Pat Robertson supports Saudi butchers

I don’t understand the problem. Republicans want to kill all kinds of people in this country. Republicans want to kill gays. They want to kill Muslims. They send money to people who shoot an armed black teenagers. The GOP is the party of lynch.

Republicans are VERY ANGRY; they have 'anger management' issues.

They latched onto Trump who desires to wipe everything off the face of the planet that has anything to do with Obama.

The GOP & Trump HATE the fact that a BLACK man in America was elected POTUS; not once but TWICE.
They HATE that.
Trump will do EVERYTHING within his power to TOTALLY destroy Obama's legacy as POTUS.

What is behind that?
Anger, hate, serious mental issues; ALL coming from a very ANGRY & very MAD GOP.

And we're coming to get you!!!!!!!
They know.

Remember, the Republicans are now the party of the KKK, the Aryan Nation, White Nationalists and the Alt White, not forgetting the American Nazi Party. Since Obama, Republicans have stood on a soap box telling Americans and the world who they are.

And we control all the levers of power!!!!
States Ask Supreme Court to Limit LGBT Protection

A total of 13 Republican attorneys general, including those representing Texas, Alabama, Kansas, and Utah, signed on to the brief. Three GOP governors— Matthew Bevin (Kentucky), Paul LePage (Maine), and Phil Bryant (Mississippi)—also joined in the court filing.

The Supreme Court is expected to decide in the coming months whether to take up the case.


Sorry gays, Republicans are coming after you. They want you dead. If they can't kill you, they will do everything they can to ruin your lives. That's a "given".
I don’t understand the problem. Republicans want to kill all kinds of people in this country. Republicans want to kill gays. They want to kill Muslims. They send money to people who shoot an armed black teenagers. The GOP is the party of lynch.

Republicans are VERY ANGRY; they have 'anger management' issues.

They latched onto Trump who desires to wipe everything off the face of the planet that has anything to do with Obama.

The GOP & Trump HATE the fact that a BLACK man in America was elected POTUS; not once but TWICE.
They HATE that.
Trump will do EVERYTHING within his power to TOTALLY destroy Obama's legacy as POTUS.

What is behind that?
Anger, hate, serious mental issues; ALL coming from a very ANGRY & very MAD GOP.

And we're coming to get you!!!!!!!

Oh; I'm really scared. Is that a threat?

Do you feel threatened?

I am threatened by your ignorance & your stupidity.

Do you feel like a moron?
I don’t understand the problem. Republicans want to kill all kinds of people in this country. Republicans want to kill gays. They want to kill Muslims. They send money to people who shoot an armed black teenagers. The GOP is the party of lynch.

Republicans are VERY ANGRY; they have 'anger management' issues.

They latched onto Trump who desires to wipe everything off the face of the planet that has anything to do with Obama.

The GOP & Trump HATE the fact that a BLACK man in America was elected POTUS; not once but TWICE.
They HATE that.
Trump will do EVERYTHING within his power to TOTALLY destroy Obama's legacy as POTUS.

What is behind that?
Anger, hate, serious mental issues; ALL coming from a very ANGRY & very MAD GOP.

And we're coming to get you!!!!!!!
They know.

Remember, the Republicans are now the party of the KKK, the Aryan Nation, White Nationalists and the Alt White, not forgetting the American Nazi Party. Since Obama, Republicans have stood on a soap box telling Americans and the world who they are.

And we control all the levers of power!!!!

I thought you were 'The Wizard of Oz'

Now I know why you're so ignorant.
The Khashoggi matter has absolutely nothing to do with us. So he had an address here. Many do. The Saudi ambassador that the Iranians tried to assassinate had an address here and the Iranians tried to kill him in New York. No one cared then.

If the Saudis killed a Saudi national in Turkey, they can figure it out without us.
US resident.
So. The 911 hijackers were US residents too. What's next US tourist?

We owe him nothing.
You are on of USMB's most misinformed posters. You spew misinformation as you did in this last post of yours on a routine base. Not a single one of the 911 hijackers/terrorist held a resident status, card, or visa.
They lived here. They had addresses here and Mohammed Atta got federal student loans for his flying lessons. Even if Khashoggi was a resident of the US at some point in the past. He was residing with his fiancee in Turkey.

