Patton And Reincarnation


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Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Two events, linked in some way.....

1. "Veterans Day originated as “Armistice Day” on November 11, 1919, the first anniversary of the end of World War I. Congress passed a resolution in 1926 for an annual observance, and November 11 became a national holiday beginning in 1938. Unlike Memorial Day, Veterans Day pays tribute to all American veterans—living or dead—but especially gives thanks to living veterans who served their country honorably during war or peacetime."

And....born on the day we celebrate as the end of war.....

2. George Patton, in full George Smith Patton, Jr., (born November 11, 1885, San Gabriel, California, U.S.—died December 21, 1945, Heidelberg, Germany), U.S. Army officer who was an outstanding practitioner of mobile tank warfare in the European and Mediterranean theatres during World War II. His strict discipline, toughness, and self-sacrifice elicited exceptional pride within his ranks, and the general was colourfully referred to as “Old Blood-and-Guts” by his men. However, his brash actions and mercurial temper led to numerous controversies during his career.

3. "As he drives to the decimated Trier, he studies the ancient highway carefully, absorbing its every nuance. It is not the sight of the swollen Moselle River that mesmerizes him, or even that of Allied engineers scurrying to corduroy5 the muddy country thoroughfare before Allied vehicles accidentally tumble down the steep hillside and into the raging torrent.

No, it is the belief that he traveled this road two thousand years ago.

4. Patton is convinced that he was a soldier and a great general in his many past lives. He once stood shoulder to shoulder with Alexander the Great and Napoléon. He crossed the Alps on an elephant while residing in the body of the Carthaginian conqueror Hannibal. Patton also is quite certain that he once fought for the great Caesar as a Roman legionary, marching into battle on this very same road from Wasserbillig to Trier. Even as a biting wind chaps his exposed face, Patton can “smell the coppery sweat and see the low dust clouds” of legionaries advancing on the Germanic hordes along the Moselle.

5. Patton has no problems meshing his Protestant faith with his belief in reincarnation. He simply believes that he has a powerful connection with the supernatural. This belief was reinforced by two very prominent occurrences during World War I. On one occasion, he found himself pressed to the ground during a battle, terrified to stand and fight. He believed that he saw the faces of his dead grandfather and several uncles demanding that he stop being a coward. The other instance took place in Langres, France, once occupied by the ancient Romans. Though he had never visited the city, Patton was able to navigate his way without the help of his French liaison officer. He gave the Frenchman a tour of the Roman ruins, including the amphitheater, parade ground, and various temples dedicated to a deity. He also drove straight to the spot where Caesar had once camped, and pointed to where the Roman leader had once pitched his tent.

Now, like Caesar in 57 BC, Patton has conquered Trier."
"Killing Patton," O'Reilly
I'm so glad he slapped that yellow coward libturd soldier. He should have been sent to the front right there

Troops injured in Iran attack downplayed by Trump were denied Purple Hearts. Now, that may change.​

Tom Vanden Brook, USA TODAY
Wed, November 10, 2021, 3:36 PM

WASHINGTON – The Army is considering more than doubling the number of Purple Heart medals awarded to soldiers wounded in the Iranian ballistic missile attack on their base in Iraq in January 2020, an attack the Trump administration downplayed as concerns swirled about an escalating conflict.
In the weeks after the attack, the Trump administration sought to diminish the injuries troops had suffered. It wasn't until more than a month after the attack that the Pentagon acknowledged that more than 100 troops had suffered traumatic brain injuries from the 13 missiles that slammed into the base.
About 80 troops involved in the attack submitted paperwork for the Purple Heart, the medal awarded to troops killed or wounded by enemy action. Of those 80 troops, the military awarded 30 Purple Hearts.
6. One of those interesting comparisons that any study of history provides, is the birth of an opposite to General Patton.

While he was a patriot, and lover of America.....also born on the same date was one of Stalin's agents, well situated in the regime of Stalin's vassal, Franklin Roosevelt.

Alger Hiss, (born November 11, 1904, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.—died November 15, 1996, New York, New York), former U.S. State Department official who was convicted in January 1950 of perjury concerning his dealings with Whittaker Chambers, who accused him of membership in a communist espionage ring. His case, which came at a time of growing apprehension about the domestic influence of communism, seemed to lend substance to Senator Joseph R. McCarthy’s sensational charges of communist infiltration into the State Department. It also brought to national attention Richard M. Nixon, then a U.S. representative from California, who was prominent in the investigation that led to the indictment of Hiss.

