Paul Krugman explains Repub's ongoing, self- inflicted, dilemma to a "T"

Krugman is a Keynesian idiot and may very well be the world's worst economist. Anyone that suggests minting a trillion dollar platinum coin has a screw loose
"The question, however, is why this is happening. And the diagnosis preferred by the Republican elite is just wrong — wrong in a way that helps us understand how that elite lost control of the nominating process.

Stripped down to its essence, the G.O.P. elite view is that working-class America faces a crisis, not of opportunity, but of values. That is, for some mysterious reason many of our citizens have, as Mr. Ryan puts it, lost “their will and their incentive to make the most of their lives.” And this crisis of values, they suggest, has been aided and abetted by social programs that make life too easy on slackers."

Krugman is correct, of course.

He illustrates well just how ridiculous and wrong conservative dogma is.

Take your left-wing hypocrisy and shove it, sideways, where the sun doesn't shine.
think the pussy will reply randall?
You can tell this type of opening up of the reality of the incredible fear in conservatives really strikes the bone. They grouse about it, but they know instinctively it's true.
You can tell this type of opening up of the reality of the incredible fear in conservatives really strikes the bone. They grouse about it, but they know instinctively it's true.
You and "reality" don't even have a nodding acquaintance with each other.

You saying that to anyone is like Charles Manson saying he has it all figured out. "Ok Charlie, you go with that."

Repubs and their Randian "blame the victims" mentality may have stopped working on their devout followers

"The problems with this diagnosis should be obvious. Tens of millions of people don’t suffer a collapse in values for no reason.

"Remember, several decades ago the sociologist William Julius Wilson argued that the social ills of America’s black community didn’t come out of thin air, but were the result of disappearing economic opportunity.

"If he was right, you would have expected declining opportunity to have the same effect on whites, and sure enough, that’s exactly what we’re seeing.

"Meanwhile, the argument that the social safety net causes social decay by coddling slackers runs up against the hard truth that every other advanced country has a more generous social safety net than we do, yet the rise in mortality among middle-aged whites in America is unique: Everywhere else, it is continuing its historic decline."
Maybe Republicans will have to confront the class war or lose everything?

You can tell this type of opening up of the reality of the incredible fear in conservatives really strikes the bone. They grouse about it, but they know instinctively it's true.
You and "reality" don't even have a nodding acquaintance with each other.

You saying that to anyone is like Charles Manson saying he has it all figured out. "Ok Charlie, you go with that."

I don't have it all figured out...but I guaran-fucking-tee you that I am more aware of what is happening and what is going on than you. Enjoy wearing those those rainbow colored glasses (which is typical of the pseudo liberal)....try not to stumble over the obstacles of reality that are in your way.
You can tell this type of opening up of the reality of the incredible fear in conservatives really strikes the bone. They grouse about it, but they know instinctively it's true.
You and "reality" don't even have a nodding acquaintance with each other.

You saying that to anyone is like Charles Manson saying he has it all figured out. "Ok Charlie, you go with that."

I don't have it all figured out...but I guaran-fucking-tee you that I am more aware of what is happening and what is going on than you. Enjoy wearing those those rainbow colored glasses (which is typical of the pseudo liberal)....try not to stumble over the obstacles of reality that are in your way.

If reality were a star it would take a billion years for the light from reality to reach you.
"The question, however, is why this is happening. And the diagnosis preferred by the Republican elite is just wrong — wrong in a way that helps us understand how that elite lost control of the nominating process.

Stripped down to its essence, the G.O.P. elite view is that working-class America faces a crisis, not of opportunity, but of values. That is, for some mysterious reason many of our citizens have, as Mr. Ryan puts it, lost “their will and their incentive to make the most of their lives.” And this crisis of values, they suggest, has been aided and abetted by social programs that make life too easy on slackers."

Krugman is correct, of course.

He illustrates well just how ridiculous and wrong conservative dogma is.
Thanks. I'm on a tablet so I was unable to put any of the article up
You can tell this type of opening up of the reality of the incredible fear in conservatives really strikes the bone. They grouse about it, but they know instinctively it's true.
You and "reality" don't even have a nodding acquaintance with each other.

