derailment now and then, thoughts are free and sometimes the derailment even does us good. Besides, I just started the thread, it doesn't belong to me and it should become a good conversation piece. But you are being pretted darned partisan in a thread that is in the religion section. I am curious as to why.

Or are you trying to tell us that the Christian Right indeed is a political party, and not a religious movement?

Or are you trying to tell us that the KKK is a religious movement?

What gives, here?
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The White Southern Democrats who were in the KKK switched pretty much overwhelmingly to the Republican Party with Nixon's Southern State Strategy. That is fact.
No it isn't. Which is why you can't back it up. Most of the new Republicans were new voters and pro business, free market types. You guys just repeat lies like Goebbels.
After signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964, LBJ said that he was afraid her had just given the Republican Party the South for generations. And he was right. Conservative Democrats bolted and became Republicans. It was Conservative Democrats providing the resistance to Civil Rights. CONSERVATIVE DEMOCRATS. After the Civil Rights Act demolished their power in the Jim Crow South, they left and found safe harbor among other Conservatives in the GOP.
I asked for proof. Your opinion doesn't count. Safe harbor in the GOP? That's just a childish assertion. Try again.
No it isn't. Which is why you can't back it up. Most of the new Republicans were new voters and pro business, free market types. You guys just repeat lies like Goebbels.
After signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964, LBJ said that he was afraid her had just given the Republican Party the South for generations. And he was right. Conservative Democrats bolted and became Republicans. It was Conservative Democrats providing the resistance to Civil Rights. CONSERVATIVE DEMOCRATS. After the Civil Rights Act demolished their power in the Jim Crow South, they left and found safe harbor among other Conservatives in the GOP.
I asked for proof. Your opinion doesn't count. Safe harbor in the GOP? That's just a childish assertion. Try again.
Look at electoral maps before and after 1964. There was, at one time, something called the "Solid South". Thoroughly Democrat. But after the Civil Rights Act of 1964, that Democrat stronghold became solidly Republican and Comservative. This is history, not opinion.
Look at electoral maps before and after 1964. There was, at one time, something called the "Solid South". Thoroughly Democrat. But after the Civil Rights Act of 1964, that Democrat stronghold became solidly Republican and Comservative. This is history, not opinion.
You are basing your assertion on correlation being causation. There were many issues in 1964. You are making the claim it was all about race wheile Republicans played a large role in passing the legislation.
Look at electoral maps before and after 1964. There was, at one time, something called the "Solid South". Thoroughly Democrat. But after the Civil Rights Act of 1964, that Democrat stronghold became solidly Republican and Comservative. This is history, not opinion.
You are basing your assertion on correlation being causation. There were many issues in 1964. You are making the claim it was all about race wheile Republicans played a large role in passing the legislation.
But not a single Conservative from either party. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 provided the impetus for Conservative Democrats to jump party lines.
Given the fact that no stereotype applies to all members of the group in question, many of the common stereotypes about jews are reasonably accurate.

Jews TEND TO BE entrepreneurial and not seek their fortunes working in large corporations. They tend to favor small businesses that buy and sell things and services, rather than producing them. For reasons that are somewhat debatable, they are prominent in businesses that could be said to "exploit" the poor and gullible: pawn shops, payday loan companies, stores that sell cheap, gaudy clothing, rent-to-own furniture stores, and outlets of that nature. Before Government got so entrenched in low-income housing, jews were conspicuously pointed out as unethical slum landlords when problems arose with unmaintained rental properties. Their prevalence in the jewelry business, both wholesale and retail, is well known.

In the law, jews are over-represented generally, but especially in contingent-fee personal injury law ("ambulance chasers"), which the mainstream Bar considers "bottom feeders."

Jews' emphasis on education and pursuit of the "learned professions" is well known, and just because some jews are stupid and lazy does not disprove that stereotype.

I would wager that not many NASCAR fans are jews, but that's pure speculation.

Like members of many cults, jews are hyper-sensitive to criticism and publicly over-react to any real or imagined slight - as demonstrated nicely in this thread.

It should go without saying that there is a giant, impenetrable theological WALL between Christians and Jews. No matter how you slice it, Christians believe that Jews are theological idiots, pursuing a belief system that elevates the trivial (e.g., kosher laws) and ignores the essential, while having studiously ignored the birth, life, and teachings of their own Messiah. As has been pointed out above, Fundies believe that the birth of the nation of Israel ("Zion") was part of God's plan for the end days, and that they must promote the fulfillment of that nation's assumption of the entire Holy Land.

But no "Christian" hates jews - not Pat Robertson or the Pope or even me. Everyone deserves respect and kind consideration even if they believe something stupid.
But not a single Conservative from either party. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 provided the impetus for Conservative Democrats to jump party lines.
I'm waiting for the evidence. And now you're added that no conservatives voted for it.
1960 and the solid south:

Presidential Election of 1960

1964 and it fractures:

Presidential Election of 1964

And 1968 with George Wallace, ace segregationist in the mix:

Presidential Election of 1968

And by 1980 Jimmy Carter won his home state of Georgia and that's it in the old "Solid South".

Presidential Election of 1980

So where did all the Democrats go? The Conservative ones (the majority in the South) went to the GOP.
Given the fact that no stereotype applies to all members of the group in question, many of the common stereotypes about jews are reasonably accurate.

Jews TEND TO BE entrepreneurial and not seek their fortunes working in large corporations. They tend to favor small businesses that buy and sell things and services, rather than producing them. For reasons that are somewhat debatable, they are prominent in businesses that could be said to "exploit" the poor and gullible: pawn shops, payday loan companies, stores that sell cheap, gaudy clothing, rent-to-own furniture stores, and outlets of that nature. Before Government got so entrenched in low-income housing, jews were conspicuously pointed out as unethical slum landlords when problems arose with unmaintained rental properties. Their prevalence in the jewelry business, both wholesale and retail, is well known.