Left-leaning like practically all of the state media, Britannica says "growing apprehension about the domestic influence of communism, seemed to lend substance to Senator Joseph R. McCarthy’s sensational charges of communist infiltration into the State Department."


It was and is a fact.....and can be seen today in the Marxist's control of government schools, and CRT.
6. One of those interesting comparisons that any study of history provides, is the birth of an opposite to General Patton.

While he was a patriot, and lover of America.....also born on the same date was one of Stalin's agents, well situated in the regime of Stalin's vassal, Franklin Roosevelt.

Alger Hiss, (born November 11, 1904, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.—died November 15, 1996, New York, New York), former U.S. State Department official who was convicted in January 1950 of perjury concerning his dealings with Whittaker Chambers, who accused him of membership in a communist espionage ring. His case, which came at a time of growing apprehension about the domestic influence of communism, seemed to lend substance to Senator Joseph R. McCarthy’s sensational charges of communist infiltration into the State Department. It also brought to national attention Richard M. Nixon, then a U.S. representative from California, who was prominent in the investigation that led to the indictment of Hiss.

Left-leaning like practically all of the state media, Britannica says "growing apprehension about the domestic influence of communism, seemed to lend substance to Senator Joseph R. McCarthy’s sensational charges of communist infiltration into the State Department."


It was and is a fact.....and can be seen today in the Marxist's control of government schools, and CRT.
Hiss was not a veteran. No CRT is taught in schools and there are no Marxist in control of schools in the US. You however are a well known liar and propagandist who is not what they claim to be.
I used to believe in reincarnation. But God doesn't lead us in the wrong direction. That He always reveals the truth to His followers.

Like one time I spoke to God within me about how we must have been reincarnated from a past life because I truly felt that I had done certain things before. That I was having a strong feeling of Dejavu.

But God doesn't respond back verbally. But He shows us the truth. But from when I had said that to Him from within me. A few months later I had another Dejavu feeling when a certain incident had happened. That I had said again to Him from within. "There goes that Dejavu feeling again". And then all of a sudden, I remembered a dream from months ago. That I had dreamed about this very incident before it had happened but forgot about the dream.

And so, God was letting me know that these feelings of Dejavu were premonitions that I had just forgotten about those dreams. That these incidents have happened several times shortly afterward. I guess God wants to make sure that I will never forget.

But I have tried to write down my vivid dreams. But it was impossible because the minute I woke up, The dreams started to dissipate that I could not remember while I was trying to remember the dreams to record them down.

I guess God didn't want me to go around thinking that I'm some sort of Nostradamus.

And it explains that God controls all memories, That He can keep us in His memories which is the Book of Life.

But i think that we all dreams about our future, what's going to happen. But forget the dreams when we wake up. But our subconscious minds remembers all of these dreams and gives us a feeling of discomfort when we are leading ourselves into the wrong direction that was foretold in the dreams.

But a lot of people that don't have God in their lives believe in reincarnation. That they will stay blind from the truth.

Exodus 32:33
The Lord replied to Moses, “Whoever has sinned against me I will blot out of my book.

Genesis 8:1
But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the livestock that were with him in the ark, and he sent a wind over the earth, and the waters receded.

Genesis 11:9
That is why it was called Babel—because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth.

Exodus 32:13
Remember your servants Abraham, Isaac and Israel, to whom you swore by your own self: ‘I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and I will give your descendants all this land I promised them, and it will be their inheritance forever.’”

Psalm 25:7
Do not remember the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you, Lord, are good.

Jeremiah 14:10
This is what the Lord says about this people: “They greatly love to wander; they do not restrain their feet. So the Lord does not accept them; he will now remember their wickedness and punish them for their sins.”

Revelation 21:27
Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.

Patton's problem was that he didn't envision the power of the media to make or break a legacy and he didn't give a shit either way. MacArthur was cursed with major flaws in leadership and strategy but it's said that he had a freaking battalion of media types ready to write or rewrite history on his behalf. Mac's WW1 legacy was less than perfect when he was accused of withholding troops in a major offensive. Through the years he was promoted to COS of the Army in which he served in equally less than outstanding capability and retired. For some reason that is relatively unexamined by historians, the old WW1 Vet. was recalled by FDR and placed in command of an area that was most likely to be attacked in the opening days of WW2 in the Pacific. MacArthur lost his entire army and was evacuated to safety while his command was captured and endured the Bataan Death March. MacArthur was awarded the MOH and received a tickertape parade and Patton was killed in a car crash after the War.
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