You saying that to anyone is like Charles Manson saying he has it all figured out. "Ok Charlie, you go with that."

I don't have it all figured out...but I guaran-fucking-tee you that I am more aware of what is happening and what is going on than you. Enjoy wearing those those rainbow colored glasses (which is typical of the pseudo liberal)....try not to stumble over the obstacles of reality that are in your way.

If reality were a star it would take a billion years for the light from reality to reach you.

Reality is what it is and not your preconceived notions or what you have been programmed from an early age to believe. I know, I have been there. I had my whole belief system turned upside down and even when I knew that I was wrong, I still stuck with it for awhile because the programming was just that deep...but once you break free from it? Things become very clear. You will go from being really hurt that you were betrayed to being mad as hell and you never want to be fooled again so you question everything. It's a helluva thing when you take the red pill and separate yourself from the matrix.
You can tell this type of opening up of the reality of the incredible fear in conservatives really strikes the bone. They grouse about it, but they know instinctively it's true.
You and "reality" don't even have a nodding acquaintance with each other.

You saying that to anyone is like Charles Manson saying he has it all figured out. "Ok Charlie, you go with that."

I don't have it all figured out...but I guaran-fucking-tee you that I am more aware of what is happening and what is going on than you. Enjoy wearing those those rainbow colored glasses (which is typical of the pseudo liberal)....try not to stumble over the obstacles of reality that are in your way.

If reality were a star it would take a billion years for the light from reality to reach you.

Reality is what it is and not your preconceived notions or what you have been programmed from an early age to believe. I know, I have been there. I had my whole belief system turned upside down and even when I knew that I was wrong, I still stuck with it for awhile because the programming was just that deep...but once you break free from it? Things become very clear. You will go from being really hurt that you were betrayed to being mad as hell and you never want to be fooled again so you question everything. It's a helluva thing when you take the red pill and separate yourself from the matrix.

Better still if you've done it before you were 20 and get an education. Then you see reality for what it is.

Repubs and their Randian "blame the victims" mentality may have stopped working on their devout followers

"The problems with this diagnosis should be obvious. Tens of millions of people don’t suffer a collapse in values for no reason.

"Remember, several decades ago the sociologist William Julius Wilson argued that the social ills of America’s black community didn’t come out of thin air, but were the result of disappearing economic opportunity.

"If he was right, you would have expected declining opportunity to have the same effect on whites, and sure enough, that’s exactly what we’re seeing.

"Meanwhile, the argument that the social safety net causes social decay by coddling slackers runs up against the hard truth that every other advanced country has a more generous social safety net than we do, yet the rise in mortality among middle-aged whites in America is unique: Everywhere else, it is continuing its historic decline."
Maybe Republicans will have to confront the class war or lose everything?

Repubs and their Randian "blame the victims" mentality may have stopped working on their devout followers

"The problems with this diagnosis should be obvious. Tens of millions of people don’t suffer a collapse in values for no reason.

"Remember, several decades ago the sociologist William Julius Wilson argued that the social ills of America’s black community didn’t come out of thin air, but were the result of disappearing economic opportunity.

"If he was right, you would have expected declining opportunity to have the same effect on whites, and sure enough, that’s exactly what we’re seeing.

"Meanwhile, the argument that the social safety net causes social decay by coddling slackers runs up against the hard truth that every other advanced country has a more generous social safety net than we do, yet the rise in mortality among middle-aged whites in America is unique: Everywhere else, it is continuing its historic decline."
Maybe Republicans will have to confront the class war or lose everything?

Repubs and their Randian "blame the victims" mentality may have stopped working on their devout followers

"The problems with this diagnosis should be obvious. Tens of millions of people don’t suffer a collapse in values for no reason.

"Remember, several decades ago the sociologist William Julius Wilson argued that the social ills of America’s black community didn’t come out of thin air, but were the result of disappearing economic opportunity.

"If he was right, you would have expected declining opportunity to have the same effect on whites, and sure enough, that’s exactly what we’re seeing.

"Meanwhile, the argument that the social safety net causes social decay by coddling slackers runs up against the hard truth that every other advanced country has a more generous social safety net than we do, yet the rise in mortality among middle-aged whites in America is unique: Everywhere else, it is continuing its historic decline."
Maybe Republicans will have to confront the class war or lose everything?
You and "reality" don't even have a nodding acquaintance with each other.

