Paul Craig Roberts . Ukrainian Update #9


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
One of the great Americans brains can't understand simple thing.
It looks like Putin, Zelensky, Biden , NATO, EU & CO help Schwab to carry out the Great Reset.
Only morons believe Russia couldn't conquer Ukraine within three days,
Why Putin stop his army?
Because he, the dwarf from Kiev, the thief from Washington D.C. . morons from Brussels and other criminals are hardly working on the Great Reset.
The more white people dies the more joy coming from Schwab, Gates & Co.
Russians and Ukrainians shall stop the useless fight and send Putin and Zelensky to prison.
Both are the same team who effectively destroy two great countries.
Can you find any native Christian Ukrainian or Russian in their governments?
Nope, almost no one.
Think for themselves, guys, it's all the show in the Great Reset,

Ukrainian Update #9

Paul Craig Roberts

Just as everything you were told about Covid by the media and health and government officials was false, so is everything you have been told by the same propagandistic liars about Ukraine. Americans have had nothing but lies since the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy, of his brother, US Senator Robert Kennedy President-in-Waiting, Martin Luther King, the Vietnam war, 9/11, Saddam Hussian’s nonexistent “weapons of mass destruction,” Assad’s “use of chemical weapons,” Iranian nukes, the extraordinary lies about Kaddafi, Covid pandemic, Russian invasions. The entire Western World lives in The Mattrix, a world created by propaganda. The vast majority of people in the West have no idea of the reality in which they live. This makes them impotent and completely unable to protect their freedom. They are sitting ducks for tyranny which is fast enclosing around them.

In the Russian government their most powerful person is the head of the Russian central bank whose policies serve the West and not Russia. Putin, despite the warnings from Russia’s only economist, Sergey Glazyev, trusts the pro-American head of the Russian central bank with Russia’s future. The Russian central bank, which has never served Russia, is Washington’s greatest asset in its hopes to defeat Russia. It is Putin’s blindness to this threat that is the dagger at Russia’s heart.

What are you talking about?
Neither Putin nor Zelensky can prove their good intentions for their countries.
Both of them wanna make a nuclear WWIII and annihilate humanity
I can't prove that Canada, the US... have leaders that have truly good intentions for their countries either. Either that, or all the leaders today are dumber than Jimmy Carter or GW.
I thought I was in the political satire section. I think this guy has aphasia, like Bruce Willis, because nothing makes any sense.

Nothing makes sense of the lowlife Paul Craig Roberts who lies so he can make bank from the conspiracist rubes who believe every anti-American thing he posts.

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