Nothing you can say will overcome the facts. Khashoggi has nothing to do with us. He was a Saudi national now residing in Turkey, not residing in the United States. He was at the consulate of his home country. There is nothing about this that gives us a connection to this case.
He worked for an American newspaper and was the father of American children. He had legal status as an American resident.
I don’t understand the problem. Republicans want to kill all kinds of people in this country. Republicans want to kill gays. They want to kill Muslims. They send money to people who shoot an armed black teenagers. The GOP is the party of lynch.

OMG why arent you banned
Why should I be? Did I say something untrue?

Here is a list of right wing pastors with tens of thousands of followers who call for the murder of gays?

Pastor Roger Jimenez
Pastor Steven Anderson
Pastor Kevin Swanson
Pastor Jesse Price
Pastor Charles L. Worley
Pastor Bert Farias
Pastor Jeffrey S. Smith
Pastor Curtis Napp
Pastor James David Manning
Pastor Jim Beech

You can watch their sermons on Youtube.

The shocking US vote not to condemn the death penalty for LGBT people - CNN

Trump promised to defend LGBT rights during the campaign, vowing he would do a better job than Hillary Clinton. By now, that's a laughable claim, following Trump's pronouncements on transgender Americans in the military, and his outspoken support for virulently homophobic politicians.
In the meantime, the death penalty is still the official punishment for gay relations in several countries. Iran, in particular, inflicts it with regularity. Photos of gay teenagers about to be publicly hanged surfaced in 2005, and Amnesty International has reported on and condemned other executions

GOP congressman cites Bible verses calling gays 'worthy of death' - Religion News Service


Tell me Tinydancer, do you have a tiny mind? There has to be something behind your determined ignorance. Is it physical? Mental? Denial? What?

Here we have folks that proclaim to have the love of Jesus in their hearts, all while they profess a desire to kill their fellow humans & their fellow US citizens.
This is a SURE SIGN the GOP is the 'party of death.'
That is nothing but PURE SATANIC double speak bullshit by the evangelicals that support the evil GOP.
These people are worth LESS than an abomination.
That is actually WORSE than the crap from 1930s & 1940s Germany.
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Number one is cant beat me asshole.................

And guess who the number one exporter of crude oil in the world is? The United States.

Guess who the number one importer of that crude oil is? Canada. You didn't know that, did you? Of course you didn't, you ignorant, reactionary little turd.

And those prices are decided by the global market. You can whine like a little baby and curse and spit, but these facts are quite independent of your, apparently, lifelong, pissy little mood.
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I don’t understand the problem. Republicans want to kill all kinds of people in this country. Republicans want to kill gays. They want to kill Muslims. They send money to people who shoot an armed black teenagers. The GOP is the party of lynch.

Republicans are VERY ANGRY; they have 'anger management' issues.

They latched onto Trump who desires to wipe everything off the face of the planet that has anything to do with Obama.

The GOP & Trump HATE the fact that a BLACK man in America was elected POTUS; not once but TWICE.
They HATE that.
Trump will do EVERYTHING within his power to TOTALLY destroy Obama's legacy as POTUS.

What is behind that?
Anger, hate, serious mental issues; ALL coming from a very ANGRY & very MAD GOP.

And we're coming to get you!!!!!!!

Oh; I'm really scared. Is that a threat?

Do you feel threatened?

I am threatened by your ignorance & your stupidity.

Do you feel like a moron?

The Khashoggi matter has absolutely nothing to do with us. So he had an address here. Many do. The Saudi ambassador that the Iranians tried to assassinate had an address here and the Iranians tried to kill him in New York. No one cared then.

If the Saudis killed a Saudi national in Turkey, they can figure it out without us.
US resident.
So. The 911 hijackers were US residents too. What's next US tourist?

We owe him nothing.
You are on of USMB's most misinformed posters. You spew misinformation as you did in this last post of yours on a routine base. Not a single one of the 911 hijackers/terrorist held a resident status, card, or visa.
They lived here. They had addresses here and Mohammed Atta got federal student loans for his flying lessons. Even if Khashoggi was a resident of the US at some point in the past. He was residing with his fiancee in Turkey.