You saying that to anyone is like Charles Manson saying he has it all figured out. "Ok Charlie, you go with that."

I don't have it all figured out...but I guaran-fucking-tee you that I am more aware of what is happening and what is going on than you. Enjoy wearing those those rainbow colored glasses (which is typical of the pseudo liberal)....try not to stumble over the obstacles of reality that are in your way.

If reality were a star it would take a billion years for the light from reality to reach you.

Reality is what it is and not your preconceived notions or what you have been programmed from an early age to believe. I know, I have been there. I had my whole belief system turned upside down and even when I knew that I was wrong, I still stuck with it for awhile because the programming was just that deep...but once you break free from it? Things become very clear. You will go from being really hurt that you were betrayed to being mad as hell and you never want to be fooled again so you question everything. It's a helluva thing when you take the red pill and separate yourself from the matrix.

Better still if you've done it before you were 20 and get an education. Then you see reality for what it is.

I have an education and I do quite well but I take no pleasure in it because people are hurting so I give away what I can. If I hit the mega-lottery I would be right back where I started the next day because I would just give it away. I see how bad people struggling and it doesn't have to be this way. I see the intentional dumbing down of our educational system that is making the young people ill prepared to face tomorrow's challenges. I had my wake-up call 4 years ago when I had to go to Detroit for work and saw firsthand how this once crown jewel of what America represented was like a third world country and I saw how hard people had to work just to keep a roof over their heads. I watched little kids trying to play street hockey on a road that was full of potholes because the city could not afford to fill them. I sat in my car one day watching these little ones trying to make the best out of a bad situation and knowing what I do and how their future is bleak unless we are able to get out of this perpetual debt slavery system, I broke down. I laid my head on the steering wheel and wept. I couldn't stop it...the emotions were just so overwhelming and the enormity of the situation totally kicked my ass. So I made myself a promise that day that I would leave no stone un-turned and I would make it my mission to wake people up as to what has been done to them. I will never stop trying. I owe it to the young people.....WE owe it to them to give them a fighting chance.
Looks like Republicorp's impending doom is inevitable.


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Repubs and their Randian "blame the victims" mentality may have stopped working on their devout followers

"The problems with this diagnosis should be obvious. Tens of millions of people don’t suffer a collapse in values for no reason.

"Remember, several decades ago the sociologist William Julius Wilson argued that the social ills of America’s black community didn’t come out of thin air, but were the result of disappearing economic opportunity.

"If he was right, you would have expected declining opportunity to have the same effect on whites, and sure enough, that’s exactly what we’re seeing.

"Meanwhile, the argument that the social safety net causes social decay by coddling slackers runs up against the hard truth that every other advanced country has a more generous social safety net than we do, yet the rise in mortality among middle-aged whites in America is unique: Everywhere else, it is continuing its historic decline."
Maybe Republicans will have to confront the class war or lose everything?

Repubs and their Randian "blame the victims" mentality may have stopped working on their devout followers

"The problems with this diagnosis should be obvious. Tens of millions of people don’t suffer a collapse in values for no reason.

"Remember, several decades ago the sociologist William Julius Wilson argued that the social ills of America’s black community didn’t come out of thin air, but were the result of disappearing economic opportunity.

"If he was right, you would have expected declining opportunity to have the same effect on whites, and sure enough, that’s exactly what we’re seeing.

"Meanwhile, the argument that the social safety net causes social decay by coddling slackers runs up against the hard truth that every other advanced country has a more generous social safety net than we do, yet the rise in mortality among middle-aged whites in America is unique: Everywhere else, it is continuing its historic decline."
Maybe Republicans will have to confront the class war or lose everything?

Repubs and their Randian "blame the victims" mentality may have stopped working on their devout followers

"The problems with this diagnosis should be obvious. Tens of millions of people don’t suffer a collapse in values for no reason.

"Remember, several decades ago the sociologist William Julius Wilson argued that the social ills of America’s black community didn’t come out of thin air, but were the result of disappearing economic opportunity.

"If he was right, you would have expected declining opportunity to have the same effect on whites, and sure enough, that’s exactly what we’re seeing.

