Patriot Front march in Chicago and San Francisco 4th of July

The speech is awesome! Very military like.
Never heard a them.

Non military types trying to act military are usually losers.
The way they sound and the precision I think the leader/leaders have military experience. They all obviously train because they were sharp.
So are highschool marching bands.

What is "Patriotic front" with such a name? who is in it? What American would be in this?
They have a website. I would be in it.

The speech is awesome! Very military like.
Nice try. Bunch of noise so I quit watching.
Noise? It was a speech. Never seen a group quite so organized and without stupid costumes so many groups wore. This was quite organized and all dressed alike as they should etc.
yeah he obviously did not watch it past the one minute mark,these guys are my kind of people,i joined,i want to know people like this who are out there trying to change things,i cant wait till they contact me. thank you so much for sharing this with us,makes me glad i out up with the mods favortism they play here and did not leave like i was seruiously thinking about once.people like you sharing things like this makes me realise i made the right choice in staying.
Indeed! I joined a few weeks ago still waiting to hear back. I am glad you didn't leave. This place is the ONLY place I can speak my mind with very little moderation or being banned. I don't think I will ever leave.
Well that’s not good that they have not contacted you since they say they contact people in a week.thats. Or being true to your word.not good.

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