Patriot Woman shot by DC Police - Video

What would you like for them to say?
Investigate how she got killed
“As the suspect lunged at the officer, he feared for his safety and discharged his service weapon”

The end.
She didnt lunge at anyone. Did you not see the video?
Wrong place at the wrong time then. I guess she shouldn’t have broke into the building

I agree. All rioters should be shot on sight. Wouldnt you agree?
No, I wouldn’t agree to that. But I will say this — if a person willingly engages in unlawful behavior, they’re putting themselves at risk.
Then why are you fine with HER getting shot? Your beliefs are inconsistent.
I didn’t say I was fine with it. It’s beyond my control. She took that chance. I don’t agree with her actions, but I take no joy in seeing someone killed, and I don’t fault the police for using lethal force in a situation like this.
Don't fault the police eh ??? They shot an unarmed woman even if she was being a little crazy, so I'll assume the role of a leftist or Biden now by saying - "Why couldn't you just shoot em in the leg or something" ? Joe Biden.

Why can't you use non-lethal force, why shoot and kill the unarmed lady ? The left.

Funny how when the shoe gets on the other foot, and a conservative is shot and killed, it's like "nothing to see here folks, just keep walking". No news here, just keep walking.
What would you like for them to say?
Investigate how she got killed
“As the suspect lunged at the officer, he feared for his safety and discharged his service weapon”

The end.
She didnt lunge at anyone. Did you not see the video?
Wrong place at the wrong time then. I guess she shouldn’t have broke into the building

I agree. All rioters should be shot on sight. Wouldnt you agree?
No, I wouldn’t agree to that. But I will say this — if a person willingly engages in unlawful behavior, they’re putting themselves at risk.
Then why are you fine with HER getting shot? Your beliefs are inconsistent.
I didn’t say I was fine with it. It’s beyond my control. She took that chance. I don’t agree with her actions, but I take no joy in seeing someone killed, and I don’t fault the police for using lethal force in a situation like this.
Your post doesnt paint that picture. You seem to be waffling now that youre under pressure.
Lol I’m not under pressure. Don’t give yourself so much credit. I said what I said, and I was never disrespectful. She shouldn’t have been breaking the law. Period. But that doesn’t mean that I think she should have been shot — just that I don’t fault the police for opening fire. She took that chance. She lost. More than anything, I feel sorry for her family.
This was a good shoot.

Too bad he didn't manage to drop about 3 or 4 more of those traitors.
Funny, otherwise if they knew the protestor's had no weapon's, then why the shoot to kill order ?? They went against Joe Bidens very own words "why not just shoot them in the leg or something"? You don't have to kill them.

I know bats and other such stuff constitute lethal weapons, and a mob rushing you is un-nerving for sure, but Biden says just shoot em in the leg mannnnn.

Not against the capital Police using lethal force if threatened or if truly need be, but it makes me wonder what was the lady doing that got her shot like that ? Questions sure need answering on that one, but I garantee you that Trump supporters won't be calling for the cops head on a platter before a proper inquiry is held, and all the facts are in.
This was a good shoot.

Too bad he didn't manage to drop about 3 or 4 more of those traitors.
Wasn't saying that crap during the riots or during the looting, and the burning of the cities during the very controversial cases in which sparked those out of control situations were you. It's because leftist don't believe in the slow yet grinding wheels of justice.

They love and want mob violence after a trial by media occurs, and then when the facts don't come out to be what they thought them to be later or after their violent rampaging, there is no apologising or anything as they stand their upon the ashes of their own cities set ablaze by them while looking the fool.
Wasn't saying that crap during the riots, the looting, and the burning of the cities during the very controversial cases in which sparked those out of control situations. It's because leftist don't believe in the slow yet grinding wheels of justice.

They love and want mob violence after a trial by media occurs, and then when the facts don't come out to be what they thought them to be later or after their violent rampaging, there is no apologising or anything as they stand their upon the ashes of their own cities set ablaze by them while looking the fool.
List the cities or even the businesses that were burned to ashes liar.
Wasn't saying that crap during the riots, the looting, and the burning of the cities during the very controversial cases in which sparked those out of control situations. It's because leftist don't believe in the slow yet grinding wheels of justice.

They love and want mob violence after a trial by media occurs, and then when the facts don't come out to be what they thought them to be later or after their violent rampaging, there is no apologising or anything as they stand their upon the ashes of their own cities set ablaze by them while looking the fool.
List the cities or even the businesses that were burned to ashes liar.
I can't believe you just ask me that. Really ? There is no way that I'm gonna play your stupid game of you acting ignorant about the past riots and burnings of city blocks through out major cities in America.
Was that rioter breaking in our Capitol wearing a Trump flag?

It's not "our" Capitol anymore. Try to assert your First Amendment right and you will be murdered.

Go ahead and try if you don't believe me.

And by '1st amendment rights', you mean attacking police and trashing the capitol building?
Fuck you and your faux patriotism

Fuck you period.

She was justifiably shot today.
That's what she gets.

She travelled all the way from wherever the hell she came from to get that bullet.

Stupid is as stupid does.

And I bet you've said the same thing about your fellow leftists who after clashing with police were shot or attacked.
Yep, I just bet.
But I will say this — if a person willingly engages in unlawful behavior, they’re putting themselves at risk.
I cant disagree with that.

why is the lib news media concealing the details of her death?

the reporting is so bad I bet many people believe that the peaceful protestors shot someone
14-year veteran who served four tours in the Air Force.

How did she come to be shot and who shot her?

the lib news madia is only grudgingly releasing information about this shooting

if she were a Black Lies Matter wacko tey would be calling for murder charges already

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