"Meanwhile, the argument that the social safety net causes social decay by coddling slackers runs up against the hard truth that every other advanced country has a more generous social safety net than we do, yet the rise in mortality among middle-aged whites in America is unique: Everywhere else, it is continuing its historic decline."
Maybe Republicans will have to confront the class war or lose everything?
You saying that to anyone is like Charles Manson saying he has it all figured out. "Ok Charlie, you go with that."

I don't have it all figured out...but I guaran-fucking-tee you that I am more aware of what is happening and what is going on than you. Enjoy wearing those those rainbow colored glasses (which is typical of the pseudo liberal)....try not to stumble over the obstacles of reality that are in your way.

If reality were a star it would take a billion years for the light from reality to reach you.

Reality is what it is and not your preconceived notions or what you have been programmed from an early age to believe. I know, I have been there. I had my whole belief system turned upside down and even when I knew that I was wrong, I still stuck with it for awhile because the programming was just that deep...but once you break free from it? Things become very clear. You will go from being really hurt that you were betrayed to being mad as hell and you never want to be fooled again so you question everything. It's a helluva thing when you take the red pill and separate yourself from the matrix.

Better still if you've done it before you were 20 and get an education. Then you see reality for what it is.

I have an education and I do quite well but I take no pleasure in it because people are hurting so I give away what I can. If I hit the mega-lottery I would be right back where I started the next day because I would just give it away. I see how bad people struggling and it doesn't have to be this way. I see the intentional dumbing down of our educational system that is making the young people ill prepared to face tomorrow's challenges. I had my wake-up call 4 years ago when I had to go to Detroit for work and saw firsthand how this once crown jewel of what America represented was like a third world country and I saw how hard people had to work just to keep a roof over their heads. I watched little kids trying to play street hockey on a road that was full of potholes because the city could not afford to fill them. I sat in my car one day watching these little ones trying to make the best out of a bad situation and knowing what I do and how their future is bleak unless we are able to get out of this perpetual debt slavery system, I broke down. I laid my head on the steering wheel and wept. I couldn't stop it...the emotions were just so overwhelming and the enormity of the situation totally kicked my ass. So I made myself a promise that day that I would leave no stone un-turned and I would make it my mission to wake people up as to what has been done to them. I will never stop trying. I owe it to the young people.....WE owe it to them to give them a fighting chance.

You have to be kidding. Have you ever been to Appalachia? Or New Orleans? How about Florida where a woman French kisses and sleeps with an alligator?

The movie Deliverance was a movie to the rest of the country, to Appalachia it was a documentary. You want to talk about sad living conditions.

You people have just been conditioned to see everything you believe and do as golden manna from Gawd. Misery is everywhere, in every state and every city. Yes, let's help all of them.

Repubs and their Randian "blame the victims" mentality may have stopped working on their devout followers

Whitey pitchforks and baby-makers ain't no longer on top, and can't just win by default so they're pissed at the darkies, and even more pissed at the government when they actually need it themselves to survive. The workin' man got fucked over, and it can't be by those rich and powerful white guys he admires and wants to become so, gotta be the fault of them damn welfare-lovin' darkies, just like Trump says...

Repubs and their Randian "blame the victims" mentality may have stopped working on their devout followers

"The problems with this diagnosis should be obvious. Tens of millions of people don’t suffer a collapse in values for no reason.

"Remember, several decades ago the sociologist William Julius Wilson argued that the social ills of America’s black community didn’t come out of thin air, but were the result of disappearing economic opportunity.

"If he was right, you would have expected declining opportunity to have the same effect on whites, and sure enough, that’s exactly what we’re seeing.

"Meanwhile, the argument that the social safety net causes social decay by coddling slackers runs up against the hard truth that every other advanced country has a more generous social safety net than we do, yet the rise in mortality among middle-aged whites in America is unique: Everywhere else, it is continuing its historic decline."
Maybe Republicans will have to confront the class war or lose everything?

Repubs and their Randian "blame the victims" mentality may have stopped working on their devout followers

"The problems with this diagnosis should be obvious. Tens of millions of people don’t suffer a collapse in values for no reason.