In the law, jews are over-represented generally, but especially in contingent-fee personal injury law ("ambulance chasers"), which the mainstream Bar considers "bottom feeders."

Jews' emphasis on education and pursuit of the "learned professions" is well known, and just because some jews are stupid and lazy does not disprove that stereotype.

I would wager that not many NASCAR fans are jews, but that's pure speculation.

Like members of many cults, jews are hyper-sensitive to criticism and publicly over-react to any real or imagined slight - as demonstrated nicely in this thread.

It should go without saying that there is a giant, impenetrable theological WALL between Christians and Jews. No matter how you slice it, Christians believe that Jews are theological idiots, pursuing a belief system that elevates the trivial (e.g., kosher laws) and ignores the essential, while having studiously ignored the birth, life, and teachings of their own Messiah. As has been pointed out above, Fundies believe that the birth of the nation of Israel ("Zion") was part of God's plan for the end days, and that they must promote the fulfillment of that nation's assumption of the entire Holy Land.

But no "Christian" hates jews - not Pat Robertson or the Pope or even me. Everyone deserves respect and kind consideration even if they believe something stupid.
Anti-Semitism disguised as a compliment. You could have said 'for a fat chick, at least you don't sweat much!'.

And I doubt many folks who have been educated could find anything entertaining at all about NASCAR. We'll leave that bit of stupidity to the rednecks.
But not a single Conservative from either party. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 provided the impetus for Conservative Democrats to jump party lines.
I'm waiting for the evidence. And now you're added that no conservatives voted for it.
1960 and the solid south:

Presidential Election of 1960

1964 and it fractures:

Presidential Election of 1964

And 1968 with George Wallace, ace segregationist in the mix:

Presidential Election of 1968

And by 1980 Jimmy Carter won his home state of Georgia and that's it in the old "Solid South".

Presidential Election of 1980

So where did all the Democrats go? The Conservative ones (the majority in the South) went to the GOP.
That doesn't back up your claims. Conservatives went Rebublican while Democrats went further left? Well duh. You said racists though. And no conservatives voted for the civil rights act.
I'm waiting for the evidence. And now you're added that no conservatives voted for it.
1960 and the solid south:

Presidential Election of 1960

1964 and it fractures:

Presidential Election of 1964

And 1968 with George Wallace, ace segregationist in the mix:

Presidential Election of 1968

And by 1980 Jimmy Carter won his home state of Georgia and that's it in the old "Solid South".

Presidential Election of 1980

So where did all the Democrats go? The Conservative ones (the majority in the South) went to the GOP.
That doesn't back up your claims. Conservatives went Rebublican while Democrats went further left? Well duh. You said racists though. And no conservatives voted for the civil rights act.

Yepp, and exactly those types of Conservatives ended up becoming Republicans. Thanks for supporting our argument.

And people wonder why many of us Jews are leery of Christian Right-Wing support.

So, Pat Robertson has a Jew on the show and decides to say this kind of stuff.

Not really sure that this is the stuff of outrage, and that's not my point to begin with, but there is more than just a latent anti-Semitism within old Robertson.

Actually, we Jews and money - that story is connected directly to the Roman Catholic church.

LOL, such foolishness. You liberal Jews say fear the Evangelicals, they are dangerous. Fear their motives and they leaders. Yet I doubt you are even HALF of a zionist as Pat Robertson or the Evangelicals. He preaches for Israel to remain whole, he raises millions upon millions of dollars for Israel, he organizes MASS Christian tourist trips to Israel and defends Israel against the vile left and Muslim antisemites! The Evangelicals are Israel and the Jewish people's best friend. A hell of a lot better friend than the left who seek to destroy Israel or weaken her to the point her enemies can destroy her. Liberals seek her destructions, Evangelicals seek to strengthen and protect her.

Also you took a clip out of context of him speaking with a orthodox Jew for a left-wing hack site. Shame on you.

I would rather stand ground on the battlefield with the brave and kind Evangelicals than the cowardly foolish LIBERAL Jews any day of the week.

I'm a supporter of Israel and I admire John Haggee's work a great deal. I do not know the extent of Robertsons work but his words in the past have troubled me greatly. Leaving that aside - I have to tell you that you are right in that Christians worldwide have supported Israel through IFCJ, ICEJ, UnitedwithIsrael,Israel365 and many other organizations that unite Christians and Jews. These organizations have sent millions of dollars to Israel for many years to help the Jewish people, the elderly, the poor, to build bomb shelters, to build the wall, to help them protect themselves. Many, many prayers go up for Israel every day and the Jewish people appreciate that. When I read some of the comments here - especially Editec - stating Jews cannot trust Christians I must laugh. The Christians I'm with are ready to lay our lives down for Israel and we will not turn our backs on the Jews. The Jews I know defend the rights of Christians in restricted nations more than any other people group. The relationship is forged like iron and anyone who doesn't think so simply hasn't been to a Step up for Israel meeting or an event that brings together Jews and Christians. There is a genuine relationship and the Israelis know we care about them. Millions of Christians also meet over there in Israel to show support openly in the streets for the Jews. There will always be some attempt to divide us which means our unity poses a threat to the world. It is a relationship of family helping family. It is not political which is where it has been greatly misunderstood.

vermin like hagee who says gods plan was for hilter to murder 6 million plus should, along with his his goyim followers be hung by their entrails

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