Nothing you can say will overcome the facts. Khashoggi has nothing to do with us. He was a Saudi national now residing in Turkey, not residing in the United States. He was at the consulate of his home country. There is nothing about this that gives us a connection to this case.
He worked for an American newspaper and was the father of American children. He had legal status as an American resident.

He worked for an American newspaper and was the father of American children.

Who are his American children?
US resident.
So. The 911 hijackers were US residents too. What's next US tourist?

We owe him nothing.
You are on of USMB's most misinformed posters. You spew misinformation as you did in this last post of yours on a routine base. Not a single one of the 911 hijackers/terrorist held a resident status, card, or visa.
They lived here. They had addresses here and Mohammed Atta got federal student loans for his flying lessons. Even if Khashoggi was a resident of the US at some point in the past. He was residing with his fiancee in Turkey.

Nothing you can say will overcome the facts. Khashoggi has nothing to do with us. He was a Saudi national now residing in Turkey, not residing in the United States. He was at the consulate of his home country. There is nothing about this that gives us a connection to this case.
He worked for an American newspaper and was the father of American children. He had legal status as an American resident.

He worked for an American newspaper and was the father of American children.

Who are his American children?

Why do you ask?
You don't care about murdered journalists. You only desire to have more of them.
So. The 911 hijackers were US residents too. What's next US tourist?

We owe him nothing.
You are on of USMB's most misinformed posters. You spew misinformation as you did in this last post of yours on a routine base. Not a single one of the 911 hijackers/terrorist held a resident status, card, or visa.
They lived here. They had addresses here and Mohammed Atta got federal student loans for his flying lessons. Even if Khashoggi was a resident of the US at some point in the past. He was residing with his fiancee in Turkey.

Nothing you can say will overcome the facts. Khashoggi has nothing to do with us. He was a Saudi national now residing in Turkey, not residing in the United States. He was at the consulate of his home country. There is nothing about this that gives us a connection to this case.
He worked for an American newspaper and was the father of American children. He had legal status as an American resident.

He worked for an American newspaper and was the father of American children.

Who are his American children?

Why do you ask?
You don't care about murdered journalists. You only desire to have more of them.

Why do you ask?

I've never heard that claim.

You don't care about murdered journalists.

Journalists should never be murdered.
Even the ones who support the Muslim Brotherhood.
I don’t understand the problem. Republicans want to kill all kinds of people in this country. Republicans want to kill gays. They want to kill Muslims. They send money to people who shoot an armed black teenagers. The GOP is the party of lynch.

Republicans are VERY ANGRY; they have 'anger management' issues.

They latched onto Trump who desires to wipe everything off the face of the planet that has anything to do with Obama.

The GOP & Trump HATE the fact that a BLACK man in America was elected POTUS; not once but TWICE.
They HATE that.
Trump will do EVERYTHING within his power to TOTALLY destroy Obama's legacy as POTUS.

What is behind that?
Anger, hate, serious mental issues; ALL coming from a very ANGRY & very MAD GOP.

And we're coming to get you!!!!!!!
They know.

Remember, the Republicans are now the party of the KKK, the Aryan Nation, White Nationalists and the Alt White, not forgetting the American Nazi Party. Since Obama, Republicans have stood on a soap box telling Americans and the world who they are.

And we control all the levers of power!!!!
Why are you acting like victims then?
I don’t understand the problem. Republicans want to kill all kinds of people in this country. Republicans want to kill gays. They want to kill Muslims. They send money to people who shoot an armed black teenagers. The GOP is the party of lynch.

Republicans are VERY ANGRY; they have 'anger management' issues.

They latched onto Trump who desires to wipe everything off the face of the planet that has anything to do with Obama.

The GOP & Trump HATE the fact that a BLACK man in America was elected POTUS; not once but TWICE.
They HATE that.
Trump will do EVERYTHING within his power to TOTALLY destroy Obama's legacy as POTUS.

What is behind that?
Anger, hate, serious mental issues; ALL coming from a very ANGRY & very MAD GOP.

And we're coming to get you!!!!!!!
They know.

Remember, the Republicans are now the party of the KKK, the Aryan Nation, White Nationalists and the Alt White, not forgetting the American Nazi Party. Since Obama, Republicans have stood on a soap box telling Americans and the world who they are.

And we control all the levers of power!!!!
Why are you acting like victims then?