"Remember, several decades ago the sociologist William Julius Wilson argued that the social ills of America’s black community didn’t come out of thin air, but were the result of disappearing economic opportunity.

"If he was right, you would have expected declining opportunity to have the same effect on whites, and sure enough, that’s exactly what we’re seeing.

"Meanwhile, the argument that the social safety net causes social decay by coddling slackers runs up against the hard truth that every other advanced country has a more generous social safety net than we do, yet the rise in mortality among middle-aged whites in America is unique: Everywhere else, it is continuing its historic decline."
Maybe Republicans will have to confront the class war or lose everything?

Repubs and their Randian "blame the victims" mentality may have stopped working on their devout followers

"The problems with this diagnosis should be obvious. Tens of millions of people don’t suffer a collapse in values for no reason.

"Remember, several decades ago the sociologist William Julius Wilson argued that the social ills of America’s black community didn’t come out of thin air, but were the result of disappearing economic opportunity.

"If he was right, you would have expected declining opportunity to have the same effect on whites, and sure enough, that’s exactly what we’re seeing.

"Meanwhile, the argument that the social safety net causes social decay by coddling slackers runs up against the hard truth that every other advanced country has a more generous social safety net than we do, yet the rise in mortality among middle-aged whites in America is unique: Everywhere else, it is continuing its historic decline."
Maybe Republicans will have to confront the class war or lose everything?
I don't have it all figured out...but I guaran-fucking-tee you that I am more aware of what is happening and what is going on than you. Enjoy wearing those those rainbow colored glasses (which is typical of the pseudo liberal)....try not to stumble over the obstacles of reality that are in your way.

If reality were a star it would take a billion years for the light from reality to reach you.

Reality is what it is and not your preconceived notions or what you have been programmed from an early age to believe. I know, I have been there. I had my whole belief system turned upside down and even when I knew that I was wrong, I still stuck with it for awhile because the programming was just that deep...but once you break free from it? Things become very clear. You will go from being really hurt that you were betrayed to being mad as hell and you never want to be fooled again so you question everything. It's a helluva thing when you take the red pill and separate yourself from the matrix.

Better still if you've done it before you were 20 and get an education. Then you see reality for what it is.

I have an education and I do quite well but I take no pleasure in it because people are hurting so I give away what I can. If I hit the mega-lottery I would be right back where I started the next day because I would just give it away. I see how bad people struggling and it doesn't have to be this way. I see the intentional dumbing down of our educational system that is making the young people ill prepared to face tomorrow's challenges. I had my wake-up call 4 years ago when I had to go to Detroit for work and saw firsthand how this once crown jewel of what America represented was like a third world country and I saw how hard people had to work just to keep a roof over their heads. I watched little kids trying to play street hockey on a road that was full of potholes because the city could not afford to fill them. I sat in my car one day watching these little ones trying to make the best out of a bad situation and knowing what I do and how their future is bleak unless we are able to get out of this perpetual debt slavery system, I broke down. I laid my head on the steering wheel and wept. I couldn't stop it...the emotions were just so overwhelming and the enormity of the situation totally kicked my ass. So I made myself a promise that day that I would leave no stone un-turned and I would make it my mission to wake people up as to what has been done to them. I will never stop trying. I owe it to the young people.....WE owe it to them to give them a fighting chance.

You have to be kidding. Have you ever been to Appalachia? Or New Orleans? How about Florida where a woman French kisses and sleeps with an alligator?

The movie Deliverance was a movie to the rest of the country, to Appalachia it was a documentary. You want to talk about sad living conditions.

You people have just been conditioned to see everything you believe and do as golden manna from Gawd. Misery is everywhere, in every state and every city. Yes, let's help all of them.
So where is it that you disagree with me? I know what can turn this country around and it doesn't have a fucking thing to do with political parties. Knowledge is power and I have it.
I know what can turn this country around and it doesn't have a fucking thing to do with political parties. Knowledge is power and I have it.
Ummm, cashing in all those "secret" accounts the government has on file once they sold us into slavery (using Admiralty, not Common law) at birth?

Or maybe we all just need to sue USA, Inc. and there will be so many jobs for lawyers and law clerks that we all get rich installing and repairing Xerox machines?

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