Zone1 Paul, apostle to who?


Platinum Member
Dec 9, 2021
Was Paul really the apostle to the "gentiles"? Or are we misinterpreting the term, which can also mean tribes, nations, or people. Paul consistently suggests that those he is ministering to are Israelites, especially in Romans 11. Thoughts?
Was Paul really the apostle to the "gentiles"? Or are we misinterpreting the term, which can also mean tribes, nations, or people. Paul consistently suggests that those he is ministering to are Israelites, especially in Romans 11. Thoughts?
guy traveled extensively outside the Gentiles,,,,,primarily
Was Paul really the apostle to the "gentiles"? Or are we misinterpreting the term, which can also mean tribes, nations, or people. Paul consistently suggests that those he is ministering to are Israelites, especially in Romans 11. Thoughts?
Yes he really was. There was a debate between early Christians as to whether converts had to become Jews and getting circumcised was a big impediment to conversions. It was Paul's side that said no circumcisions required and that allowed the religion to grow. If not for Paul and his followers, Christianity would be a sect within Judaism and might have died out long ago.
An apostle to whom? Everyone. Yes, the nations were tribes, but not always.

Paul evangelized to Jewish Christians, as he did in the letter to the Romans. Later in that letter, he turned his attention to the Gentiles and called himself an apostle to them (11:13).

Many Gentile converts followed Paul and Barnabas:

And after the meeting of the synagogue broke up, many Jews and devout converts to Judaism followed Paul and Barnabas, who, as they spoke with them, urged them to continue in the grace of God (Acts 13:43).​

Luke also recorded a conversion of pagans in Ephesus to Christianity at such a rate that artisans bemoaned diminished incomes because they were receiving fewer orders for shrines to pagan idols as their countrymen abandoned these idols and turned to God (Acts 19:23-27). Paul was in Ephesus at the time helping to turn these pagans away from their old customs.

In 1 Corinthians he preached to former pagans again, calling them brothers (12:1-2).

Paul also unabashedly preached the gospel to epicureans and stoics, some of whom converted (Acts 17:18-34). Epicurean and stoic philosophers were pagans.

Paul, in fact, even hinted to the Colossians that former pagans at certain times and places in the middle of the century not only counted themselves among the Jewish converts to the faith but also outnumbered them. On at least one occasion, he could name only three Jews who worked beside him among all the workers in his ministry to advance the kingdom (4:10-11). He seemed to be reaching more pagans than Jews.
Was Paul really the apostle to the "gentiles"? Or are we misinterpreting the term, which can also mean tribes, nations, or people. Paul consistently suggests that those he is ministering to are Israelites, especially in Romans 11. Thoughts?
A quick overview of Romans Chapter 11, Israel was chosen (foreordained) according to the election of grace. But, some harden their hearts against it. The Gentiles are adopted into the house of Israel. The gospel went preferentially to the Gentiles until the fulness of the Gentiles in the latter-days or last days. Then, it would be the time for the fulness of the Jews at the Mt. of Olives (Zechariah).
A quick overview of Romans Chapter 11, Israel was chosen (foreordained) according to the election of grace. But, some harden their hearts against it. The Gentiles are adopted into the house of Israel. The gospel went preferentially to the Gentiles until the fulness of the Gentiles in the latter-days or last days. Then, it would be the time for the fulness of the Jews at the Mt. of Olives (Zechariah).
How do you interpret verse 26, in context of the whole chapter? (Italics mine.) Who is "all Israel".

"And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away the ungodliness from Jacob."
How do you interpret verse 26, in context of the whole chapter? (Italics mine.) Who is "all Israel".

"And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away the ungodliness from Jacob."
The verse says it. Not just the people who derive of the 12 sons of Israel. But those who accept Jesus Christ when are baptized with authority and confirmed members of his church (Israel). Some converts are direct descendants of one of the tribes. And some are adopted into a tribe when they are confirmed members.

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