I'm too bust laughing at liberals...….no victims here.
I don’t understand the problem. Republicans want to kill all kinds of people in this country. Republicans want to kill gays. They want to kill Muslims. They send money to people who shoot an armed black teenagers. The GOP is the party of lynch.

OMG why arent you banned
Why should I be? Did I say something untrue?

Here is a list of right wing pastors with tens of thousands of followers who call for the murder of gays?

Pastor Roger Jimenez
Pastor Steven Anderson
Pastor Kevin Swanson
Pastor Jesse Price
Pastor Charles L. Worley
Pastor Bert Farias
Pastor Jeffrey S. Smith
Pastor Curtis Napp
Pastor James David Manning
Pastor Jim Beech

You can watch their sermons on Youtube.

The shocking US vote not to condemn the death penalty for LGBT people - CNN

Trump promised to defend LGBT rights during the campaign, vowing he would do a better job than Hillary Clinton. By now, that's a laughable claim, following Trump's pronouncements on transgender Americans in the military, and his outspoken support for virulently homophobic politicians.
In the meantime, the death penalty is still the official punishment for gay relations in several countries. Iran, in particular, inflicts it with regularity. Photos of gay teenagers about to be publicly hanged surfaced in 2005, and Amnesty International has reported on and condemned other executions

GOP congressman cites Bible verses calling gays 'worthy of death' - Religion News Service


Tell me Tinydancer, do you have a tiny mind? There has to be something behind your determined ignorance. Is it physical? Mental? Denial? What?

Here we have folks that proclaim to have the love of Jesus in their hearts, all while they profess a desire to kill their fellow humans & their fellow US citizens.
This is a SURE SIGN the GOP is the 'party of death.'
That is nothing but PURE SATANIC double speak bullshit by the evangelicals that support the evil GOP.
These people are worth LESS than an abomination.
That is actually WORSE than the crap from 1930s & 1940s Germany.
Republicans are the party of death.
Remember, this party wants to end healthcare for millions.
They will send money to defend child killer Zimmerman. Because Zimmerman killed a black child. Even worse, they smear this dead child so they feel better about wanting black children to die. If they can convince themselves this kid was bad, then, without due process, they can cheer his murder.

And now, after this reporter was dismembered, Republicans cheer Trump's suggestion they attack journalists.
Republicans are VERY ANGRY; they have 'anger management' issues.

They latched onto Trump who desires to wipe everything off the face of the planet that has anything to do with Obama.

The GOP & Trump HATE the fact that a BLACK man in America was elected POTUS; not once but TWICE.
They HATE that.
Trump will do EVERYTHING within his power to TOTALLY destroy Obama's legacy as POTUS.

What is behind that?
Anger, hate, serious mental issues; ALL coming from a very ANGRY & very MAD GOP.

And we're coming to get you!!!!!!!
They know.

Remember, the Republicans are now the party of the KKK, the Aryan Nation, White Nationalists and the Alt White, not forgetting the American Nazi Party. Since Obama, Republicans have stood on a soap box telling Americans and the world who they are.

And we control all the levers of power!!!!
Why are you acting like victims then?

I'm too bust laughing at liberals...….no victims here.
You laugh at murder too, huh?
But we knew that.
When Satan calls Pat 'home' the planet will be a better place; no doubt, and the evil Saudis will have one less mouth piece to spew shit for them.
And we're coming to get you!!!!!!!
They know.

Remember, the Republicans are now the party of the KKK, the Aryan Nation, White Nationalists and the Alt White, not forgetting the American Nazi Party. Since Obama, Republicans have stood on a soap box telling Americans and the world who they are.

And we control all the levers of power!!!!
Why are you acting like victims then?

I'm too bust laughing at liberals...….no victims here.
You laugh at murder too, huh?
But we knew that.

Yeah, laughing at liberal's just like murder.
Silly twat!
The Khashoggi matter has absolutely nothing to do with us. So he had an address here. Many do. The Saudi ambassador that the Iranians tried to assassinate had an address here and the Iranians tried to kill him in New York. No one cared then.

If the Saudis killed a Saudi national in Turkey, they can figure it out without us.

He was a American national. The US should make sure that there is a credible investigation and the individuals responsible are held responsible. Take your shit and shove it.

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